Darkest Before Dawn (A Guardian's Diary Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Darkest Before Dawn (A Guardian's Diary Book 1)
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“You shouldn’t have been watching me! It’s called privacy!”

“I’m sorry, but when there’s a woman in my own bath, in my own room, fucking her tight little pussy, clumsily at that, I’m not going to turn away from it. Not when it’s
name leaving her sweetly parted lips as she uses her fingers, trying to get off. You were trying to come, were you not?”

“Still not fucking you—” He caught me and took me to the floor. His mouth found my lips and claimed them hungrily.

“How many times have you come while picturing me?” he asked when he lifted his head.

“None,” I said truthfully. “I would have come once, but it wasn’t you I was imagining. Bjorn was…how should I put this…”

“Dead, if you finish that sentence.” There was no laughter in his tone, and his eyes turned dark without the heat which had just scolded my flesh. “I won’t share you with my men, unless of course, you want to fuck all three hundred and fifty two of them. I’m not sure this tight, sweet pussy could handle it though. I could be wrong though. Am I wrong? Shall I call them all in?”

“You’re a fucking asshole!” I growled through tears that filled my eyes and threatened to fall.

“I know I am,” he whispered as he sat up and released his hold on me. “Hunting gets the adrenaline pumping, and finding you as I did, well it sent me on the hunt for you.”

His eyes lowered to where the towel had come undone, and my entire anatomy was open for his inspection. “I love the knowledge that this sweet flesh is hairless,” he said as he stood up and walked to his dresser and opened one of the drawers. He tossed me a long shirt, and then left the room before I could call him back.

“That was brilliant, Emma!” I belittled myself as the tears fell. I was such an idiot. I’d been fucking myself, and instead of getting off, I’d fallen asleep! I slipped the shirt on over my naked curves and eyed the bed. This was crazy. I couldn’t sleep with him, not in any sense.

He walked back in with a bottle of cognac. He strolled over to the dresser and pulled down two crystal snifters before he moved to the bed. He placed them on a tray I hadn’t noticed earlier in my angry tirade. He poured two glasses to the rim, and then re-corked the bottle before placing it on the dresser. Next, I watched as he moved around the room with his sleek abs and muscular back.

He pulled out a pair of shorts, and then removed his pants. A smarter woman would have looked away, not me though. I was an idiot tonight, obviously. I watched as he turned and pointed his one-eyed gun right at me. Or, maybe it was a missile because it was huge, and I was pretty sure the Sex-Ed teacher had gotten it all wrong. I swallowed a groan as he carried his shorts to the bed and sat on the edge of it without putting them on.

I was gaping. I mean, my eyes actually bobbed as he’d walked to the bed, and I was pretty sure my mouth was open wide enough he could have slipped that missile inside of it without a problem. I’d seen men naked before, because Addy and I had hidden in the boy’s locker room once. Okay, it was more than once, but who wants to admit that?

I absently took a step closer to it, before remembering I wasn’t wearing panties, and was currently dressed in his clothing. I lifted my eyes, and found him watching me.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’ve never seen a cock before.”

“I’ve seen many cocks. I mean, I’ve seen a few at a time,” I whispered breathlessly. I wondered at my own words, why the hell had I said that? I had helped with some of the high school physicals when I was beginning my nursing courses. I’d seen them limp, fat, hard, and, well, limp. I’d never seen one this size, or of this magnitude. I’d never seen one I wanted to lick before, either. I absently licked my lips as I listened to him growl.

“So what you’re saying is, you’ve taken cocks before, but you won’t take mine?”

“Yes…uh, no. No.”

“Is it too big?” he asked with a wide grin.

“It’s huge!”

O. M. G. I was talking about his cock! With him present! And it was pointing at me! The thing was staring at me, and I swear to God it was bobbing, and waving a firm hello!

“It’s big, but I promise you could take it. I’ve seen smaller women take bigger cocks. Just means some positioning would be needed until you grew accustomed to it. Real men get their women excited first. They suck those sweet lips until the flesh is soaked with her come, and then her body will accept anything she tried to take inside of it. But you already know that, what with your curiosity to play with that sweet pussy. You have men at the shelter. Tell me, Emma, do they serve your needs?”

My head snapped up from my eye-fucking his massive cock at his words. “I don’t sleep around.”

“There’s nothing wrong with finding release.”

“I’m not like that, at all.”

“So you have toys?” he countered.


“Sex toys, dildos, balls, that kinda stuff. Please tell me you’re not allowing that sweet, succulent pussy to be neglected. Besides, you shaved for someone.”

I had; for myself. I’d been shaving for a while, but that had been because everyone else was doing it. After Addy had called it a forest, I’d shaved it and then had just kept doing it to avoid the itchiness that came with it growing out. “Most women shave these days.”

“Do they?” he smiled knowingly. “Tell me, does it grow in the same color of your hair?”

“That’s none of your business,” I growled. This was crazy! His cock was aimed at me, and I wasn’t wearing any panties! I was in his room, when I should be demanding my things and leaving. Instead, I was ogling his Mr. Happy Whacker, and drooling over it!

He raised a brow as he took in my state of dress, and his state of undress. He was made for this, what with his sex God body, and tattoos that were located in places my tongue wanted to trace…that was it! I was tossing out every erotica book I’d obtained from houses. This was insane! I wasn’t a slut, and yet I felt the need to get on my knees and wipe that glistening pre-cum away from his magnificent cock with my tongue! I was a friggin’ virgin, who had a huge imagination and a slut between my legs that said pound me!

“Get dressed!” I cried and then winced. He smiled.

“Does it bother you? Or are you fighting the urge to be naughty with me? I’ll even let you sit on it if you ask me nicely.”

“Naughty? Would you cover Mr. Happy Whacker up?”

He burst out laughing, and yes, I watched his cock go up and down before I forced myself to turn away. I was fighting to get my pulse and my breathing under control when he came up behind me. “Don’t touch me. Just don’t do it, please,” I whispered.

“You’ve already named my cock,” he whispered as he pulled me back against him. “No one has ever named him before,” he said with laughter in his voice.

“Did you find the monster responsible for killing my friends?” I used ‘friends’ loosely as I changed the direction of this conversation.

“No, but we have an idea of where they are. We will be going out again in the morning.”

I turned to face him. “I need my things. I think it best I leave, before I do something I will regret in the morning.”

“Like fuck me?” he pulled away and glared at me.


“Get in the bed, Emma. I didn’t take you as a prude, but I guess I was wrong. You can have a night cap with me, and then sleep. Tomorrow is soon enough for you to go home. Drink,” he said as he handed me the glass.

“I’m not drinking it,” I said as I held it.

“It’s not drugged,” he assured me as he tipped his up and took a swig from it. He set it on the dresser as he carefully and very slowly put his shorts on over his firm ass. “I’m not trying to get you drunk either, or take advantage of you,” he said as he turned around and faced me. “You saw some pretty hairy shit today. The alcohol is just so you can sleep without seeing it.”

I eyed the glass and then brought it up to my lips and sniffed it. I wasn’t a big drinker, but he had a point. I didn’t want to dream about what had happened to Jillian and Bonnie. I just wanted to sleep and forget it before I had to face reality again. I took a big drink and coughed as it burned my throat. “Holy cat balls,” I sputtered.

“Drink it slowly; won’t burn so much.”

“You tell me this after I drink it,” I said with a sour look on my face.

“I’m going to kiss you, before we sleep.”

“Is that so? What if I don’t want you to kiss me?” I asked, lowering the glass as the feel of alcohol swept through me.

“Then you should probably stop kissing me back. It’s hard to not kiss you when you react the way you do. It makes me think you want my kiss.”

Maybe I
a cock tease? Because I had just licked my lips like a two-bit hussy who was ready to examine that thing in his shorts with my tongue, and he’d said kiss…not head! “I’m not a hussy, and I don’t go around just kissing people.”

“Good to know; that tells me a lot about you. That when you respond and melt beneath my touch—and you do melt—that it’s me and not just every male in the general vicinity.”

“Well, I’d have to kiss a few more people to compare these feelings to,” I said, smirking as I took another sip.

“Is that so? You think I’d allow it?” he asked as he drank the rest of his glass, and set the empty on the dresser. He lifted the covers on one side of the gigantic marshmallow bed and slid under them.

“I’m not yours.”

“Yet; you’re not mine yet. You will be.”

The single word said with so much confidence sent my heart hammering against my rib cage. “That’s a little cocky, don’t you think?”

“It’s called confidence,” he said and eyed my glass as he brought his hands up behind his head. “You need to know the difference, because with the way you kiss me, sooner or later, it’s going to end with us fucking.”

“I know the difference between being cocky, and being confident. And maybe I’m just desperate?” I smiled and wiggled my eyebrows.

“If you were desperate, you’d have jumped on my cock when I left it undressed and so brazenly displayed for you.”

“You make a good case, but say I found it lacking? Maybe I’m used to something so much bigger.”

I took another sip and smiled.

“Bigger? I felt how tight you were. You couldn’t handle bigger, little girl. You live in a small town where boys are just that, boys. I promise you that I am all man, and I also promise you this, Emma; I will have you. The only question is when it will happen, and how hard I will fuck you.”

What the hell was I supposed to say to that? I mean, I could come off with some shit, I was sure of it, but I think I had just experienced a word-gasm! I opened my mouth only to close it and repeat it. “That’s straight up cocky.”

“Yes, it actually was, but I’m also confident that you want me. I think my bluntness scares you and it should. I know what I want, and I go after it balls to the wall. I want you. It’s as simple as that, little girl.”

“Is that so?” I asked, and felt the heat from the alcohol as it warmed me from the inside, or maybe that was him. “You want me, and yet you keep calling me little girl. So you are either a huge pervert, or well, I forgot what I was saying.” I paused. I looked at the now empty glass and back up at him. “This isn’t a fair fight, and you promised to not take advantage of me.”

“I didn’t say anything about kissing you, or making you come tonight,
little girl

“I’m not coming,” I said as I narrowed my eyes on him.

“Not yet.”

“Not tonight.”

“Who says?” he asked.

“Me!” I growled but it came out seductive. Oh holy crap. I was drunk! “You got me drunk.”

“Yes, I did,” he grinned, unrepentant.

I smiled. But no coming. I could be drunk, but I couldn’t allow him to get that close to make me go mindless. “I’m going to bed.”

“With me,” he said huskily.

I plopped down on the bed and crawled across it. It wasn’t until I reached the other side and turned to judge the distance between us that I remembered I had no panties on. I remembered because he was looking as I had, when I’d stared at Mr. Happy Whacker.

This, by the way, was a horrible name for a penis. I laughed, and his eyes left my naked backside to meet my eyes. His lips curved up into a beautiful smile.

“Do that again,” he said as I remained on all fours.

“I’m not showing you my ass again!” I laughed as I sat down.

“I like the sound of your laughter, sweet Emma.”

I lost the smile and blinked at him. “Not much left to smile or laugh about anymore.”

“Just because the world has gone to hell doesn’t mean you can’t live.”

“True,” I said, even though I didn’t believe it. I’d felt guilty for living when so many had died. It seemed unfair that babies had died, and those of us who had lived longer, well, lived. “Do you ever wonder why God allowed some to live, but took innocent lives? Like the babies. They didn’t deserve what happened to them. They hadn’t even lived yet.”

“You think God did this?” he asked as he continued to watch me from his lazy pose with his arms resting behind his head.

“Or Satan. I mean, what kind of God would allow this to happen? At first I thought it was a wakeup call. So many people had stopped living. In school, everyone spent most of their time checking updates on Facebook, or their phones. We’d stopped living, and between the internet and electronics, we’d become introverts.”

“That’s pretty deep,” he said as his lips curved up into a smile.

“I’m serious,” I said vehemently.

“Come to me,” he said in a tone that commanded me. I shivered from the intense heat that burned in his eyes.

“No funny business. You promised.”

“Do as I told you to,” he said not moving from his pose. “I said I wouldn’t fuck that tight, pretty pink flesh…yet. I told you I was going to kiss you.”

I was moving before I had any idea I was. I paused and looked up at him, once again back on all fours. I felt like a puppet, drawn to him! As if he held the strings which seemed to be attached to my vagigi. I was trembling, and when I stopped inches away from him, he smiled.

“Now lie down beside me, Emma, and part your legs for me,” he said with confidence burning in his eyes.

“You said you wouldn’t bang me tonight.”

“I said I was going to kiss you. I just didn’t say where I would place that kiss.”

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