Dante (Stone Society Book 3) (27 page)

BOOK: Dante (Stone Society Book 3)
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do you reach Connor? Do you just think about him?” Isabelle asked, looking up
at him.

didn’t answer immediately. Her chocolate eyes were so beautiful. He kissed her
forehead and her cheek, squeezing a little tighter. With his lips against her
hair, he answered, “Something like that. I calm myself and block out everything
around me. I call to him. It took a while the first time, but now we have the
connection, it gets easier each time, almost like he’s waiting for me.”

then I’ll leave you alone so you can try.” Isabelle tried to pull out of his
arms, but he held her tighter. He wanted her to be there with him this time.
Her presence was a dichotomy. On one hand it was torturous. Being near her like
this had him wanting to throw her over his shoulder and take her back to bed.
On the other, it was the most peaceful feeling he’d ever felt in his life. A
feeling of being complete. Whole. She was part of him now, just as Connor was.

please. I want you to stay.” He kissed her temple, and Isabelle settled against
his chest. Standing in the middle of the hallway, Dante focused his mind on
their son.
Connor, are you there?
The connection was immediate. Connor
must have felt him before Isabelle interrupted. As with the other vision, a
drawing appeared. Connor must have found colored pencils, because this drawing
was much more detailed. Four little girls huddled together. One was the same
blonde Dante saw Alexi take. The artistic ability of this child absolutely
amazed Dante. His work was good enough to be in art galleries around the world.

picture slid behind another, this one depicting a street corner complete with
road signs. Signs written in Greek.
. Dante concentrated on the
symbols hoping to recreate them later. He studied the sidewalk in the
background. Some type of purple flower was canopied over the roadway. Next was
a beautiful drawing of the sea complete with buildings on either side of where
Connor had been drawing from. Connor began sketching a boat on the sea. It was
a rough drawing so he must not be looking at a real boat. Quickly, he scribbled
the letters
before madly erasing. The connection was severed
quickly. “Fuck!” Dante hoped that didn’t mean Connor was in trouble.

Dante, what’s wrong?”  Isabelle was holding on to his forearms, eyes pleading.

lost the connection quicker than I wanted, that’s all. I need a pencil and
paper before I forget the symbols.” Dante grabbed her hand and pulled her into
the condo. He quickly found what he was looking for and began drawing the
shapes as he remembered them.

was on the phone with Elizabeth, sharing the news Gordon Flanagan was dead.
Dante was trying to concentrate on the conversation as well as remember the
drawings. Tessa eventually hung up, and she and Gregor gathered beside him,
watching quietly. He explained what he was doing. “Connor showed me several
pictures. This one is of a street sign. Unfortunately, it was in Greek. Why
couldn’t he have been taken to Italy?”

he finished, Isabelle studied his sketch. “May I?” she asked, holding her hand
out for the pencil. He passed it to her and watched as she erased a couple of
the lines, redrawing them slightly different.

it. How did you know?” Dante smiled at her proudly.

a street corner not far from one of the Sarantos’ villas. What else did he show

was another drawing of the girls, only this time there were four of them. Then
there was a street that had purple flowers in a type of canopy.”

Isabelle confirmed.

last drawing was of the sea. The odd part was he had drawn this beautiful
picture, rich with detail. Then I saw the pencil moving over the paper. He was
quickly sketching a boat. It was a rough likeness, so I’m pretty sure he wasn’t
looking at a real boat, but drawing one from memory. Right before I lost the
connection, he wrote four letters. M A G and D. Does that mean anything to

god. I know where they’ve taken him. Dante, I know where Connor is!”



was shaking. Whether it was the adrenaline crash, the fact she was mated to
Dante, the knowledge Connor was possibly with Alexi, or all of the above, she
didn’t know. What she did know was she was ready to get her son back.
son, as Dante called him. If she had any doubts before at accepting the mate
bond with her Gargoyle, they flew out the window when he claimed a child he’d
never met as his own. And the picture Connor had drawn of all three of them
together? How could she deny there was something greater, something
unexplainable, pulling them together? If her beautiful, smart, sweet boy could
accept someone he had never met, how could she turn her back on that? She
couldn’t. She didn’t want to.

and Dante stood behind Tessa as she pulled various maps of Greece up on the
computer monitors. The need to touch Dante now they were truly mates was far
stronger than before. When they had worked closely for the last few weeks, the
need had been palpable, tangible. Now, there was an urgency to the pull. If she
didn’t have him near her, skin to skin, she was going to suffocate. She wanted
sex with him, yes. This went so far beyond sex. There was an invisible line
tethering their souls together, winding around her heart, pulling her toward
Dante. As if he could read her thoughts, he pulled her to stand in front of
him, wrapping his arms around her, blanketing her in comfort. She placed her
arms on top of his, allowing the bond to meld them into one being.

that one,” Isabelle told Tessa, indicating the map currently on the screen was
the correct one according to Connor’s drawings. “Zoom in to the south. Now east
just a bit. There it is. That’s the street the villa is on. This is located on
Pochi. The homes on either side also belonged to Stavros. They used them as
servant quarters.”

whistled, “Damn, it pays well to be a slave to the rich.”

hung up his cell phone. “That was Donovan. Alistair returned to the villa. He
was furious when he found out his two prisoners were gone. Surprisingly, the
only one he took his anger out on was Theron. Donovan’s hidden cameras are few
and far between, so when they took the fight outside, he didn’t get to see the

about Eve? Did he mention her and Carter?” Isabelle asked Gregor.

they are headed to Italy where she will be taken care of. Carter seems to think
her being abducted has affected her mind. She talks to herself quite a bit.”

makes sense now.”

does, Beautiful?” Dante asked, placing a soft kiss on her temple.

was sure that I heard three women speaking to each other. According to Carter
there were no others in the villa. She must have been talking to herself.
Gregor, please have Donovan get in touch with Carter. I feel she may be
schizophrenic.” Gregor nodded and left the room to make the call.

hugged her a little tighter. “I want to move out first thing in the morning.
Let’s look at the maps and get ready.”

doesn’t make sense. If Connor was talking about
The Magdalena
, it should
be in Zakynthos. They have boats on every island where they own a home, and
that’s where it was.”

they moved the boat after what happened. It has been six years since you were
here, Belle,” Tessa reminded her.

added, “Or, maybe Connor had a premonition. The drawing wasn’t as detailed as
the others.”

Isabelle bit her lip between her teeth. She was anxious to get Connor back. She
was also ready to be rid of Alexi once and for all. Julian was still working on
the annulment.

service was ordered, and they ate while they planned. They spent the next few
hours deciding the best way to go after Stavros and Alexi. Eventually, Isabelle
could no longer hold her eyes open. Dante, noticing her yawns getting closer
together, told Gregor and Tessa good night. Isabelle didn’t protest. It had
been an exhausting couple of days, and she wanted to be fresh in the morning
when they went after her son. Even though she and Dante had completed the bond,
she was nervous about sleeping with him. The sex earlier had been brought on by
adrenaline. Would every time be as powerful, or would they be able to slow down
and make love?

shut the door behind them and headed straight to the large bathroom. Instead of
turning on the shower, he opened the spigots on the huge jetted tub and began
filling it with hot water. Taking his time, he slowly removed her clothes
before undressing himself. She took in the amazing sight before her. Dante’s lean
body was beautiful. She let her gaze lower to his cock. It was long and hard, ready
for her. He was taking in her body as well. His eyes drank her in from her
face, down to her toes. When he lingered on her breasts, her nipples hardened,
wanting his mouth there.

closed the distance between them, but instead of touching her, he reached
around her body and grabbed one of the fragrant oils lined up on the vanity. He
poured the contents of the small bottle into the water. When the water was
deep, he turned the handles off and stepped into the tub, holding his hand out for
her. She stepped in, and they sat down. Dante leaned against the back of the
tub, allowing Isabelle to settle against his chest. He gathered her hair into a
ponytail and twisted it up behind her head so it wouldn’t get wet. Using one of
his large hands as a cup, he poured the scented water over her skin. Isabelle
was amazed at the tenderness he was showing her. Even on his best day, Alexi
had never tended to her needs. Dante continued to pet her. Contrary to the erection
poking her in the back, he gave no indication he wanted anything from her. He
was content in making her feel safe, cherished.

couldn’t stop her hands from touching him. She stroked his legs, enjoying the
feel of the curls under her fingers. His arms held the same dark hair as his
legs. The friction she felt when she rubbed his skin wasn’t enough. Being naked
in his arms was nice, but she wanted more. She turned her head so she could see
his face. The look in his eyes was surprising. His pupils were dilated, his
eyes hooded. She should have known by his hard cock he wanted her. He had to be
using his shifter abilities to keep his breathing calm. “Kiss me,” she breathed
into his lips. Dante leaned closer and pressed their lips together. He touched
his tongue to her mouth, and she opened for him. He took advantage, sliding his
tongue along hers. The kiss was a slow, sensuous dance. One that told of things
to come.

arched her back and turned a little more, giving her better access. She wrapped
one arm behind his head, pulling him closer. Dante’s hands that had been gently
caressing her skin moved from her toned stomach; one slid up to cup a breast while
the other delved between her thighs. He stroked her core with one finger, then
two, causing her to push toward his hand. She wanted more. Isabelle couldn’t
stop the moan that left her mouth and entered his. She felt more than heard the
rumble in his chest. Eventually she broke the kiss. “Make love to me.” Dante’s
eyes flashed and with a quickness only a Gargoyle could manage, he stood,
picking her up as he did. Cradling her close, he didn’t bother drying them off.
Instead, he carried her to the bedroom and laid her in the middle of the bed, stretching
out over her.

kissed her mouth as he rocked his hard cock against her clit. He teased her
body, tormenting her in the best way. She wanted him with a fierceness she
didn’t understand. “Dante, please,” she whimpered when he broke the kiss. His dark
eyes indicated how badly he wanted her. In one slick movement he was buried to
the hilt inside her body. Isabelle’s heart caught at the conflicted look in her
mate’s eyes. “Dante,” she whispered, her voice catching.

right here, Beautiful. Always right here.” Dante continued stroking her core,
slow and steady. He rarely took his eyes off hers, only when he leaned in and
touched their lips together. Her body was burning up from his thick erection,
stretching her, filling her. He reached between them using his thumb on her
clit. Moving a little faster, a little harder, his breathing changed. His fangs
slid out of his gums, his eyes were dark with desire. “I’m close. I want you to
come with me. Can you do that for me, Beautiful?”

thumb was circling her clit, her own orgasm close. “Yes. Oh, god Dante. So
close. Move. Faster.” Isabelle was so close to coming. She had asked for love
making, but she needed more. “Harder, baby, I… harder… please.” Her mate gave
her what she asked for. Rising on his knees, he wrapped his strong arms under
her legs and gave it to her hard. His grunts were in sync with the slapping of
their bodies. Isabelle’s claws were unsheathed. She cried out incoherently as
her orgasm hit, her clit pulsing. She grabbed hold of the bedding so she
wouldn’t rip into Dante’s skin again. As soon as her core clamped down on
Dante’s cock, he shuddered hard inside her body, his grip on her legs almost to
the point of painful. She watched his face as he came. It was a beautiful
sight. As he came down from his high, he graced her with a look
that said she was the sole reason for his existence.
she could see that look on his face every time they made love, she would
withstand any amount of pain. She would give that to him.

cupped his cheek in her hand. “Dante, I…” She what? She never felt that way
before. She never wanted the night to end. She lov… No, it was too soon.

rolled, tucking her in close. “I know, Beautiful. Me, too.”



walked into Lion Hart Gym, taking in the numerous men and few women working
out. He was glad to see not everyone was built like the mammoth standing in
front of him, talking to a teenager. Their conversation seemed tense, and
Trevor tried his best not to eavesdrop. The name Troy floated across the
teenager’s lips as he clenched his fists at his sides. The large man finally
noticed Trevor and whispered something to the kid who glanced back at Trevor before
walking to the back of the building. The kid’s face was a bruised mess. When
the man approached Trevor, he had to look up. Way up.

I help you?”

swallowed hard and cleared his throat. Where Dante and the warden were
badasses, this man made them look like pansies. “I’d like to work out,” Trevor
told him, shuffling from one foot to the other.

of laughing at Trevor, his face softened as he said, “My name’s Geoffrey
Hartley, I own the place. You are?”

Trevor McKenzie.” He held his hand out and surprisingly, the big man didn’t
squeeze it to the point of breaking.

look familiar, Trevor. Have I seen you around here before?”

don’t think so. I work and go home. That’s it.”

on, let me show you around. So, what kind of work do you do?” Geoffrey asked
him, as they walked. The man seemed genuinely interested.

the M.E.’s assistant over at the hospital.” They stopped walking when they came
to the first machine.

right, you work for Dante. I thought I recognized you. So, what are you looking
for in a workout? You want to build muscle? Bulk up? Get ready for bikini

gaped at the huge man standing before him. Was he seriously cracking jokes? “I,
uh, just want to get in shape, maybe build a little more muscle.”

smiled and let out a small laugh. When he did, Trevor noticed how beautiful the
man was. Not beautiful in a girly way, but off the charts good looking. It was
crazy how a smile could transform someone from looking like they were about to
rip your head off to something you knew you could never get enough of seeing.
His size and ruggedness only made him that much more beautiful. The way he
smiled and the tender way he talked to the teenager, this giant had a heart in his
chest. Someone behind him cleared his throat. Geoffrey said, “Hey, Brother.
I’ll be with you in a minute.”

felt a chill. Not a cold chill, just a zing running over his body. He was here.
Jasper was here, and he was standing behind him. Trevor turned around and sure
enough, there he was. Instead of the ever present smile, the confident grin,
the badassedness, Trevor saw sadness in Jasper’s eyes. “Hi, Trevor,” he said,
almost shyly.

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