Dante (Stone Society Book 3) (32 page)

BOOK: Dante (Stone Society Book 3)
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have a question.” His face became sad all of a sudden.

is it, Buddy?” Dante asked, still holding him close.

will I live now? Mimi and Papi are gone.”

squatted down in front of her boy. “Yes, Papi is gone, but Mimi is still with
us. She’s in the hospital, but she’s going to be just fine.” Isabelle looked
from her son to her mate. When Dante nodded, she asked Connor, “How would you
like to move in with Dante? You, Mimi, and I could live in his big house where
we’d all be together.”

looked up at Dante and asked, “Really?”

face lit up, and he nodded. “Really. You are my family, and I want you with

Momma! Can we?” Connor jumped down from Dante’s lap and wrapped his little arms
around her neck. His smile was infectious.

we can,” she gladly told her son.

stood so they could make their way to the airport. Connor grabbed Dante’s hand
before taking Isabelle’s. As they were walking to the SUV, Connor asked, “Can I
have a puppy?”

laughed. Boy did they have a lot of explaining to do. She smiled up at her
mate, “Let’s go home.”

leaned down and softly kissed her lips. “Yes, let’s.”

ride to the airport was mostly quiet as Connor sat in the backseat of the SUV,
intent on the sketchpad in his lap. Dante’s hand was resting on Isabelle’s
thigh, his thumb lazily rubbing back and forth. The view out her window was
beautiful. Greece truly was a breathtaking world with the unique artistic
designs and the pristine waters. Had her past experience in this place not been
sullied with such ugliness, she would have longed to stay and enjoy what the
islands had to offer. Maybe someday they could come back and make happy
memories. Now, she wanted to close the book on her past, and start the next
chapter of her life with a blank page, filling it only with love and goodness.



Gregor and Tessa flying directly to Egypt, Gregor had given Dante the keys to
his Hummer. The Aston Martin was a great car, but it wasn’t suitable for a
family. Dante wouldn’t fit in Isabelle’s small hybrid, so they would need to
purchase something larger. Preferably something that would seat several
children. Dante planned to give Isabelle time to adjust to her new
surroundings, but he wanted to work on giving Connor a sibling very soon. With
Kaya being pregnant, the Di Pietro line was already being continued. Dante
wanted to add to it.

arrived at Dante’s home, their home, in the early morning hours. Even though he
had slept most of the flight, Connor was asleep in the back seat. Dante hated
the fact Isabelle was seeing her new home for the first time in the dark, but
it couldn’t be helped. She could have a tour of the outside when daylight
broke. He gently pulled Connor from the backseat trying his best not to wake
the boy. It worked until they were inside. Connor raised his head from Dante’s
shoulder, his eyes growing wide as he noticed where they were. “Is this our

amazed Dante how one minute Connor had the mannerisms of a teenager, and the
next he acted like the six year old he was. “Yes, this is our home.” Connor
wiggled so he put him down allowing him to look around. Dante stood silently as
both Isabelle and Connor checked out the first floor. It was an open floor plan
with the living area, dining and kitchen forming one large room. The lower
level also held an office, a media room, laundry, and small gym. The second
story held a master suite as well as five bedrooms and bathrooms.

I see my bedroom?” Connor asked when he got bored with the first floor.

way,” Dante said and motioned to the staircase. Clasping Isabelle’s hand, he
led his family upstairs. The master suite was separated from the other rooms.
He turned in the opposite direction when they reached the top of the stairs. “There
are five bedrooms. You may choose whichever one you like.” Dante pulled
Isabelle into his arms as Connor explored the rooms. “Welcome home, Beautiful,”
he whispered in her ear. She pulled his head down and brought their mouths
together. He opened to her, their tongues dancing. The kiss deepened as Dante
pulled her body closer to his. His beast knew its mate was home, and it wanted
to welcome her properly. Dante did his best to keep his shifter at bay, for the
time being.

got a swimming pool!” Connor’s excitement broke through their passion. “I want
this one,” he told them, exiting the room he’d chosen.

Dante released Isabelle’s mouth. “Then it’s yours. Now, let’s get you settled
in bed,” Dante said with a full heart.

didn’t argue, didn’t ask any questions. Isabelle pulled the covers down, and
after kicking his shoes off, he climbed into the bed. Isabelle hugged him and
kissed him on the forehead, telling him goodnight. “Goodnight, Momma.”

didn’t hesitate to go to his son. The little boy held his arms open, and Dante wrapped
him up tightly. “Goodnight, Da,” he said with a sleepy smile.

soul was singing. “Goodnight, my son.”

took Dante’s hand and pulled him from the room. “Can I see my bedroom?” she
asked, grinning. His beast clawed at his insides, begging to be loosened.
Without a word, Dante picked Isabelle off her feet and strode to the other end
of the house. He gently placed her body on the bed before turning on the lamp.
He shut the door just in case Connor decided to get up later. Isabelle was on
her knees undressing by the time he got back to the bed. Her voice was husky as
she demanded, “Come here to me.”

wasted no time in losing his own clothes. When he stretched out on the bed beside
her, Isabelle pushed at his shoulders, rolling him to his back. “Have I thanked
you?” she breathed into his ear before nipping at his earlobe. “Properly
thanked you?” she asked as she licked a nipple. Dante’s cock was throbbing,
needing to be touched, but his mate obviously had an agenda. One he would
gladly see played out. She bit the other nipple.

I don’t think you have,” he hissed as he placed his hands behind his head,
giving Isabelle complete control.

naked body was a beautiful sight. As she licked and teased his nipples, he
drank her in. Her long hair was in a ponytail, loose strands falling around her
face. Her nipples were teasing as they grazed his stomach. Her round ass was
perfect, enticing, waiting to be bitten. Isabelle’s strong hands massaged his
thighs as her pretty mouth found his cock. He was more than happy to let her
have her way, but he wanted more than her mouth. He needed to be buried balls
deep in her core. Isabelle took him to the back of her throat, swallowing. She
licked his length, following her tongue with her hand, twisting the leaking
head. Dante had Isabelle flipped onto her back with his cock slamming home
before she knew what was happening. “Hey,” she protested. “I was thanking you
properly,” she said, wiping the saliva off her chin.

you were, and now I’m thanking you. How do you want me?” Dante would give her
the option, but he really hoped she wasn’t in the mood for making love. He
needed to pound her into the mattress.

Baby. I want to feel you.” Isabelle wrapped her legs around his waist and
grabbed his shoulders.

didn’t hold back. Couldn’t hold back. He had already marked her, making her
his. Now that he had her home, he needed to claim her again, here. He closed
his eyes and let the beast loose. Isabelle’s fingers were now clutching his
skin, and her heels were digging into his thighs. His mate was meeting him thrust
for thrust, her moans a symphony with his grunts. “Harder,” she gasped as he drove
in and out with everything he had. It amazed him how in tune their bodies were.
He knew when her orgasm was closing in. Her breathing stopped as she anticipated
her release. He lowered his body so he could capture her screams in his mouth.

cock shot his release into her body as her pussy pulsed around him. They
swallowed each other’s pants and gasps, their breath mingling. With his cock
now spent, he moved off to her side, propping on an elbow so he could look at
her. His mate. His beautiful female. With her face flush, she was the most
gorgeous creature he’d ever seen. After a few minutes of quietly looking at his
woman, he rolled off the bed and went into the bathroom, wetting a washcloth.
He cleaned their combined come off his cock. After rinsing the cloth and
rewetting it, he returned to the bed and wiped between Isabelle’s legs. When he
was satisfied she was clean, he tossed the washrag in the direction of the

pulled the covers down, and they both crawled underneath. He drew Isabelle
close, wrapping her in his arms. “That was amazing,” she whispered into his
neck. He gave her a squeeze, letting her know he agreed.

his eyes, he thanked the gods that both his mate and their son were safely back
where they belonged. His body was nearing sleep when Isabelle groggily
murmured, “I love you, too.”

next few weeks were a whirlwind. Dante went back to the morgue, and Isabelle returned
to the Pen. She was dedicated to undoing the harm the previous doctor had
inflicted. She was also obsessed with Vincent. She confided in Dante she was
having flashbacks to her childhood, memories triggered from being around the
albino looking shifter. She promised to be careful around him and to talk to
Dante if she remembered anything.

had overseen packing up the old house and delivering Maria and Connor’s things.
They would wait until Maria was in a better place to deal with Rico’s stuff.

came and went about their home as training was in full swing. Connor was in awe
of all the new
who were thrust into his life. The Goyles were
just as awestruck as he was. Uri, Jasper, Frey, Mason, and Rafael were
scheduled for today’s session. They all arrived with Kaya accompanying them. Instead
of heading to the area they used for sparring, they made their way into the
kitchen. Isabelle was cooking breakfast, and Connor was at the island, drawing.
Dante was just standing with his hands in his pockets, watching them both as he
often did. When Connor noticed the men, he jumped down from his stool and ran
to them. Dante grinned at his son as he knuckle bumped each one. Uri squatted
down, “I have a surprise for you.”

me? Is it a puppy?” he asked, his eyes wide. Everyone laughed. Connor had been
asking for a puppy every day since they returned. Dante was going to have to
explain why they couldn’t get a dog.

it’s something else.” Uri pulled a child-size sword from behind his back. He
had asked Dante’s permission before crafting it. While it wasn’t a wooden toy,
it wasn’t as sharp as a real weapon either. Connor carefully touched the tip of
the blade. Before Uri gave it to him, he explained, “Connor, you are now a
member of our family. When you are old enough, you will train with us, as one
of us. Until then, we want you to have your own sword. This isn’t a toy. It is
a real weapon. This signifies you are a Di Pietro and are worthy of the blade.
Practice with it, become one with it. When the day comes, it will serve you

happened next had everyone in shock. Connor turned to Rafael, fisted his heart
and bowed his head stating, “My King.” He turned to Uri and asked, “May I?”
Urijah placed the hilt in Connor’s small hand. As he tested the weight and
balance of the weapon, he nodded. “Feels good, thank you.”  Connor carefully
placed the sword on the table and looked at Dante. “Now, about that puppy.” The
room erupted in laughter as everyone wiped their eyes.



and Kaya sat on the back deck, enjoying coffee and small talk while the men
were training. Connor, with his sword, was watching the Gargoyles, mimicking
their movements. It was Thanksgiving break at school, and Dante and Isabelle
were going to enroll him in the local elementary. Kaya said, “I’m glad I have a
few years before I have to worry about schools.” She placed her hand on her stomach.
Kaya wouldn’t be showing for a few more months, but Isabelle remembered well
the feeling of having life growing in her stomach. She had often put her hand
there, talking to Connor.

grinned, “I hate to burst your bubble, but it’ll be here before you know it. It
seems like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant. Now look at him.” Connor
was carefully swinging the sword overhead. “I want to thank you for going to
see Maria. She means a lot to Connor and to me, too. She is like a mother to me.”

don’t have to thank me, Isabelle. We are family now. I have to be honest with
you, I’m still getting used to all this. I never had a big family. It was just
me and my parents. Then when my father was killed, my mom sort of drifted away,
even though we lived in the same house. After I joined the Academy, she moved out
of town, leaving me alone. Said she couldn’t handle me being a cop. It was just
me for a long time. Until Rafael, and just like that, instant family.” Kaya’s
face lit up with the smile of a content woman.

was basically alone, too, even though I have sixteen siblings out there. Talk
about a big family. One day…” She didn’t finish her thought out loud, but one
day, she would find them all.

the men left, Isabelle and Dante took Connor to see Maria. They visited her every
day. She was doing exceptionally well and was ready to get home. Dante and
Isabelle were standing beside the bed. Isabelle placed her back to his front,
and he wrapped his arms around her waist. Connor was sitting beside Maria on
her bed telling about the latest visit by his uncles when the door opened. He
looked up and smiled. “Hello, Miss Caroline.”

tensed, and Dante squeezed her tighter in his arms. It was obvious Connor had
been around Caroline since he knew her instantly.

Connor. I came to check on your Mimi, but I see she has plenty of company. I
can come back.”

don’t go,” Maria pleaded. “Dante, will you please take Con and find me a candy
bar? I’ve suddenly got the urge for some chocolate.”

had vowed to protect Isabelle. If she said no, he would stay even though it
would hurt Maria’s feelings. She relaxed and turned in his arms. Placing her
hand on his cheek, she told him, “It’s okay. I’ve got this.” Isabelle turned
and plucked Connor off the bed. “Go with your father.” She didn’t miss the gasp
that came from Caroline.

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