Dare (11 page)

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Authors: Kacey Hammell

BOOK: Dare
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“We should clean up. Ahh, I am supposed to have you at Presley and Malone. Like right now. They both want to see you.”

She stepped away and grabbed up her shirt off the floor. She held it in front of her, her mind whirling. “How could you not tell me? We really didn’t have time for…”

He smirked. “After everything, they can wait, don’t you think?”

Olivia slapped his arm, turned and exited the kitchen. She needed a shower, change of clothes and time to get her thoughts in order. Leave it to a man to omit a crucial piece of information when needed.

Dare entered the bedroom behind her, his jeans on but still unbuttoned. She was immediately distracted by his bare chest and impeccable muscles. Ugh, she so didn’t have time for this. From his smirk and teasing light in his gaze, he knew exactly where her thoughts were.

“Stop looking at me like that. I mean it, Dare. You’re a handful.”

He stopped her flurry of movements before she could head to the bathroom, and hauled her close. His arms around her, he kissed her forehead.

“They’ll understand. I’ll tell them that you took a bit of extra time to convince and forgive.” He waggled his eyebrows. She giggled despite herself and tried glaring at him.

He chuckled. “Okay, so maybe I would play it a little cooler than that. But dammit, I’m happy. I’m not sure I could keep the smile off my face. It’s not my fault they’d understand what put it there.”

She relaxed against him and sighed. “I hope you’re prepared for when Candy comes back. She’s going to want to talk to you, no doubt.” 

Oh, yes. Olivia relished in the fact that Dare paled. Tit for tat. If he wanted to tease her about the bosses, she’d remind him of the fury best known as Candy.

“Christ, don’t be mean. I’m not ready for her yet. Okay, move it. If we hurry and get outta here fast, we’ll be gone by the time she comes back.”

They both laughed hard. Olivia sat on the bed and held her stomach. “Oh, you’re priceless. I think the hour she gave us is up. You can’t outrun her. She’ll just track us down.” She grabbed his hand and yanked him closer. His body fell over hers as she leaned back on the bed.

She pulled his head down and their lips met. She quickly realized she didn’t care where she had to be, who might stop by or if they were needed.  The most important place for them was right here, in one another’s arms.

Dare lifted his head and gazed down at her. His fingers played with the hair over her ears. “You know, life will never be boring for us, don’t you?”

She smiled. “Are you sure you can handle it? Me, Candy, the other girls? They mean the world to me. I hope you’ll find your place among them.”

She realized how true the words were as she spoke them. Her girls were just as important to her life as Dare would be. She hoped they all click and their worlds meshed. She really believed it would all work out. Once her girls saw how much Dare loved her, they’d welcome him with open arms. Even Candy. At least she hoped so.

“I’ll do my best. If they’re important to you, they will be to me as well.”

“Thank you.” She kissed him gently.

“Are you sure you’re ready for an adventurous life with me? To take the journey down this path that we’ve started on? I’ll do everything in my power to make every day exciting.”

“Oh, Dare. I think I can live with that. In fact, I
you to stick around and see what’s in store. It will be anything but boring.”

He tilted his head back and laughed.  Sweeping them into a wave of heat, passion and adrenaline, his lips met hers.

What began as a
had become so much more.

She’d take this Dare…any day of the week.

And God-willing, for the rest of her life.


The End







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