Darkness Captured (16 page)

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Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Romance, #Occult & Supernatural, #Fiction, #Erotica, #General

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Guntram followed, becoming frustrated since it seemed he had to pull the information from the mage. “I’m confused then. I thought Nergal and his consort Irkalla ruled here.”

“They are the first order of rulers, but the Master of the Demons controls the lesser demons by virtue of a bequest from King Solomon.”

“I don’t care if God himself ordained the bastard, he’s holding Gabriella against her will. She saw me, Simon. Did you see her expression?”

Simon’s gaze met his at last. What Guntram saw didn’t reassure him. Pity softened his expression. “She seemed conflicted. Already she looks to him for protection. He holds hell at bay for her.”

Ninshubur bustled into the room, lowering a wooden latch to lock them all inside. “Did you see her?” he asked excitedly.

Guntram nodded, his stomach beginning to boil again. She was so close; the entrance to the tower she’d entered was just around the corner.

“Everyone’s talking,” the old man said, his arms filled with packages. “They all know she’s living flesh, and that she attempted an escape. The
found her first. If she’s discovered on her own again, she’ll be eaten.”

Guntram turned to Simon again, ready to shake the answers he wanted free. “This dragon that holds her, you said he’s an ally. Can’t he be persuaded to surrender her to us?”

Simon’s chest rose. “He’s been in this realm for nearly three thousand years, since the death of Solomon. No matter that he was entrusted with a sacred duty; he’s been corrupted. He’s been alone for all this time. Except for Irkalla, who’s as vile as her sister, he’s had no one. He won’t be persuaded.”

“So we must take her.”

Simon nodded slowly. “First steps, friend. We have to let her know we have a plan to free her.”

“And do we? I’m assuming we can’t just enter the tower and walk up to her door.”

“There are watchers set around his chambers. Some of them are Irkalla’s because she’s jealous. Some are ones he’s set in place to keep Gabriella safe. We’ll have a chance to talk to her tonight when she appears in Irkalla’s court.”

“Why can’t we take her then?”

“Too many will be watching. Only one of us can approach her without raising suspicion. You must find a way to get close. Make sure she wants to be freed.”

“Of course she does. Why would she want to stay in this place?”

Simon’s mouth formed a small, tight smile. “Tell me, Guntram, hasn’t Gabriella always craved a master?”

Guntram thought back to what Alex had told him. Gabriella needed a strong mate, someone to overwhelm her and still make her feel safe. Had the dragon fulfilled that need? He ground his jaws together. His heartbeats evened. Now, he could think. “Tonight’s feast, then. That’s where she’ll be. The entrance to the palace is guarded. How will we get past the sentries?”

Simon lifted his brows and gave them a wicked waggle. “I’ll have no problem passing. We’re going to waylay one of her courtiers. While you truss him up, I’ll assume his form. You’ll already be in disguise as my slave. Let’s just hope that Irkalla is so consumed with keeping Marduk from Gabriella that she doesn’t decide to give my new slave a test run.”

Guntram grimaced. “I’m assuming when you say slave that I’m going to be served up as a sexual playmate. I don’t play.”

Simon quickly extinguished the grin stretching his lips. “Keep vigilant. Try not to look too fierce. That will only get you more attention from every woman there.”

Guntram barely suppressed a growl. The only woman whose attention he craved was serving up submission to a dragon. How could a lone wolf compete with that?


abriella’s body vibrated with excitement.

And not just because Marduk used his hands and lips to bathe away the dirt from her body. Sitting astride his lap, impaled on his thick cock, she snuggled close to his chest to hide her expression.

Marduk poured water over her shoulder, then smoothed his lips along the curve. “You understand now why you can never leave this tower alone?” he asked, his tone solemn.

A shudder racked her, dragging her down from the exultant high she’d experienced at seeing Guntram and Simon Jameson among the crowd who’d watched them arrive. She didn’t want a reminder of what she’d experienced in the desert—her nightmare, relived time and again, but changed, the horrors deepening with each recurrence.

She hadn’t won the battle against Ulfric’s son the last time and had suffered his rape. If she’d had to live it again, what more would have happened? Would the wolves have ripped her apart? Or all taken turns?

Marduk’s arms wrapped around her, and he murmured against her hair, “I will keep you safe. What did you learn today?”

Gabriella nestled deeper in his embrace. “That your touch keeps the nightmare at bay.”

“My touch, this tower. All are enchanted. You’re safe here.”

“But I’m not dead. Why do I experience hell?”

His shrug didn’t satisfy her curiosity. She leaned back to give him a frown, but the movement forced her deeper on his cock. It twitched inside her. Her lips pouted. “Not fair, talking this way.”

“I never claimed to fight fair, my love.”

Her breath huffed out. “Don’t call me that.”

“But you are. My love.

“That sounds so … primitive. I’m a modern woman. I own myself. And I can choose lovers without getting sticky with emotion. I

His hands grasped her hips and moved her up and down his shaft. “Perhaps in the past that was true. But at your core, you are warm, yielding …” He drew a long, slow breath and pushed her back down. “You’re a woman, Gabriella. You’ve been in need of a man to satisfy your cravings and to rein in your passion.”

“I don’t need a man to hold any reins. I’m my own master.”

“But you do crave to submit, don’t you?” When she scowled his lips curved. “How can your fierce independence and your need to be mastered coexist?”

She shook her hair back and the wet strands fell against her shoulders. She ground down his cock, squeezing around him, a subtle reminder that she was an equal combatant in this intimate battle. “I don’t know. But I’ve kept myself free of controlling males all my life. And I should warn you that the last to try to take me by force choked on his own blood.”

His smile deepened beneath the neat black moustache that framed his lips and dipped down to a narrow, devilish beard. That smile, so smug and self-assured, infuriated her because her body betrayed her every time.

Already lush heat bloomed inside her, causing her vagina to pulsate and ripple.

His smile froze, his nostrils flared, and she couldn’t stand it a second longer, leaning closer to slide her lips across his, coaxing them open with a glide of her tongue, then moaning as he slid his inside her. Their mouths warred, their heads pressing forward, grinding as their bodies heated. Her hips ground down, then slipped forward and back to rub her clit against the base of his cock.

His hands didn’t fight her movements, just caressed her bottom, cupping it, lifting and rolling it, and then fingers sneaked between her buttocks and glided down.

She gasped when he touched her sensitive entrance, groaned when he dipped a thick fingertip inside, then crashed her hips against him, rising higher and higher because she couldn’t wait another moment to come.

Her orgasm crashed like the waves of water that churned between their bodies as she rode him. Cream and froth bathing her inside and out. But she quickly realized she was doing all the work, and that her hard-bodied demon was only watching, biding his time until her pleasure receded.

His lips had thinned to a narrow, straight line. His eyebrows were drawn into a severe scowl.

He’d let her take her pleasure, but the lesson she hoped he’d forgotten had only begun.

Her body shivered now, not from residual fear or the relief at seeing an old friend coming to her rescue, but from the arousal that shouldn’t be climbing so quickly inside her again.

When her motions stilled, he lifted her off his cock, then slapped the water with his open palms.

The dark, terrible vines emerged from the beneath the sand, wrapping around her arms and legs, her torso, even threading through her hair to hold her still. When she opened her mouth, another looped itself around her head, wrapping twice. And because she couldn’t bear the thought of them entering her mouth, she clamped her lips shut, letting them gag her.

Her eyes widened on him, not understanding the anger that radiated from his taut body. He’d been so tender, bringing her to the water to wash away the sand, soothing her with soft murmurs and caresses as she’d lain against his chest.

For a moment she’d forgotten what he was, that he wasn’t really the man standing in front of her. He was a dragon, a cold-blooded predator. And she’d crossed him. What punishment would he visit on her now that she was restrained and completely at his mercy?

Because she didn’t want him to know she was frightened, she wriggled against her bonds, screaming at him from behind her gag.

Bells tinkled, nearing, and Gabriella shot daggers with her gaze as the tinkling was muffled and his little sex slave entered the water. But there was more than one splash behind her as Xalia and whatever accompanied her joined them.

Xalia swam around in front of her, then stood, coming so close her small green breasts pressed just below her own. Xalia’s eyes were moist. “You should not have run.” Then she lifted her hands and snapped her fingers.

A pale figure glided beneath the water around her, too fast for her to make out its shape. It circled the pool, swam between Marduk’s spread legs, between her own. Its skin was soft and sleek, like a dolphin’s.

Her body began to quiver. Xalia bent slightly, tapped Gabriella’s breast and waited as a vine encircled it. The nipple grew engorged, the tip reddening as the vine constricted. Then a thin tendril crept to the nipple and ringed it, constricting so tightly, so deliciously, that Gabriella couldn’t suppress a moan.

Xalia’s lips twitched, then flattened again. She tapped the opposite breast and waited until it was wrapped. Then she sank beneath the water, parted Gabriella’s folds with her fingers, and held them while the vines slid between her legs, trapping the folds open.

Every part of her was framed, opened, but for what? Gabriella lifted her gaze to Marduk, unable to hide her growing unease. His features were tight with a malevolent cast that shocked her. Here was the demon who’d been hiding inside the handsome man all along.

“Dagon,” Marduk said, his tone even.

Xalia’s expression became soft, almost delirious. As she leaned to the side to peek around Gabriella, her breasts grazed Gabriella’s ribs.

Marduk’s expression clearly showed his displeasure as he stepped out of the pool. Over his shoulder he said, “Xalia, make sure she’s made ready in time.”

Marduk slung clothing over his shoulder and left the room nude. The silence he left behind was punctuated by Gabriella’s short, rasping breaths as she waited for a glimpse of the creature standing right behind her.

“Leave us.” The voice was soft, almost tender in its delivery.

Gabriella jerked and the vines tightened.

Xalia’s lips pouted, but she withdrew to sit on the upper step of the pool.

The vines clamped over Gabriella’s mouth fell away.

“Lord Marduk’s call was as unexpected as it is rare,” whispered the soft male voice behind her. “What have you done to upset him so?”

Gabriella pressed her lips together, rather than rail at her treatment, which was her first instinct. But he stayed silent so long, her own impatience had her blurting, “Does he only have to say your name to summon you?”

“As I am bound to him, yes.”

Something cool and slippery glided down her back. “And you do whatever he commands?”

“When he issues a command, yes.”

“Did he issue you a command regarding me?”

“Do you think you’re important enough to consume even that much of his attention?”

Gabriella gritted her teeth at the sarcasm in his tone. “Important enough for him to tell you to get your ass here, apparently.”

The water between her feet began to burble as though boiling, but the temperature didn’t change. Disturbed because she couldn’t look down to see what was happening, she ground her jaws tight. No way would she let him know he’d frightened her.

After a few moments the water grew still. “Did he send you to punish me?”

A soft snort gusted against her ear. “Is that what you think? Do you deserve punishment? It might explain his sour expression when he departed.”

“If not to punish, then why did he ask you to come?”

“I think he did not want to be the one to cause you pain.”

“Is your cock that enormous?”

Laughter gusted, warming the back of her neck. “That’s the first thing that came to your mind?”

“My pussy’s spread. What am I supposed to think?”

“You are so quick to jump to conclusions.”

“Then you are here to render punishment? Why don’t you just get on with it?”

His hands caressed the notches of her hips and his body pressed against her back and bottom. He was nude, his erection fitting snugly against the crevice of her ass. “If it was punishment he intended, he would hardly ask me to be the deliverer.”

“Why’s that? Are you the demon of boredom?”

He withdrew and stepped around her, and her breath caught. He was as beautifully pale as Marduk was dark. His eyes were the color of the sea, his skin as luminescent as water struck by sunlight. His hair was blond and fell in wet curls to his shoulders.

The expression he wore was slightly bemused. “I am considered many things, but never boring. I have power over water. On Earth, I frightened sailors, who thought I was a sea serpent.”

Instantly, she relaxed. He hardly seemed a malevolent entity—just miffed at being marginalized. “You’re a merman, huh?” The water burbled again, but she no longer feared he’d poach her. “I’m to be prepared for presentation to Irkalla’s court. Is that why you’re here?”

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