Dark Blood (17 page)

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Authors: Christine Feehan

BOOK: Dark Blood
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He began to lap at her like the hungry wolf he was, stealing every bit of cinnamon honey he could pull from her body. His hands were hard, holding her thighs apart, holding her hips still as he indulged his whim of devouring her. Her cries rose to a crescendo, but he didn’t stop. Her fist yanked at his hair, but his mouth was merciless. The fire built and built, raged and roared, but he refused to stop, taking her to the edge of some dark precipice, but never quite letting her fall over.

When she was certain she would go mad with need, when her pleas rang through the glowing mist, he took her to the soft grass, his clothes gone. He looked absolutely intimidating kneeling over her. She could barely breathe, barely think, her head tossing back and forth, her hips writhing and bucking.

He stroked her center with one long finger. Her body arched, her mouth opening in a silent scream. “I love how responsive you are, but hold still. I don’t want to lose all control until I know you’re ready for me.”

She was ready? Was he crazy? How much readier could she get? If he didn’t do something soon she was going to spontaneously combust.

This time he stroked a finger inside of her, sinking deep while her muscles clamped around him tightly. His breath hissed out. “So hot. That’s right,
mon chaton féroce
. Burn for me.”

How could she not? Only he could put out the fire he’d started and he wasn’t cooperating. A small sobbing gasp escaped as a second finger sank with the first, stretching her. Again the bite of pain added to the electrical charges streaking through her bloodstream, finding every bundle of nerves in her body and igniting them.

She whimpered when he removed his fingers, but a heartbeat later, they were back . . . Not his fingers this time. Her heart pounded as he began to push inside of her. He held her legs straight up into the air, kneeling between her thighs so her legs were spread wide, to more easily accommodate his invasion. He was unyielding as he entered her, not slowing, but a patient steady pressure, forcing her body to accept his. Her muscles fought him, but gave way as he continued that ceaseless forward pressure until he lodged against a barrier.

Zev gasped. Swore. “You’re so damned tight and hot.” He managed to get the words out between clenched teeth. He had to fight to keep from losing control. He needed another minute and she
to stay still. Her sheath was heaven, fiery silk, alive and scorching hot, surrounding him, gripping him tightly and stealing all discipline. He didn’t want to hurt her and ruin this moment for both of them.

Branislava was senseless, writhing under him, trying to force him into her, her body desperate for his. He brought his hand down hard on her buttocks. Her eyes flew open, her gaze widening. Around his cock, hot liquid spilled out, enfolding him. Her nerve endings were wired for pleasure and everything he did seemed to add to it.

“Hold still,” he snarled, baring his teeth at her in warning.

She gasped and tried to obey. He didn’t wait for her to lose control again, he surged forward, driving deep, claiming her body for himself. He was a large man and he knew it would take her body a little bit of time and effort to fully accommodate him. He lodged against her womb, watching her for signs of discomfort.

Branislava’s eyes pleaded with him as her head tossed back and forth. Yanking her legs over his shoulders, spreading her even wider, he let his wolf loose. He began to surge into her, thrusting hard, over and over, setting a relentless, merciless rhythm. Each stroke sent flames burning hotter, her sheath winding tighter, or maybe his cock swelled even more, but the friction bordered on ecstasy.

He wanted more, always more, driving deeper, until at times he feared he might lodge in her stomach, but the pleasure engulfed him, wrapping him in her fire. He had known all along she would be like this, hot and wild, her passion a match for his. He was rough with her, and she answered with pleas for more, wanting, like him, to burn in that inferno.

Around them, spreading out from beneath her, the ground began to glow as if their wild joining drew the magma deep from beneath the earth itself. Tiny tongues of red and gold licked at the grass surrounding them, but he couldn’t have stopped if his life depended on it. His breathing became harsh, and his lungs burned for air. The cooling mist settled over his body like a thousand tongues as around him the world seemed to erupt into flames.

He felt his body swell, lock into hers, holding her while she gripped him with scorching tight muscles. Somewhere in his toes, it started, that fireball of sheer bliss, rising like a firestorm, crashing through his body, overtaking him before he could catch his breath.

He let his head fall back as she milked him, drawing his seed out in long, rocketing spurts while her orgasm roared through her, tearing through her core in vicious waves that ripped through her stomach to her breasts.

He felt every strong convulsion of the rippling walls around his cock, the waves of fire engulfing her, consuming him, burning them both clean. She lay, panting, staring up at him with shocked, emerald eyes, the sparks in her hair subsiding. He watched her with those same hungry eyes, holding her body locked to his, refusing to let her go yet.

She made no move to try to roll away from him, but lay there, her legs over his shoulder, her breasts heaving, the combined scent of them permeating the air. She was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen in his life. Her eyes were just a little dazed, her lips parted and her body flushed with a soft glow, much like the surrounding mist.

“Do you know what you are?” he asked.

She shook her head, still fighting for her breath.

He loved the way her breasts rose and fell with her struggle. “Perfect. You’re perfect. There could be no other woman for me. Only you. I don’t think you ever have to worry about satisfying my appetites.”

She reached out to touch the small inch of his heated flesh where they joined, the only part of him that wasn’t still inside of her. “I want to please you, Zev.” Her fingers danced over his hard, velvety shaft, almost reverently.

Just her gentle touch set his cock jerking in anticipation. “Have no doubts that you do . . . and you will. I’m a man who will always let you know, firmly, what I want or need. I’ll expect the same from you. If you’re ever afraid of anything I ask you to do, just tell me and we’ll work it out. Don’t just say no and refuse me. That’s important to me, Branka. I want you to trust me enough to talk to me about anything that frightens you.”

“I didn’t know fear could be so sexy,” she whispered. “The not knowing added to the excitement.”

“And you, woman, are as hot as hell. Or heaven. Is heaven hot?” He flashed her a grin. “Even the mist glowed for us.”

Branislava looked around her as the colors in the mist began to fade. “That might be a cool effect, but honestly, do we want the neighbors knowing every time we make love?”

Zev laughed. “We nearly burned down the forest. We might be banned from the neighborhood.”

Very gently, he rubbed her calf and then her thigh, his fingers moving up to massage her buttocks before he placed her foot back on the ground. He did the same with the other. His gaze moved over her body, and his smile faded to a frown. “Did I hurt you, Branka?”

“No, of course not. If you hurt me, you’d be fried in a few places that really matter to you. I’m a woman who believes in retaliation, remember?”

He leaned forward and another aftershock sent her tight muscles strangling his cock, so that his breath caught in his lungs. He placed both hands on her flat belly, fingers splayed wide to take in as much skin as he could.

“I love that little trait in you.”

Her green eyes smoldered with her hidden fire. She still burned hot and it was difficult for her to conceal her true self behind her cool façade. He loved that quality in her as well, all that fire contained in her slender body just waiting for the right moment to ignite.

His body slowly began to relax and he allowed himself to slip from inside of her, that secret haven he would always be addicted to. Sitting back, he let his gaze drift possessively over her. Surrounded by the mist and trees, they remained quiet together, just the two of them, carving out a small moment for themselves there in the night.

Branislava was the first to move. She knew Zev would never hurry her, or push her to return to the others and face whatever horror she had discovered that had sent her running into the night. She used his shoulder to draw herself up beside him. Immediately he wrapped his arm around her hips, holding her to him.

Her heart gave a little lurch and began to beat faster. It surprised her that Zev could do that to her—that anyone could. The moment he touched her, her body reacted with need and hunger. She hadn’t known just how intense physical attraction could be until he had come into her life. Her wolf. She looked down into his eyes and again her heart stuttered.

He focused wholly on her, a predator targeting his prey, looking as if he might devour her all over again.

“I’ve got to clean myself up,” she said softly, regretfully. She enjoyed standing there, his seed running down her thighs while his hands massaged her buttocks.

“I like you just the way you are,” he objected.

She laughed. “You would, but I think we should behave ourselves and go back to our guests. They are, after all, sitting on our verandah wondering what happened to us.”

“We lit up for the forest. I doubt they can’t figure it out.”

Color and heat infused her body but she shrugged delicately. “Still, we have company.”

“You’re always going to insist I be civilized, aren’t you?” His fingers stole up her thighs, taking her breath.

Branislava’s fingers anchored in his thick hair. He leaned into her and bit her left buttock and then her outer thigh, making her yelp, flooding her body once more with hot, welcoming liquid. As his teeth teased her, his fingers moved inside of her, pressing deep, exploring her heat all over again.

She was already so sensitive just that intrusion sent her body reeling again. She gasped, air exploding out of her lungs, her mind melting as he found the small spot that made her crazy with need.

“What are you doing? We have a duty . . .”

“Your only duty is to please me,” he murmured. “Straddle me.”

She shook her head, but complied, placing one foot on either side of his legs. He caught her hips and urged her down right over the top of him, so that she was crouched just above his lap. Her eyes stared into his.

“That’s my duty? To please you?” she echoed, amusement warring with her rising sensuality. She loved the feel of his hands, the look in his eyes. Already she could feel the heat of his thick erection pressing at her dripping entrance.

duty,” he emphasized.

His hair was thick, a wolf’s pelt, long and falling around him. His chest was heavy with defined muscle, his face carved and beautifully masculine. She loved the look of him, the strength of him and the stamp of absolute authority he wore so easily.

“Well then, if that’s my
duty, I’d better be excellent at it,” she replied, and sank down right over him, completely sheathing him, watching the way his hooded eyes went completely wolf.

He filled her, stretching her all over again, insisting her tight muscles give way for his intrusion. She seated herself on his lap, adjusting first one way and then the other, pleased to see the breath hiss out of him each time she made a small movement.

“I’m not certain how best to please you,” she murmured, lifting her hips slowly and then riding him down even more slowly. “Like this? Does this do anything for your pleasure, sir?”

His fingers dug into her hips, but he let her take control. “I think you’re on the right track.”

Her eyebrow went up. “You think? Hmmm, perhaps you’d like this better?” She rose again, her hands on his shoulders to steady herself as she slowly made little circles with her hips, her muscles tightening, clamping down as she spiraled down, increasing the friction on his sensitive shaft.

He swallowed, the breath slamming out of his lungs in a long groan of sheer pleasure. “That’s it, that’s what I want, but a little faster.” His hands guided her into a faster rhythm. His voice turned hoarse and raw. “A little harder.”

Branislava laughed softly, throwing her head back, letting the fiery sensations take her. She rose again, riding him now, a harder, faster rhythm, just as he preferred.

“This is where you belong,” he declared. “Me, inside of you. You surrounding me. Locked together just like this.”

She felt like she belonged. She loved the way his body impaled hers, stretching her so deliciously, just skimming that edge of pain, but not quite, just sheer pleasure streaking through her body with every stroke.

He began to move her body with his enormous strength as his breath hissed out of his lungs, his hands urgent and hard, bringing her body up and down so that her ride was blissfully wild. Branislava closed her eyes, and let her head fall back, let his harsh pace consume her, take her to another realm, where there was only the two of them. Only

There was a sense of total belonging, not imprisonment. She craved him, desired him and even needed him, but there was such an awareness of freedom. He made her feel as if she could soar through the skies unfettered, at any time. He made her feel beautiful and sexy. He made her feel no other woman would ever do for him—only her.

His body moved in hers and a surge of electricity charged through her so that every nerve ending burst into life. Her world narrowed until there was only Zev and the way they fit together, the way he moved like a piston, the hard pace that sent streaks of fire rushing through her bloodstream and centering in her deepest core.

Zev urged her into a wilder, faster pace, his hands hard on her hips, as he thrust into her over and over. She rode him with abandon, floating in a dream world of pure feeling. Once again the ground beneath them heated as if the combination of the two of them drew magma up from the very depths. Her skin grew hot, as did his, and around them the mist glowed that strange red orange.

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