Dante (Stone Society Book 3) (25 page)

BOOK: Dante (Stone Society Book 3)
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fangs popped out against his will. She was his woman. His mate. He needed to
mark her, make her his in the true sense. But she didn’t want that. He pushed
the thought out of his mind and just enjoyed being in her, being one with her.
Dante filled his hands with her ample breasts, rolling and tugging on her
nipples. Isabelle let out a growl of her own, her fangs elongating. He could
feel her heat tightening, her release close. He was barely hanging on, but he
wanted her to come first. The sight of her fangs had his beast howling.
Isabelle squeezed her eyes tight. Her body shuddered around his hard cock,
right before she sank her fangs into his shoulder.

own orgasm roiled through his body and shot into hers. The fact she had marked
him intensified his release almost to the point of painful. Isabelle licked the
place on his shoulder where she had bitten him before collapsing against his
chest. To say he was shocked was an understatement. She had marked him. Was it
the bond she was looking for, or was it just something that happened in the
heat of the moment? His heart was conflicted. She told him she wanted to fuck,
not make love. Then she bit him. Yes, she had to have been caught up in the
moment. There’s no way she could want to be mated to him. Not him.



had never felt so complete in her life. She should feel like a wanton slut,
attacking Dante in the middle of the day in a vehicle. She didn’t. There was no
way she could have waited one more second to feel the connection. And she had
bitten him. Holy crap, did that mean they were mates? Wouldn’t he have to bite
her too? What if he had changed his mind? She leaned away from his body,
searching his eyes. She didn’t like what she found there. Sadness.

I’m sorry.” She couldn’t look at him. He was going to reject her, and she had
thrown herself at him. She tried to get off his lap, but he tightened his hold
around her waist.

are you sorry for? Biting me? It’s okay if you didn’t mean to. I understand if
you got caught up in the moment. We can forget it happened.” His voice was
filled with regret.

that, she looked back into his eyes. “I meant to,” she whispered. “I wanted to,
but you…you didn’t bite me back. If you’ve changed your mind...” She couldn’t
help the tears. How could she have been so stupid? She had decided to open her
heart, one last time. When would she learn?

He was once again wearing the old frown. “Isabelle, I didn’t change my mind. I
want you now, still. I will always want you. Always.”

you didn’t bite me back. I just thought…” He interrupted her with his lips
pressing against hers. He kissed her softly, moving his mouth from hers to her
cheek, down her neck to her shoulder. He sucked at the skin hard enough to
leave a mark.

was so close to marking you, Beautiful, but the last conversation we had, well
you weren’t sure you wanted me. Not forever anyway. What made you change your
mind?” He searched her eyes.

gave him what he was looking for, the truth. “You said
our son

frown was immediately replaced with a warmth she had never seen on her
Gargoyle. How was that possible? Dante didn’t know Connor. “Isabelle, I need to
show you something. Where’s my phone?” He tried to dig his cell out of his
pants pocket. Maneuvering was a little awkward since they were both practically
naked. “Maybe we should take this inside, after all,” Dante said.

kissed him quickly and gently eased off his still semi-hard cock. Come trickled
down the inside of her thigh. She looked around for something to wipe her leg
with. “I need a towel,” she said more to herself than Dante. Coming up short,
she decided to tough it out. She slid one leg in her pants, but before she
could insert the other leg, Dante’s big body was angled between the seats,
pushing her legs apart. He grabbed her left leg and lifted it higher so it was
resting on the back of the seat. He licked a trail from her knee up her thigh,
cleaning their mixed essence off her leg as he went. That was the single most
erotic thing she had ever seen in her life. When he had lapped up all the come,
he slid up her body and teased her lips. She immediately opened for him,
allowing him to share their mingled taste with her.

cock was hard again, rubbing against her inner thigh. If she slid down in the
seat, just a little, he would be inside her. God how she wanted him. “Dante,”
she moaned into his mouth, pushing her core towards the intended target. Dante
sat back, his eyes filled with lust. “I want you too, Beautiful. But this time,
you’re going to be spread out beneath me. Get dressed. Please.”

wasted no time in finding her clothes. She walked with Dante up to the condo he
had been sharing with Tessa and Gregor. Hopefully the walls were soundproof,
because she planned on letting go. Her cousin and her mate were nowhere to be
seen. Dante led her to the far end of the room to his bedroom. He shut the door
and leaned against it. Isabelle knew what she wanted. What she craved. And he
had too many clothes on. “I need to see you. All of you,” she said as she began
undressing him. Dante stood still, allowing Isabelle to have her way with him.
Remembering what Tessa said about him possibly being submissive, she tested the

stepped back from his body, admiring the ripped abs and chiseled chest. He
wasn’t bulky like a lot of the Gargoyles, and for that she was grateful. Dante
was sheer perfection. His long cock was pointing up, the tip glistening with
precome. Isabelle licked her lips as she slowly began undressing. Dante’s eyes
followed her every move. When she was bare before him, she dipped her finger
between her legs. Instead of licking the moisture, she stepped closer to Dante
and held her finger up to his mouth. He opened up, sucking her finger clean.
She looked at him under hooded eyes, breathily describing what she wanted. “I
want you to make love to me. I want you to show me how much you want me. Can
you do that?”

soon as the words left her mouth, Dante picked her up and not so gently laid
her out on the bed. She spread her thighs, offering herself to him. His eyes
scanned her body, almost clinically. He paused as he gazed at her glistening
core, glanced at her breasts then took in her eyes. She held her breath as he
lazily stroked his cock, looking her over one more time before stretching his
long body over hers. He nestled his erection in the wet juncture of her legs.
Propping himself up on his elbows, he gazed into her eyes as he rocked himself
back and forth, his dick brushing against her clit with every pass.

please.” Her body was on fire. She was going to come from the friction alone.
“I need you inside me,” she urged him on. Dante placed another soft kiss on her
lips as the wide head of his shaft found what it was looking for. Dante raised
one of her legs up and thrust in to the hilt. Slowly, sensually, he moved in
and out of her body, never taking his eyes off hers. In that moment, she knew.
Isabelle knew without a doubt Dante was her other half, the missing part of her
soul. Whether it was the mate bond or love or something else altogether, she
didn’t care. She only knew she had to have it. Have him. Forever. “Bite me.”

change that came over Dante in that instant was almost frightening. The green
of his eyes gave way to black, his fangs burst forth from his gums. His wings
unfurled behind him. “Are you sure, Beautiful?”

nodded, “Yes. I’m positive.” Her eyes widened at the beautiful sight on top of
her. She had seen wings from afar, but to have them this close, close enough to
touch, it made her body burn. What began as slow steady love making quickly
turned into a hard pounding. Dante’s breath was ragged and he rumbled deep in
his chest. The beast had taken over. “Oh god, Dante. Harder.” Her claws itched
to tear at his skin. Not in a way that would hurt bad but hurt good. She
couldn’t help herself. “Oh, god, oh fuck…”

Dante moved in and out of her core, she ran her hands down his shoulders,
stopping only when they met with his wings. She ran her fingertips along the
rigid, leathery edges causing Dante to growl. She knew in her soul the sound he
emitted was one of passion, not anger. His growl was a call to her shifter.
Both her fangs and claws released with the latter scraping down his back.
Isabelle’s orgasm was building, her spine arching, needing him closer. “Isabelle,”
he hissed. His pupils were blown, no green to be seen anywhere. His breathing
was coming in short pants, words coming from his mouth in a language she didn’t
understand. God, that was hot.

I need you...” she panted and dug in with both her claws and her heels. As soon
as her claws found purchase in his skin, Dante let out a roar and thrust his
cock as far as was physically possible into her pussy. His fangs found her neck,
puncturing the skin at the juncture of her shoulder. She yelled out his name as
her climax shredded her. Dante’s come mixed with her release as he continued to
pump inside, milking his still hard cock. She couldn’t breathe. The bite of his
fangs intensified her orgasm to the nth degree. Isabelle couldn’t stop
thrusting up, needing more contact as her body shuddered with small
aftershocks. Dante circled his hips, rubbing against her clit until her release

they both stilled, Isabelle blinked away the stars, willing her brain to
function properly. She had been mistaken before.
, she felt complete.
With a rush of air, Dante’s wings retreated. He lifted his body off hers just
enough to allow her to breathe.
Isabelle snapped her eyes to meet
his. Had she heard his voice in her head, or was it just her imagination?

face gave nothing away as his fangs slid back into his gums. He rolled to the
side, bringing Isabelle’s body with him. She was wrapped in Dante’s arms, her
leg draped across his thighs. She phased back and relaxed into him, drawing
swirls on his chest with her fingertips.

beautiful Isabelle,” he whispered against her hair. “As much as I would love to
stay here forever, we need to talk.”

stiffened. Had she done something wrong? Already? Dante pulled her up his body
so she was lying on top of him. “Look at me. What’s wrong? Why did you tense up
just now?”

closed her eyes, finding the strength to tell him the truth. “I…I’m scared.”

look at me.” When she looked into his beautiful eyes that were once again
green, he continued, “You have no reason to be scared. Never again. You are
mine, and I will cherish you until our time together is no more. However many
centuries that is, you will never have to be afraid of anything. I will love
you, honor you, and protect you with everything I am. I cannot wait to be a
father to Connor, and when the time is right, be a father to our other
children.” He stopped talking long enough to kiss her on the forehead.

had to be dreaming. “You really want to have children? With me?” She still
didn’t understand why a badass Gargoyle would want someone as plain as she was.

course with you. Unless you don’t want children with me.” The scared feeling
she had was reflected in his eyes.

couldn’t help the laugh that escaped. “What a pair we make. Yes, I want to have
your babies. But first, we need to work on getting Connor back.”

rolled Isabelle off his chest and stroked her cheek. “And
is what
we need to talk about. Come on, let’s get dressed. There’s something I want to
show you.” She couldn’t help but drink in his beautiful body as he stood.
“Isabelle, stop it. If you keep looking at me that way, we will never get
anything accomplished. Let us get our boy back and then we will have the rest
of our lives for this,” he said as he pointed between their naked bodies.

difficult as it was, they showered together without having sex. Isabelle kept
reminding herself they needed to find Connor. Wrapped in a fat, white towel, she
remembered she didn’t have any clean clothes. Just then, there was a knock on
the door and Tessa yelled, “Belle, I put some of my clothes on the bed for

was glad to see Tessa chose the more conservative clothes for her to wear. Dante
was getting dressed beside her. It should have felt awkward, but it didn’t. It
felt right, as if they had been together many years. This was the first time
she had seen him in casual clothing. He had been wearing shorts and a t-shirt
when he rescued her, but her mind had been preoccupied with other things. She
took a good look at her Gargoyle who was now dressed in blue jeans and a polo
shirt. His bare feet were sexy. Once they were both dressed, Dante kissed her
softly then led her to the living area. The sliding glass door was open,
allowing the sea air to flow inside. Gregor was sitting in one of the patio
chairs with Tessa in his lap.

took a chair and pulled Isabelle down onto his lap, something he’d never done before
with a woman. The way their bodies naturally fit together was like the last two
puzzle pieces being snapped into place. The worry Dante would turn out like
Alexi was completely gone. He wrapped one arm around her waist as he opened his
phone with his free hand. “Isabelle, I want to show you something.” He held his
phone out and she took it, looking at a drawing.

my god, that’s us. Where did you get this?”

found it in Connor’s bedroom along with various other drawings.”

you. That’s all of us. How?” Isabelle knew Connor was talented, special even.
But this was an exact likeness of a man he had never before met in his life.

what I wanted to ask you. I know my photograph is available on the internet. Is
it possible Connor could have seen it? Have you mentioned me to him at all?”

he isn’t allowed on the internet. He’s only six. And I haven’t mentioned you
because I wasn’t certain of our future before now. How can this be?” She looked
at the picture on the phone again, using her fingers to widen the shot.

and I have a connection of sorts. Remember when you and I discussed how my
abilities are a little more advanced than most Gargoyles, and I am able to
sense things others cannot?” Dante waited for her to respond so she nodded. “I
think Connor has those same abilities. If I concentrate hard enough, I can see
Connor. The first time, I sensed the room he was being held in. Since then, it
has been like looking through his eyes. I see what he sees. I’m pretty sure
Connor is with Stavros. Connor showed me a drawing of himself with a little
girl, Alexi and Stavros.”

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