Dark Sword 05: Shadow Highlander (28 page)

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“True enough,” Fallon replied with a smile.

Galen couldn’t wipe the grin from his face. Just being with Reaghan made his day better. He leaped to the roof beside Hayden. “You wanted to see me.”

Hayden finished tying off the straw and nodded. He sat back, his legs bent and his arms resting on his knees. “How was Logan while you were gone? He said he needed time away. Did it do him any good?”

“Some,” Galen answered. He lowered himself beside Hayden and looked out over the village and the land surrounding the castle. “Something has changed in him.”

“It’s been going on for some time. I should have spoken to him sooner about it, but I thought he might get past it on his own.”

“He’s still a young immortal. We all go through a dark period.”

Hayden nodded wearily. “Aye, I ken. This seems to be different. I sense a darkness in him that is growing, and I can sense it because that darkness was with me for many decades.”

Galen fisted his hands as he tried to imagine Logan giving in to his god. “Aye. I saw it when Fallon jumped us to the castle and Logan put his hand on me. Do you think his god is about to take over?”

“I’m no’ sure.” Hayden blew out a breath and rubbed the back of his neck. “I knew Logan always hid his pain with his jesting and teasing.”

“He hid it well then because I never knew.”

“The demons of our past never go away,” Hayden murmured. “You can try to outrun them, but they always find you in the end.”

Galen grimaced at the truth of Hayden’s words. There was a part of his past he hadn’t been able to outrun. And he had tried. Was still trying. “What is it in Logan’s past that is rearing its ugly head?”

“That I doona know.”

“I thought you two shared everything.”

Hayden lifted his broad shoulders in a shrug. “I always knew Logan held something back. I think it’s what he’s been running from.”

“Have you told any of the others?”

“Nay. I wanted to talk to you first. I’d hoped Logan would return more himself, but he seems to have sunk further into the darkness.”

Galen fisted his hand as he thought of the image he’d seen in Logan’s mind. “Has Logan ever mentioned a younger brother?”

“Logan doesna speak of his family. Why?”

“I saw a glimpse into his mind while traveling. There was a young boy who had similar features to Logan. He was calling for Logan, begging Logan to come back, but Logan walked away.”

“God’s blood,” Hayden murmured.

Galen stood as he caught sight of Logan. “We all need to keep an eye on him. He may no’ want us to interfere, but we are brothers in this.”

“I willna allow Logan to fall to his god,” Hayden vowed. “I doona care what he says, I will fight for him.”

“Then we need to tell the others.”

“Agreed. I’ll see to it.”

Logan halted in the middle of the village, his face to the sky. “Galen,” he called and pointed upward.

Galen looked up and spotted the peregrine as it soared above them. “Shite.”

“What is it?” Quinn asked from the ground below them.

Galen jumped off the roof to land next to Quinn as the other Warriors gathered near. “Logan and I spotted it as we left for Loch Awe.”

“Then we saw it at the loch,” Logan said. “And on our return journey here.”

Galen met Logan’s gaze. “We sensed magic in it.”

“Deirdre, you think?” Lucan asked.

“Possibly,” Logan answered. “And I aim to find out.”

Fallon grabbed his arm to stop him. “No’ yet. Deirdre will come regardless. We need to stay together now that we have more Druids to protect.”

“And the artifact,” Hayden added.

“And Reaghan,” Fallon amended.

Galen met Quinn’s gaze. “Want to try and communicate with the falcon? Maybe with your power you can learn something.”

“Let’s see then,” Quinn said.

The next instant Quinn’s skin had turned the black of his god. Black bled through the whites of his eyes and covered everything in onyx. Galen held his breath, hoping Quinn would discover who was controlling the bird.

“I cannot communicate with the falcon. The peregrine is being controlled with magic,” Quinn said, his gaze locked on the bird. “However, she is allowing herself to be used thus.”

“Meaning?” Fallon asked.

Quinn blinked, black fading from his skin and eyes. His gaze swept the Warriors around him. “Meaning, I doona believe it is Deirdre who is using the falcon.”

“Then who?” Galen asked.

“That is the question,” Quinn said thoughtfully.

Logan gave a quick nod before he turned on his heel and went back to the cottage he was repairing.

Beside Galen, Hayden sighed and said, “Logan willna be happy when he discovers we’re all watching him.”

“We watch each other,” Galen said. “In this world Deirdre has forced on us, we doona have another choice.”

Hayden grunted. “As Fallon says, we’re family.”

Galen glanced at the peregrine circling them. He couldn’t shake the feeling that the falcon and Logan’s need to uncover who was behind the magic controlling the bird just might be the tipping point that caused Logan to succumb to the darkness.



Reaghan couldn’t believe how fast the day had gone. She had spent it with the women of MacLeod Castle. Cara, Marcail, Larena, Sonya, and Isla had opened their small group to her, and Reaghan had never been so happy.

The one thing that dampened her day was when she learned that many of the Druids from her village had still refused to leave their chambers, and they were even considering departing the castle.

All because of the Warriors.

Reaghan climbed the stairs to her chamber. It had been Larena who showed her around the castle, though Reaghan was sure she would get lost many times before she learned her way through the maze of corridors and stairways.

She didn’t even question the fact that she knew she wouldn’t leave. Part of it was the friends she had made, part of it was Galen, but another part was that for the first time she could remember, she felt as if she were where she needed to be.

She turned the corner to the hallway that led to her room and slowed when she spotted Galen standing outside her chamber.

His hair was damp from a recent bath. He smiled, the welcome in his eyes shining brightly. “Did you enjoy your day?”

“Aye,” she said as she halted in front of him. “Have you been waiting for me?”

“I have. I didna want to disturb your time with the women.”

She opened the door and stepped into her room. “How did you know which chamber was mine?”

“I know your magic, Reaghan. I could find you anywhere.” He closed the door softly behind him.

Her heart hammered with anticipation as he barred the door, never taking his eyes from her. His sensual smile made her knees weak and her stomach flutter.

Desire had darkened his eyes. A shiver raced over her skin as she held her breath, anxiously awaiting the feel of his hands on her. She hadn’t realized just how much she wanted—nay, needed—Galen until that moment.

Whatever the future held for her, whatever her dreams revealed, she wanted Galen by her side.

He walked until he stood in front of her, their bodies just breaths from touching. His fingers trailed across her cheek and down her neck to her shoulder. “I’ve thought of nothing but you all day.”

“What did you think about?”

“This,” he said as he jerked her to him and slanted his mouth over hers.

He kissed her deeply, passionately. Thoroughly. Reaghan melted against him, returning his kiss with fervor. Her hands roamed over the hard plains of his chest corded with muscles. He held her tight against his body so she felt every breath, every beat of his heart.

Reaghan yanked at his saffron shirt, eager to have it gone so she could feel the heat of his skin. He pulled the shirt over his head and took her mouth in another fiery kiss.

“God’s blood, how I want you,” he murmured against her lips.

Reaghan ended the kiss and stepped out of his arms. Her heart broke when she saw the doubt in his blue eyes. It wasn’t until she began to undress that he realized she wasn’t rejecting him.

“I’ve been thinking of you all day as well,” she said. “I see you everywhere in this castle. I don’t know what tomorrow brings, and I don’t care. Not as long as I’m in your arms.”

He stripped off his kilt and boots and backed her to the bed. “I took you that first night on the ground when you deserved better. Now, I’ll have you on the bed.”

“Ah, Galen. On the ground or a bed. It matters not to me as long as I’m with you.”

Reaghan climbed onto the bed and held out her hand. She had little time to rejoice as he kissed her again, pressing her back onto the mattress.

He covered her with his body. The feel of him, the weight of him, left her dizzy and craving more. His hand trailed down her side and over her hip to her thigh. He palmed her thigh and bent her leg as he ground his arousal into her.

Reaghan moaned and tilted her head back as his lips left a trail of kisses down her neck to her chest. Her breasts ached, eager for his touch.

He cupped a breast and bent to take her nipple in his mouth. She slid her hands into his hair and sucked in a breath as his wicked tongue teased the tiny bud. Reaghan arched against him, each pull of his mouth on her nipple sending a wave of heat through her to her center.

She savored each delicious sensation that wound her tighter and tighter. Galen’s hands caressed and teased, touching her soul as well as her body. Desire consumed her in its fiery, needful blaze. She was falling. Floating. Drowning.

And she wanted more.

Reaghan cried out when he slid a finger inside her, slowly pumping that finger in and out. Her hips moved with him, seeking more of the pleasure he offered.

Her hands skimmed his back to his taut bottom that flexed beneath her fingers each time he ground against her. She wanted him inside her, filling her, stretching her.

Suddenly, he rose above her and flipped her onto her stomach. Galen lifted her hips until she was balanced on her hands and knees. She looked over her shoulder at him and saw the longing, the craving in his eyes.

He guided himself into her, and Reaghan’s head fell forward as he pushed deep, deeper into her. Her thoughts scattered when he began to thrust, leisurely at first then building faster, harder.

Her arms trembled from holding herself and from the desire that raced through her. Sweat glistened over their bodies, their labored breaths filling the quiet chamber.

He bent and kissed her shoulder. She cried out when he reached around her, his finger finding the small hidden nub nestled in her curls. His finger moved quickly back and forth over her clitoris, barely touching her as he brought her closer to her climax, closer to sharing another part of herself with him.

Galen hadn’t tried to fight the desperation that had driven him to Reaghan’s chamber. He had to touch her, kiss her. Claim her.

And God help him, with every arch of her back sending him deeper into her scalding wetness, he fell further under her spell.

Her sheath was tight as it drew him in, clamping around him firmly until his only thought was to see her peak, to hear her cry out, his name on her lips.

Galen’s lids were heavy, his breathing rasping in his throat as he continued to thrust inside her, bringing them ever closer to the precipice of pleasure.

He was beyond control, but from the moans coming from her and the way her body bucked against him, so was she. He heard his name on her lips, knew she was about to peak.

Galen thumbed her clitoris, drinking in every sigh, every cry, until his blood boiled and his own climax threatened.

And then she came apart. Her body shuddered and her walls clamped down on his cock. The roar in his blood grew as the contractions of her sheath took him over the edge.

He plunged deep and let his release take him.

His body jerked with the force of the orgasm. He threw back his head and shouted with the power of it, the sheer intensity.

As the orgasm subsided, Galen wrapped his arms around Reaghan, and still inside her, he fell to his side, taking her with him. He buried his face in her neck and inhaled her rosemary scent while fulfillment and contentment wrapped them in its web.

He placed his hand over her heart and felt its rapid, erratic beating. Galen let his eyes drift close. Holding Reaghan against him, he felt as if everything were, right.


As if fate had aligned them together. But Galen knew how quickly life could be snatched away from him. It had happened before. It could happen again.

The thought of Deirdre getting her hands on Reaghan made his fury rise, but also his fear. Reaghan was precious to him. Not just because she held some secret from Deirdre, but because of who she was. His attraction to her might have begun because he couldn’t read her mind, but it had gone far beyond that.

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