Dangerous Abduction (O'Connor Brothers Book 2) (14 page)

Read Dangerous Abduction (O'Connor Brothers Book 2) Online

Authors: Rhonda Brewer

Tags: #Romantic Suspense, #Dangerous Abduction, #Rhonda Brewer, #Romance, #O'Connor, #Suspense, #Contemporary

BOOK: Dangerous Abduction (O'Connor Brothers Book 2)
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“I don’t know, but if he’s gotten back into the drug scene, he could be capable of anything.” Kurt’s comment made James blood run cold. He’d dealt with drug addicts and they would do anything for their next fix. He also knew about people selling women and children for cash and drugs, although he wasn’t aware of anything like that going on in the province.

Marina sat on the stairs with her head in her hands with Isabelle next to her. Isabelle had her arm around Marina’s shoulders while she spoke softly. Out of his Uncle’s three daughters, she was probably the quietest and had the biggest heart of anyone he knew. His other cousins Jess and Kristy appeared from the kitchen.

“Marina, this should help with your headache.” Jess dropped something into Marina’s hand and sat on the step below Marina. Kristy gave her the glass, and he didn’t miss how Marina’s hand trembled when she took it. When Isabelle met his eyes, he knew she hadn’t missed it either.

His cousins were the younger sisters he and his brothers never wanted, but he was so glad they were there right now. The majority of his family was male and she needed some female support especially since her sister and mother were away.

As he moved towards Marina and his cousins, the front door opened. His two aunts hurried in and gave him a quick wave before they hurried into the kitchen. It seemed in a crisis all the women in his family thought food fixed everything. Cora, put him a little on edge, since she’d made it clear James and Marina belonged together. She had no issues with telling him every chance she got too.

The sound of squealing drew his attention to the back garden. Nick and Ian had taken the boys outside to keep them occupied. It was probably better they didn’t overhear any of the conversations going on around the house. The last thing Marina needed was for Danny to feel scared or asking questions. He was pretty sure Danny didn’t know the truth about his father.

Marina finally raised her eyes to meet his and she seemed to relax. Isabelle stood up and motioned for him to take her place on the stairs as she followed her sisters into the living room. It wasn’t subtle, but he knew they were giving him some privacy with Marina.

“Are you okay?” James covered her hand between his.

“I’m fine. It’s not me I’m concerned with.” Marina sighed. “Mike says Marc didn’t have any legal rights when it comes to Danny, not that it would make a difference because there is no way in hell he is getting my son. I just don’t know what he’s capable of anymore. He’s not the same man I married. His personality completely changed four years ago. I don’t trust him.”

“I don’t trust him either and I don’t even know him.” James glanced up as Keith passed them on his way to the kitchen. “If having my family here is too much, I can ask them to leave.”

“No. I love your family and so does Danny.” She smiled at him and for a few minutes he just held her hand as they watched the bustle of the people he loved. They really were the best family in the world.

“This is so nice to see. I told you, didn’t I?” Aunt Cora stood in the doorway of the kitchen holding her hand over her heart. “I’m never wrong.” Before he or Marina could say a word, Cora disappeared into the kitchen again.

“I know she’s your aunt and this Cupid thing is a little odd.” Marina shook her head but James didn’t think it was odd at all.

“She’s odd, but she means well.” James wasn’t explaining Cora to Marina.

“Stephanie told me about it.” Marina stared at him.

“Yeah, it’s a running joke.” James chuckled.

“Is it true she’s always right?” Marina gazed into his eyes.

“As far as I know.” James admitted because he’d never heard anything different.

“Hmmm.” Marina stared down at where he held her hand as if she was contemplating something.

“Why? Has she said something to you?” Cora already told him Marina and him were meant to be together, but he wasn’t aware of her telling Marina.

“A couple of times she’s told me I’m the one.” She wouldn’t meet his eyes.

“The one for who?” James put his finger under her chin and tipped her head so she would meet his gaze.

“She never really said.” Marina gazed into his eyes and he held his breath. “But the couple of times she said it, she always nodded towards...” She closed her eyes.

“Towards who, Marina?” He needed her to say it. She opened her eyes and met his.

“You.” He smiled and released her hand to cup her face. He grazed his thumb across her lower lip and a small whimper came from her as her eyes closed. “James.” His name on her lips sent a wave of desire through his body right to his groin, and everything around them disappeared as his lips brushed against hers. It was just the two of them and he was so completely lost in the kiss he barely heard the sound.

“Ahem.” James pulled away and slowly turned his head. His father was staring at them with a raised eyebrow but there was no hiding the grin he was trying to keep from appearing. “Sorry to interrupt, but your mother said the food is ready, but if you two need a moment...”

“Thanks, Dad.” Sean nodded and moved back into the kitchen. James grasped Marina’s hand and led her upstairs out of sight of his family. “Sorry about that. I just need to say something before I lose the courage to say it.” Her grip on his hand tightened. “I know we really don’t know each other well but if I’m being honest, the first time I saw you I felt it. I was still grieving, and fought it because I felt guilty. Then at John and Stephanie’s wedding, the feeling was stronger especially when I was dancing with you. Again, I ran from it. In the last couple of days, it’s been so hard to keep my feelings under control and Marina I don’t want to run from this anymore. The more time I spend with you the harder it is to fight this. I know things are stressful right now, and I know your last relationship was awful, but I just need to know if you feel it or am I imagining it.” He took a deep breath. He was talking nonstop because he was terrified she’d tell him it was all in his head.

“I feel it too.” She stepped closer to him and his heart pounded in his chest.

“So it’s not just me?” She shook her head but her eyes never left his. He rested his hands on her hips as her hands lay against his chest. He swept his lips against hers and her breath caught. “We really should go back down before someone comes looking for us. When everyone leaves, and the boys are in bed, I’d like to pick up from here.”

James pressed his lips against hers again. He tried to keep the kiss simple, but the minute their lips met that thought went out the window. She opened her mouth, and his tongue slipped into hers. The sweet taste of her mouth had him about to lose all rational thought as he backed her against the wall and pressed against her. He really needed to get his head together before he dragged her into the bedroom and said the hell with everyone downstairs. He pulled back and rested his forehead against hers.

“Well that almost got away from us.” Marina sighed. “Do we really need to go downstairs?”

“Yeah.” James pressed his lips against her forehead. “If we don’t they’ll come looking like a bunch of bloodhounds.” Marina giggled as they headed downstairs.

On the bottom of the stairs, Aaron and Nick were near the foyer and glanced up when James and Marina descended the stairs. She smiled and released his hand then headed straight to the kitchen. When a whistle came from Aaron’s direction, James turned and narrowed his eyes.

“What were you two doing upstairs, bro.” Aaron wiggled his eyebrows.

“Talking.” James snapped because he knew what was coming next. The two youngest O’Connor brothers teased the older brothers when it came to women. One of these days, payback was going to be a bitch and James wanted a front row seat when the two of them were knocked on their asses by a woman.

“I never took you for the dirty-talking type.” Nick nudged Aaron with his elbow.

“Get your minds out of the gutter,” James warned. “We were just talking. She’s going through a lot, and this family can be overwhelming for someone not used to it.” It was a lie, and the grin on their faces told him they didn’t believe a word. He wasn’t in the mood for their needling nor was he going to explain himself to them.

“Why do you, John, Ian and Keith get so defensive?” Aaron chuckled. “I mean she’s hot and she’s definitely got eyes for you, bro.”

“You, little brother, are just one big walking hormone.” James pushed him playfully, but he had to admit Aaron seemed to never let things get to him. Maybe they would all be better off taking a lesson or two from him. Not that he would ever admit that to him.

“You know; this little brother crap really has to stop. I’m bigger than most of you.” Aaron flexed his arms and James had to admit he was getting pretty ripped.

“You’ll always be little brother no matter how big you get.” James said.

“I’m still bigger in more ways than one.” Aaron winked.

“You wish, asshole.” James chuckled.

“Maybe we should get Marina to compare.” Aaron teased and quickly stepped out of James’ reach.

“You really want to get your ass kicked.” Nick managed to slap the back of Aaron’s head as he ducked by James. “How’s she handling all this shit with her ex?” At least Nick asked. As much as he could be as big of an ass as Aaron, Nick had a big heart.

“She’s worried he’s up to something, other than wanting to see Danny.” James leaned against the wall.

“I’m thinking the same thing. I mean the guy’s a fucking dickhead, and look what he did to her house,” Aaron said. “Plus they had trouble with him a few years back.”

“I know, but he was supposed to have gotten himself cleaned up,” James said.

“At least she’s safe here with Danny,” Nick said. “He wouldn’t have guts enough to come here.”

“Yeah.” James sighed.

“You know we’re here for you too, bro. I like to fuck with you, but you know I always got your back.” Aaron dropped his hand on James’ shoulder.

“I know and I appreciate it.” James knew even with all the teasing the O’Connor brothers would always be there for one another.

James chuckled as Danny and Mason knocked Keith down on the grass and climbed on top of him. It must have been like knocking down a giant to the boys. The middle O’Connor brother was not only the mildest of the seven, but he was also the biggest. Keith was a solid wall of muscle and stood about six feet four. He was also a genius, although not many people outside the family knew of his off-the-charts IQ. It was ironic to see such a tough guy letting two little boys get the better of him, but that was Keith.

The patio door opened behind him, and his father walked through the door. After he closed the door, he stood next to James and for a few minutes they stood in silence watching the boys and Keith.

The temperature had dropped drastically from earlier in the day. However, the boys didn’t seem to notice as they ran away from Keith, who was now chasing them like an overgrown child himself. The sun had gone down, and they were playing by the light from the deck.

“I enjoyed watching you boys play when you were youngsters.” His father chuckled when Mason ran between Keith’s legs and knocked him over.

“We did more fighting than playing, Dad.” All the times his brothers used to play in their yard there would always be someone who got upset and a fight would break out.

“I guess so, but it was always worked out in a few minutes.”

“Only because you made us sit in the room together until we stopped fighting.” James laughed and his dad just smiled. There were a few more minutes of silence.

“I like her.”

“Yeah.” James sighed.

“I’m guessing you do, too.” His father turned to James and put his hand on James’ shoulder.

“I do.”

“I know she had a hard time with that Marc fella.” His father’s voice was quiet. “Why a man would treat a woman so bad, I’ll never understand.”

“Me either.” Just knowing Marina had been hurt by that ass made him physically ill.

“Can I give you some advice?” His dad would give James the advice whether he wanted it or not so he just nodded. “She may be skittish. From what John says, she hasn’t dated since the divorce, so don’t rush her, son. I’m not saying I don’t think you shouldn’t pursue this. Just be patient.”

“Nothing’s happened between us, Dad.” James felt the need to make that clear to his father.

“I don’t doubt that, but I also know living in such close quarters with someone you’re attracted to can send your hormones into overdrive.”

James rolled his eyes and shook his head. His father was talking to him as if he were sixteen years old again. “I’m not A.J, Dad.” James chuckled.

“I know, but you’re a man and she’s a beautiful woman. I also know it’s been a while for you too, son.”

“Dad, really, I can handle this.” He was not comfortable with his father knowing about his sex life or his lack of it.

“I’m just making a point. Don’t go getting all prudish on me. Take things at her pace.” His dad squeezed his shoulder. “Oh I thought you should know; Cora has your mother all excited because she saw you holding Marina’s hand.” Then he walked back into the house.

Just what he needed. His mother tended to go over board when her sister gave her the Cupid information. She was probably planning a wedding in her head by now. His father was right though; he hadn’t been with anyone since Sarah and being with someone had never entered his mind until he met Marina.

After what seemed like hours, his family slowly trickled out of his house. When the last of them left, James let out a huge sigh and leaned against the door. He loved them, but when they were all together it was loud. Marina had gone upstairs to get the boys settled in bed, but it was probably to escape the chaos that was his family. He didn’t blame her.

James walked into the kitchen and it was as if nobody had ever been in there. Nanny Betty was wiping down the counter as she hummed along with the radio. James was surprised to see her because he thought she’d left with his parents. She folded the cloth and hung it over the tap and turned around.

“Nan, you didn’t have to stay and clean up.” James walked over to her and gave her a huge hug. She really was one of the best people in the world.

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