Dancing with Deception (17 page)

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Authors: Avery Gale

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Dancing with Deception
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She reached one hand out to Ryan and placed the other directly over Brandt’s heart. He felt the heat of her small hand like a brand on his skin. “They aren’t sad tears…well, not really. They are tears of relief. I’ve always wondered what was wrong with me because I couldn’t get to the place I’d heard the other subs talk about. I thought there was something wrong with me. But I kept catching glimpses of the people in the audience, and they were caught up in the scene. Do you understand what that means?” He knew it was a rhetorical question and he didn’t make any attempt to answer, but he couldn’t hold back the small smile he felt tip up the corners of his mouth. “Oh, of course, you do because Dom’s don’t have the same struggles to accept their kinks. But it’s really difficult for women like me. We’re taught from the cradle to be
good girls
to not rock the boat, to please those around us. Essentially we’re trained to be submissive. But then we get into school and everything changes. We’re encouraged to pursue a career and told we can have it all. And those concepts are so divergent it’s confusing and basically a recipe for failure. Until you and Ryan showed me how to let go, I didn’t think I’d ever be able to trust anyone enough to experience the ultimate joy of submission.”

Brandt didn’t say anything because there wasn’t anything he needed to add—yet. There was a lot more they could show her—hell, there was a lot more they
show her. But right now she needed a chance to process everything happening in her life. She’d had already had a very intense scene tonight, and they weren’t finished with her—not by a long shot.

When she finally pulled back, Brandt could see recognition in her eyes. And the icing on this sweet treat was her recognition both he and Ryan had given her the safety and security she’d needed to let go. They’d been preparing her for days to take them both, so he knew she was physically prepared. And now he could see she was emotionally ready as well.
It’s time to claim her in the most intimate way possible.

“I don’t know about you, cousin, but I’m more than ready to play some more with our lovely sub.” Brandt was grateful Ryan had redirected the moment. There would be plenty of time later for serious discussions about where the three of them saw this relationship heading. For now, he was looking forward to finally being able to slide balls deep into her sweet ass. She’d taken the largest of the plugs they’d gotten for her. Now he knew she was ready, he hoped like hell he’d be able to take things slow and easy rather than powering in to her out of sheer desperation.

Ryan moved her to the bed and Brandt wanted to smile when he heard his cousin command her to remove his clothes. Ry always did love having subs strip him, claiming the feel of their fingers smoothing over the surface of his skin enhanced his pleasure. Brandt couldn’t hold back his smile, Ryan Morgan had always been brilliant, and he was also one of the most tactile guys he’d ever met. It actually made perfect sense he’dsense he’d become a physician—he certainly seemed to understand the power of touch.
I could probably learn a lot from him if my brain was actually getting enough blood flow to function.

He pulled a small bottle of lube from the warmer and wrapped it in one of the hand towels on the ornate dark oak end table beside the bed. Dimming the lights just enough to set the mood, Brandt stepped up to the edge of the bed. Joelle was kneeling over Ryan’s knees, leaning forward to take him between her kiss-swollen lips. “Jesus, Joseph, and sweet mother Mary, baby. Your mouth is lethal. Slow down or this is going to be over long before I want it to end.” Brandt understood the desperate tone of Ryan’s voice all too well. He’d been on the receiving end of Joelle’s oral attention and knew exactly how quickly she could send a man over the edge.

Deciding he didn’t want to miss the party, Brandt adjusted Joelle’s position so she was completely open to his touch. He didn’t think she’d even registered the move until he noticed the goose bumps move over the creamy flesh of her thighs. He trailed the backs of his fingers up and down the sensitive skin, grinning when the muscles underneath quivered. It was great to know she was so responsive to his touch. Dribbling the lube over her rear hole, Brandt massaged the slick fluid into the tight ring of muscles of her ass. In just a few seconds, he heard her groan and Brandt nearly burst out laughing when Ryan’s eyes crossed.

“Fuck you, Brandt. You have no idea how close I just came to filling her sweet mouth with everything I have. Christ, get on with it already.”

“Well, get her into position and let’s play because she’s far too tempting for me to resist any longer.” Within seconds, Ryan had sheathed himself inside her sweet vagina and had her pulled tightly against his chest. “Minx, I want you to hold perfectly still. You can use your muscles to press back against me, but don’t move your body until we give you permission.” His voice already sounded strained and they were just beginning. How the hell was he going to get through this without coming completely apart at the seams?

Ryan rubbed his hand up and down her slender back, and Brandt could practically see her relaxing against his cousin’s chest. Ry’s eyes met his, letting Brandt know she was ready. Lubing himself before wiping his hands, Brandt pressed his tip against her and began the torturous process of pressing forward and retreating in small fractions until he worried the top of his head was going to blow off from the relentless heat and friction. He wasn’t making progress as quickly as he’d hoped, and it finally occurred to him why.

Joelle had responded perfectly to verbal and tactile direction during scenes, but he and Ryan had both been concentrating so hard on maintaining their control they’d both been almost completely silent. “Minx, let me remind you that you have put yourself into our care, and that means your only job is to submit. Let us take you were you need to go.”

Ryan obviously recognized where he’d been headed because Brandt saw awareness dawn in his expression. “Your body is ours to pleasure, baby. Let your other Master in. You belong to us. You are ours to cherish, and a large part of that is giving you exactly what you need.” Ryan cupped her face between his palms and the words had the desired effect.

“Take a deep breath and then press out as you let the air out nice and slow, minx.” When she did exactly as he asked, the rigid ring of his corona slid past the tight ring of muscles and he felt her sweet groan all the way to his toes.
Christ, I’ve never fought so hard to maintain control in my entire life.
He fought an almost overwhelming desire to shove himself as deep as he could into her tight ass, the fire wrapping itself around his cock was so intense it bordered on painful. “So fucking tight. God damn, minx you are killing me.”

“Oh, God. It hurts so good. But I don’t think there is any more room at the inn.” He’d have laughed at her sweet attempt at humor if he hadn’t known she was only half kidding.

“No, baby. He’s going to be very careful and then we’ll set a pace that will steal your breath. You’ll forget how hard you worked to get to that point and just fly with us.” Brandt nodded over her should at Ryan and the two of them began slowly alternating between pulling back to allow the other to push forward making sure Joelle was always full. He had a dim awareness of Ryan’s movement on the other side of the thin membrane separating them, but everything was quickly narrowing to a pinpoint and the only thing he could think of was Joelle’s pleasure.

Brandt and Ryan had shared women often enough to anticipate each other’s need and limits—and God knew it had never been more important than it was at this moment. Without ever breaking their rhythm, Ryan helped move Joelle up enough he’d be able to use his fingers to give her the last boost she’d need to fly over the edge with them. Brandt knew the exact moment Ryan’s fingers made contact with Joelle’s clit because her whole body tensed a split second before it locked down in a release so intense she pulled both men over with her.

So much for our reps as being Doms who were always consummate in their control—yeah, that just fucking flew out the window.

Joelle was drowning
in sensation. With Ryan’s large cock already stretching her enough to make the walls of her vagina burn, she was sure it was going to be impossible for Brandt to push his way into her ass without ripping her in two. But the combination of Ryan’s verbal seduction and Brandt’s relentless preparation made it work. Their hands had been everywhere…soothing, teasing, and pushing her until she’d suddenly realized they were both as deep inside her as they could possibly get.

Her lips felt swollen from the bruising kisses Ryan had given her while Brandt had been moving deeper and deeper with each thrust. Joelle’s mind was spinning wildly, but one thought kept coming back to the front of her mind. Would anything in her life ever be the same after tonight? She didn’t think so.

Their ragged breathing, the smell of her arousal, and her own groans filled the air around them in a whirl of sexually charged energy unlike anything she’d ever known existed. She could feel her body spiraling into the stratosphere, and she was starting to worry she wouldn’t survive the fall back to Earth. As if reading her mind, Ryan whispered against her ear, “Let go, baby. We’ll catch you. We’ll always catch you.” He moved her away from his chest enough to slide his hand between them, and when his skillful fingers pinched her clit everything around her erupted in a symphony of color and light. Their shouts faded quickly to the background as Joelle hurtled through space watching brilliant light trace the paths of stars and flashes of light so bright it looked like the neon white lightening she’d seen illuminate every nook and cranny in the mountains last summer.

Feeling Brandt flood her ass with the hot jets of his release sent her over yet another peak and she hoped they’d be able to forgo condoms soon. She’d never had sex without one until tonight and now she felt a bit cheated she hadn’t been able to feel Ryan’s release in the same way. Collapsing against his chest, her breathing rasping in and out, Joelle fought to pull in enough oxygen to speak. “Wow. Just wow.”
Very eloquent, Joelle. Boy, if that doesn’t make them want to keep you around, I can’t imagine what would.
She wondered how the demon on her shoulder expected her to be able to wax poetic when she was barely able to speak at all. Damn, sometimes the little voice was her worst critic.

Joelle had played in enough clubs to know Brandt’s ministrations were a part of the aftercare she should have expected. But there was an added layer of attentiveness she didn’t think was likely a part of his regular routine.
You’re projecting, Joelle. Just because you want to believe you could be special to these men beyond this moment, won’t make it true.
Her experience with men had been limited to a handful of boyfriends who’d set their sights on her trust fund and portfolio. They’d had little interest in her work, and as long as they could keep her locked in a lab somewhere things had been fine. But the minute she showed any kind of backbone or God forbid she appeared to be smarter than they were things went to hell in a big hurry.

Ryan used gentle hands to slide her off his chest and roll her toward Brandt. She’d been so lost in thought, she hadn’t even realized he’d returned to the bed. Joelle heard the bathroom door snick closed and wanted to smile at how easily they worked together to make sure she wasn’t alone after the intense scene they’d shared. Brandt’s fingers traced a line down the side of her face and he pushed back the tendrils of hair that had escaped the clip.

“Amazing. Beautiful. Ours.” She felt her eyes widen in surprise and he smiled. “I could practically hear all the insecurities and worries bouncing around in that brilliant mind of yours, minx. Some of those questions will only be answered with time. You’ll eventually understand my cousin and I are both going to still be here when this mess blows over. There will definitely be logistics to work out because your work is too important to be pushed aside by living in Pine Creek. But that isn’t going to be as big a challenge as you might think. What I do think might be a problem is making you believe our affection isn’t something you have to

Joelle felt the tears fill her eyes and she was helpless to hold them back. Rather than being put off by her display of emotion, Brandt gave her an understanding smile before pulling her into his arms. Over the past few years, Joelle had listened to other submissives discuss the emotional crash after intense scenes, but she’d never experienced it. She was quickly beginning to realize she had actually experienced very few of the benefits of the lifestyle she’d professed to follow.
It’s like being a card-carrying member of a club, but you only attend a handful of meetings so you’ve never really known what was going on.
God in heaven, she hated the naggy voice in her head.

Surrounded by Brandt’s warmth, Joelle was quickly slipping into sleep when she felt Ryan settle behind her. His warm breath whispered over the shell of her ear, his words barely registering in her sleep fogged mind. “Sleep for a while, baby. Tomorrow’s going to be a big day.”
Big day?

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