Dante (Stone Society Book 3) (22 page)

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didn’t take a swing. His cheeks flushed and his eyebrows climbed to his
hairline. “You do?” he whispered. If Jasper hadn’t been a shifter, he probably
wouldn’t have heard the words.

do indeed, but I miss the purple. It was so you.” Jasper winked at him as he
pointed to the documents spread out on the empty slab. “These the results
you’re so excited about?” He had to change the subject quickly before he did
something stupid like run his hands through Trevor’s short hair. Or kiss him.
Or kiss him while running his hands through his hair. His body was humming from
being so close to Trevor. He knew without a doubt he was looking at his mate.

man, you are not going to believe this! Look!” Trevor held out the paper that
named the results.

shit, this is great. I need to tell Gregor,” Jasper said before he thought
about it.

would you tell the warden first? Why not tell the chief?” Trevor asked then
glanced down. This man was going to kill him with his insecurity. Even if they
were nothing more than friends for the rest of their lives, Jasper was going to
work on Trevor, make him understand how special he is.

Gregor is Tessa’s mate, and the man who has been gunning for her her whole life
is finally dead. She can breathe a little easier. Of course, I’m going to tell
Kaya first though.” Trevor was still looking at him as if he’d said something
wrong. “What is it?”

said mate. Not boyfriend, not fiancé, not man. Mate.”

. “Yeah, well, boyfriend sounds
so high school, they aren’t engaged as far as I know, and man, well…” Jasper
just shrugged and focused on the paper in his hand. Trevor was smart. Too smart
and he would have to start thinking before he spoke. Unless Trevor turned out
to be gay and truly his own mate, he had to keep the Clan’s secrets.

didn’t look convinced. “You know what I think? I think all you macho badasses
have this club. Some secret society. Like the other night when you and Dante
came in all bloodied up. I can see you being friends, you’re all so full of
testosterone. That brings me to the same question I had last night. Why are you
hanging out with me?”

heart shredded a little bit more. He laid the summary sheet down on top of the
result analysis pages. He took another chance and stepped closer to Trevor. If
he weren’t over four hundred years old with a good handle on his phasing, his
fangs and claws would be out. As strong as the pull to Trevor was, his wings
were even itching to unfurl. He took a deep breath, calming himself, and pushed
a stray strand of hair off Trevor’s forehead. He could feel Trevor’s heartbeat
in his own chest. The younger man’s pupils dilated, and his breathing raced.
Jasper was crossing a line that couldn’t be uncrossed. When Trevor didn’t step
away, Jasper rasped, “You have no idea how special you are.”

opened his mouth to speak then closed it. He opened it again, “I… I have to
go.” He ran from the room as if he’d been stung.

hung his head.
Well, fuck.



of waiting around for Trevor to come back from wherever he disappeared to,
Jasper left, not wanting to see the look of disgust or rejection on his
friend’s face. Friend. He doubted they were friends any longer. With a heavy
heart, he drove across town to the manor. He could tell Kaya the news over the
phone, but right now, he didn’t want to be alone in his big, empty house.

didn’t bother knocking since Rafael and Kaya knew he was on his way. As per his
usual greeting, he walked in the back door and announced, “Honey, I’m home.” He
was met by a spatula wielding Priscilla.

my boy. I’ve missed you,” she said as he bent down and kissed her on the cheek.
Was she getting shorter?

there’s my favorite girl. Priscilla, you’re as beautiful as ever.” He flashed
her a cheeky grin.

pfft. Come here and get yourself a cookie before Rafael eats them all,” she
whispered conspiratorially.

You wound me,” Rafe chastised his housekeeper as he, Kaya, and Dane came into
the kitchen. They took a seat around the island while Priscilla poured milk for

cocked an eyebrow and gestured at the milk in front of Kaya. “What’s up with
that, Chief? I’ve never seen you drinking anything except wine at night.” He
didn’t miss the look that passed between her and Rafael.

shit. I know that look. You’re practically glowing,” Jasper said, pointing a
cookie at Kaya’s belly. A loud clang sounded as Priscilla dropped the pan she was
holding at the same time Dane gasped. Jasper dropped his head and sighed. “This
just isn’t my day. I take it you haven’t told anyone?”

reached over and clapped him on the shoulder. “Don’t sweat it, Jas. We were
going to tell everyone Sunday, but then everything went to hell. Priscilla,
come here.” The older lady came to stand between Rafael and Kaya. He snaked his
arm around her waist and told her softly, “You’re going to be a grandmother.”
Rafael was glowing as much as his mate. Priscilla’s eyes filled with tears as
she hugged first Rafael, then Kaya. He kissed her cheek. “Why don’t you go
share the good news with Jonathan, yes?” She wiped her eyes on her apron and
nodded, leaving them to their business.

with her hand on her belly asked Dane, “So, how do you feel about being Chief?”

should have known something was up when you stopped going to crime scenes,”
Dane said, not exactly smiling. He had an odd look on his face. If Jasper
didn’t know better, he’d say Dane was a little jealous. It would make sense; he
and Kaya had worked together for a long time. “But to answer your question,
yes. I’m ready.”

It will take a while for the paperwork to go through. I have to submit my
resignation along with my recommendation for you to take my place. I don’t see
why your approval wouldn’t be unanimous. You are the senior detective,” Kaya

was happy for his partner. They hadn’t been working together long, but he had
already learned quite a bit from the seasoned detective.

Jas, what’s the big news you wanted to share?” Rafael asked as he snagged
another cookie.

called with the results of the dental records from the burn victim who was
discovered yesterday. If the results are legitimate, the victim was Gordon

the hell did he get the results so fast?” Kaya asked.

took a sip of milk and responded, “I have a feeling Dante called in a favor. If
it truly is Flanagan, this would be great news for Tessa and Elizabeth. They
would be free once and for all. It would also explain why the Unholy are so
much more active. We’ve had to double up on our patrols.”

wore a concerned look when she asked, “So, how

Jasper could
feel his cheeks redden. He shouldn’t be embarrassed, but at times in the past
his sexuality had been cause for ridicule. The fact he had feelings for an
obviously straight man had his heart and head all twisted. “We’re just friends,
but I like him. He’s funny, and smart, and plays a mean game of Gods of Chaos.”

perked up, “Gods of Chaos? I can’t wait until Four comes out.”

laughed, “It just so happens…” He couldn’t help teasing Dane.


do. If you wanted to come over sometime, you know, before you become Chief and
get too big for your Gargoyle pants, we could play. Hey, how’s Maria? I guess
she’s going to be all right if you all are here.”

was almost solemn when he said, “Things were touch and go for a while. She
actually flatlined while I was there, but they were able to revive her. I think
the knowledge of Rico’s death and Connor’s disappearance was too much for her.
Once she was stable, I reminded Maria that Isabelle and Connor would need her
when they were returned safely. Then I made a promise I hope Dante and Gregor
can keep for me. I told her they would definitely be back safely and soon.”

leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. “We all want that. Jonas is
with Maria now. As soon as she’s able, he’s going to transfer her to New
Atlanta so he can watch over her.

have some bad news. I know it’s late, but I need to have a conference chat so I
can fill everyone in on the latest. I received a package at my office. It was
full of pictures from Egypt, and they weren’t of the pyramids. I don’t know who
sent them, but I can only assume it’s one of Alistair’s people. Whoever has
Sophia and her parents knows Nik and Ezekiel are there. They sent pictures of
all of them. Sophia appeared to be unharmed as did Nik and Zeke. As for
Sophia’s parents, it was hard to tell if they were injured or not. The lighting
was pretty dark. Things are escalating. Once Alistair figures out I lied about
a meeting just to lure him away from Poros, it’s only going to get worse. Take
your sword training seriously my brothers. I have a feeling war is upon us.”



was once again in the library. Last night, Carter escorted her to dinner, and as
soon as she was finished eating, he had automatically taken her to the only
room in the house she cared anything about seeing. She spent hours in there,
first just taking in the room itself. It was two-story and had a ladder on
wheels she had only seen in movies. Next, she had looked at all the titles,
amazed at how old some of the books were. There were no romance novels, no
self-help books. Only the classics were allowed on these shelves. At the top of
the ladder, she had come across an old journal that reminded her of one of her
father’s. That was the book she decided to take to her room and read.

having finished breakfast, Isabelle was back in the large room, looking for
more books like the one she had read last night. The ladder was where she left
it, so she climbed to the top and replaced the journal. Carter was standing at
the bottom, quietly holding the ladder in place. He hadn’t said another word to
her, but she didn’t need him to. Isabelle knew there was something different
about her guard, something good. She had taken time last night to really study
his features. She would bet any amount of money he was a Gargoyle. Even though
he was drop dead gorgeous, his presence didn’t cause any stirrings within her
core. She wondered if the mate bond took care of that. Now that she had met
Dante, was he the only one she would ever feel a tingling for? Carter clearing
his throat snapped Isabelle out of her musings. Seeing her hanging on to the
top of a tall ladder, just standing there, was probably cause for alarm to her
guard. She quickly chose another book before climbing down to the floor.

glanced at Carter and nodded her head in a silent thank you. He inclined his
head and moved out of her way. She wanted to get out of the house and pointed at
the window. He must have understood her meaning since he led her to a door in the
hallway that opened to the garden. Isabelle really needed sunscreen, but since
she had neglected to use any before leaving her room, she found a bench that
was mostly shaded. Carter sat on the ground under a small tree, stretching his
long legs out in front of him. He crossed his beefy arms over his chest and
closed his eyes. Isabelle knew he was alert even if he looked relaxed. She had
been around Dante and all the guards at the Pen enough to know they were always
aware of their surroundings.

of surroundings, Isabelle could feel something in the air. She didn’t know what
it was exactly, but the mood in the house was heavier. She had dined alone at
breakfast, but had passed another woman on her way out. This was the same one
she had seen the previous night, however a different guard was following her.
Isabelle wondered if she was here of her own accord, or had she been lured in
under false pretenses as Isabelle had. She opened the book in her lap and began
reading. She hadn’t finished the first chapter when she heard a familiar voice.

appeared and spoke to Carter, “Isabelle is needed in the infirmary at once.” He
didn’t wait for either one to respond before he retreated the same direction he
came from. Carter stood and silently waited on Isabelle to follow him. They
made their way through the large house to a room somewhere in what she deemed
the basement. She hadn’t been aware there was another floor below them. Carter
pushed open a door and waited for Isabelle to walk through. The woman she had
seen the night before was sitting on a standard doctor’s table with Kallisto
standing beside her, holding her hand. The room she was in could have been in
her own clinic.

said, “We need you to stitch her up. She had an accident.” Isabelle noticed
they didn’t use the woman’s name.

me see what we have,” Isabelle said as she took the woman’s hand from her

talking,” Kallisto chided.

froze and glared at the blonde. “In this room, I am a doctor, and as such, I
will behave as one. If you want a mute robot, you will need to find someone
else to do your bidding.” She heard the gasp from the woman sitting on the
table. Isabelle ignored them all until Kallisto grabbed her hair and pulled her
head backwards.

will do well to remember who you are speaking to.” Her face was close enough
for Isabelle to smell her breath.

slowed her heart rate and responded calmly, “I know very well who you are,
Princess.” She said Princess as if it were a bad word. “But like I said, I am a
doctor and will conduct this room as I see fit.” Isabelle held Kallisto’s eyes
until the woman finally backed down, releasing her hair. Isabelle ignored
everyone else in the room…Kallisto, Carter, the woman’s guard… and concentrated
on her patient. She unwrapped the bandage and looked at the wound she was
supposed to stitch up. There was a cut on her wrist that looked similar to a
self-inflicted suicide attempt. Not wanting to draw attention to the woman, she
didn’t pick up her other wrist, only glanced to see that it was undamaged.

moved around the room, opening cabinets and drawers until she found everything
she needed. She was washing her hands when Sergei came into the room.
“Kallisto, you are needed upstairs.”

busy, Sergei. Whatever it is will have to wait.” Her voice was frustrated, but
her face was soft as she spoke to the man.

sorry, but it was an order,” Sergei said, almost apologetically before he cast
his eyes to the floor.

sighed before telling Carter and the other guard, “I expect this to be handled
quickly. Get her back to her room, and do not let her out of your sight.”
Kallisto was pointing to the woman on the table but speaking to the other guard.
Had she tried to slit her own wrist, or had it been an accident as Kallisto alluded
to earlier? Either way, Isabelle had a job to do.

scrubbed her hands and laid out all the supplies she would need on a stainless
table beside the woman. Isabelle wanted to ask her what happened, but the other
guard did not have a patient look on his face. Would he get in trouble for
allowing the woman to be damaged? She heard the woman crying and wanted to
console her. Instead of speaking, Isabelle softly pushed the woman back so she
was lying down. She grabbed a tissue and gently wiped the tears from the
woman’s eyes before pressing the tissue into her undamaged hand. Within a few minutes,
the laceration was stitched and bandaged, and the woman was on her way out the
door. This wasn’t Isabelle’s clinic, but she cleaned and sanitized it as if it
were. She could feel Carter’s eyes on her as she moved about the room. When she
was finished, she finally looked at him. He nodded, a look of appraisal in his
eyes, and gestured toward the hall.

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