Dark Matter (6 page)

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Authors: Christie Rich

Tags: #Romance, #Teen & Young Adult, #Paranormal, #paranormal romance ya romance fantasy, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Dark Matter
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She smiled impishly, lower the choker
to the table.

She pulled up her tangle of hair, and I
moved behind her glad to be able to help in some way. I gave her a
teasing look in the mirror as I dipped the pendant lower against
her breasts before I fastened the clasp.

She mock-glared at me in the mirror.
“Oh, like you’d be any different if Zach was here for you to

I felt the blood drain from my face. My
taunting smile fizzled. Missing Zach and Luke was the least of my
worries. A few days ago I had been so caught up in which of them I
would choose that I hadn’t considered I might never get that

She whirled around, her dress swishing
after her. “I’m sorry,” she said softly. “I can be the biggest
idiot sometimes. I didn’t mean to make you think about him. Maybe
he’ll surprise you? Stranger things have happened.”




Chapter Four



I shrugged before I walked to the door.
There was no point in putting this off any longer. The sooner I
faced the royals tonight, the sooner I could come back up here and
cry myself to sleep. Zach wouldn’t be coming. Luke wouldn’t walk
through the doors with an everlasting smirk on his face.

They were in trouble. I felt it in my
blood. I had to find a way out of here.

When I opened the door, Finn stood at
the ready with his hand poised to knock. He barely glanced at me as
he reached for Cassie. He was elegantly dressed in an ornate
costume of gold, sapphire and silver. I was sure he was supposed to
be Belisama’s counterpart, but I didn’t want to spoil their moment
to clarify. They looked good together.

Just when I thought I would be going
stag tonight, Heath rounded the corner. He was dressed in brown
leather pants and boots that went to his knees. His loose fitting
shirt was open to his navel, highlighting just how sculpted his
body was. And he wore a bandana around his head, his long hair
pulled back into a queue. He walked toward me, smiling. His mask
only intensified the depth of his eyes. Without a word, he held a
hand out toward me. I slipped my fingers through his and waited for
him to walk forward, trying to ignore the way my heart raced from
his touch.

I reminded myself that nearly all lords
affected me this way. Some were just worse than others. It hadn’t
escaped my notice that he currently led the pack in that

His voice was smooth as honey. “You are
stunning as usual, Rayla, but you look extraordinarily exquisite
tonight. I am honored to be your escort.”

I cleared my suddenly parched throat.
“Thank you.”

Cassie took Finn’s arm, giving me a
slow smile. As she passed, she waggled her eyebrows at me. I gave
her the brightest smile I could manage; however, I still thought we
might be making a mistake. Finn showing up to the ball with her
instead of me would be a slap in the face to the Ignisian council,
and I wondered what repercussions we would have to face for it. As
long as they believed he had the desire to bond with me, even if it
was unwanted, I figured they would let him see it through. I was
worried they would be insulted and remove him as champion
immediately. Maybe he and Heath had planned such a thing

We walked down the sconce lined
corridor in relative silence. The only sound was the sharp rap of
our shoes clicking on stone. The bright glow of the lights did
little to uplift my mood.

Heath ran a thumb over my wrist
igniting my awareness of him to a slow burn. I glanced sharply at
him. He peered down at me through hooded eyes. Touching him was
making it hard to concentrate on anything, even walking.

When I nearly tripped over a high spot
on the floor, he tightened his grip on my arm, glancing down at me.
“Something wrong?” He appeared genuinely concerned. “You seem a bit
more nervous than usual.”

I bit my lip not liking that he could
read me so well. “Do I? I hadn’t noticed.”

He gave me a soft expression that
looked out of place on him. “You needn’t worry. I have been
assigned to look after you tonight.”

I stopped and stared at him having been
stunned into silence. When I finally found composure, I said
evenly, “Is that meant to reassure me?” I squeezed his fingers.
“Tell me this one thing so I’ll know where to park myself
later—whose job is it to keep you in line?”

He laughed, running a finger down my
bare arm. “There are none strong enough to manage such a feat. It
is why I received this assignment in the first place.”

I glanced down the hall at Finn, but
Heath blocked my view. His gaze claimed mine as he shook his head.
“Not even him.”

I swallowed hard trying my best to come
up with a distraction. “Your costume is fitting.” I thought back to
Cassie’s words earlier. I had been sure she was right about Finn
being stronger than Heath, but now my certainty was wavering. The
longer I was around him the more he affected me. I jutted my chin
out a little higher. “What arrogant scoundrel are you trying to
impersonate tonight, anyway?”

He stepped closer, his expression
intense like a pirate about to board a hostile ship. I hoped he
couldn’t see the vein on my throat pounding a staccato beat in
response. I’d be a goner if he did. He cupped my jaw, tilting my
chin a bit higher in a blatant show of mockery. “Make no mistake. I
am never anything other than myself, Rayla.”

Why was I finding it so difficult to
concentrate around him? I had a pithy retort waiting somewhere in
the back of my brain to shoot at him, but it was impossible to
retrieve with him hovering over me like he was.

He bent dangerously close to my
earlobe. I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down. With more
effort than it should have taken, I swallowed a deep breath and
held it to keep his scent from flooding my senses.

His voice was barley a whisper but it
penetrated me to the core. “Don’t you dare put another man’s name
to the image that haunts your thoughts.” Before I could move, his
warm lips brushed my skin, lingering there. The heightened sound of
his breath sent a shiver rippling through me. The silence stretched
until I thought I would scream. He moved slightly closer which
thankfully snapped me out of my trance.

Why wasn’t I stronger than this? I
wrenched out of his grasp, my chest heaving to get enough

He straightened to his full height, his
eyes skimming over me. A bored expression lingered on his mouth. I
was not about to take his outstretched hand. Instead, I hastened my
step. Finn and Cassie were nearly out of sight. Had they even
noticed we weren’t behind them anymore? Heath chuckled lightly when
I tried but failed to stay ahead of him.

Something funny?” Finn
turned and asked.

Heath became instantly sober. “I was
only thinking of the response Rayla might have to the festivities
planned for later, brother.”

What festivities?” I asked,
looking back and forth between the two of them. There seemed to be
a conspiratorial glance shared, but I might have been imagining

Heath cocked his head smugly, raising
his dark eyebrows. “Nothing more than the dancing, drinking,
brawling, and inappropriate entertainment that usually occurs in
that order at events such as this.”

For whatever reason, I had assumed this
was a special occasion, but he was making it out to be rather
ordinary. “Is there anything else planned that you haven’t already
mentioned?” I didn’t have a good feeling about this.

The smile left his face. He stared at
me for what seemed like hours.

From his expression and the way he
studied me, I couldn’t quite determine if he was astonished I had
caught his double entendre or if he was imagining me naked. I
didn’t like either alternative.

He laughed then, loud and boisterous.
His smile brought out a softness in his features that I hadn’t
glimpsed before. “You really aren’t like any Elemental I have ever

I’d heard that one already, and I was
getting sick of it. No one would tell me how I was different than
other Elementals. Although, to be fair, if they all acted like
Jessica had before bonding, I could see why he would think me
different. She had been so focused on Taylor, she probably wouldn’t
have cared if her hair was on fire if it meant she could be near
him. “You didn’t answer my question.”

Beautiful and observant.”
Heath glanced over at Finn. “I don’t know how you can resist such a
temptation. I’m unsure whether to admire you for your efforts or
think you the biggest fool alive.”

Finn didn’t respond. Cassie went red,
glaring at Heath for all she was worth. She looked at me for help,
and I joined in the effort.

Heath just ignored us, so I decided to
make my thoughts known. “You imply, my lord.” I spat the term at
him. “That all Elementals are born without brains. I highly doubt
that could be the case, given a whole compound of them managed to
escape fae notice for decades if not centuries.” Luke would have
been proud of me. I had used my imperious voice.

Finn busted up laughing and so did
Cassie. Heath smiled, as well, but there was no light behind

He bowed low before me. “Forgive me for
implying such a thing, my lady. I intended no insult. In fact, I
was paying you the highest compliment I have ever given to one of
your kind.” He was completely serious.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “If that’s
true, you need to work on your manners.” I huffed away, but he
quickly caught up to me.

He reached around me and grabbed both
my wrists, halting me. My breath stalled in my throat out of shock.
I glared at him, intent on not allowing him to affect me in any
way. I only wished it was working.

He cocked a smile at me. “Please,
forgive me for offending you, Rayla. I promise to behave myself
tonight.” To my utter disbelief, he had the nerve to wink at

My mouth fell open slightly. I couldn’t
believe he was actually saying it. “So you admit that you have been
trying to compel me when it is not your place to do so?”

He smirked wickedly. “If that were only
true, my little one, you might be able to rest easier at night.” He
traced my collarbone. “How about I let you in on a little secret?”
He crowded me with his big body, making me want to run, but I
stayed put. “The only thing keeping you from becoming mine is a
single, insignificant battle. You see. We have to clear out the
bureaucratic tape before I take my place as lord of fire, but don’t
you worry. It will happen soon enough.” He straightened, his eyes
blazing with indignant light. “Besides, I haven’t been the only one
testing your abilities.” His expression softened again, and he
smiled wistfully. “As I said before, you are hard to

I looked directly into his eyes,
purposely ignoring what he had just revealed to me.

He nodded, releasing my wrists before
he offered me his elbow. I accepted it just when we entered the
great hall. Trumpets announced our arrival. I jumped slightly at
the sound.

Heath covered my hand and laughed. It
was alarmingly pleasant. “Relax. We’re supposed to have fun

As if that was going to happen,
especially now that I knew I wasn’t going to be able to avoid this
man forever. I took a deep breath and kept my head held high as we
weaved through the crowd toward the open dance floor. Heath guided
me to the center of the circle and whirled me out in front of

The chandeliers radiated a soft golden
glow that fell on the crowd like glitter. Drum beats started, low
and guttural followed by horns whispering a magical melody. Before
I knew it, I was being swept across the floor, whirled, and
twirled. I fought to stay focused on what was happening, but at
some point I relaxed into Heath and let him lead me. He was a
fantastic dancer. I felt dizzy and giddy and downright jubilant by
the time we stopped. I kept my smile to myself, but placed a hand
at my heart trying to compose myself again. The music faded to a
soft drumming then silence.

My breath was a bit staggered from
exertion but more from relief. A tiny part of me had half expected
I wouldn’t be able to stop dancing like the old fairytale claimed.
Had that really happened to someone, or was it a rumor spread by
the Order to make the fae seem more dangerous than they really

Heath’s expression tightened and he
pinned me down with that stare of his. He kept his stance as if
waiting for the next song. I scanned the sea of unfamiliar faces
just to avoid looking at him when my gaze landed on someone I never
wanted to see again.


Jett leaned against the wall,
terrifying as ever, clearly watching me. How had I missed his
signal? Even now, I didn’t feel him. Was it because I was being
held by Heath? Or was it that his potency was dampened in the fire
realm? His braids were pulled back at his neck. I couldn’t decide
if he was supposed to be a waiter or a bridegroom, but I blanched
at the sight of him. His costume was understated compared to
everyone else around us. Even with his attempt at being
inconspicuous, he still seemed out of place here. I realized then
that every man standing around him had a visible tension in the set
of their shoulders, as though they were ready to pounce on him at
any given notice.

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