Dare (8 page)

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Authors: Kacey Hammell

BOOK: Dare
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His gaze met hers. Though he had tried to stand behind her—albeit weakly—doubt, anger and disappointment lingered in his eyes. How he could believe she’d betray them?

“My phone please.” Her voice wavered, but she held strong. Their fingers brushed as he handed it over. Her arm tingled, but her heart broke, knowing their time together was over.

“Actually, your phone will remain here. We’ll need it for evidence as we investigate this matter further. My partners will also want to see the proof of your actions.”

She gaped at Malone Senior, lightheaded. She now knew how criminals felt from the glares of their accusers, judge and jury. Unfortunately, she didn’t have a trial to prove her case. Innocent until proven guilty didn’t enter into things today.

She set her phone on the desk, walked across the room and exited the office. She grabbed her lunch bag and purse and moved to the elevator, then pressed the button.

“Olivia,” Dare said softly behind her.

“Save it, Darren.” She hadn’t used his full name since Sunday. That intimacy was no longer hers.

“I’ll figure this out. I promise you that.”

The elevator doors opened and stepped inside. She turned, pushed for the ground floor and gazed at him. She was grateful for the wall at her back. The solemn look in his eyes, pleading with her to understand, filled her with deep and irrevocable sadness.

He was a man of principle, honor and morals. She knew he’d stop at nothing to get to the bottom of things.

But it was too late. He wasn’t one hundred percent sure she was innocent. If he really knew her—truly cared—he’d already know the truth.

Only when the elevator doors closed did Olivia allow herself to cry.




Chapter Six


“Who needs men?” Holly squealed from her spot on Olivia’s living room floor.

She’d called Holly the moment she got home. Upon hearing the mess Olivia was in, Holly called Candy, who was currently spread out on her sofa. Both showed up on her doorstep—minus Jessica since she had to babysit her niece—bottles of vodka and OJ in hand, as well as two large tubs of Olivia’s favorite mint chocolate ice cream.

Four glasses of vodka and OJ each later, none of them felt any pain. Olivia couldn’t believe she’d drunk them all within the last three hours, but it had numbed the pain enough to keep the tears away.

“Men are pricks. Why they ever open their mouth before, after or during sex is beyond me. There should be a law that men are to only be seen and not heard,” Candy slurred.

“I thought that only applied…” Holly hiccupped. “…to children?”

“Who gives a shit? It’s a new law. Let’s call the President or whomever and get it on the books,” Candy ordered.

Olivia giggled.

“I heard that!” Holly pointed at her. “You need to laugh. Suck this bullshit about being heartbroken and let’s go to
. We’ll dare you into another round of great sex.”

“Oh, hell no.” Olivia leaned forward and grabbed the tub of melted ice cream. “I don’t need any men around me right now. Fuck that.” After scooping up a spoonful of ice cream, she put it in her mouth and savored the minty taste. “You guys got me into this mess. Don’t do me any more favors.”

“Hey, don’t blame us.” Candy sat up from the corner of the sofa, and steadied her drunk self on the coffee table in front of her. “We didn’t think you’d fall for this guy. You should have picked a stranger. Isn’t that what we said in the dare? Or something like that. I can’t remember now.  No, you fuck off and find a dude that you know, someone you’ve had an attraction to for a while.”

“Thaz right, Livs. Is not our fault,” Holly proclaimed.

“I’m sorry, you’re right, but dammit.” Olivia laid her head on the back of her La-Z-Boy. “This hurts. I can’t believe anyone would think I’d do something so devious and disgusting. Me of all people!  Do people think I’m dishonest, really?”

“Hell no! Don’t let them bastards make you doubt yourself or feel like shit. They’re a bunch of dickwads who need a boot right in the balls. They don’t know you at all.” Candy was always willing to kick asses and ask questions later.

Olivia’s throat tightened at hearing her best friends stick up for her against the injustice she’d received. She just wished Dare had believed in her as unconditionally as her girls did. Yes, he hadn’t known her long, or nearly as well. But after the time they’d spent together, the things they’d done, the ways she’d opened her body and soul to him—he should have known better.

Damn him.

Damn him for making her fall in love with him.

Tears ran down her cheeks. Her heart felt as if it had taken a beating with a sledgehammer.

“Oh, Livs, don’t cry.” Candy and Holly surrounded her, holding her close.

When no more tears showed, Olivia took a deep breath. She kissed each of her friends’ heads. She was stronger than this. The tears had come, harder than she thought, but she’d survive.

Dare had made her no promises. She was responsible for her own feelings. She needed to find out who had framed her. Once she uncovered that, both Dare and Malone Senior owed her apologies. A lot of them.

Hell, maybe some flowers, too.

“I can’t sit here and pity-party it any longer. I have to find out who’s behind all this.”

“Yes, we’ll help you,” Candy said adamantly.

“No, no. I don’t need you getting into any trouble because of me.” Olivia held up her hand before they interrupted. “No, end of discussion. I’ll do this on my own.”  She stood, her legs weak and shaky.

“Maybe you should do that tomorrow, Agatha Christie. Sleuthing at this time of night, and after consuming alcohol, might not be a good idea.” Candy held onto her bicep to keep them both upright.

Olivia peered at the mantel clock, surprised to see that it was nearly midnight. The afternoon had flown by once the girls—and alcohol—arrived.

“Yes, a good night’s sleep might help.” She made her way to the hall on her own, using the walls for support. “Both of you make use of the spare room. The futons are always ready, so goodnight.”

“Everything will be better in the morning, Liv,” Holly said softly, eyes sleepy as she made her way down the hall.

“Both of you to bed, I’ll lock up and be right behind you,” Candy ordered.

Olivia wanted to believe what Holly said was true but she didn’t believe in fairytales any more. She was in some deep shit and had to find a way out of this mess.

Dare would have been the one person she’d turn to in order to clear her name. Why couldn’t he believe her?

She closed her bedroom door, crawled up the bed and fell into a heap on her stomach.

Dare’s face, eyes disappointed, was the last thing she saw before her body relaxed and sleep claimed her.



Dare knocked on Olivia’s condo door. He wasn’t sure how to make things right with her but he had to try.

He hadn’t really believed she’d betrayed Presley and Malone, and ultimately him, but the evidence was overwhelming. He had to struggle with his part in everything. She’d left the office the day before thinking he believed she’d betrayed them one hundred percent.

If anything, he’d been ninety percent sure of her innocence but couldn’t make heads or tails of the rest. It all happened so fast, it took a while for his head to stop spinning. Someone had used her to leak information. He’d needed time to find out who and why. To say he was surprised at what he uncovered was an understatement.

He knocked again, a little harder this time, and waited. He hoped she wasn’t looking through a window or peephole and refusing to the open the door. He could understand her reasoning, though. Nothing like the man you’d spent hours with—opening up and exploring one another repeatedly from head to toe—believing you’re a dishonest and unethical person.

He had to hold out hope she’d at least listen to him.

He heard footfalls on the other side of the door, stood straighter and braced himself for what lay ahead.

Please, Livvy, let me back in.

The door swung open. Dare was taken aback by the attractive woman on the other side.

Her blonde hair was mussed as if she’d spent the last twenty-four hours in the throes of passion, her barely there t-shirt covered her assets and hung off one shoulder. She was positively gorgeous. Her large breasts were more than a handful, and many men would love to find out just how much of one.

While he could appreciate her beauty, she did nothing for his libido. Olivia was the only woman who made him think of endless nights, rolling naked in bed, on the floor or wherever, and dying in her arms.  Plus the fire in this woman’s eyes was enough to kill a man.

“Who the hell are you?” she demanded.

“Who are you? I’m here to see Olivia.” He took a step forward, only to find himself pressed against this woman, whose height barely cleared his jawline. He looked down. Her sky-blue eyes fired daggers at him.  He didn’t really want to do battle with this woman but would if need be.

He remembered Livvy mention a few of her friends during their time together—when they had come up for air and talked—and searched his mind for the names.

Liv’s description of a tough-as-nails and goddess-like beauty filled his mind. She was a model with a stupid name.


No, Candy. What kind of parents named their daughter such a ridiculous name? It made him think of cotton candy and bubble-headed cheerleaders from high school.

He stepped back a little and exhaled. “You must be Candy. Livvy told me a lot about you.”

Hands on her hips, she scrutinized him up and down. Her gaze lingered over the crotch of his jeans and made him want to cover himself, but the smartass smirk on her face had him standing his ground.

He’d be damned if he’d be intimidated by this little bit of a woman who he suspected had a bigger bark than bite. At least he hoped so.

“Where’s Olivia?”  He crossed the threshold of the condo, not caring that his broad shoulder bumped hers a little harder than was his normal practice around women. He needed to see Olivia and no watchdog would deny him access.

“Ahh, you must be the douche, Darren. Or should I say,
?” She slammed the door behind her. “Your friends must not like you much to give you such an idiotic name.”

Dare followed her into the living room, grinning.  What a little spitfire. “You know, that’s kinda calling the kettle black, isn’t it? I mean, how does someone get over the fact that her own parents had issues by giving her a name like Candy?  Makes one stop and think, doesn’t it?”

A wave of pride washed over him when her eyes lit with fire and brimstone. She gave as good as she got; so did he. If his relationship with Olivia progressed as he hoped, this woman needed to know the ground rules. He didn’t take kindly to anyone telling him what to do or interfering in his life. And he wouldn’t tolerate any of Olivia’s friends getting between them.

“My, my, Olivia mentioned you were the strong, domineering type—obviously in a delicious kind of way—but I’m still impressed.”

“I’m sure you are.” He chuckled and gave her a respectful nod. “I doubt many men stand toe-to-toe with you often. You’re definitely one woman that any man wouldn’t want to get into a battle with.”

Satisfaction filled her gaze. “Yes, well, you’ll do well to remember that. Now, what the hell are you doing here? Don’t you think you’ve done enough damage?”

Dare gaped at her then his gaze quickly swept the room. He eyed the empty bottles of vodka and orange juice, as well as the puddle of—whatever the hell that green slop was—and understanding dawned.

“Drank a bit too much, did you, ladies?”  He moved toward the kitchen after picking up a few bottles, needing something to do with himself until Olivia surfaced. He didn’t want to face her after she’d spent a long night of drinking and probably suffering with a hangover. He wanted her completely present and accounted for when they talked.

“That’s none of your damn business. Gimme those.” Candy snatched the bottles from his hands and put them carefully in the sink.  He would have laughed if he thought she wouldn’t slug him for it.

“Olivia isn’t going to be in the mood to see you today. Or any day for that matter. Why don’t you just cut your losses and go back to those weasels you work for?  We’ll take care of her from here. Just like always.”

Her smoldering gaze burned into his. He had no doubt she would take care of Olivia, but it was time that someone else managed the job from here.

“Cut my losses?  I don’t know what Livvy told you about me, but there’s one thing you need to understand. I do not plan on going anywhere.”

Candy laughed, then quickly sobered and put a finger to her temple. He hoped the pain in her head was as bad as the pain in the ass she was being for him.

“You’ve all hurt her enough. What kind of fuckin’ idiots are you people up in that tower of law offices, anyway? To think that she would betray any of you, feed your opponents information, you have to be bigger than idiots. Fuckers have lost your minds.”  Candy turned her back on him and tugged the percolator close.

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