Dancing with Deception (13 page)

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Authors: Avery Gale

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Dancing with Deception
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Joelle looked around
the enormous main room of the Prairie Winds Club and couldn’t hold back her smile. The place was huge and the decorations were perfect for the Hill Country of Texas. She saw several stage areas and a good-sized dance floor, but the feature that caught her eye was the metal spiral staircase. The cutouts along the side depicted various western scenes and the entire piece was nothing short of spectacular. Before she could take in everything around her, she was being led to what looked like a bar right out of…damn, what was that show?

Ryan leaned close to speak to her and she could hear the amusement in his voice. “I can see the question in your eyes—yes, the bar was fashioned to resemble Miss Kitty’s in
. This might not be Dodge City, but the West brothers didn’t seem to care if they were borrowing facts.” Joelle listened as introductions were made, but it was the tiny blonde bombshell standing between the West brothers who captured her attention. Tobi West had an almost pained expression on her pretty face Joelle recognized all too well.
Damn, we interrupted something.

Tobi still hadn’t pulled herself together when a pretty Latino woman stepped up beside her. The men introduced her to Gracie McDonald and one of her husbands, Jax McDonald. Jax took one look at Tobi and laughed. “Damn, sweet cheeks, did your Masters wind you up and leave you floating in the breeze again?” Joelle had to swallow her giggle when Tobi growled at him. The sterner of Tobi’s husbands warned her about her surly behavior but it didn’t seem to bother the petite blonde much.

Gracie stood on her tiptoes to whisper in Jax’s ear and he turned stroking the side of her face in a move so filled with affection Joelle found herself staring at them. “Yes, carinõ, I think that’s an excellent idea. But stay in the lit areas, you know your other Master is in the control room, don’t give him a reason to call me.”
Control room? Oh my, what kind of place is this?
The women grabbed drinks, making sure Joelle got something as well before leading her out the back door.

“Oh my God. This is spectacular.” Joelle couldn’t hold back her surprise. The landscaping alone looked like something out of a movie. She read the sign directing people to the Forum Shops which Tobi explained catered to all things “kinky” including everything from the most extreme fet-wear to piercing and waxing services. They settled into comfortable lounge chairs in an open area overlooking the broad expanse of the West’s backyard. “Is that a lake?” Darkness was quickly blocking out the view, but she was sure she’d seen the sparkle of lights dancing over the surface of the water.

“It’s a river, but right here it’s actually pretty wide so I can see why you might wonder. I wish we could go down to the gazebo, but there aren’t as many cameras there and I know Micah would call Jax and tattle on us.”

Gracie shook her head. “Don’t start Tobi, I’ve already told you, I don’t want to spend the whole week with a sore bum.”

“Bum? Good Lord of the Leprechauns, you’re turning into a pansy-assed good girl…I’ll bet you’re even wearing panties.” When Gracie laughed, Tobi continued, “That’s it, I’m going to have to get myself a new bestie. Hanging out with you will destroy my reputation…and holy crap on a cannonball, what if it’s contagious? Damn it to donuts, I’ll probably have nightmares about this now. Thanks for nothing Miss Goody-Two-Shoes.” Tobi let out a dramatic sigh that probably would have earned her an Oscar nomination in a different venue. Holy shit could the girl ever put on a performance. And Gracie’s look of righteous indignation just added to the comedic moment. Joelle couldn’t hold it in a moment longer…she burst out laughing.

Damn if felt good to laugh so hard the tension of the past few days finally drained away. Joelle leaned back letting the strain she’d been under fall away. “Holy hell, you two are good for the soul…has anyone ever told you that? You make me miss my friend Coral even more. She’s been my sounding board for months and now she’s off bouncing around tropical islands enjoying her honeymoon.”

“Coral Williams? Oh, I guess she is Coral Morgan now, isn’t she?” When Joelle nodded, Tobi’s face lit up. “I talked to her via web-cam. She seems really sweet, but I think there is a firecracker under there you’re going to see bubble right up to the surface now that she’s safe.” Turning to Gracie, she added, “Remember me telling you about all the drama in Montana? Holy…” Tobi’s eyes tracked around them and her voice lowered, “shiatzus, their surprise sniper was even older than Lilly.” Gracie’s eyes widened and her mouth formed an
making Joelle wonder who Lilly was and about the story they both seemed to know.

Unable to hold back her curiosity, Joelle inquired, “Who is Lilly?”

“My audacious mother-in-law, she’s my super hero.”

“She’s everybody’s super hero.” Gracie’s agreement made Joelle even more curious. “Lilly saved Tobi by taking out a boat and the bad guys in it with a single rifle shot. The men swear it was luck, but I’m not buying it.”

“It’s a long story, but the short version is, the ass…embled hats in the boat were speeding toward me and Lilly shot into the cluster of fuel cans on the back deck by the motor. And, as Kodi would say, it was a
big boom

“I’m telling you, Tobi, that girl’s love of explosives is going to be trouble one of these days, you just wait and see.” Gracie’s words were tempered by a grin that lit up her entire face. Joelle suddenly realized how much she was enjoying her time with these two women.

“Oh, please. Like she’ll be able to get away with anything with so many former Special Forces guys watching her every move? Cripes, the poor girl probably won’t have a date until she’s thirty. Fathers, godfathers, coaches, and pals—the kid is surrounded. Personally, I think Kameron is the one everybody should be worried about…still waters run deep, you know. He is quiet, but he doesn’t miss anything and he’s freaking scary smart.” Oh, this was something Joelle could certainly relate to, she’d heard the same thing said about herself as a child and knew exactly what sorts of things the West’s young son was dreaming up.

“Well, I can tell you, I heard people express similar concerns to my father about me, and well…with good reason. I don’t know how old he is, but you might refrain from buying him a science set until he’s…oh, twenty-two or three…just FYI.” Both women were staring at her, their mouths gaping open in shock before they simultaneously burst into fits of giggles.

“Holy ship-wreck, we’re going to be great friends. That’s flipping perfect and I know full well it’s on tape, so I’ve got proof. I’ve been telling Kent and Kyle the same thing for months and they are so sure their sweet son is a candidate for sainthood. It amazes me they are so clueless where he is concerned.” Tobi was wiping tears from her eyes she’d laughed so hard and Joelle realized she was laughing right along with them. Good heavens, what would it be like to have this woman’s power to spread joy so easily? She could barely imagine.

“I love my godson with all my heart, but I’m with Tobi on this one. That boy is going to be a wild one and what worries me is he and his grandmother seem to be cut from the same cloth. If she trains him, we’re all in for it. I love her, but she skates on the edge of crazy more often than not.” Gracie’s eyes glittered with mischief and Joelle decided Tobi’s assessment of her friend as a good-girl was probably unsubstantiated.

“Okay, enough of this. Let’s get to the new gossip. What’s up with you, girlfriend, and who wants to take you out?”

“Tobi! Dang, you’re about as subtle as a Mack truck loaded with C4.” Gracie rolled her eyes at her friend then turned to Joelle. “All of the women at Prairie Winds have had stalkers in one form or another, it seems to be our group’s claim to fame. So we naturally assumed you were having the same sort of problem when your guys called the Prairie Winds team in.”

“Well, I’m not sure how much I’m supposed to share, but at this point, it probably isn’t that big a deal.”

“Despite the way it looks, we’re actually really good with secrets. It’s one of those
we subs have to stick together
things. We don’t rat out fellow subs unless their lives are in danger. But it’s your call how much you share, we’re just here to lend an ear.” Everything about Tobi West spoke to her sincerity. It was easy to see why she was so well liked in the kink community. Joelle had heard a lot about her over the past couple of years. She and Gracie had been busy setting up various versions of their Forum Shops in other clubs around the country and from what Joelle understood their consulting business was making money hand over fist.

Joelle quickly outlined her situation watching as their expressions changed from interest to compassion to respect and then finally worry. “Holy crapamolie, new pal of mine, I don’t know whether to build a shrine to you or drop you in a bulletproof bubble and hide you.” Tobi’s comment made Joelle smile and that’s something she hadn’t been able to do before when she discussed her situation.

“I agree with Tobi, but I have to say I am so very impressed. Joelle, I’m going to enjoy telling everyone I count you among my friends. You’re going to change the world in a very significant way. Everything else aside, I want you to know how proud I am to know you.” Joelle’s eyes filled with tears at Gracie’s sincerity. Damn, she hated crying and crying when someone said something nice to you, it usually made them uncomfortable, too.

Gracie and Tobi moved to her sides wrapping their arms around her in a show of support and friendship Joelle rarely experienced before meeting Coral a year ago. “Thanks. I admit I’m scared. The list of suspects is made up of very powerful people, but even more because I don’t want anyone being hurt because they’re close me. The individuals on the suspect list wouldn’t think twice about what they’d see as collateral damage.”

“Yeah, the irony of people getting hurt trying to prevent something that will save so many lives is pretty hard to miss. Cheese and crackers, people amaze me. I’ve been poor, so I understand all the opportunities money offers…but I can’t imagine any situation where I would put money over the life of even one innocent person.” For the first time, Joelle saw another side of Tobi’s personality. This was a woman who loved those around her fiercely and who came to the defense of those who couldn’t fight for themselves. With her next breath, Joelle realized it was exactly who she wanted to be. It was damned humbling to realize she’d been letting fear keep her from doing what was

She stood up ready to make her way back inside. She’d needed to find Brandt and Ryan; it was time to ask them to help her make her discovery public. It might take two or three years before the treatment was readily available, but at the very least she needed to make sure the world knew hope was on the way. When she turned to the path they’d used earlier, she came face-to-face with Ryan. His smile was indulgent, but his eyes stared straight into the depths of her soul. Quirking a brow, he asked, “Going somewhere, baby?”

“Yes. I was coming to find you and Brandt. I need to talk to you. I need to do something. I’ve wasted too much time being scared.” All the words tumbled out so quickly she wondered if he’d be able to sort it all through. His smile softened and he brushed his fingers down the side of her face in a caress so gentle she knew it was a prelude to whatever he was going to say.

“Brilliant and brave—damn, you are an amazing combination.” He didn’t say anything else but stepped aside as Tobi and Gracie both excused themselves with promises to meet again later in the evening.

“You already knew, didn’t you? You knew I’d decided.” She wasn’t sure whether to be annoyed or grateful Ryan and Brandt always seemed to know what she was thinking—often before she even realized where her thoughts were headed.

“No. But when Micah alerted me to the conversation you were having with Tobi and Gracie, it wasn’t a stretch to know where it would lead you.” He grinned and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “Tobi West has an amazing effect on everyone she meets. She’s a handful—don’t get me wrong, I know she leads her husbands on a merry chase and they adore her for it. But her joy and compassion shine through from the very depths of her soul, and it draws out the best in those around her. I’d only met her a couple of times before this trip, but from what I’d heard, I’m not surprised your conversation led to this. Truthfully, your time with them wasn’t an accident. Everyone working on this case believed the two of them might be a good sounding board for you since Coral isn’t available. What’s that old saying? Something about girlfriends and sisters being better than therapists?”

Joelle wasn’t sure how she felt about Ryan inferring she needed a therapist, but she understood what he’d meant. Without giving herself a chance to hesitate, she threw her arms around him hugging him close. At that moment, with his arms wrapped tightly around her, everything seemed so simple. The decision seemed easy and the sea ahead smooth sailing. She knew reality was going to be far different, but she wanted to enjoy the illusion for a little while. Reality could wait…at least until tomorrow.

Chapter Nine

yan and Brandt
had already enlisted the help of every resource they thought might be even remotely helpful in their attempt to uncover who was responsible for the problems Joelle had been facing. The Wests and their team were also working to narrow down the list of suspects, but so far had only eliminated a couple of people from the list Joelle had given them.

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