Dark Throne, The (24 page)

Read Dark Throne, The Online

Authors: Raven Willow-Wood

Tags: #parallel universe, #elf, #erotic romance, #futuristic romance, #alien romance, #dark elf, #sci fi romance, #alien hero

BOOK: Dark Throne, The
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She wouldn’t like that
,” Heather whispered.

Well, I’m sure she wouldn’t like realizing that she was the
reason behind your sudden weight loss
. Mother Mearth, you’re skin and bone as it is.”

You’ve never complained before
,” she bitched.

Of course not. Y
beautiful. But still, you could do with weighing a bit more. Not

Her previous boyfriends had always urged her to supermodel
. A weight she’d
managed to maintain quite easily, despite her round ass. But by
living by herself in Pennsylvania, she’d gained a few pounds and
that Fade still thought her to be too skinny, caused her to blink
in surprise. How pleasant it was to have a man that loved her and
wanted her to be at a healthy weight. Not some ridiculous ideal the
media augmented to torture the average woman.

His hands smoothed down her shoulders, along her arms and
down to her hips
. His fingers
massaged the hard notches of her pelvis and he grimaced. “I shall
place an order with the kitchen. There’s no way I’m allowing this
to continue. I can’t believe I didn’t see it before.”

I can’t do that
. I
have to be there. They’re my parents… I have to see…” She sighed.
“I have to be seen to follow customs.”

He snorted
. “Follow
the stupid customs?” he mocked. “Since when do you even know or
care what the customs are? I don’t see why it matters.

. I’m not having it,
Heather. We shall eat in our suite and your father will understand
and explain it to your mother and no one will dare to question the
King and Queen. And nobody will… well, there will be questions and
talk, but I care not. Your health is all that concerns me and it
should be to you as well. And if this continues, for I have seen
how Setta is behaving, we shall return to Haden post haste. There
is bound to be problems there. Having spoken to your father, I have
realized a year has passed since I was last on Mearthen

A year?” she whispered, astounded
. That in such a short space of time, so many days had
passed on Mearth, seemed incredible. But then, everything was

Yes.” He shrugged. “But I care not. It is simply that a
shaman and advisor to my father has, for some reason, been ruling
in my stead. We should be leaving anyway, but had you been content
here, I would have put off a move and stayed here longer. As it is,
we can travel tomorrow, if you want.”


,” she whispered,
her eyes seeking his.

Yes, dearling

I love you
.” Her soft
voice had his eyes gentling and as he stared at her, suddenly
Heather felt naked in more ways than one. She was standing there
disrobed, as her mate stood before her fully dressed. She was bare
to him in more than just her gaze, in more than just her
appearance. She had just opened her heart to him.

It seemed incredible that she could love a man so soon, but
the longer she was with him, the more aware she was of how
connected they were to one another

Whatever t
heir mothers
had done when they’d been young, it had made it so that Heather
couldn’t contemplate life without him. Before he could say a word
she pressed a finger to his lip. They were soft and cushioned the
pad of her fingers. “You don’t have to say anything. Don’t have to
tell me that you love me if you don’t. I just needed you to know
that I feel so fortunate that you came for me, even if you didn’t
even realize that’s what you were doing.” She chuckled a little.
“Star crossed lovers.” She shook her head when he raised a brow in
question at what, to him, was a peculiar phrase.

Only she and Will Shakespeare had a clue about what she

His large hand gripped her wrist and slowly, he pulled her
hand away so that his mouth was no longer covered by her
. “I have never felt so
much for another, my sweeting. The last person I loved, I lost when
I was but a child. And I understand because you complete me in ways
I’d never imagined. You accept me. My wings. What I am. How could I
not love you? You fill my heart, Heather.” When he saw tears
twinkle in her eyes, he lifted his hand to once more cup her chin.
“Cease those tears, woman,” he chided with a grin. “This is cause
for celebration. Now come. There will be no more talk of dining in
the hall. I can’t deny I had noticed that you were incredibly tense
when mealtimes were upon us, but I just thought it was the
pressure, the anxiety at being with so many people and in such a
strange culture. But there is no way that I will allow you to
endanger your health. My love, you must think of yourself. What
would I be without you?”

She grimaced
. “Mother
will not be pleased.”

Do I look as though I care, Heather
? You are all that matters. Now come, my cock is
hard.” He slipped his hand from her pelvis and down between her
legs. “Your quim is wet. Methinks we should revel in the moment, my

Heather found it difficult to recognize herself in the
female she’d become
. In but a
few short days, her behavioral patterns, rhythms that had been with
her for a lifetime, had begun to change. She spoke differently.
Something which was the most noticeable aspect of this complete
shift. And she reacted to Fade as a budded flower reacted to a beam
of sunlight. Her petal unfurled, the head of the bloom arching
towards the rays of light. That was who she’d become.

The Heather of old, the Heather of just a few days ago,
would have scorned such an idea
. Instead, she was captivated by this man. The changes were
bone deep. Changing her bodily functions and patterns as though
she’d changed her hair color. As she shot out a hand and cupped his
cock, she recognized that while she felt no desire, no arousal…
Fade’s passion for her triggered a response in her own

Through the thin breeches that he’d taken to wearing about
the palace, she felt moisture dot the groin
. She’d never been that big a fan of her naked body,
but it would seem that her mate was definitely up for buying season
tickets. She grinned at the thought and spread her hand along the
thick length of his cock. Before he could react, before he could
tug her into the bedroom, she smoothly rolled down to her knees
before him.

His hands came out to cup her face and he guided her line
of sight upwards so that t
eyes could meet. What he saw there must have pleased and reassured
him, for a lascivious grin curled about his lips. Excitement
throbbed through his body and Heather felt an answering pulse in
her own.

The last thing she wanted was to tumble on to the bed, but
she desperately needed to give Fade pleasure
. Fade was her only stability in this world and
despite the vulnerabilities that that caused, Heather knew she
would have it no other way. From Miss. Independent to Miss.
Dependent. She wasn’t entirely sure what she was becoming, but she
was transmogrifying in ways she’d never imagined. And while she’d
never been a feminist, never burnt her bra for a cause, at the same
time, she’d always done her own thing and danced to her own

To suddenly be so reliant upon this man was alien to her
. And again, she felt no
shame for that.

She loved this man

And he reciprocated those feelings

She had no doubt that if one day, she was aroused and he
wasn’t, that he would act upon her needs just as she was about to
do for him
. Their bodies were
as one.

Tugging down his breeches, she studied the hard length of
his erection
. She’d watched a
fair bit of porn back on Earth and had seen some real ‘third leg’
dicks. Cocks that had made her eyes water and the unlucky female
porn star’s too. He wasn’t the largest and yet he filled her
perfectly. Every inch scorched along the passage of her pussy.
Claiming it as his and only his, because it was and she was glad
that she’d waited for him.

The eight inches she had in her grip twitched as her
fingers began to stroke along the vein underneath his
. One slipped down to his
balls and she massaged them in her palm. Jerking his cock up, she
lathed her tongue along the sac and felt him shudder. Working her
mouth so it was moist, she popped one of his balls inside and
suckled hard. The hands on her face gripped her tightly and jolted
his hips towards her, they began a pulsing motion, rolling to a
beat of his own that sang of the depth of his arousal.

Transferring the one in her mouth carefully from the
orifice, making sure that she didn’t nick the sensitive flesh with
her teeth, she popped the other one inside
. She pressed down hard as she might have done a
Popsicle. The suction was so hard that when she freed it from her
mouth, there was a slight snap.

Having held his cock against his taut belly so that she had
free access to his balls, she jerked her head up and out of his
grasp and with the flat side of his tongue, dragged it along the
throbbing vein
. It pulsed
against her tongue and liquid seeped from the tip. The flavor was
pure Fade. His essence burst into her mouth and filled all of her
senses. An answering hum quickened through her own body but she
ignored it, content to focus on her man. Once she reached the glans
with the tip of her tongue, she prodded at the small opening and
lapped and suckled and sipped at the seed that escaped.

The crystal clear liquid oozed out and for every bead that
escaped, she
savored each
burst of flavor that was him.

Her efforts had been concentrated on the purple head and it
beat and twitched angrily
. His
hands fisted and gripped at his hips as though longing to once
again grab her by the hair and force her on to his shaft. Pleasure
at his patience had her obeying his silent command and she opened
her mouth and took half of his cock between her teeth, careful to
rake them gently at that throbbing vein. At his shudder, she knew
she had but a few moments left of his control. Heather pulled in
her cheeks and suckled the first four inches of his dick and heard
his answering grunt as he conceded defeat, pulled her by the hair
and nearly shoved his cock down her throat. As soon as he did it,
his hands jerked back, as though realizing what he’d done. “Oh,
God. Heather. I’m so, sorry… S-sorry.”

But rather than reply to him, she gripped him by the butt
and dug her nails in, forcing him closer
. She’d never been all that good at deep throating.
Her gag reflex had always kicked in, making it more messy than
sexy. Coughing and spluttering with tear-drenched eyes… well, they
were hardly the best looks in the world during coitus. But with
Fade, as with everything, it was different. The very flavor of his
pre-cum seemed to open her body to him, just like her quim welcomed
his cock, so did her mouth and throat. It was one of the strangest
situations she’d ever encountered.

Hell, it was more than strange, it was downright
. But at the same time,
she wasn’t complaining. If it pleasured Fade then it pleasured her.
With the head of his cock rammed down her throat, riding her mouth,
she merely maintained the suction and allowed his pumping hips to
do the rest.

When the saliva in her mouth pooled, she swallowed and felt
him shudder
. Making sure that
she swallowed often, she alternated between that and deep sucks and
within seconds, his cum shot down her throat.

But she didn’t let him go
. She continued to tug at him and suckle him. Lathe the
underside of his softening dick with her tongue. She refused to let
go until every ounce of his cum had been dragged from his body. And
as soon as his seed had made its first appearance, the dynamics of
the encounter altered.

Her fingers slipped between her legs and she began to rub
viciously at her clit, needing the friction, needing the fierce
. Using all four fingers
of her right hand, she jerked off.

And only when Fade’s groans alerted her of his sensitivity,
as his hands pulled at her hair to beg for release, she refused and
he had to literally drag himself from her hold

The shift in momentum had her falling forwards and she
saved herself with a free hand
. Bent over, in a position that, had he not just cum, would
have dared him to mount her, she continued to touch herself. Only
ceasing as pleasure shot through her. As quake after quake of earth
shattering sensation flushed through her bloodstream. Gently, she
lowered herself to the floor, pressing her forehead against the rug
and she continued to ride her hand, ensuring her clit bumped
against her fingers. It was too sensitive to be comfortable, but
the sharp jolts of sensation were worth it.

When she came down from the high, t
heir pants and groans filled the room. She grinned to
herself and slowly worked her way back into a kneeling position.
Her knees ached like a bitch and she knew she’d have faint rug burn
there later.

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