Dancing With Werewolves

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Authors: Carole Nelson Douglas

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Dancing With Werewolves

A Delilah Street, Paranormal Investigator, Novel

Carole Nelson Douglas

Dancing With Werewolves

Copyright © 2007 by Carole Nelson Douglas

Cover art copyright © 2007 by Timothy Lantz


Publisher’s Note:

No portion of this book may be reproduced by any means, mechanical, electronic, or otherwise, without first obtaining the permission of the copyright holder except for brief passages quoted by reviewers or in connection with critical analysis.

Juno Books

Rockville, MD


[email protected]

For Jean Marie Ward,

A world-class writer, journalist, and friend.


Prologue: The Millennium Revelation

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Thirty-Five

Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Chapter Forty

Chapter Forty-One

Chapter Forty-Two

Chapter Forty-Three

Chapter Forty-Four

Chapter Forty-Five

Chapter Forty-Six

Chapter Forty-Seven

Chapter Forty-Eight

Chapter Forty-Nine

Chapter Fifty

Chapter Fifty-One

Chapter Fifty-Two

Chapter Fifty-Three

Chapter Fifty-Four

Chapter Fifty-Five

Chapter Fifty-Six

Chapter Fifty-Seven

Prologue: The Millennium Revelation

I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning.

–Luke 10:18

For the first time in the history of humankind, the turn of the millennium was tracked around the globe like an incoming comet zooming over the earth from the black night sky.

People everywhere joined to watch the exciting evidence of this invisible moment of time arrive. Exploding nebulas of fireworks in the midnight heavens marked its passage. Space satellites and television stations tracked its progress.

From the Pacific islands and Australia to China, where fireworks and gunpowder were born, to Europe to America, rockets were bursting in air, just like in the national anthem. They illuminated the edge of oncoming midnight.

A world globe stood next to the TV screen so we kids could track the necklace of fireworks circle the earth. On TV, men and women in exotic locales—Singapore, Sri Lanka, Krakow, Paris, New York City, San Francisco, Peru, Easter Island—sounded breathless and triumphant. They announced the magical millennium moment over their microphones as the thousand-year turn of the centuries overtook each of the world’s time zones.

Even the littlest kids in the orphanage were allowed to stay up past midnight to watch.

The oldest at eleven, I thought that there could be no more delicious moment than standing under those glittering showers of light with a microphone like a lollipop in my hand, telling everyone all about it.

Oh, we had piles of bottled water and dry foods stocked in the basement, and all the residence’s computer screens were darker than night. Primal fears underlay the outward celebrations of the millennium. Some people swore the year 2000 would bring technological chaos, or an old-fashioned End of the World cataclysm. And I was living through it, a skinny, careful kid with no history who dreamed of making some, someday.

The nightmares hadn’t started yet.

Mine. And everybody else’s.

We all are so much older now, and not much wiser.

I’m twenty-four and hold that TV microphone in my hand on a windswept scrap of high plains turf called Kansas, reporting the continuing aftermath of that landmark night and its unexpected revelations.

Ironic, how all the pundits, religious and secular, had feared the wrong bogeymen when the twentieth century turned its hoary head over its shoulder to mark the end of the second thousand years after Christ with the sharp slash of a scythe. Before 2000. After 2000.

I’d been taught the religious implications, of course, and even back then had a reporter’s dubious eye about ballyhooed adult events. Later, I understood it all even more.

The apocalyptic crowd had predicted Armageddon, the Antichrist abroad, raising Hell quite literally. The dark, evil dead would be drawn from their graves to battle the Lord of the Second Coming and His legions of shining angels.

World leaders had feared a terrorist cascade of bombs bursting across the globe to broadcast religious strife, anger, and hatred.

Computer geeks had predicted that Y2K, the Year 2000 in their geeky shorthand, would short-circuit computer programs the world over. The preprogrammed 0000s and 1111s would go berserk with the stress of recording the unprepared-for calendar shift to 2000, plunging us all back into the chaos of an abacus age.

They were all right in a way, and all wrong.

Instead—wonder of wonders—the lost, the legends, the outcast, the feared, the bogeymen and women of more simple-minded times, witches and ghosts, werewolves and vampires and zombies, oh my—rose from the graveyard of myth, gradually demanding recognition, revealing themselves as endlessly ongoing inhabitants of our same human planet.

It started with a few werewolf cub sightings. They were mistaken for feral children until a couple were captured in transition. Then came increased rumors of vampire bites. Air traffic controllers reported small flying bodies, relatively speaking. These turned out to be flocks of giant vampire bats migrating between South America and the other continents by night. By Halloween, witches were reported hot-rodding across the moon and scaring trick or treaters with candy-stealing fly-bys. These were just the show-offs. Previously normal citizens revealed weird, inexplicable powers. The Change became too general and global to deny.

Religious leaders were torn between dismissing them all as demons . . . or the benighted mentally ill. The divide between both conditions had always been hairline-thin.

Politicians wavered between rallying popular feeling against the new-old population . . . or registering them to vote.

Techno-geeks veered between calling them a bunch of hallucinatory Luddites . . . and wanting to get them online blogs.

I found myself with mixed feelings too, not sure whether I was destined to be a casualty of this bizarre new turn in human history, or its recording angel.

And then things really got weird . . .

Chapter One

Authorities assert,” I said clearly into the microphone I held, “that medical examinations will reveal this as just the scene of another rural juvenile prank, nothing more.”

I held my position while the station videographer wrapped the take.
No moving
. You never knew when you were really on or off camera. A savvy TV reporter learned to freeze like a department store mannequin before and after filming a stand-up.

Of course I hadn’t believed a word I said.

If you don’t cooperate with the police in the early stages of a crime story, they’ll cold-cock you later, just when everything is getting juicy. They’ll cold-cock you anyway, just for the fun of it.

Speaking of juicy, the three corpses were bone soup inside their intact skins. No way does any weapon known to human do that. Yet the “authorities” were playing the incident like a frat-boy prank for the public. So this was just a semi-crime scene.

That scene was a Kansas cornfield and my mid-heeled reporter pumps were sinking arch-deep in clods of dirt or shit, depending.

“Del,” the lieutenant said as soon as the day-bright camera light had turned off and we were all plunged back into a rural darkness where no crickets chirped.

Crickets always chirped in the spring country night, which was yet another sign that this was one eerie crime scene.

As the cameraman drove off in the station van to film another story, Lieutenant Werner, short, dark, and rotund, escorted me over the clods to the unpaved road, where a sleek black car stood shrouded in gravel dust. We had a working history, so I accepted his part gallant, part controlling male custody. Besides, that car was very interesting. Out of state license plate. Way more than unmarked police car class. Cool.

“Agent Edwards wants to talk to you.”

Agent Edwards. Not the county agricultural agent, not state police. Fed
. Hello, Fox Mulder, maybe?
Just when you need a hero.

“Miss Street,” the man said.

I nodded, unsold. Viewed in the headlights from his car, Agent Edwards was an East Coast yuppie, no hair below the tops of his ears or the back of his stiff white shirt collar. Cornfields were as alien to him as crop circles, but I knew a lot about both.

“You cover the ‘paranormal crime’ beat around here, I understand.” Edwards put a sneer inside his quotation marks.

“I don’t think you
understand,” I answered. “What . . . bureau are you with?”

“Office of Rural Security. We handle uncooperative farmers on the mad cow disease issue, fertilizer thefts, anything that involves national safety. So all suspect incidents are a federal case. Media rights bow to national security nowadays. We demand your discretion.”

“I know I have to give it, but that doesn’t mean you can’t tip me off early in return.”

He nodded. Not a real “yes.” As if I hadn’t noticed.

“Miss Street, you know this community, this terrain. What do you think?”

What I thought was that Agent Edwards was a stupid

tight-ass, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be one of the

still-closeted supernaturals. He broadcast an air of “other.”

Maybe it was just East Coast ego toward heartland hicks,

not the arrogance the supers often felt toward us mere

mortals. Then again, he could just be the usual officious

bureaucratic prick.

What I thought about the corpses would get me a strait jacket in the state hospital, but I tested him. “The bodies have been turned into creamed corn in a can, Agent Edwards.”

“Interestingly put, Miss Street. Why? How?”

“We’ve had a lot of crop circle activity lately.”

“Rubes with rider lawn mowers. Pranks.”

I might have told him. What I’d seen. What I’d put together. The “rubes” comment killed it. I lived here. Worked here. Maybe had been born here.

Suck grass, Fed.

                                                                                          * * * *

I sat in my car while everyone else peeled away into the darkness, riding a pair of blazing headlights. Werner and his partner were last. He leaned on my open car door. Between the ’56 Cadillac’s width and the wide door, we nearly blocked the two-lane road. Dolly and me. That was the car’s name. Dolly. She was built like a fortress. I often needed one.

“You don’t want to hang around out here, Del. Could still be dangerous.”

“Just gotta record a few notes while they’re fresh.” I held up my lipstick-size machine. “I’ll be okay. It’s all over out here, whatever it was.”

“The Agri bastard is probably right.”

“Aren’t they always?”

Werner laughed. He was just looking out for me. That’s what was nice about living in a smaller city. A buzz came from the police radio screwed onto Dolly’s humongous drive-shaft hump.

Werner nodded at it. “You’re wired into us if you need anything.”

“I’m okay, you’re okay. Good night, Leo.”

I watched his taillights fade into the absolute country night.

I’m not a particularly brave woman, but I am determined.

Once me and Dolly and the dark were an uncrowded three-way again, I left the car, toting a heavy-duty flashlight. Dolly’s trunk could hold everything, including the kitchen sink.

The flashlight spotlighted the corpses’ massive profiles. Three dead cows, their huge carcasses pulverized to broken bones floating in precious bodily fluids inside intact cowhides. Those intact hides were most unusual for livestock attacks; they usually involved cryptic mutilations.

I played the intense light over the ground markings. What Edwards had described as “moo-cow hooves wandering into a scene of punk prankery,” I saw as local livestock blundering into a mysterious crop circle creation incident.

I’d also spotted some very non-bovine marks on the rough soil. Maybe the spooked animals had been stampeded into the crop circle by something.

My flashlight hit the highs and lows of the alien footprints. Not “moo-cow” hooves, but huge heavy foot
. Way too big for werewolves, but what else pulled down adult cows except were-packs, or even natural wolves, of which very few were left?

I squatted to measure the tracks mixed in with the milling hooves.

Dinner-plate size. Clawed. Almost wiped away by some trailing . . . appendage.

Okay. Cow tails are scrawny and just long enough to swat away horseflies and not much else. This was almost a . . . a
trail, making a long, S-shaped swath.

Cows with lizard tails? Not even a rare were-cow could

leave marks like that.

I stood. The cows had been attracted to the activity at the crop circle. Lights. Action. No camera. Something had followed and then slaughtered them. I’d get another station videographer out here in daylight to film the footprint evidence without the prying eyes of the authorities present. Even the local cops had a stake in not stirring up the populace with alien invasion or supernatural slaughter stories.

In less than half an hour, I was back in my rented bungalow, jubilant, rerunning the audiotaped
version of the stand-up I’d sneaked in under the noses of the local cops and the Fed.

“Authorities are perplexed by a crime scene where local cows apparently have been cooked inside their hides by forces beyond conventional firearms or other weapons. Found dead yesterday in a field outside of Wichita, Kansas. . . .”

Found dead.

Found live was the story of my life so far: I’d been found alive, from birth, but just barely.

Found dead always made a much better story hook.

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