Dante (Stone Society Book 3) (33 page)

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held onto Dante’s hand as they left the room. Isabelle continued looking at the
door her two men exited, putting off the conversation as long as possible.
Maria had other ideas. “Life is too short to continue with the lies. Isabelle,
I have a confession to make.” Caroline tried to interrupt, but Maria wasn’t
having it. “No, Caroline. She deserves the truth. After the harrowing few weeks
we’ve all had, I’m done with the secrets. Isabelle, my family has been serving
your father’s family for many, many years. We know all about Jonas, who he is,
what he is. While I don’t agree with your parents leaving you to be raised by
Enrico and myself, I understood why they did it. I’m not making excuses for
them or taking sides.”

couldn’t believe her ears. Maria knew?

and your mother have a lot to talk about whether you believe it or not.
Caroline, Isabelle needs to know about her siblings. It’s time she learned
about her family. All of her family. No more secrets. Isabelle, if you don’t
want me in your life now, I understand. I am no better than your parents having
kept secrets from you for so long, but know this, I love you. I have loved you
since the day you set foot in my home, and I love Connor as if he were my own
grandchild. You gave us so much when you were with us. You might not realize
how much you meant to me and Rico. Thank you.”

stepped closer to the bed and gently raised Maria’s hand. “No, thank
You were always there for me when I needed someone. Of course I still want you
in my life. Connor’s already picked out your bedroom. It’s right next to his.”
She leaned over and kissed her old friend on the cheek before turning to Caroline.

right. The least you can do is tell me about my brothers and sisters. Until my
latest ordeal in Greece, I didn’t realize just how important family is. Dante
and his family stuck by me when I thought I was alone. They had my back whether
I asked for it or not. I want to be there for my own family, but I can’t do
that if I don’t know who and where they are. So I would greatly appreciate if
you would provide a list for me.”

nodded, tears streaming down her face. “I can do that. Maybe one day you’ll
forgive me. I’ve watched over both you and Connor all these years. You didn’t
know it, but I was right there, always watching. I know I’ve lost you, but
please, don’t take Connor away from me.”

nodded, afraid to speak. For Connor’s sake, she would do her best to find
forgiveness for her parents. There was a small knock on the door, and Connor
and Dante peaked in. “I found chocolate,” Connor whispered. Isabelle couldn’t
help the laugh that escaped. Her son was something else.

on in and give Mimi her candy.” Isabelle ruffled his brown hair as he walked
by. Dante was immediately behind her, wrapping her in the safety of his arms. Caroline
looked wistfully at the three of them. She told Maria she would come back later
and quietly left the room.

is Miss Caroline so sad?” Connor asked Maria.

took the candy bar from him as she said, “She misses her family.”

can be her family,” he said to his Mimi. Leave it to a six year old.




placed her purse in her desk drawer as she did every morning. As soon as she
sat down, she noticed an envelope - a plain white envelope with only her name
written on it. The last time that happened, her world was upended. There was
something familiar about the handwriting. Unlike the other letter where her
name was written in block letters, this was a beautiful, artistic script. This
letter was from her mother.

she opened the flap and removed the contents. True to her word, Caroline had
listed the names of her brothers and sisters, as well as their last known
whereabouts. Isabelle began reading.


dearest Isabelle,


are the names of your siblings as well as their last known addresses. I’ve
listed their names as they are now. Some of the adopted parents chose to keep
their original names, though very few.

know you would prefer to speak to Tessa about this, but since she isn’t
available, I’m here should you have any questions. I’m giving you both my home
and cell phone numbers should you wish to talk.  I hope this brings you some
sense of peace. Please know I was only trying to protect you.


my love,



sat in stunned silence as she scanned quickly over the list of names. When she
could focus more clearly, she started over. There towards the middle… Surely it
was a coincidence. Or was it? Her memories from her childhood had continued to
plague her in the form of flashbacks. She picked up her phone and dialed the
number at the bottom of the letter.


it’s Isabelle. I received your letter, thank you.”

Darling. I’m really glad you call…”

me about Gabriel.” Isabelle cut her off. She needed information, and she needed
it now.

voice was sad. “He was beautiful and brilliant. You were just a baby when...”
Caroline’s voice trailed off, sniffles coming over the line.

what? Mother, I need to know.” Isabelle realized too late she called her

was walking home one day when he began his transition. Unfortunately, some of
Gordon Flanagan’s men saw what was happening and took him. We didn’t know what
had happened to him for a long time. We searched, gods did we search. And his
girlfriend, she never gave up on him.” Caroline paused to blow her nose.
Isabelle could sympathize, having gone through the last few days with her own
child missing.

day he showed up. Out of the blue, he walked into the house. We barely
recognized him. He had been beaten badly, and he was so pale. For weeks he
wouldn’t speak. He would sit in the garden with his face toward the sun, eyes
closed. Rebekah tried to reach him, but eventually he pushed her away.”

Gabriel was remembering his girlfriend, his love.

continued, “You would crawl up into his lap and sit with him. Often you would
fall asleep in his arms, and he’d just sit there, rocking you for hours. He
knew I was there, in the background watching, but he ignored me for the most
part. One day, while he was rocking you, he spoke to you, sharing his story. I’m
pretty sure he was telling me what happened in a roundabout way, but I think
the pain was too much for him to share with me. So he whispered his secrets to
a toddler, asleep in his arms.

a while he seemed to get better. You and he were inseparable. Even at night
when I’d put you in your crib, I’d often get up to check on you, and there he’d
be, sitting quietly in the dark, just watching you. Upon a hope, I contacted
Rebekah and asked her to visit with him. She agreed, but it wasn’t the happy
reunion we hoped for. Gabriel went on a rant, muttering about someone named
Vincent and how the monster stole Rebekah. To say it broke my heart is an
understatement. But poor Rebekah, that girl’s soul was shattered again. I
haven’t seen her since that day, and it’s been over thirty years. That night, I
got up to check on you, expecting Gabriel to be in your room, but he wasn’t. I
checked the house, the garden, everywhere. He was gone. I haven’t seen him

couldn’t breathe. It was true. Vincent…
… was here, in the Pen.
He had recognized her on some level, and he was here. “I have to go.” She hung
up and ran out in the hallway. She had to find Deacon. “Deacon,” she yelled,
not caring if she sounded uncivilized or not. With his shifter hearing, it
would be faster than a telephone.

took off for the door that led to the lower level.  As she rounded the corner,
Deacon was jogging her way. “Isabelle, are you all right? What is it?”

have to see Vincent. Now.” Isabelle’s heart was speeding, but she didn’t bother
slowing it. She had to see her brother.

was just on my way to take you to see him. What’s this about?” Deacon asked as
he escorted her to the solitary cells.

just need to talk to him. I’ll explain later.” Isabelle wanted to be one
hundred percent correct before she stated out loud what her heart already knew.
As she did every morning, Isabelle approached Vincent’s cell and looked in.
Today was no different than any other; he was lying on his bed, eyes closed.
She wasn’t a psychologist, and she wasn’t sure if what she was about to do
would do more harm than good, but the sister in her won out over the doctor.

it’s me, Izzy.” She placed her hand on the glass, nervous of what his response
would be. She didn’t have to wait long to find out. Gabriel flipped off his
bed, and in a couple of steps was at the door. His large hand mirrored hers as
he looked at her through the window. Tears wet his beautiful eyes.

Is it really you? I… my mind is so fucked sometimes. I remember a little girl,
and I see…Fuck!” Gabriel leaned his head against the window, closing his eyes.
“Rebekah.  Are you… do you…” Gabriel turned from the window, pacing the small

it’s really me. I just grew up. Please look at me,” she pleaded.

he turned her way, she softly said, “It is me, I promise. I don’t know where
Rebekah is. Do you want me to find her for you?” Isabelle had no idea if she
could find Gabriel’s girlfriend.
Holy crap. Rebekah has to be his mate. They
were dating, and he transitioned.

looked at his bare feet, his chest no longer heaving. He was calming himself.
For her. “No, it’s better she not see me this way. I’m not the man she fell in
love with. I’m a monster.”

heart broke for her brother. Knowing it was Gordon Flanagan who did this to him
had her seeing red. If the man weren’t already dead, she’d find him and kill
him herself.  “You are not a monster. The real monster is the man who did this
to you.  Gabriel, Gordon Flanagan is dead.”

head snapped up, surprise covering his pale face. “Good,” he whispered. “I’m
tired. I don’t want to talk anymore.” He returned to his bed, putting his back
to her. The one thing Isabelle couldn’t understand was why Gabriel would return
to the man who made him what he’d become. Maybe one day he would be able to
explain it.

knew there would be no more discussion this day, but her heart swelled with
hope. Hope that she would be able to help her brother overcome what had been
done to him so long ago. Hope that he would one day soon see the sunshine,
whether it be the orb in the sky, or the girl who still had his heart.

Wiping the tears from her face,
Isabelle turned to leave. Instead of finding Deacon, Dante was waiting quietly
for her. She didn’t hesitate to walk into his open arms, welcoming the love she
felt pouring from her mate.



walked into the kitchen of the manor with his three-year old son Deklan on his
shoulders. Thanksgiving was always a big deal at Rafael’s home, but now their
family was growing, it was important they all gather together at least once a
year. Priscilla and Maria were busy preparing food as they chatted away. The
two had grown quite close over the past five years, both having so much in

four-year old, Sebastian, was patiently sitting on the floor, playing with
Gregor’s twins, Anthony and Tabitha. When Deklan saw his cousins, he politely
asked his Da to put him down by patting him on the head. Deklan didn’t talk
much, but when he did, he articulated his words as well as a much older child.
He was well on his way to being as smart as Connor. Thinking of his oldest son,
Dante’s heart swelled with pride as it did every time he thought of the boy. At
eleven, Connor was giving Julian a run for his money in the I.Q. department.
Isabelle allowed Connor to spend time with his grandfather who was certain
Connor would surpass even his greatness in the sciences. Even if Connor hadn’t
been a genius, Dante would have loved him just as much.

took a long look around the room at his brothers, cousins, mates, family, and
all the children present. Isabelle and Kaya were both pregnant and both due in
July. Neither one was showing, but they instinctively held their stomachs,
protecting the small beings inside. Isabelle had found most of her siblings
with the help of Caroline. Their relationship was still a bit strained, but at
least Isabelle was trying to forgive her mother.

cloning the twins!” Tessa screeched at Jonas as he followed her
through the large house, trying to make her see reason. Dante glanced at Gregor
who was laughing. Tessa Stone was the most stubborn woman he’d ever seen, as
well as one of the strongest. His admiration for her had grown over the past
few years as she continuously put her own life on the line to save others. In
the two years since the twins were born, she had slowed down in the risk taking

usual, Connor had his sketchpad and pencils. He may look lost in concentration,
but he was well aware of everything going on around him. Dante didn’t understand
the deep connection he had with his adopted son, but he wouldn’t trade it for
anything. It had come in handy more than once. It wasn’t such that they could
constantly hear the other’s thoughts, and for that Dante was glad. He’d hate to
scar his son with the sordid ideas he had for Isabelle, or those she had for

was pretty sure Deklan had been conceived while they were acting out a mutual
fantasy that had to do with Dante dressed in a suit and Isabelle spread out
over the hood of the Aston Martin. Dante would never get rid of that car.

and Maria announced dinner was ready. Everyone took their places around the
table and began dishing out food, passing rolls, and generally enjoying their
time together. Kaya and Isabelle were talking about pregnancies and baby names.
Kaya and Rafael had chosen the name Stefania. Sebastian, also being gifted, had
informed his parents there was a baby girl in his Momma’s tummy, and her name
was Seven. It was cute to watch Bas talk to Kaya’s stomach, something he did

Deklan was born, Isabelle agreed Dante could name the boys they had if she
could name the girls. He already knew the babe inside her was a girl, but they
agreed not to tell anyone just yet. Isabelle said, “I was thinking about Alyssa
if we have a girl.” Dante thought it was a good name until Connor told his
mother, “You can’t.”

stopped what they were doing and looked at him. Dante asked, “Son, what’s wrong
with Alyssa?”

wrong with it, Da. It’s just we will have an Alyssa in the family one day. We
don’t need two.”  Everyone knew Connor was special; they just had no idea of
the extent of his abilities.

I even want to ask?” Isabelle asked anyway.

will be my mate.” Connor slid his chair away from the table and collected his
sketchpad. He flipped to the back and turned the pad around for everyone to see
a blonde haired little girl holding a jar containing a lizard.

lizard?” Tessa asked.

I don’t know when we will meet again, but we will. Until then, I will wait for
her.” Connor put the pad back and sat down. He looked at his mother, “Please
pass the potatoes.”

pass the potatoes she did.


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