Dark Sword 05: Shadow Highlander (26 page)

BOOK: Dark Sword 05: Shadow Highlander
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Galen walked to Mairi, whose frame seemed to bend and whither before his eyes.

“We’ve always guarded her,” Mairi said.

“And you will continue to do so. Only we’ll be here to help now.”

Mairi lifted her gaze to him and patted his arm. “I hope I’m doing the right thing. We’ve always been taught that Warriors are evil.”

“I willna lie, Mairi, there are evil Warriors out there. Please help your village to trust us.”

“Our ways have been a part of us for many generations. I will do what I can to change my people’s thinking.”

“That’s all we can ask.”

As they reached the door Galen saw that all the Warriors were gathered there, waiting to offer their help if needed. “Can someone accompany Mairi to her chamber?”

It was Malcolm who stepped forward. “I will see her safely inside.”

Galen turned on his heel and walked back to Reaghan. She looked so frail and weary that he wished he could do something to help, but he had no magic to contribute to speed the healing.

“Touch her, Galen,” Sonya said. “You ease her pain.”

Isla nodded. “Aye, I felt it increase after he was gone.”

Galen didn’t need to be told twice. He stroked Reaghan’s brow and folded her hand against his chest.

Slowly, after what seemed like hours, Reaghan’s hand began to warm in his and her muscles eased in relaxation. Galen took his first easy breath since he had heard Reaghan was hurting.

Isla slowly backed away from the bed. She looked long and hard at Reaghan and waited for Sonya to lower her arms. When she did, Isla said, “Have you ever felt such a spell before?”

Sonya shook her head. “I haven’t. I would say her magic is as powerful as yours, Isla. It’s something I never imagined I would say.”

Galen didn’t care how strong Reaghan’s magic was if it couldn’t halt the pain that continued to strike her. “Have you stopped the ache?”

“For now,” Sonya said. “It will most likely return, if Mairi can be believed, but this should hold it at bay for a few days. If we knew more, we might be able to halt it for good.”

“And possibly break the spell,” Logan said from the doorway.

Galen squeezed Reaghan’s hand before he tucked it beneath the covers and started for the door. “Mairi’s concern about Reaghan does pose the question. What if we have somehow broken the spell by helping her?”

“Reaghan’s magic is very powerful. I cannot see how easing her pain would break the spell.”

Logan leaned a shoulder against the doorway. “Aye, but the markings stated she shouldn’t be taken from Loch Awe. That could have alerted Deirdre.”

Isla shook her head. “Deirdre could have easily captured her at any time. It has to be more than that. I didn’t see the markings, but it could have just been a way of ensuring Reaghan stayed there. Whatever Reaghan is obscuring from Deirdre is veiled beneath Reaghan’s spell and years of blocked memories.”

“Does Deirdre have the means to procure those memories from her?” Hayden asked.

Isla glanced at the bed before she shrugged. “I don’t know for certain. It would depend on the spell Reaghan used and just how deep the memory is she has suppressed.”

Galen had heard enough and none of it good. He had held out hope that somehow once they were at the castle Sonya and the others could help her. But without knowing what Reaghan had done, no one could break her spell.

He shouldered his way through his fellow Warriors, careful not to touch any of them, and walked down the hallway. He would take position as guard this night. He wanted to be alone, and keeping lookout would give him that.

Fallon motioned everyone out of Reaghan’s chamber and shut the door behind him. “Logan, a moment,” he called to the youngest of them.

Logan was with Hayden, and together they halted.

“Hayden, you might be of assistance as well,” Fallon said. He reached them and sighed. “Logan, when I was jumping us back here today, Galen hesitated to touch me. I suspect it has to do with his power. Am I correct?”

Hayden leaned against the wall, his lips compressed in a tight line.

Logan crossed his arms over his chest. “When you first learned to use your power of moving from one place to the next in a blink, you had to have your god loose, aye?”

“Aye,” Fallon agreed. “Everyone does.”

“Until they master that power,” Hayden said.

Fallon studied both Warriors and knew he wasn’t going to like what he was told. “What is different with Galen?”

“He’s had power from the moment his god was unleashed,” Logan murmured. “Whether his god is loose or not, whenever Galen touches someone, he sees into their minds.”

“God’s blood,” Fallon whispered. “He cannot control it?”

Hayden shook his head. “He’s tried, still tries. But nothing he does can master the power so he has no control.”

“Except with Reaghan,” Logan said. “She’s the only one he’s ever touched whose mind he can’t see into.”

It all made sense to Fallon then. “He doesn’t want us to know, does he?”

“Would you?” Hayden asked. “In truth, Fallon, we guessed as you did.”

Logan dropped his arms and took a deep breath. “Galen admitted it to me while we were at Loch Awe. It is one of the reasons he’s kept to himself so much during his life. People take for granted the casual touches that are shared. Inevitably someone will touch Galen, so he tries to keep to himself as much as possible.”

“It explains so much. I will talk to him,” Fallon said.

“Nay,” Logan hurried to say. “He doesna want anyone to know. He fears they might shun him.”

Hayden pushed away from the wall. “Galen is a good friend, a good man. He knows people want their thoughts kept to themselves.”

“I understand what both of you are saying, but Galen is a part of this family,” Fallon said. “Every Warrior and Druid here is. We have powers we didna ask for. We make the most of it and try our best to control them. Sometimes that isn’t possible. It isn’t a reason for anyone to reject Galen. And I willna allow it.”

Logan nodded, his face solemn.

“If you doona want me to talk to Galen, I won’t,” Fallon continued. “But please let him know we need him.”

“We will,” Hayden said.

“Good.” Fallon looked down the corridor and flattened his lips. “Now, let’s talk about these Druids that arrived. It’s obvious it’s going to take some time before they trust us.”

Logan snorted. “Patience isna a virtue I’ve acquired.”

Hayden chuckled, his black eyes glinting. “Ah, but I think it will take more than kind words and easy tones to bring these Druids around.”

“I think our best chance is the elders, Odara and Mairi,” Logan said. “The others will listen to them.”

Fallon considered their words as his mind thought over every possibility. “I think we need to leave this in the hands of our capable women. Cara has a knack for getting people to open up to her.”

“Let’s no’ forget Larena and her ability to be invisible. She could spy on them if need be,” Logan said.

Fallon smiled and slapped Hayden on the shoulder. “Along with Marcail, Isla, and Sonya, I think they can turn these Druids around.”

“Meanwhile, we ready for battle,” Hayden said with a smile.



Reaghan brushed her still damp hair. It felt good to be clean again, to get the dirt and grime from their journey out of her clothes and her hair. She had wanted to visit with the Druids from MacLeod Castle more last night, but she had been so weary she hadn’t been able to keep her eyes open.

She recalled her head had begun to hurt. She had thought for sure she would experience another headache, or at least feel the remnants of it this morning, but, to her surprise, there had been nothing.

When she awoke, she’d been startled to find the tub of steaming water waiting for her. She hadn’t questioned who had brought up the tub or filled it with the steaming water, just thoroughly enjoyed it.

The sun had already risen when she woke, so she was sure most of the castle inhabitants were about their day. She was glad to no longer be traveling, but she missed the time she had spent with Galen. Even if they had been running for their lives.

It had been the first adventure she’d had—that she could remember—and with Galen by her side, it had been truly wonderful.

She wished she could see herself in the new yellow gown. It was something else that had been waiting for her, draped over the foot of the bed. It had been so long since Reaghan had had anything new that she was anxious to thank whoever was responsible.

A soft knock on her door intruded on her thoughts. She hurried to it, hoping it might be Galen. When she opened it, she found Marcail instead.

“Good morn,” the Druid said with a pleasant smile.

Reaghan returned the smile and opened the door wider. “Good morn to you as well.”

“I thought I might escort you to the great hall if you’re ready.”

Reaghan’s heart thumped wildly in her chest, her thoughts on Galen. “Aye.”

As she followed Marcail out of the chamber and down to the great hall, Reaghan could only think of Galen. As she stepped off the stairs into the great hall, her gaze clashed with cobalt eyes that stole her breath. A slow sensual smile pulled at his lips while his gaze deepened with unmistakable desire.

“Sit anywhere you can find a place,” Marcail said.

It was then Reaghan noticed that few of the Druids from her village were at the table. “Where are my people?”

“They fear the Warriors. I think it will take some time.”

Reaghan waved at Braden who sat between Logan and his mother. “My fellow Druids need to be reminded it was Warriors who saved their lives. They are caught in their ways and refuse to bend or acknowledge that not everything is as it seems.”

Marcail’s unusual turquoise eyes widened a fraction. “I agree. These Warriors are good men fighting to keep our world safe from evil. However, enough of such talk. Please find a seat.”

Once again Reaghan’s gaze was caught in Galen’s. He nodded to her, and she was powerless to resist his call. She walked to the empty seat beside him.

He held out a hand to assist her as she climbed over the bench. “You look well.”

“And smell better. A bath does wonders to restore me,” she replied with a smile.

“How did you sleep?”

She filled her goblet with milk and reached for a piece of cheese and freshly baked bread. “Very well. Are you glad to be back?”

“It is home,” he said, and pushed aside his empty trencher. “I’m always pleased to return. I thought I might show you around the castle today.”

“The others don’t need you?”

Galen grinned. “They can do without me for a little while. How would you like to see the sea?”

“Truly? I know it from the images I see in my dreams, but I would love to feel it for myself. When can we go?”

“As soon as you are ready.”

Reaghan wasn’t about to pass up an opportunity to be alone with Galen. “I can eat later.”

“Nay,” he said, and covered her hand with his. His thumb caressed the back of her hand. “The sea isna going anywhere, and neither am I. Eat, Reaghan.”

As she lifted the bread to her mouth, she happened to notice how the others around the table stared at her. There were so many Warriors. If she hadn’t gotten to know Galen and Logan, she could see how she might feel afraid of these men.

“Forgive our gawking,” said a man with a vicious scar running down his face. “Galen is usually eating so much he has no time for speech.”

Laughter filled the hall, and Reaghan glanced over to find Galen shaking his head as he smiled.

“Eating?” she asked.

“Doona pay Malcolm a bit of attention,” Galen said, his gaze indifferent and his voice heavy with nonchalance. “He lies.”

“Lies?” repeated a Warrior with honey-colored eyes and hair of the deepest brown. “Cara makes a special loaf of bread just for you so the rest of us can eat in peace.”

Logan chuckled, an easiness about him Reaghan hadn’t seen before. “Arran speaks the truth, I’m afraid, Reaghan. Galen’s stomach is never full. He sneaks into the kitchens throughout the day to steal food.”

Reaghan basked in the glow of companionship she found at the MacLeod table. Galen took their teasing with a smile and a shrug; clearly the jesting was done in love and friendship.

It was obvious everyone adored Galen, and he adored them. He hadn’t been lying when he called this place home.

“Should I worry about my food?” she asked Galen with a teasing smile.

Laughter erupted again as Galen stole a piece of bread from her trencher and popped it into his mouth with a wink.

Fallon shook his head from his spot at the head of the table. “Reaghan, I believe you will fit in well with this brood.”

She was pleased with Fallon’s words, and hoped she would be able to find a place at MacLeod Castle. A place where, perhaps, her memories weren’t taken from her every ten years. A place where she could stand beside Galen and fight Deirdre.

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