Darkness Before Dawn (41 page)

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Authors: Claire Contreras

BOOK: Darkness Before Dawn
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In a lazy saunter, Luke made his way over to Livy. When he was standing behind her, he placed his hands smoothly onto her sun kissed shoulders. He leaned down and quietly sang behind her ear, "Why you makin' me fall in love with you, no complications, just easy and smooth love like the summer breeze that drifts through the leaves, baby lean into my kiss, every man needs his own whiskey girl like this…"

A small giggle escaped Olivia.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Luke asked as he wrapped his arms around Olivia's slender waist, squeezing her tight to him. There wasn't any breathable space between them now. Leaning down, he placed his chin onto the curve of her shoulder. "What are you thinking about in that pretty head of yours?"

Sighing she paused before she answered. "Nothing…just thinking what a great day it's been." Olivia placed her hands on top of Luke's, threading her small fingers through his big ones. She caressed the back of his warm hands with her thumbs, circling them slowly against his skin.

Turning his head slightly alongside hers, his stubble lightly grazed the side of her smooth face. He asked, "You sure, baby? You look like you have a lot on your mind." Luke gently pressed a kiss to the side of her neck. She smelled like a blend of the sweet tea she loved to drink and coconut. He inhaled and kissed her once more, rubbing his nose softly against her neck.

Olivia trembled from the small contact. "Just here looking at the beautiful lake, watching your brother's rough house, thinking how today was so wonderful. One of the best days of my life. Wondering about where everyone will go now that we've all graduated college. What kind of jobs everyone will get."

Luke paused briefly before he replied. "I think I'm going to need more than one penny."

Luke and Livy chuckled together as she relaxed into him, laying her head back against his chest as they slowly rocked side to side. The sun was stronger this time of year and he could feel the heat beating down on his bare shoulders. It didn't bother him though. He was born and raised in the South, so the exceptionally high temperature was nothing new to him. It was actually a welcoming feeling against his skin, one that he loved to feel. In fact, he detested cold weather and couldn't imagine why anyone would want to deal with it.

Olivia continued to fix her eyes straight ahead, unwavering. He sensed something was swirling around in that mind of hers. Not wanting to push, he dropped it and figured she'd speak when ready.

"Yo, Luke! The food done yet? I'm starvin'!"Colt hollered.

Shaking his head, he reared back and yelled, "Y'all can get your own damn food!" He'd be dammed if he was going to let his girl out of his arms. Luke brushed the strands of hair out of the way and then leaned back down, kissing Livy's neck tenderly, grasping her a little tighter. Absolutely nothing would take this away from him. He felt pure bliss. Luke had his girl in his arms and that's all that mattered. In a moment as simple as this, he fell in love with Livy a little more each day.



Leaning against a giant Oak Tree in his now dry swim trunks, Luke's arms were crossed firmly in front of his bare chest. He was unmistakably irritated that a tick started in his jaw. They'd just spent an incredible day by the lake with their closest friends swimming and grilling like old times. Luke even sang songs and played his guitar, some along with the radio and others off the top of his head. The singing was mainly for Olivia's pleasure. He loved to watch her face display a dozen different emotions while he sang. Her beautiful brown eyes would light up before concealing them as if she didn't like it. But he knew her all too well. Her eyes would focus in on the guitar while his fingers strummed the chords. When he added, 'whiskey girl' to a song, he'd lay it on thick causing his southern drawl to come out in a raspy and husky sound, grabbing her attention. Livy's heated eyes would drift up to meet his and they'd lock in place. Whiskey girl had become a nickname he used for her and her alone.

All of their friends had left the lake now, and they were having a heated discussion- more like an argument- with Livy about the future. Luke was trying in vain to keep his emotions at bay. Olivia took him completely by surprise with her thoughts and truth be told, it wasn't sitting well with him. He couldn't say he was completely blindsided by it, he felt earlier that she was holding back, but still, he wasn't expecting this.

Tension mounted between them as Luke said, "What do you mean you want to leave Georgia? So you're telling me you're better off somewhere else? This right here baby," he said, hitching up his thumb and pointing to the woods behind him, "is the real deal. This is where your heart is, where your friends and family are. It's your home. You're not going to get much better than this." Luke rubbed his chest as tightness gripped him inside just thinking about it, an unfamiliar feeling creeping in.

He paused, placing his right hand over his heart and said, "It's also where...I am. Take it or leave it. What's it going to be?"

Sitting under the tree on an old wool gray blanket gave her very little reprieve from the sweltering sun. Olivia bit the inside of her lip as she glanced up at Luke with her big, round chocolate eyes. She could swear she heard his voice crack at the last statement he made. It was as if he was saying take me or leave me. Goodness, did it hurt to hear that since she had no intention of leaving him to begin with.

"Take it or leave it... what is that supposed to mean, Luke?" Olivia spat out with bite. Shaking her head, she pulled up her knees to her chest, wrapped her arms around and looked away. Olivia felt sick as she replayed the words in her mind.

Luke didn't respond, instead he just stood there silently, stubbornly. She looked back up into his green eyes and saw that they held a mixture of confusion and a hint of pain yet his body radiated confidence as he spoke. Subtly, she shook her head and sighed, so frustrated by how difficult he was to read.

Luke looked so good standing there with his deep olive tan and messy sandy blonde hair that had dried unevenly from swimming in the lake earlier. His hair was longer than most men's and full of different shades of dirty blonde that women would pay top dollar for. The strands curled just at the tips framing the sides of his handsome face. He kept pushing it away but it would just fall back. His black board shorts hung low on his waist, showing off the slight v that dipped into his suit. It wasn't pronounced, but the thin strip of dark hair driving up from beneath caught her attention. Luke wasn't overly defined or full of ridiculous bulging muscles, but he was toned to the right amount of perfection for her.

Olivia loved Luke deeply and probably always would. He was her first real boyfriend- not counting all the losers she dated in high school. Luke was pretty much her first real everything. They began dating before college and as luck would have it, they ended up at the same university. But she wasn't destined to live in a small town forever. Olivia aspired beyond the life she was dealt, she worked hard for it. Why couldn't he comprehend her need to at least give it a shot outside of Georgia? She wasn't breaking up with him, she just wanted to see what else was out there. Surely he would understand… Or perhaps even go with her should she ultimately decide to leave?

A current of air silently glided off the lake and through their little spot. The trees swayed causing the sun to filter through the green leaves and land onto her bronzed skin. Olivia bit the inside of her lip, a habit she had when she was nervous. She worried that the decision she was about to make could change so much between them. She knew what she wanted; city lights, a little snow, the hustle and bustle of busy streets, and most of all, a secure life where she wouldn't have to rely on anyone again. But she couldn't figure out why, deep down, she had a notion that what she was about to say could tear them apart.

Olivia was picking at her nails as she tried to think of an answer that would be the "right one." Answering his question with trepidation, she said in a soft voice, "I...I want more. I want to see what other places have to offer. Maybe you want to leave with me? We could go together? I would like to experience life outside of this small town, Luke. And... you should want that too, for both of us. Isn't there anything you want?"

"I know what I want. I'm lookin' at her," Luke said to her in a barely audible voice, his eyes piercing hers. Luke was wound tight. Pushing off the tree with his back, the grass was hot, crumpled underneath his feet as he increased the space between him and Livy. Pissed wasn't even the word to describe what he was feeling at this very moment. Maybe agitated? Maybe fuming? He wasn't sure. It didn't matter. Luke reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette. He titled his head to the side, cupped the tip of the cigarette with his palm as he flicked his lighter and lit it. Taking a deep drag and exhaling, he was trying to interpret exactly what she was saying. Did Olivia just say, in so many words, that she wanted to leave? That she wanted to see if there was more out there for her? What else did she need? Did he hear her correctly? Blinking rapidly, he just shook his head and kept walking away. What the hell was he then? Nothing to her? Did the past four years mean absolutely zilch?

Of course Luke wanted Olivia to do what made her happy, he'd do anything to satisfy her, but without him? He'd just assumed that they'd stay in Georgia together. The thoughts began to eat him up inside. Was he being selfish wanting Olivia to stay here with him? Probably. Did he give a shit that he was about to be a prick? Nope. Not a damn.

Luke turned back toward Olivia with newly found determination. Pinching the cigarette between his thumb and forefinger, he gritted his teeth as he said, "Fine. Leave. If that's what you want, then go. I hope you find what you're looking for. But know this, I won't be waiting for you when you come back, 'cause baby, you'll be back. This place is in your bones. Mark my words."

Standing up, Olivia had fire in her eyes as she stomped over to Luke, her hair blowing frantically in her face. She was just a few feet away now and seething in exasperation, her hands forming fists at her sides. Irritation rolled down her clammy skin in rippling waves that heated her to the core. Leave? Luke just told her to leave?

"Luke! You're being stupid! We're young, fresh out of college and have our whole lives ahead of us. How do you know you're supposed to stay here? How do you know there isn't more waiting for you somewhere else?" Olivia yelled, throwing her arms around as she spoke. "Is this enough for you? To be confined to this little town where everyone knows everything? Is that what you want?"

Luke stood stock still, his eyes narrowing in on her. This woman was making his blood boil, and not the way she usually did either. He had a feeling he knew where this conversation was going but didn't want to accept it just yet. With sheer purpose in his eyes, Luke took one last pull inhaling, flicked it and crossed the short distance to where Olivia was standing. He blew the smoke out and eyed her as if he'd just spotted his prey, ready to devour her.

Reaching behind and grabbing the back of her head, he fisted her hair in his hand close to her scalp firmly. He used his left arm to circle her waist and pulled her flush against his body. Her back ached and her stomached pressed into him. He heard her breath catch as he held her tight. God, how he loved her. Loved her for some time now. Damn. Maybe even longer than the four years they've been dating, but now it felt as if she was leaving. He could feel it and was prepared to do anything to get her to change her mind. Call him selfish, he didn't want to see her go.

Leaning down close enough to almost touch his face with hers, he searched her eyes as he said in a whisper, "You're enough for me, woman. You. I want what you want and I thought it was to be here. But now I'm seeing that we might not want the
same thing." Shaking his head, he said, "What changed, Liv?"

Luke could feel Livy's body soften up against him. He loved that he had this effect on her. Dense hot air circulated them and flowed between them, making it hard to breathe. He'd like to believe that it was the humidity in the air right now, but they'd always had such chemistry together. He'd be fooling himself thinking otherwise.

Luke stared down into Olivia's dark brown eyes. He brushed his lips gently across hers and never losing eye contact he said against them in a breathless whisper, "Did you hear me, baby? You. I said you're enough for me. Am I not enough for you?" Then he pressed his mouth down onto Olivia's soft, lush lips. He wanted, no needed, to show her how much she meant to him.

Slowly, he slid his tongue across the seam of her mouth, causing her to part her warm lips just slightly. He tenderly pulled her bottom lip into his mouth and nibbled on it. She tasted like the damn sweet tea that she was always drinking which fueled him more. She felt so good against his mouth as he gently started to suck on her lush bottom lip, caressing it with his tongue.

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