Dancing with Deception (11 page)

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Authors: Avery Gale

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Dancing with Deception
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“Oh baby, you are enjoying this aren’t you? God damn it to hell, you are fucking perfect. I can hardly wait to take this lovely ass.” He kept talking while Brandt moved to the edge of the bed, laying out the lube and a couple of soft towels before stripping out of his clothes. They hadn’t planned to make love to her until they’d all gotten some rest, but from the looks of his cousin, he wasn’t going to get any more rest than Ryan unless he found some relief.

Four more slaps strategically placed around her pink globes and the scent of her arousal was filling the air surrounding them. God, he loved the way she smelled. He’d always loved everything about women—their sharp minds, their almost infinite capacity for love, their tender hearts, and their unfailing devotion to those they held in their hearts. Yes, women were certainly God’s greatest gift to men. But this woman was beyond anything he’d ever hoped to find. Not only was she smart, but she also understood the enormous social implications of her discovery. He knew it was tearing her up to withhold the information even though it was easy to see sharing it needed to be properly staged to keep her safe. Money—or more accurately the loss of it, had a way of driving people to do horrible things to each other. Hell, even those who’d sworn their lives to the care of others could be pulled to the other side by greed.

“Your ass is the loveliest shade of rose, baby. Damn, I love that color.” His fingers easily slid though her soaking folds. “Oh, sweetheart, you are so slick, so ready.” Pushing his fingers into her heat, he smiled when he felt the walls of her vagina quivering around him. He pumped two fingers in and out curving them so they pressed against the soft spongy spot at the front of her channel. God, he loved the low moan coming from the back of her throat with each pass. As soon as he felt her starting to go over, he pulled his fingers free and delivered the last two swats with more force than he’d used previously, he knew the extra bit of heat was all he need to fuel her release.

Leaning down he spoke against her ear, “Come for us, Joelle.” Her reaction was immediate and cataclysmic. Her scream overriding the sound of his fingers fucking her—damn, he loved those wet sounds. Knowing her body craved their touch was intoxicating. It quaked with the rolling tide as wave after wave of her orgasm swept through her. It was beautiful to watch the muscles tightening beneath her pale skin.

As the shudders slowly began to subside, Brandt lifted her from Ryan’s lap and quickly positioned her face down on the bed. The pillows his cousin had placed there earlier lifted her hips in the air at the perfect angle. Granted, he’d wanted to see her lovely ass displayed over the edge of the bed, but after the release she’d just experienced he doubted she’d have been able to stand. Looking down on her as she took deep breaths trying to bring herself back down from the high, he grinned over at Ryan.
Might as well save yourself the trouble sweetheart, because we’re going to send you right back up and over the mountain.

Joelle felt her
body shiver against the cotton bed covering, but not because she was cold. She’d been completely wrecked by Ryan’s
because it had been anything but. What was it about these two men that made her mind and body forget they were connected? Brandt had carried her to the bed and as weak as it made her feel, she knew her legs wouldn’t have held her after the orgasm she’d just experienced. There were no words to describe how eye opening the entire experience had been.

She wasn’t fool enough to miss the fact her hesitation had been an excuse for Ryan to give her what he already knew she needed. But even she’d been shocked at her reaction to his punishment. She’d never completely lost herself during a scene until last night with Brandt and now she’d experienced the same intensity with Ryan. If she hadn’t already been exposed to polyamorous relationships in club settings, Joelle might be freaked out about the fact she was equally attracted to two Doms. But the fact she’d seen ménage relationships work, at least in the short term, helped take the edge off her anxiety.

“Arch your back for me, minx.” The rough sound of Brandt’s voice brought her back to the moment, even if his words sent a small spike of fear through her. She’d never been a fan of anal play. Her one and only experience had not only been unpleasant, it had been downright painful. She’d been in college and had been overjoyed when her boyfriend asked her if she’d be interested in visiting one of the local kind clubs. A trickle of cool lubricant slid over her rear hole and Joelle felt a calloused finger massaging the sesame-scented oil into the tight right ring of muscles her boyfriend had torn so long ago. God, Joelle could still remember the humiliation she’d felt lying on the table in the club’s first aid station while four virtual strangers examined her most intimate parts. It hadn’t mattered three of them were medical professionals who happened to be in the club that night and the fourth was the club’s owner. The humiliation Joelle experienced during the scene she’d been totally unprepared for had been totally eclipsed by the abasement she felt during their intimate examination later in the owner’s office.

Joelle had been so lost in her memories she hadn’t realized Brandt’s fingers were no longer circling her anus in slow, soothing circles. “Where did you go, Joelle? I know this area of the body is a storehouse for memories, both good and bad. And I’m fairly certain you weren’t remembering anything pleasant.”

“I…well, I was just remembering the first time I tried ana….ummm…this. And, well, it didn’t really go that well.” She felt the bed shift as the cheeks of her ass were pulled further apart.
Oh, fucking hell, here we go again. Why didn’t I just keep my damned mouth shut?

“Were you injured, baby? Because there is evidence of tissue tearing, but I don’t think the tears were treated because of the way they’ve healed.”
Well, yippee-fucking-Skippy. Let’s take pictures and use Joelle’s ignorance as a warning to other unwitting subs.
Before she could close her legs and move, a large hand wrapped around the top of her thigh stilling any move she would have made. “Talk to us, baby. We don’t want to hurt you—either physically or emotionally, and I think it’s pretty evident someone else wasn’t as cautious.”

God, she wanted to bury her face in the bedding and pray for the earth to swallow her whole. She’d avoided all but the mildest forms of anal play since that night, but she’d often wondered what it would be like with someone who knew what they were doing. Having her boyfriend break up with her the next day in a text message had almost been a relief. He blamed her for his membership being revoked, but she could have told him that decision was made by the club’s owner because he’d ducked out leaving her alone at the club.

Being abandoned…on top of everything else she’d endured that night had been the straw that broke the camel’s back. She’d broken down in the club owner’s massive office and he’d been positively livid that the man who’d hurt her had also left her to fend for herself. Up to that point, he’d been understanding and concerned, but he’d also remained all business. But evidently he was one of those men who didn’t handle women’s tears well because she’d almost felt the shift in him as he’d held her while she cried. From what she learned later, Master B had unleashed his rage on her ex the next morning, and even though she’d never gone back to his club, she’d always considered him her knight in shining armor.

She finally took a deep breath hoping it would help keep the anxiety she felt from showing in her voice. “My first experience wasn’t good. I haven’t done much anal play since. But…well, I’ve been curious. Curious about what everyone else is talking about.”
Because all of those people in the chat rooms she’d lurked in couldn’t be wrong, could they?

Joelle wasn’t able see their faces, but she knew without even turning around they were sharing a look. It amazed her how efficient their non-verbal communication seemed to be and wondered briefly if it was because they’d both been in the military. Maybe it was the fact they were cousins…or Doms. Hell, for all she knew it was all three.

Warm hands began caressing the lower curves of her ass and Joelle felt her muscles begin to relax. “What’s your safe word, minx?” Joelle recited the details of the standard safe word system used in most clubs. After the disaster at Master X’s club, she’d never wanted to use anything but a club safe word. Her boyfriend had managed to ignore the safe word long enough to do some serious damage because he’d thought she was being pathetically weak just to gain sympathy from the small audience gathered around them. Because the dungeon monitors hadn’t known
meant stop they simply watched until one of the club’s unattached submissives finally spoke up.

Joelle didn’t make any effort to rein in her thoughts as Brandt worked the lube around her clenched hole with such a light touch she felt the muscles begin to slowly relax. “Good girl. I know that was hard for you, baby, but damn watching Brandt’s finger pushing against your pink rosebud is hotter than hell. Let him stretch you slowly and we’ll use a small plug tonight. The last thing we’d ever want to do is hurt you.” Ryan words wafted over her bare back like a soft summer breeze leaving a trail of goose flesh where it teased her sensitive skin.

Joelle felt her breathing shift to short, shallow panting and she could hear the pounding of her heart.
God, it’s so loud, surely they can hear it.
It seemed like hours but had to have been no more than a couple of minutes, one finger had turned to two, and then she felt the tip of something entirely different breaching her. Joelle realized she was actually pressing back into the pressure as Brandt slowly slid the tip of the plug in and out, going fractionally deeper with every stroke.

“When Brandt pushes the plug the last quarter of an inch, I want you to come for us, baby. And while you’re flying over the moon, he’s going to take his own pleasure.” Somewhere in the back of her mind, Joelle wondered if she would be able to come again, but the thought was so fleeting she barely caught it as it flew past her consciousness. The last stoke seated the plug and Ryan’s command to “Come, now” was unneeded. The instant Brandt slid his cock into her, Joelle was lost.

Every muscle in her body locked down and she felt as if she’d been launched into a colorful oblivion filled with the sound of rushing air. The brilliant bursts and streaks of color behind her eyelids were blindingly beautiful, and there was a part of her brain floating happily in appreciation for how deep the men took her into her own pleasure before sending her to heaven. The French certainly had it right when they referred to orgasm as
la petit mort
, or the “little death.” Holy hat racks and hurricanes, she wasn’t sure she was going to be able to hold on because darkness was encroaching from all sides at an alarming pace.

“Take a breath, Joelle.” The sharp command came from Ryan. Hell, when had she turned her over? His face filled her field of vision and she wanted to do as he’d said, but nothing in her body was working right…and hell, her brain felt like it had been scrambled. “God damn it, take a breath before I have to start CPR.”
CPR? Damn, I’ve heard that shit hurts.
Honest to God, she wanted to draw in a breath, but she couldn’t make her lungs cooperate. Finally a scorching pain lashed through her breasts. She gasped a breath and realized Ryan had pinched her nipples hard enough to break through the brain fog she’d been lost in.

Sucking in huge gulps of oxygen, Joelle tried to stay focused on Ryan’s violet eyes.
I wonder if he knows how beautiful he is. And where is Brandt? Why isn’t he here? Did I disappoint them too? Damn, I should have known better. Master B said I’d be fine with a Dom who knew what he was doing, but maybe he was wrong.

Brandt’s face swam in front of her, his smile looked strained and she felt tears fill her eyes. “Don’t cry, minx. I’m right here. It just took me a few seconds to make my way back to Earth.” He pulled her limp body into a crushing hug, rocking her back and forth before easing her away far enough he could look into her eyes. “Later we’re going to want to know who Master B is—I want to thank him for taking such good care of you. But for now, I just need to hold you.”

Joelle didn’t fight him. Hell, she didn’t have the energy to move and that was going to make fighting pretty difficult. She’d heard subs talk about experiences like this, but she’d always assumed they were exaggerating. Laughing to herself, she couldn’t hold back her mental head shake…God she’d been missing out on this?

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