Darkness Captured (17 page)

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Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Romance, #Occult & Supernatural, #Fiction, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: Darkness Captured
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One corner of his mouth quirked upward. “You are quick. I’m here to adorn your body with the trappings of a slave.”

Gabriella formed her lips into a disgruntled moue. “I’m not a slave. I recognize no man as my master.”

“But you shall be marked as such.” He cupped his empty hand, then opened it, palm up. Lying in the center was a slender golden ring from which a polished amber-colored stone dangled.

“You’re going to pierce my ears?”

His smile broadened. The thin tendril-like vine encircling one nipple constricted and she knew where the ring was going to be inserted.

He broke the solid ring with a sharp snap of his fingers, then held it to the reddened, protruding nipple. With just a twist, it pierced her, the break closing immediately. Besides a small sting, her breast seemed intact, no blood appearing around the wound.

Not so bad, she said to herself, staring straight ahead as he produced another identical ring and pierced the opposite nipple.

The vines dropped away from around her breasts, blood flowed into her breasts and she heaved a sigh of relief. When his fingers tugged on the circles, she didn’t flinch, but she did feel a tingle of arousal.

He dropped to his knees in front of her, his head just above the water, and pierced her belly button with a larger ring, then strung thin gold chains from both nipples to the one at her belly and added another to encircle her waist. When his fingers stroked between her folds, only then did she grow concerned again.

“Easy,” he whispered. “I must arouse you to finish this.”

Xalia giggled from the steps.

Gabriella had forgotten the little green demon, and gave her a sharp glare, which only managed to increase her mirth.

“I wonder where he will attach the leash,” Xalia said, giggling again.

Gabriella hadn’t thought that far ahead, but if Marduk thought she’d be led around by her clit, he’d better rethink that plan.

However, the thought of Guntram seeing her like that didn’t have the same effect. She thought she might enjoy seeing his face redden, his body hardening as he fought the urge to drop his gaze when he followed the thin chain downward.

Dagon fingered her diligently, then curled his finger to rub her clit. “A little shy, are you?”

It was Gabriella’s turn to snort. The last thing she was going to admit out loud was that she required rougher handling than he offered to turn her on. His head bent, submerging, and his tongue laved the hood protecting her clitoris. He pulled it between his lips and suckled, drawing harder and harder until her toes curled into the sand. A sudden pricking pain caused her pussy to contract, but that was all the response he drew from her as he slid the last ring into her body. A final chain was linked to her bellybutton ring and fastened to the ring piercing her clit, and then he stood.

Dagon moved close, his warm-blooded body heating her front. “Do you require punishing?” he murmured.

“You tell me,” she said evenly.

“You’ve been disappointingly obedient.”

Gabriella was all right with that. Her battle wasn’t with this blond Adonis. She had far scarier things in store for her this night.

The vines dropped from her body, and she swayed.

He caught her against his chest and her nipple rings dragged across his skin. A warm tingling caught her breath.

Dagon lifted one brow. “Since they’re so new, you’ll be on the edge of arousal all evening. Punishment enough for one such as you, I think.”

Gabriella shook off his hands and turned, deliberately keeping her head up rather than give him the satisfaction of watching her stare at his work. The new “adornments” excited her. She’d never considered being pierced before, but realized she would have enjoyed having a lover insist. Her glance swept Xalia, who still wore a delighted grin. Her nipples and pussy were bare. Why had Marduk singled her out? Did he really intend to lead her about by the rings as Xalia had hinted?

She grabbed a linen towel from the stack and dried her body, ignoring the other two who were swimming toward the deeper end. When both of their bodies sank into the water, she watched for a minute, curious, but they only played, swimming like seals beneath the surface.

She hadn’t thought Xalia was a water creature too, but maybe she simply had amazing lungs. Shrugging, she picked up a brush from a basket filled with toiletries and strode toward the balcony. As she stroked her hair, letting it dry slowly in the hot breeze, and enjoyed the heat the gold rings trapped, stinging her nipples and clit, she realized she couldn’t wait to see Guntram’s reaction.

Gabriella was honest enough with herself to admit she was confused about how she felt about both men. On one hand, she’d never been so relieved to see anyone in her life than Marduk when she’d woken up in the desert. That he was the most exciting lover she’d ever had was also true. He frightened her, but no man had ever mastered her so thoroughly. His brand of lovemaking was addictive.

And yet, she’d never been so happy as she had been when she’d caught Guntram’s scent. Her stalwart warrior, her
War Raven,
had entered hell, braving death to rescue her. That he was so loyal filled her with warmth. They shared so much history, and he’d given her the freedom to be herself. Although she’d never given in to the urge to act on her attraction, she had been tempted.

The sight of his nude body, fresh from a run with the pack, never failed to stir her. The heat in his gaze when he stood proud and straight while she inspected him told her the attraction wasn’t one-sided. If he freed her, she wondered if he would expect more from her.

For the first time, she considered what it would be like to be mated to such a man. He wasn’t the same sort of wolf her father had been. Perhaps surrendering her mantle to him wouldn’t be so horrible after all.

Gabriella remembered the first time she’d met him. In her small pack she’d gathered to form her new family, she’d had only two males, who had fought constantly. That evening, they’d stopped at an inn to eat and rest, and she’d overheard them arguing.

“She’s a girl!” one drunkenly bellowed. “One of us should cover her. Then all that gold will be ours.”
“One of ours, you mean,” the other snarled.
“We could share. She’s more than enough female to satisfy us both.”
“You’re talking of raping her?”
“It’s not rape. It’s our way. And she knows it, too.” His voice dropped conspiratorially. “Why do you think she keeps herself armed in her sleep?”
The other grunted. “How do you propose we take her?”
“Can’t while she sleeps. She’d slit our throats.”
“Then when we’re traveling. Her horse could be spooked. Spill her from the saddle. And before she can catch her breath, we’ll have her.”
“Then what?”
“We find ourselves a place, our own territory to rule. Maybe get ourselves a couple more brood bitches…”
Gabriella had heard enough. She’d already paid them up front for the next month’s service, but she’d cut her losses now and sneak away while they drank. With luck, she’d be long gone by the time they noticed, and her scent too faded for them to track.
Her mind made up, she’d turned—and bumped into a wall of hard muscle. Her gaze shot upward in alarm.
The expression of the warrior in front of her was frightening in its intensity—grim, tight. His nostrils flared as he inhaled her scent.
Another wolf? Were they conspiring together?
His chin lifted toward the men she’d been spying on. “What do you intend to do about them?”
“What concern is it of yours?”
“You’re a woman. Weaker by nature. Perhaps I don’t like the odds.”
“Or maybe you’re in with them.”
His lips curled derisively. “I’m a better judge of character than that.”
Her cheeks warmed. The two men had been the best she could buy. Lone wolves were reluctant to be led by a female. “If you’re not with them, then stand aside.”
“Are you going to run?”
“Whatever I decide to do, I wouldn’t tell you.”
“They’ll follow. And if you give them too much of a fight, they’ll kill you.”
“And you know this because you’d do the same thing?”
His eyes narrowed with deadly intent. “I’m not that dishonorable.”
“I meant no insult. But I really do need to stretch my lead. Out of my way.”
Still he didn’t budge, his chest scraping along hers as he breathed. “Perhaps I could offer my sword. We’d travel together, set up camp, and wait for them.”
“So that you can lull me into trusting you and have the job done before either of them arrive?”
“The job?”
“Have me covered and claimed so that you can take my wealth for yourself.”
He snorted. “For one thing, I don’t think you’re so stupid as to carry all your wealth with you. For another, I told you, I’m not like them. If I give you my word I’ll not harm you, even to claim you, you can trust it.”
“I should take you at your word? What assurances do you offer?”
“None. But you’re smart enough to reason out that they will dog your steps until they find you. So, unless you kill them, you will always be looking over your shoulder. And one more thing, if we kill them both, you will only have the worry of facing down one wolf, should I turn out to be other than what I’ve said, rather than two. Better odds for you.”
However, gazing into his stern features and standing chest to chest with him did nothing to relieve her fears. His steely glance didn’t waiver once as she swept his face for hints of his thoughts. But he gave nothing away. His stillness as he suffered her inspection seemed to calm her own body, then her mind.
This man was worth a half dozen of the bastards she’d hired. And what choice did she really have? He could take her now before she had a chance to draw her own weapon. Further, if he was telling her the truth, this was a man who could help her build the force she needed, if he could be convinced to stay with her beyond this task.
She’d squared her shoulders and drawn a deep breath. “Your horse?”
“Outside. Tied to the post.”
“Mine’s in the stables. It will need to be saddled.”
“I already took care of that.”
“I know who you are. It’s why I’m here. I studied you all as you arrived, and knew you’d be needing my help sooner or later. I bided my time.”
A strategist. Something else she needed. The man was growing more attractive by the moment. “Just so you know—I’m not seeking a mate.”
“Nor am I. I’m a mercenary. I prefer to be free to leave whenever I choose.”
Only he hadn’t. As she’d huddled under blankets next to the fire he’d built, he’d stalked the two men, who snuck into her camp. They’d been dead before she’d had a chance to flip back her blanket.

He’d won her respect for his skills that night, but over their long acquaintance he’d won so much more. She loved him. Perhaps not a romantic kind of love, but he was a solid man—of body and conscience. His blunt, canny observations and skill at battle had earned her respect. His steadfast loyalty and selfless devotion to her needs had earned her affection.

“Let me brush your hair,” Xalia said softly.

Gabriella blinked, hoping her expression hadn’t somehow betrayed her straying thoughts. “I can manage on my own. I’m not helpless.”

“Would you deny me the pleasure?” Xalia’s expression was guileless.

Feeling like an ogre, Gabriella gave her the brush. Xalia resumed the soothing strokes.

“How long have you been with Marduk?”

Xalia’s laughter trilled. “I served the previous Master. So, a very, very long time.”

Time had little meaning, Gabriella guessed, when one’s days were spent doing the same things, over and over.

“Are you sore?” This came from Dagon, who stepped into view and knelt at her side to finger the rings at her breasts.

“Only mildly so,” she said.

“Do you enjoy them?”

Gabriella couldn’t hold back her grin. “Is this your function in life? To pierce women’s sexual organs?”

Dagon laughed, which set Xalia giggling. “Only when I’m very, very lucky. I think Marduk didn’t know whether to spank you or kiss you when he returned with you, so asking me to do the honors was just a way for him to save face.”

Gabriella snorted and then shared in their laughter. The thought of Marduk confused about what to do with a woman was just too funny.


o what was he? That Dagon you sent to stick me?” she asked, clinging to Marduk’s arm as they made their way toward the palace, purposely keeping her conversation light and constant, just to prick at him with high spirits. “Was he really a merman?”

Marduk grunted, but didn’t respond.

She wondered if he was annoyed because he’d returned to the chamber, his arms filled with colorful fabric and jewels, to find the three of them laughing. Hardly the punishment he’d envisioned.

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