Dangerous Kiss (24 page)

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Authors: Avery Flynn

Tags: #Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Romantic Comedy, #Suspense, #Contemporary, #Mystery, #Romantic Suspense, #Series, #Romance

BOOK: Dangerous Kiss
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He increased the pressure but kept the speed agonizingly slow. “Like this?”

The combination of pressure and unhurried pace stole her ability to form words. She moaned her assent, twisting her hips as a vibration started building in her thighs.

“Or is it more of this?” Hard and fast, two of his fingers whirled around her wet lips, dipping inside her steamy depths so his palm massaged her clit.

“Yes… That… Do that.” Turning her head, she panted into the covers. The tremors in her legs deepened as the tightness in her pussy increased. Everything built higher and tighter, her entire body heaving with need.

Just when she thought she couldn’t take it any more, Jake pinched her clit, sending her over the edge. A strangled moan escaped as the orgasm exploded like an atom bomb. Aftershocks of pleasure rippled through her body. Jell-O had more consistency than her bones.

The bed dipped when Jake lay down next to her, pulling her pliant form against his unyielding frame. While she spooned with her back glued to Jake’s chest, the world floated back into focus. He nuzzled the base of her neck, tickling her with his day-old beard. His long fingers strummed against her stomach, his thumb brushing her bellybutton. Although she’d yet to catch her breath, blood began rushing in response to the primitive chords he played.

The crinkle of ripping foil preceded him slipping on a condom. Like a lightning rod, his iron-hard cock nestled against her tight ass, focusing and attracting her sexual energy. Grinning wickedly, she swiveled her hips against him in easy, small circles. His hand slid down to her hip, locking her in place. He pushed against her, his cock driving between her slick folds from behind.

“Jake.” Her voice, strangled with pleasure, pleaded with him as he filled her.

“You feel so good.” His words were hot against her neck.

Her body responded to his rhythm, increasing the pace as need grew within her. His fingers glided through the skinny landing strip of tight curls around her pussy. When he made contact with her sensitive clit, her back bowed and fire shot through her body. A few revolutions around her already sensitive button and a spine-tingling sensation streaked up her back in a climax that reverberated across her body in a blaze of white light.

Jake flipped onto his back, taking her with him so she gyrated on top of him, facing away. Grinding her hips against him, she reached between his legs to cup his tight balls. His moan of encouragement spurred her on to take him in deeper until there was nowhere else for him to go. She leaned into a backbend, her back arched over his chest and her palms flat on either side of of him while riding his erection rough and hard.

Claire undulated upward. Jake followed into a sitting position, pushing her forward until she was on her hands and knees. Calloused fingers gripping her hips, he plunged into her soaking-wet core. She met each of his forceful thrusts, their bodies urging each other on toward that other dimension where pleasure bordered on the divine. Each forward motion of his cock rubbed against the spongy nerve endings deep within her, enticing her G-spot to the next level of hedonistic bliss.

She folded herself down onto her elbows, her ass high in the air, as Jake drove into her, his balls slapping against her bare flesh. The tempo increased to a frantic rhythm, ecstasy lying just beyond her reach. The pressure swelled until it consumed her. In an instant, the world shattered as her pussy convulsed around Jake’s rigid cock. Jake shook as he plunged inside of her one last time, coming with her name on his lips.

They collapsed onto the twisted covers on her bed. Her lungs struggled for breath as her heart slowed to a less frenzied rate. Curled within his strong arms, Claire rested her cheek against the soft curls on his chest, exhausted and happy beyond belief.

Jake circled his palm on the small of her back. “I’m definitely never going now.”

She snorted against his ribs. “Good, because there’s no way I’d let you.” Her heavy eyelids lowered and she surrendered to sleep, safe and warm in Jake’s arms.





uck sloshed over the pointed toe of Claire’s knee-high leather boots. Great. She’d been trying to avoid the muddy puddles dotting Harvest’s parking lot but had gotten distracted when Jake grabbed her hand. The moment their fingers touched, her body turned into a sea of molten want. Never mind that he’d left her satisfied and panting less than an hour ago. She needed more. Even after two months of spending nearly every day together, her lust for him hadn’t lessened. Looking down at her gray, soaked boots, she admitted there was a downside to that.

“Hey, Claire, glad to see you on the site.” Billy, the construction foreman, hurried to their side. Contemplating her wet shoes, he spit a brown stream of tobacco juice to the other side of them.

“You’ll be even happier when you see this.” She snatched her insurance check out of her purse and waved it underneath his nose.

“Hot damn.” He rubbed his hands together. “So we’re a go?”

“Yep. How soon can you start rebuilding?”

“The demolition’s just about finished. It’ll take us a few days to clear the site and then we’ll get moving.” Billy glanced back at what was left of Harvest. All that remained were piles of burnt wood and debris. “I’ll let the guys know they’ve got a hell of a job ahead of them.”

Claire leaned back against Jake’s wide chest as Billy strode away. Glancing up at the building’s charred remains, grief squeezed her heart, but not as tightly as before. Now that she had her insurance check, she was going to build again, make it better than it had been.

“Still think you can share an office with me and keep your panties on?”

She elbowed Jake in the gut. “Shhh. The guys will hear you.”

“I thought that was your secret plan. Get me to open an Absolute Security satellite office in Dry Creek so you could have your wicked way with me anytime day or night.”

The smirk on his face said he was joking, while the growing bulge pressing against her ass told a different story. One she’d like to read as soon as she could get him somewhere private. Her nipples hardened and her thighs tingled at the thought.

The chirp of her cellphone stopped her lascivious thoughts. Jake gave her a quick peck on the cheek and strolled across the parking lot toward the foreman. She reached for her phone buried in her purse. Man, he looked good walking away, but she liked watching him come better.

Pulling the phone out of her bag, she promised herself she’d make this a fast call. A number with a 702 area code flashed at her from the phone’s screen. Where was that? Almost everyone she knew had a local phone number.


“Claire, I think I’m in trouble.” Panic tightened Beth’s voice.

Tension cramped Claire’s body. Beth was never in trouble. “Where are you? What’s happened?” The questions rushed out of her mouth.

“I’m in Vegas.” A heavy silence followed Beth’s declaration.

Claire fought to keep her voice calm while visions of her best friend trapped in various dire situations flashed through her mind. “What happened? Did you gamble away your hotel money? Do you need bail? What is it?”

The blaring beep of a construction truck backing up overpowered Beth’s mumbled answer. “What? I can’t hear you, Beth. Speak up!” Claire sprinted away from the ruckus.

“I can’t talk louder. He’s in the bathroom. I had to wait for the shower to come on before I could call you.” Beth’s whispered words barely carried over the noise of the construction equipment.

“Who’s in the shower? Who’s he?” Had she been kidnapped? Claire’s pulse went into hyperdrive and she pressed the phone hard against her ear.

“Claire, I think I married your brother.”

“What?” Of all the scenarios, this was one she’d never expected.

“Oh God, the shower just turned off. What am I going to do?” Beth’s apprehension vibrated through the phone line.

She couldn’t make her friend’s words make sense. Married? Her brother? The synapses in her brain finally connected.

“Beth,” she screamed into the phone. “Which brother?”



A Note From Avery


Hey you!

I really hope you enjoyed Claire and Jake! They were the first romance couple I ever wrote and are still two of my favorite characters…even with Claire’s crazy impulse control issues. :) If you have a second to leave a review of Dangerous Kiss, that would be awesome! And if you’re dying to know which Layton brother Beth has maybe married, check out an excerpt of Dangerous Flirt.

Please stay in touch ([email protected]), I love hearing from readers! Want to get all the latest book news? Subscribe to my newsletter for book gossip, monthly prizes and more!

And don’t forget to check out the other Layton books: Dangerous Flirt and Dangerous Tease.





Books By Avery Flynn


The Killer Style Series

High-Heeled Wonder
(Killer Style 1)

This Year’s Black
(Killer Style 2)

Make Me Up
(Killer Style 3)


Sweet Salvation Brewery Series

Enemies on Tap
(Sweet Salvation Brewery 1)

Hollywood on Tap
(Sweet Salvation Brewery 2)

Trouble on Tap
(Sweet Salvation Brewery 3)


Dangerous Love Series

Dangerous Kiss
(Laytons 1)

Dangerous Flirt
(Laytons 2)

Dangerous Tease
(Laytons 3)



Hot Dare

Betting the Billionaire

Jax and the Beanstalk Zombies
(Fairy True 1)

Big Bad Red
(Fairy True 2)



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Table of Contents

Title Page




Author Note

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen


A Note From Avery

Books By Avery Flynn

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