Dark Throne, The (21 page)

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Authors: Raven Willow-Wood

Tags: #parallel universe, #elf, #erotic romance, #futuristic romance, #alien romance, #dark elf, #sci fi romance, #alien hero

BOOK: Dark Throne, The
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Fade watched as Setta steamed out of the room, every inch a
mother dying to see her daughter
, the Queen nowhere in sight.

He could well understand why his own mama would have
befriended that woman
. They
were very similar. Uncaring of propriety. Uncaring of the rules,
for they were made to be broken. He had a feeling a friendship
could form between them, at least, he hoped so for both his mate's
sake and also, in his own mama's memory. She would have liked

"Has she gone?" Heather squeaked, her head popping out from
underneath the thick sheet
Her hair was mussed, her skin flushed and she had never looked more
adorable to him than at that moment.


At his words, she jumped out of the bed and ran to all of
the doors in the bedroom save the one they'd entered through the
night before
. He watched with
pleasure as her arse jiggled and her breasts shook as she ran. He
took enjoyment out of the taut length of her legs as she sought. .
. . only Mother Mearth knew what.

Eventually, after the third door, he
asked, "What are you looking for?"

"A shower

He pointed to the door beside t
heir bed. "In there.”

She beamed at him and rushed to it
. He grabbed her hand as she passed and jumped out of
bed himself. Together, they entered the bathing chamber and readied
themselves for the day.

Even though there was a definite haste to
heir movements, the pair of
them watched the other wash. Her eyes were glued to his chin as he
shaved away the growth. His were fixated upon the sway of her
breasts as she soaped them.

They'd cleansed themselves, dried off and dressed within
twenty-five minutes and entered the ante-chamber in clothing that
decried t

The seamstresses must have been working all
. For Heather's gown was
a mixture of Jenderian blue and Haden black. Setta saw this and bit
her lip.

Without her uttering a word, he understood her
. She had regained her
daughter, only to lose her to a mate and to another kingdom. That
is if discussions didn't go smoothly between him and the royal

Setta did not know that he would do anything, move heathen
and Mearth to ensure that Heather was happy

This room was as large as t
heir sleeping quarters and was made up of many seating
areas. Setta was seated on a sofa and hoping to soothe her
discontent, he strode over to his mate's mother and in the Haden
way, stepped down on to one knee and lowered his head. "Your

She pressed a hand to his shoulder
. "Thank you, Fade of Haden. Such a gesture is
appreciated but unnecessary. We are equals, you and I. Indeed, you
are King and above me in stature. I should curtsy to

"Such politics are not
required in our private chambers,” he murmured smoothly and
stared directly into her eyes, hoping to impress his good
intentions upon her.

frown puckered between her brows, but a smile slowly grew upon her
. She reached for his hand
and squeezed it, silently offering him her thanks.

She turned to Heather and sighed
. "You are so beautiful, my daughter. You are a sight
for any proud mama's eyes.” She sucked in a shaky breath. "I had
thought the day would never come, when you returned home.” Fade
retreated to the seat on the sofa opposite Setta and allowed
Heather to make her own introductions without his

"It is strange to think of you as being
,” Heather admitted with a
smile, her eyes obviously eating up every inch of her mother. "And
I look like you. Auntie May said I did, but we never had any photos
or anything to compare.”

"Photos?" Setta asked

.” She opened her
mouth to explain, but waved a hand as though it were of no import.
"It doesn't matter.”

"I felt the moment May left our plane
. She was at peace, daughter?"

Tears gathered in his mate's eyes and while Fade longed to
brush them away, he forced himself to remain on the
. "Yes. She was hurting so
it was a relief for her to go, but still, it was a really difficult
time for me.” She smiled bravely and took another step forward to
take the seat beside her mother. "She spoke of you during those
last few months. But it was all a garble. I didn't really
understand. Only now I know your name does it make any headway. She
told me you were called Etta. That was your name as I was raised.
But as she was dying, she called for Setta. I wondered at the
difference, but now it makes sense.”

"She sacrificed her position for our family,
. She was a princess in
her own right. She could have married any of the Crown Princes to
one day become Queen.”

"That wasn't Aunty May's way though
. She was happy. Honestly. . . ., mother. Life was so
exciting to her and I guess I understand why now, because it was
all so alien. But, everything thrilled her. Where we lived, it was
a huge city. Huge. And no matter what part we visited together, be
it the poorer areas or the more affluent, someone knew her. Someone
asked about her health or offered her a cup of coffee or whatever.
She was one loved lady.”

"I'm glad
. Without
both of you, it has not been the happiest of homes. However your
father and I have managed. He's still asleep. The sun has only just
arisen. He's never been an early riser, your father. Always late to
bed and last to awaken.” She smiled. "When the Pompous Guardian
deigned to tell me my daughter had returned to the fold, I didn't
even think to tell Henrik.” She clapped her hands to her face and
grinned. "I'd best do so now, or he'll spank me later for letting
him sleep.”

With that, she pressed a kiss to Heather's bemused cheek
and darted out of the room

For a moment, Fade and Heather just looked at each other
and then burst out laughing
"Why do I think she actually means that? That he'll spank her, I

Fade bit back a smile
"Probably because he will. She didn't seem too upset at the idea
though, maybe I shall have to introduce that into our own

"You even dare
,” she
warned, her eyes sparking with amusement.

"Oh, I'll dare
. You
just make sure you keep yourself safe. Put yourself in danger and
then you will know what a spanking feels like.”

She stuck out her tongue at him, but the idea was worthy of
. He could remember the
acts his mother partook in, acts that as a boy had been an
adventure but as an adult, were totally unsuitable for a woman of
her position to undertake. His father hadn't controlled her and he
could understand, Fade didn't want to control Heather, but if her
health and safety were at risk, then he would.

She frowned at him, apparently realizing the truth behind
his words
. "You can't spank

"Don't put yourself in danger and I

"What danger?"

"You're in a kingdom surrounded by other nations that are
remilitarizing t
heir troops,
Heather. Something's going on. There'll be treachery afoot. Trust
no one save myself and your parents. Stay close to the Palace,
don't leave it without one of us or your father's trusted

"And what about you
Warrior King? Can I spank you if you put yourself in

He shrugged
. "No. That
is my role. To protect my kingdom, but more importantly, to protect
and sustain the life of my mate. To do anything but that goes
against my soul. If you feel you must, you can punish me in other
ways.” He grinned and sat back into the cushioned backrest of the
sofa. Folding his arms on his chest, he knew he looked like a

. Let's deal. For
every battle you undertake, I get to take
orgasms for
every one of your own.”

"That's hardly fighting talk, Heather
. You get that anyway.”

She blushed
. "Okay,
then, ten.”

"We are in agreement
You are to be awarded ten orgasms for every one of my own, if I
have to take to the field. Mayhap I should instigate more

"You dare

"Oh, I dare, sweetling
,” he retorted, voice smug. "The punishment is worth the
bloodletting.” He winked to let her know he was teasing, for her
hair had almost stood on edge, she was bristling so

She sighed and said, "I'll think of worse punishments over
. Don't you

"I look forward to it

"I wonder what my dad's like?" she asked, her face turning
to the door

"From all accounts, a good King
. Well respected by his people, well liked. A good man
too, from what I've heard.”

"Have you never met him?"

. I was never
allowed out of Haden on diplomatic missions.” There was no
bitterness to his words, but Heather stared at him

"Because of your wings?" When he nodded, she jumped
. "Well, that will be the
first thing we have to do. Stop all this bloody prejudice about
your wings. Christ Almighty, there are people here with green hair
and blue skin. How can that be okay but your wings can't be? Well,
I'm not having it. Do you hear me, Fade? I don't know what we'll do
to change people's perceptions of you, but we'll do it. My mate
won't be classed as a freak, when he's not. Bloody

"I am a throwback to a time, when elfen were bloodthirsty,
. There is no need to
take offense on my behalf. The majority of people have heard tales
of the elfen with wings and they expect a monster.”

"Well, you're not a monster and I don't want people to
think of you that way
. And
what if our children have them? Do you want our people to think
they're freaks? I mean, for God's sake, you should be envied. You
have transport on your back.”

He grinned
. "A flying
chariot, am I?"

It amazed him how he could feel so free from levity on such
a topic of conversation, when in the past it would have angered him
. Because she took
umbrage for him, he did not have to feel it.

It was remarkably freeing

She waved a hand
. "You
know what I mean.” Heather stopped in front of him, hands on slim
hips and in a way that forced her breasts to almost pop out of her
bodice. "I'm not having it, Fade. It hurts me.”

"I know, dearling
. I
can sense that. But it takes time.”

"Well, change is coming and people better get used to
,” she retorted

"Shoulders back, my heart, your breasts are in danger of
tumbling free

She glanced down and grimaced, immediately straightening
her shoulders
. "It's this
stupid dress. I mean, what the hell kind of outfit is it

"You look beautiful in it
. Like a princess but a sensual one at that.”

"Really?" She smirked as his eyes brushed her

"Yes, really

"I can't deny, it's comfortable
. Like a toga.”


. Something one of
the ancient people of Rome used to wear. It doesn't matter. I guess
the colors represent something?"

. Maris blue is
Jender's national color. As is silver. Black and gold are my

"How did they know to have this ready
for us?"

"Oh dearling, they made it for you
. You are a Queen now. Or you will be once I'm

She grimaced
. "Christ.
I don't feel like a Queen. I feel like a technical writer. What
does a Queen do?"

"Look pretty for the most part


Setta's words floated through the door and Fade rolled his

"Your mother dislikes waiting for us to permit her
.” He flickered his gaze
to hers. "The protocol matters not, Setta. But you might not like
what you find, if you burst in upon us again.”

booming laugh sounded behind Setta and Henrik shuffled in, pushing
his wife forwards
. "Her ears
are pink now. You've embarrassed her. Fifty years ago, I'd have
called you out for that. But then, you are my son in law.” Henrik
was a large man. Over seven feet tall, grizzled and stocky. His
face was handsome but he had lines that spoke of his age. His ears
were loaded with cuffs. Heather shared her father's eyes. They were
like quicksilver and they soon sought his daughter and softened

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