Dangerous (33 page)

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Authors: Diana Palmer

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Suspense, #Romance, #Mystery fiction, #Contemporary, #United States - Officials and employees, #Murder, #Homicide investigation - Texas, #Homicide investigation, #Romantic suspense fiction, #Western, #Texas

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His eyebrows lifted. “Something more suitable to our current situation, then?” he added, looking down at her pretty nude body with a grin. “There once was a man in Nantucket…”

She kissed him, laughing uproariously.

He kissed her back. “I suppose we should go to bed.”

“I suppose.”

He cuddled her close in his arms. “On the other hand,” he murmured drowsily, “it’s warm and cozy here. So what’s wrong with the carpet, I always say.”

“I always say that, myself,” she agreed, and reached up to pull an afghan off the sofa to cover them with.

She closed her eyes and snuggled close to him, warm and loved and happier than she’d ever dreamed of being. He might be dangerous, she thought dreamily, but with courage like that to keep her and the baby safe, she had no more fear of the future. In fact, she could hardly wait to see it. Not that she lacked courage of her own. She was constantly amazed at her own part in their recent brush with death. Only a year ago, she couldn’t have imagined herself doing something so bold. Kilraven had influenced her, she thought, and so had her own mother. Perhaps courage was something that only presented itself when it was needed the most.

She glanced toward the photograph of Kilraven’s little girl on the table and thought of her own child, lying soft and safe in her belly. This child would never replace Melly. But it would help to heal the old, deep wounds.

As she closed her eyes, far away, she imagined she could hear the sound of a child laughing, a silvery, soft, happy tone; the sound of a lovely little spirit who was, like her father, finally at peace.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-5611-2


Copyright © 2010 by Diana Palmer

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