Danny's War (Rolling Thunder Series Book 3) (12 page)

BOOK: Danny's War (Rolling Thunder Series Book 3)
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Breaking the kiss Danny leaned back and between short breaths said, “Pull your car into the garage, babe.”

He stepped back as Tammy pulled ahead, turned the ignition off and removed her seatbelt. Danny had her door open before she could grab her purse from the passenger seat.

As she turned to step out of the vehicle Danny reached down and pulled her up and against him, instantly wrapping his arms around her and holding her close. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and ravaged her mouth once more. “I missed you,” he managed to say between kissing her and nuzzling her neck.

Tammy giggled as her body began trembling. “I missed you, too.” Holding him tighter she inhaled his scent and her mind began releasing the horrors of the day.

“Hey, you okay? You’re shaking.”

“I know…I can’t…ugh, Danny, it’s been a horrid day and just being here with you is so overwhelming and at the same time, comforting.”

He looked into her eyes, his brows dipping down in worry. “Babe. Let’s get inside and talk.”

They walked hand-in-hand into the house. Danny slapped his palm on the garage door button to close it and stepped aside to let Tammy walk into the house ahead of him. She set her keys on the little table next to Danny’s and laid her purse next to them. She smiled as she realized what she’d done. She felt him lifting her coat from her shoulders and closed her eyes as she breathed in his scent again. Peaceful.

Danny hung her coat as Tammy walked further into the kitchen. He came up behind her and wrapped her in his arms. “Wine?” he whispered in her ear.

“Yes, please.”

He kissed the side of her face and squeezed before walking to the cupboard to retrieve two wine glasses. Pulling a bottle off the wine rack he busied himself uncorking and pouring while Tammy leaned against the counter and watched him. She smiled as she noticed the smoothness of his movements. He was self-assured without being arrogant.

Danny looked up as he handed her a glass of wine and cocked his head to the side. He
his glass with hers and walked past her, grabbing her hand in his as he went by. Pulling her into the living room, he set his glass on the table next to his recliner and turned to sit. He pulled her down onto his lap and wrapped her in his arms. Tammy took a drink of her wine, set it on the table and snuggled into Danny’s warmth. He kissed the top of her head wrapped his arms tighter. “You’re safe here with me. I’m happy you’re here.”

Tammy burst out crying. She turned her face into Danny’s neck and let the tears flow. He held her and crooned into her ear. “It’ll be okay, babe. I’ve got you. Don’t worry sweetheart.”

After long minutes Tammy calmed, Danny’s voice soothing her like no one ever could. Wiping the tears and makeup from her eyes, he leaned forward and grabbed a tissue from the table and handed it to her. She noticed his furrowed brow and smoothed it with her fingers.

“Sorry,” she whispered.

He shook his head, “No need to be sorry. Can you tell me what happened?”

“Something isn’t right with this situation. They kept talking about it not making money and while they can offer assistance in some cost savings, they also insinuate that there’s no future for a home that doesn’t make money. All day today I’ve been ignored, treated as if I don’t matter and Sally treated me as if I were a pariah.”

“I thought you and Sally got along well.”

“We do. We did. But she fell in lust with Zeke and he eye-fucked me all day and it set her off.”

“What?” Danny’s heart was slamming in his chest. The rage building in his body was over-powering. “What exactly do you mean he ‘eye-fucked’ you all day?”

Tammy swallowed. Realizing her error she sat up, but Danny held her tight. She looked into his eyes, no longer loving and sympathetic, but angry. Her lip quivering she swallowed. “You know. He looked me up and down every time I stood up. When he helped me with my jacket, he put his hands on my shoulders and squeezed. He made it perfectly clear that if I wanted to tumble into bed with him, I would be welcome.”

Danny swallowed. Through clenched teeth he said, “Did you?”

Tammy raised her brows. “Did I? Fall into bed with him? How dare you?”

She tried getting up but he held her in place. “I didn’t mean did you sleep with him. I meant did you want to.”

“God, no. Of course…how can you even ask that shit?” Pushing off his lap she stood. She walked a few steps and turned and walked back. She raised her finger to say something, but words wouldn’t come. She pivoted and walked a few steps again. Danny jumped out of the recliner and caught up to her.

“I had to know. I’m sorry. I had to ask.”



and he’s wealthy, I’m not. And, of course… you know.” Danny let the rest of his sentence hang in the air.

“Stop it. Stop worrying about the fact you lost a limb. I don’t care about that. I don’t know how I can make that clear to you. Money isn’t the attraction here.” Standing with her hands on her hips, Tammy’s body was vibrating with emotion.

Danny watched her lip tremble and worried the tears would flow again. Running his hand through his hair and down the back of his neck he let out a breath. “Sorry. I’m sorry for all of it. I’m trying to get over it…all of it. I just think you deserve so much good. I can’t shower you with gifts, only kisses. I can’t buy Stateside and ensure it’ll be there. I would do anything to be able to give you everything.”

Tammy looked down at the floor between her shoes. Fuck this day!

Her body was encased in warmth the instant he wrapped his arms around her. He pulled her to him, kissed the top of her head and held her to his chest. She could hear the strong rapid beat of his heart. Slowly she wound her arms around his waist and reveled in the feeling of being pressed against him. She heard his whispered, “I’m sorry, baby,” and closed her eyes.

As soon as she knew she could speak without crying, Tammy pulled her head away from his warm firm chest and looked into his beautiful brown eyes. “Danny, all day long all I wanted to do was be here with you. That’s the truth of it all. Not because you have money or two legs or for anything you can give me, except this. What I want from you, or rather with you, is this feeling. My heart is soothed when you’re holding me. When you kiss me, I feel transported to another world. I think I even hear birds sing.” They both chuckled.

“Birds singing?”

“You know what I mean.” She patted him on the arm. Danny pulled her into him again and squeezed her tight. He laid his cheek on the top of her head and breathed deeply. Would he ever tire of the way she smelled? It was a fragrance he longed for during the day when she wasn’t around. But holding her close and feeling her while breathing in her aroma, was perfect.

Pulling away just a bit, Danny tilted her chin up to him and covered her lips with his. He tasted her fully, he feasted on her lips until he needed to breathe; still he kissed her. He fisted her hair and held her close. He felt Tammy pull his t-shirt up and slide her hands up his torso, kneading his muscles as she moved up his chest. The heat from her touch warmed him everywhere. The thickness in his pants was becoming uncomfortable. He groaned as Tammy started walking them back to the recliner. When the back of his legs hit the chair she gently pushed. He pulled her on top of him and they both laughed. He reclined the chair and began pulling her dress up over her head. She reached behind her to unhook her bra, Danny froze. Watching her strip for him was hot. Slowly lowering the straps she smirked as she saw the look in his eyes. A quick glance at his bulging sweat pants and she knew the effect she had on him. Leaning forward, she palmed his erection through his pants and he huffed out a breath. Tammy rocked back and forth a few times, moaning. She leaned forward and nipped his lips.

“Gonna be kind of tough in this chair, big guy,” she growled.

Danny smirked and nipped her bottom lip. “Turn around babe. Show me your ass. Pull them panties off first.”

Climbing off the chair, she first bent down and nipped lightly at his cock, forcing a groan from deep in his throat. She stood and turned her back to him. Wiggling her ass side to side as she slid her panties down her thighs, reaching her calves she halted her movements and allowed him the full view. What she felt was a thick finger sliding into her very wet pussy. Danny sat forward as Tammy started to rise.

“Nope, stay just like that. Grab your ankles, darling and hold on, got me?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Ooo, you like that don’t you babe? I can tell ‘cuz your little pussy just oozed juices. Damn girl, that’s fucking hot.” Watching his finger slide in and out of her a few times had him throbbing with need. Listening to the moisture she was creating was even better. He could smell her arousal and that just about sent him over the edge. He pulled his finger out and quickly slid his tongue into her. Holding her thighs with both hands, he pulled her to him and buried his face into her. Lapping and licking and tasting her was outstanding. He heard her moan and couldn’t take anymore.

In one swift movement he stood, pulled his sweatpants down his thighs and slid his cock into her. He held her firmly so she wouldn’t fall over and began pounding into her. He’d thought of being in her all day. She lifted just a bit and placed her hands on her knees as he slid his hand around and found her clit. She huffed out a breath as he worked her from the front and behind. He feverishly swirled fingers around her clit and she exploded, crying out his name. He gripped her thighs once again and slammed himself into her a few more times before releasing himself with a loud groan. Weak, he pulled her back with him as they both fell into the chair his, arms instantly around her waist, both of them panting.


“Yeah, wow.”

Heart beating wildly, breathing ragged but fully sated Tammy felt like she was home.

Danny kept his arms around her as he inhaled her scent and slowly closed his eyes. Soon he heard Tammy’s slow even breathing and he allowed himself to drift to sleep.



her emails and addressing those that needed an immediate response, Tammy tried keeping her thoughts on her work. So many swirled through her head. Danny, Zeke, Stateside, on and on.

“You look perfect sitting in this office.” Zeke’s smooth voice rolled over her. Fighting the goose bumps that skittered across her skin Tammy looked into his steel-gray eyes. Once again, he was lounging against the frame of her door watching her. She wondered how long he’d been standing there. Minimizing her email she cleared her throat. “Thanks. Good morning.”

Zeke pushed off of the frame with his shoulder and strode toward her desk. Pulling out the brown leather chair in front of her desk, he sat and crossed his ankle over his knee, steepled his fingers under his chin and stared into her eyes. Tammy fought the urges to clear her throat again, fidget, and run. Meeting his steady gaze she silently waited for him to speak first. The corner of his mouth hitched up as he nodded once. “I trust you’re feeling better this morning.”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Wonderful. So, I wanted to take the time to speak with you before everyone else gets here. “

Tammy’s mouth formed a straight line, but she didn’t say anything. Let it come she thought.

Realizing she wasn’t going to offer anything, he forged ahead.

“We realize yesterday was quite the shock to you and we’re sorry for that. It wasn’t our intention to do that. Isaiah and I thought Sally had shared with you our initial conversation with her.”

“No. Sally didn’t share anything with me. May I ask what that conversation was and when it took place?”

“Several weeks ago Isaiah and I had a telephone conference with Sally and your management company, FMS and the corporate owners.”

Several weeks ago. What the heck? Suddenly Tammy felt like she didn’t know Sally at all. She simply nodded at that bit of information. Zeke continued.

“Our purchase was discussed. Our Letter of Intent had been submitted and we were actively vetting the business and working through our due diligence. This is the last phase of due diligence, viewing the property and the area. We wanted to see firsthand the potential of this area.”

“And what do you think of the potential of this area?”

Zeke studied her for a few moments. He noticed her swallow. “I think the potential is phenomenal.”

The slight tick of her cheek was the only thing that moved on Tammy. She was determined to not look nervous around him. She simply couldn’t figure him out. Why was he always making passes at her? He could have any woman he wanted; she had no intention of being a notch on his belt.

“I don’t understand what you need with me. You’ve clearly made up your mind. You don’t need me here for anything. So, I would appreciate it if for once someone around here would actually tell me what’s going on and my part in all of this.”

“There we go. I assumed there was some spirit in there.”

Huffing out a breath, Tammy shook her head. She was tired of these games.

“Sally will be leaving here in a few weeks and instead of retiring, she’ll be coming to Seattle to work in our corporate office. She’ll be working with Isaiah in the management of the nursing homes we have.”

“And this all had to be secret, even from me?”

“Not at all. It was Sally’s decision to keep you out of the loop. We gave her cart blanche to handle all of this in her own way.” Pushing himself forward and resting his arms on the edge of her desk, he watched her expression. “I can however, admit that I don’t like the way she handled this situation. I’m not sure of her motivations. Is there something going on between you two?”

“No, I thought we got along very well. Until yesterday, I’d never felt Sally had anything against me.” Tammy sat back in her chair, pushing her hair over her shoulder. Zeke watched every move she made. His eyes traveled from her face to her waist and back up, very slowly.

“Would you have dinner with me tonight, Tammy?”

Surprise registered on her face until she reined it in. Pursing her mouth and then biting her lip, Tammy shook her head no. “No, thank you.”

BOOK: Danny's War (Rolling Thunder Series Book 3)
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