Darkness Before Dawn (42 page)

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Authors: Claire Contreras

BOOK: Darkness Before Dawn
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In charge of the moment, Luke slid his tongue into Olivia's mouth. The split second it touched her tongue, he put everything into that kiss, crushing her to him. Pulling her tighter so she couldn't move, he kissed her. He kissed her for all the days he'd known her. He kissed her to show her what she meant to him. He kissed her as if his life depended on it. And he kissed her like it was the last chance he was ever going to get. He devoured her lips with vigor. It was as if he was overpowered with this need to convince her to change her mind. With a kiss. And he would damn well do anything to get her to stay. Olivia was his girl, always.

Olivia couldn't even think straight at this point. Luke's kisses always made her dizzy with need, turning her body soft and pliable. She could feel his body hardening against her and she loved it. His kisses were the most erotic thing she'd ever experienced. They turned her on more than anything else he did. Well, almost. He seriously had skill when it came to using his mouth. It may have been a hot summer day, but the only heat she felt was coming from Luke.

Luke's tongue danced along with hers in perfect harmony. He pushed in and pulled out gradually and then slid back and forth from side to side. Olivia glided her hands up Luke's arms, over his broad shoulders and into his sandy thick hair pulling him into her. It wasn't as if there was much room left for him to be closer, but she wanted more of him. Moaning into his mouth, she kissed him back with the same intensity.

Needing to come up for air, Olivia pulled her head back slightly to breathe and opened her eyes. They were both gasping heavily into each other's mouth when she saw the raw passion and need in the depths of his eyes. In this moment, Luke's eyes said more than what words could ever say.

Of course you're enough for me, always have been... she thought to herself while she traced her hand down the side of his face. How could she ever leave him?

South Fork was a small town, but she sure did love it. No matter where she went, it was always going to be home. On one hand she wanted to stay here after being away at college for the past four years, but on the other hand she had to see what the world held for her. She didn't have the support Luke had with his parents. It was the complete opposite for her; Luke didn't know how fortunate he was.

Olivia stood on the tips of her toes and pressed her lips to Luke's warm cheek, hugging him close to her and taking in his scent. The sun was shining pretty hard today, but she couldn't tell if the heat was coming from the sun or how agitated he was at the moment. Pulling back, she noticed his scrunched forehead was making creases between his beautiful emerald eyes. His eyes held so much feeling in them and would change shades to the emotion he was going through. She didn't want to ruin the wonderful day they had with their longtime friends. Not wanting to upset him any further, in that instant she made the decision to tell him what he wanted to hear.

"You know... Let's not talk about it anymore. It was just a thought. I want to enjoy the rest of the day with you. We haven't seen our friends in so long and I'm looking forward to spending time with everyone before reality sets in and we have to look for jobs. You know I'm a planner and always looking ahead. It was merely a thought and wanted to discuss it with you. Nothing more. Honestly. "

What she failed to tell Luke was that she had already agreed to an interview. If the interview went well, there was a strong possibility she would accept the position. Dropping that kind of news wouldn't be easy after Luke's reaction today. Olivia prayed nothing would be regretted down the line, though she was sensing that some things just couldn't be avoided.


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