Dark and Damaged: Eight Tortured Heroes of Paranormal Romance: Paranormal Romance Boxed Set (79 page)

BOOK: Dark and Damaged: Eight Tortured Heroes of Paranormal Romance: Paranormal Romance Boxed Set
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“They serve you and you’re lenient on them… although, I imagine some get hit by the pointy end of your temper.”

His face darkened and he growled through his fangs. Nina smiled at him. She was getting to know him now. He wouldn’t hurt her. All he could do right now was growl, huff and attempt to scare her, and she found it amusing and endearing in a way. He wanted to be the monster he had painted himself as, the one she was meant to see him as because of all the stories people told about him, but all she could see was a man that loved her and was hurting because he feared she would leave.

“You don’t punish the angels as you were punished.” Another step.

He rose to his full height and glared down at her, his black wings stretched wide, spanning the room and fluttering like smoke.

“It does not change anything,” he said, his tone gruff and dark.

Nina shook her head. “It changes everything. You changed everything. You said that yourself. You seized power and changed things here. You might have embraced the darkness, but it doesn’t rule you, Lucifer. I’ve seen the good in you. You’re not heartless.”

His shoulders dipped and his handsome face softened, the red in his eyes fading.

“I am,” he whispered, raised his hand towards her as his eyebrows furrowed and swept his fingers downwards through the air, as if stroking her cheek. “I was heartless from the moment I met you. You stole it from me.”

Nina’s lips curved into a soft smile and she stepped close enough to him that he could touch her cheek as he clearly needed to. He brushed his fingers across it as she continued walking, his head dipping to keep his eyes locked on hers.

She pressed her hand to his black breastplate, tilted her head back and smiled up at him. “You have a heart.”

He opened his mouth and she lifted her right hand and pressed her finger to his lips to silence him.

“You have my heart.”

Warmth flooded his golden eyes and she heated inside, feeling light as he gathered her into his arms and pressed a kiss to her fingertip.

“You are not lying,” he whispered against it and she was tempted to chastise him for still wanting to doubt her, but she let it go instead.

She could understand why he couldn’t accept the heart she was offering him, her love and devotion, and that it was going to take him time to overcome the doubts that lived within him, born of his position and his past.

She would give him that time and she would make him understand. She would keep showing him that she loved him and wanted to be with him. She would show him every day that her feelings for him were true, until the day that he believed her, and beyond.

She would never stop showing him.

Nina slid her arms around his neck, locked her hands behind his head, and tiptoed as she lured him down to her.

She pressed her lips to his and he tensed, going still for a heartbeat before he responded. He curled his arms around her back, grabbed her bottom, and raised her up him. His mouth claimed hers, the ferocity of his kiss melting her and tearing a moan from her lips.

He pulled back from her, his golden eyes searching hers, flooded with hope and affection that brought a smile to her lips and only made her want to kiss him again.

She placed her hands against his cheeks, held his gaze, and lost herself in it.

She wasn’t afraid of him or what she was doing. She felt certain that this was where she belonged, that this was her destiny, and that she would be happiest here. She wanted no part of Lucifer’s duties, but she understood that he had to carry them out. He was part of the balance in the world.

A world that she was going to bring a child into with him.

It still sounded crazy to her.

But it was the best sort of crazy and she wouldn’t change it.

“You’re going to be a wonderful father,” she whispered and his expression softened, bringing a smile back onto her lips.

He began to smile but it wavered, and a trace of fear entered his eyes. She shook her head but it didn’t stop that fear from taking root and spreading. Nina smoothed her palms over his cheeks and stroked his black hair, needing to soothe him. She didn’t want to think about what might happen. She wanted the next nine months with him to be heaven, not spent living in fear.

“You’ll never let anything bad happen to me.” She ran her fingers through his hair, sure of that in her heart.

Resolve vanquished the fear in his eyes. “And what makes you say that, Little Mortal?”

“Because you
me.” Nina was beginning to think that meeting Erin had unleashed her playful side, the one that had been dormant for nearly a decade, because she couldn’t stop teasing him now that she knew he responded to it so wonderfully.

He stared at her in silence. “Like?”

She nodded. He frowned and turned with her, walking towards the four-poster bed.

“I do not think like is the right word.” A flicker of mischief shone in his eyes and she had to force herself not to smile as the heavy air in the room lifted, becoming lighter and warmer with each step he took and each inch further he relaxed.

“Oh, it isn’t?” She wrinkled her nose up and wrapped her legs around his waist. “Adore then. You adore me.”

He shook his head, set one knee down on the bed and laid her down on it. He braced his hands on either side of her shoulders, his gaze tender as he looked down at her.

“I believe the word you are looking for is love.” He went to dip his head to kiss her.

Nina pressed her palms to his chest. “Love?”

He nodded, his golden eyes sincere and filled with that emotion. “I love you.”

It was her turn to stare at him. She hadn’t actually thought he would come out and say it.

He grinned wickedly, dropped his head and kissed her hard.

Nina moaned into his mouth, arched her body up to press into his, and pulled him down against her. He groaned and rolled with her, bringing her up on top of him, and her eyes widened as cool air washed over her.

She was naked.

She pressed her hands to his chest.

His bare chest.

Heat spread through her, turning her blood to fire as only he could and making her burn for him. She had the feeling that there were some powers he had that she would come to love.

The ability to make clothing disappear being top of that list.

She leaned into him and kissed him as he wrapped his arms around her, clutching her to him in a way that said that now he had her he was never going to let her go. She held on to him, showing him that she wasn’t going anywhere. She was staying right here with him.

Because he was her home.

And she knew that she was his.

Fate had made their paths cross and they walked a new one now, towards a future they both wanted with all of their hearts.

The End



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Her Sinful Angel
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Dark and Damaged
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Felicity Heaton is a
New York Times
USA Today
best-selling author who writes passionate paranormal romance books. In her books, she creates detailed worlds, twisting plots, mind-blowing action, intense emotion and heart-stopping romances with leading men that vary from dark deadly vampires to sexy shape-shifters and wicked werewolves, to sinful angels and hot demons!

If you're a fan of paranormal romance authors Lara Adrian, J R Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Gena Showalter, Larissa Ione and Christine Feehan then you will enjoy her books too.

If you love your angels a little dark and wicked, her best-selling Her Angel romance series is for you. If you like strong, powerful, and dark vampires then try the Vampires Realm romance series or any of her stand alone vampire romance books. If you’re looking for vampire romances that are sinful, passionate and erotic then try her Vampire Erotic Theatre romance series. Or if you like hot-blooded alpha heroes who will let nothing stand in the way of them claiming their destined woman then try her new Eternal Mates series. It’s packed with sexy heroes in a world populated by elves, vampires, fae, demons, shifters, and more.


Sign up to Felicity's mailing list to learn about new titles, be eligible for special subscriber-only giveaways, and read exclusive content:


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Or discover more of her books in Kindle at:





Eternal Mates Romance Series

Book 1: Kissed by a Dark Prince

Book 2: Claimed by a Demon King

Book 3: Tempted by a Rogue Prince

Book 4: Hunted by a Jaguar

Book 5: Craved by an Alpha

Book 6: Bitten by a Hellcat

Book 7: Taken by a Dragon



Vampire Erotic Theatre Romance Series

Book 1: Covet - FREE

Book 2: Crave

Book 3: Seduce

Book 4: Enslave

Book 5: Bewitch

Book 6: Unleash



Her Angel Romance Series

Book 1: Her Dark Angel - FREE

Book 2: Her Fallen Angel

Book 3: Her Warrior Angel

Book 4: Her Guardian Angel

Book 5: Her Demonic Angel

Book 6: Her Wicked Angel

Book 7: Her Avenging Angel

Book 8: Her Sinful Angel



Vampires Realm Romance Series

Book 1: Prophecy: Child of Light - FREE

Book 2: Prophecy: Caelestis & Aurorea

Book 3: Prophecy: Dark Moon Rising

Book 3.1: Spellbound

Book 3.5: Reunion

Book 4: Seventh Circle

Book 5: Winter's Kiss

Book 6: Hunter's Moon

Book 7: Masquerade

Book 8: Hunger

Books 1-3 are also available in one anthology ebook: Prophecy Trilogy



In Heat Romance Series

Book 1: In Heat

Book 2: In Heat: Mating Call



Stand alone paranormal romance books

Blood and Snow

Love Immortal


Forbidden Blood

Heart of Darkness

Vampire for Christmas - FREE

The Resurrection of Sam Sloan
by Erin Quinn

When a reaper is trapped in Maggie’s estranged husband’s body, she knows only that the man with her husband’s eyes feels like a stranger... a compelling, seductive stranger who touches her in ways her treacherous husband never could. She wants to trust him, but what about the ghost who haunts their home, implicating him in a gruesome murder...


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

About the Author

Other Books by Erin Quinn


The Reaper tucked himself in shadow at the back of the room, waiting. It wouldn’t be long. Already the rattle of death chased the breath from the body of the man in the bed. Already the grim shade of
leached the life from his pallor. Sadly, he wouldn’t regain consciousness before it was time to take him.

Unconsciousness stole the thrill from the reaping.

In the past few hours, nurses and the occasional doctor had bustled in and out of the room, checking vitals, offering sympathetic smiles to the woman sitting on the chair beside him. The soon-to-be widow.

A pretty thing, she stared at her dying husband with glazed eyes. No weeping; no rejoicing. The Reaper had seen both in equal measures from other widows, but this one seemed to fall somewhere in the middle. Not yet ravaged by grief; far from elated to be free of him.

She leaned back and stretched, groaning wearily as her strained joints creaked and her reluctant muscles gave way. Her shirt pulled tight over her breasts, the hem rising to flash a strip of pale flesh at her belly. Both drew his attention, until an exhausted sound pulled his gaze to her full lips, opened on a yawn. Her teeth were small and white, her tongue pink.

BOOK: Dark and Damaged: Eight Tortured Heroes of Paranormal Romance: Paranormal Romance Boxed Set
3.77Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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