Danny's War (Rolling Thunder Series Book 3) (14 page)

BOOK: Danny's War (Rolling Thunder Series Book 3)
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Tammy twirled a lock of hair around her finger. “I don’t mean it to sound like I don’t want you here myself, I certainly do. I just don’t want you to feel weird or like it’s too soon to meet my family.”

Danny let out a breath as he sat in his recliner. “I’ll tell you what. Why don’t we stop tip-toeing around each other and let things fall where they fall? We aren’t children and I’m thrilled they care enough to want to meet me.”

Tammy smiled as she dropped the lock of hair she was worrying around her finger. “Yeah. They care, a lot. My brother can be a pain, so I’ll just apologize now and tell you I warned you.”

Danny smirked. “Consider me warned. So, did you tell them we’re sleeping together?”

The blush raged up Tammy’s chest and bloomed into her cheeks. “Oh, my gosh, no.” Tammy’s voice softened. ”Danny, don’t you dare say anything.”

Danny laughed on the other end of the phone. “I’ll bet your cheeks are the perfect shade of pink. They probably match the color of your nipples. And I love that color.”

Tammy groaned as the thrill of his voice talking dirty to her zinged through her body and landed between her legs.

Danny heard her groan and said, “Did that make you wet?”

Tammy, finding it difficult to speak croaked out, “Yes.”

Danny rubbed his thickening cock, listening to her voice become raspy as she became excited. It was making him horny as hell. It’d been two days since they’d seen each other. Tammy heard his clothes rustling and his breathing become ragged.

She whispered, “Are you touching yourself, Danny?” She softly padded to her door and closed it. Her nipples pebbled and her panties grew moist with her desire. She was making him hard talking to him over the phone. Erotic.

She heard him grunt. “Fuck yeah. I’m hard as a rock listening to your voice and thinking about your nipples all puckered and wet from me sucking on them.”

Tammy huffed out a breath. Gawd, this was sexy.

“Touch your nipples, darlin’. Pretend I’m rubbing them between my fingers. Sucking them into my mouth.”

Tammy’s breath hitched. “Danny.” It was all she could say as she reached under her t-shirt and into her bra. She rolled one of her nipples between her fingers and he heard her breath catch.

His voice gravely, he said. “Touch your pussy, baby. I bet it’s dripping wet. Tell me. Is it?”

Whispering Tammy said, “Yes.”

“Tell me. How wet?”

A sob escaped from her throat. “Danny. I shouldn’t do this here.”

“Tell me baby. How wet are you?”

Tammy’s heart was pounding away, her throat was dry, her body heated as she skimmed her fingers down her tummy and into her jeans. She leaned against the headboard and slid her fingers into her pants and under her panties. Feeling the wetness and the sensitive bud she rolled her fingers over her clit and huffed out a shaky breath.

Hearing her arousal, Danny said, “Fuuuuck. Baby, that sounds good.”

Movements jerky, Danny quickly unzipped his jeans and pulled his aching cock out of the tight confines of clothing. He fisted it in his hands and began pumping listening to her heavy breathing.

Tammy whimpered and Danny said, “Make yourself come for me, doll. I want to hear you come.”

Tammy’s fingers worked feverishly around her clit. Running circular strokes over and around, she felt her climax raging through her body. She huffed into the phone a moan escaping her lips. “Danny. Oh…Danny,” she whispered as her body spasmed when her release hit. She choked out a moan, trying to be quiet.

Danny feverishly worked his hand up and down his cock. Listening to Tammy get herself off on the phone with him was sexy. He ground out, “Keep going. Tell me what you feel like now.”

Coming around from her daze and hearing Danny’s need, she whispered huskily, “My fingers are dripping in my juices. I just came listening to your sexy voice and thinking about that hard cock of yours sliding into me. Are you pumping it, Danny? Is it hard and hot and ready to blow?”

Danny grunted and pumped. His breathing staggered he tightened his grip and exploded with a loud groan. He watched as the milky ropes of cum shot out of the head of his cock and landed on his t-shirt and his hand. They continued to flow out of him with each pump of his hand, each one causing his body to jerk and convulse.

Tammy listened to Danny’s moans as she moved her fingers gently around her sensitive clit. The images in her mind of him stroking himself off were sexy as hell. She closed her eyes as she thought about sliding herself over the top of his dick and sliding down on top of him.

A few breaths later she heard Danny huff out a breath. “Damn, babe. That was fucking hot. I’ve never done that before.”

Tammy’s voice quivering, she said. “Me either. It was sexy thinking about you touching yourself and sexier listening to you. Damn.”

Danny let out a long breath as he laid his head back against the recliner. “Shit, baby. I have no words.”

Tammy sighed, “Me either.” Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she said, “Can’t wait to see you.”

His heart calming, Danny husked, “Me too. I have to clean up a bit. I’ll be there in about a half hour. That good?”

“Yeah. I’ll tell mom you’re coming.” Tammy giggled at the pun. Growing more serious she said, “Danny…”

“Yeah, babe.”

She couldn’t say it. Her heart was hammering away; it was getting quite the work out these days. The man simply excited the shit out of her. She closed her eyes, thinking about his lips on hers. She sighed.


Realizing she’d started to say something, she said, “Can’t wait to see you.”

“Yeah. Half hour, okay?”

“Half hour.” Tammy ended the call. She straightened her clothes and walked into the adjoining bathroom to wash her hands. As she looked at her flushed skin in the mirror a smile spread across her face. No doubt about it, he got her juices flowing. She looked like a woman who’d been thoroughly fucked and all she did was have phone sex. Nice. But nothing like the real thing.


Laying the last plate on the table, Tammy looked up when she heard Danny’s truck pull into the driveway. She glanced over at her mom, who was pulling the salad out of the refrigerator.

“He’s here. Please don’t completely fry him with questions.”

Walking into the kitchen from the direction of the master bedroom, Tammy’s dad, Steven, bent down and kissed the top of her head.

“Please, at least give us credit for having some manners.”

“I didn’t say you didn’t have manners, I just don’t want Danny run through the wringer.”

Denise set the salad on the table and turned to Tammy. “We’ve done this before. We’re not idiots.”

Tammy’s mouth turned down slightly at the corners as she turned to walk towards the front door. As she stepped out of the kitchen, Denise said, “We’ll only lightly grill him to make sure he’s worthy.”

Tammy’s steps faltered as she tossed a glance over her shoulder to see her parents standing together, her dad’s arm around her mom’s shoulders and both of them smirking at her look of frustration. Tammy bit back a terse comment when she heard Danny knock on the door.

Just as she pulled the door open, Tammy’s brother Jeff started stamping his feet on the floor, causing her parents’ stupid dog, Wiener, to run circles around the sofa, barking his fool head off. Tammy looked over at Jeff, who was sitting in a chair in the living room, grinning at the look on her face. She looked back at her parents who both wore grins on their faces.

Shaking her head, Tammy opened the door. Amid the incessant barking and running and her brother’s stamping feet she looked at Danny and shrugged. Her voice slightly louder than it needed to be, she said, “Welcome to my world. May as well get this over with.”

Danny hesitated at the look on her face. Tammy shrugged her shoulders and reached forward to grab his hand and pull him into the house. She looked back at her parents and said, “Paybacks are a bitch.” Which caused her mom to giggle. Tammy’s dad looked over at Jeff and said, “That’s enough, Jeff. Behave now.”

As Weiner ran past, Jeff leaned down and scooped him up. With Wiener tucked under his arm, Jeff walked over and held out his hand to Danny.

“I’m Jeff and this is Wiener. And, no, it isn’t an original name for a wiener dog, but he isn’t all that original.  What you saw there is about the only trick he can do.”

 Danny looked slightly down as Jeff was only a couple inches shorter than him. “Nice to meet you. Both.” Danny said glancing down at Wiener. “Danny.” Taking Jeff’s hand in his, Danny offered him a firm handshake.

Tammy’s parents came forward. Tammy looked up at Danny and smiled. “These are my parents. Denise and Steven Davis. Mom, Dad, this is Danny Schaefer.”

Danny leaned in and shook both of their hands. When he stepped back, he automatically put his arm around Tammy. After their phone conversation, he was so damned excited to see her in person it seemed like time slowed just to punish him. Danny hesitated and then thought, tough shit. He leaned down and kissed her lightly on the lips.

He looked into her eyes and softly said, “Hi.”

Tammy’s face burned bright red, but not from embarrassment. From the memory of their phone sex not an hour before. She held his gaze as she said, “Hi back.”

“Well, you don’t have to stand in the doorway. Come on in. Dinner’s on the table, so let’s go in and eat,” Denise said as she and Steven turned to walk into the kitchen. Jeff followed close behind, allowing Tammy and Danny a few moments alone.

Danny kissed the top of her head and breathed in her scent. There, that felt better. “I’ve missed you,” he croaked out.

Tammy snaked her arms around his waist and squeezed. “I missed you to.”

“This week has sure been a trial. How’s Mr. Moneybags? He still eye-fucking you?”

Tammy’s face scrunched a bit. She looked into Danny’s eyes, a soft smile forming on her lips. “A little. But I’m only interested in you. And he left town to head back to Seattle today, so I don’t have to deal with him for a while.”

Danny’s heart thundered in his chest. “Good. It’s been killing me thinking of him there with you.”

Lost in the emotion of his eyes and finding her mouth dry, Tammy nodded. “I know. It’s been hard for me, too. But, we’re going in tomorrow and you’re going to have your first session with the vets. They’re so excited to meet you.”

“I’m pumped to meet them. Thanks for setting it all up.”

Danny squeezed her shoulders once and whispered, “Let’s go eat so I can drag you home and properly satisfy you.”

Tammy groaned as she fisted his shirt in her hands. “Gawd. Yes.”

Entering the kitchen Tammy pulled out her chair as Danny quickly leaned forward and finished pulling it out for her. She smiled up at him and motioned with her hand to the chair next to hers. He winked and sat next to her, allowing his thigh to press against hers.

Having the same need, Tammy wound her leg and foot around Danny’s leg. Better.



about yourself. Of course Tammy has told us about your service to our country and we thank you for it. But tell us where you work. What you like to do in your spare time. You know, all that,” Steven said between bites of food.

Danny looked up from his plate. He felt Tammy clench her leg around his for support. He looked down at her and smirked. Turning to look her father in the eye, he said, “I work for Jeremiah Sheppard at Rolling Thunder. I’ve always been mechanically inclined and it was a natural fit at Rolling Thunder.”

“That’s impressive. Do you like it?” Denise asked.

“I do. Before I went into the Army, I finished tech school in engineering. In the Army, I was a Bradley engineer. When we were deployed, they put us where we were needed but we didn’t bring our Bradleys.”

“What about fun stuff? What do you do, besides my sister?” Jeff smirked.

Tammy’s mouth dropped open. Gaining her composure quickly she leered at her brother. She opened her mouth to tell him off when her father jumped in.

“Jeff!” Steven chided. “That’s enough.”

Jeff shrugged and shoveled a large forkful of mashed potatoes into his mouth.

“I bike. I’m working with Dog right now on making some alterations on my bike so I can ride it again.  My right leg is my rear brake on the bike. Not much is needed. A larger brake pedal and an adjustment to the position of it. Come spring it’ll be ready to go.”

“How long have you been riding?”

“Since I was seventeen. I’m twenty-eight now.”


“That wasn’t so bad.” Danny chuckled as he walked Tammy to her car.

“True. I was expecting it to be much worse. Thank you for answering my parents’ questions and dealing with my shithead brother.”

Danny laughed and oh the sight of his face when he was happy. His eyes actually sparkled and that smile. Oh. My. God. He had dimples. Dimples! Absolutely mesmerizing. Not being able to tear her eyes away from him, Tammy stood motionless and actually gaped.

“What? That was funny,” he said.

Shaking her head to bring herself back to earth, Tammy said, “Well, he’s a shithead.”

Danny grabbed the lapels of her jacket and pulled her close to him. Staring into the depths of her big brown eyes he dipped his head, never losing eye contact. When they were nose to nose he whispered, “You’re stunning when you blush, when you talk and when you sleep.”

He lightly kissed her lips and stood to his full height. Tammy smirked at him. “You don’t know what I look like when I sleep.”

“Of course I do. I’ve been looking at you for a couple of weeks or so.”

Looking back to make sure her parents weren’t looking out the window, she tossed her head and said, “We’ve only slept together a few times. You couldn’t see me.”

Danny smirked. “Do you mind coming to my place?”

“No. Of course not.”

“Okay.” He swatted her on the ass and opened the driver’s door of her car. “I’ll follow you there.”

Tammy climbed into her car, a slight frown marring her pretty face.
What the heck did he mean?

She pulled into his driveway and the double garage door opened up. She looked up into her rearview mirror and saw Danny waving her forward to pull into the garage. Slowly navigating her car off to the right, she put her car in park and gathered her things as Danny drove his truck in next to her. He pulled his keys out of the ignition and stepped out of his truck.  He looked over and saw Tammy getting out of her car, her expression serious.

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