Darkness Devours

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Authors: Keri Arthur

BOOK: Darkness Devours
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Praise for Keri Arthur and Her Novels


Nominated for the
Romantic Times
2007 Reviewers’ Choice Awards for Career Achievement in Urban Fantasy

Winner of the
Romantic Times
2008 Reviewers’ Choice Awards for Career Achievement in Urban Fantasy

“Keri Arthur’s imagination and energy infuse everything she writes with zest.”

—Charlaine Harris

Full Moon Rising


“Keri Arthur skillfully mixes her suspenseful plot with heady romance in her thoroughly enjoyable alternate reality Melbourne. Sexy vampires, randy werewolves, and unabashed, unapologetic, joyful sex—you’ve gotta love it. Smart, sexy, and well conceived,
Full Moon Rising
left me wishing I was a dhampire.”

—Kim Harrison


“A deliciously sexy adventure through a supernatural underworld that pulls you in and won’t let go. Keri Arthur knows how to thrill! Buckle up and get ready for a wild, cool ride!”

—Shana Abé


“Strong, smart, and capable, Riley will remind many of Anita Blake, Laurell K. Hamilton’s kick-ass vampire hunter.… Fans of Anita Blake and Charlaine Harris’s Sookie Stackhouse vampire series will be rewarded.”

—Publishers Weekly


“Fun and feisty… [an] effective crossbreeding of romance and urban fantasy that should please fans of either genre.”

—Kirkus Reviews


“Well-done and entertaining.”

—The Sunday Oklahoman


“A sexy and fast-paced novel.… The author excels at showing not just characters, but how they interact as a society.”

—The Davis Enterprise


“[This] is a great story that’s suspenseful, has hot werewolves, sexy vampires, a huge amount of butt kickin’, and no-holds-barred sex. If you like a twist to your paranormal romance, you’ll love this book.”

—Fresh Fiction


Kissing Sin


Finalist for the 2008 Fantasm Award for Best Werewolf Romance


“Strong world building, vivid personalities, and the distinctive cultures of each of the various paranormal strains combine for a rich narrative, and Arthur’s descriptive prose adds texture and menace.”

—Publishers Weekly


“The second book in this paranormal guardian series is just as phenomenal as the first.… I am addicted!”

—Fresh Fiction


Tempting Evil


“This paranormal romance series gets better and better with each new book… an exciting adventure that delivers all you need for a fabulous read—sexy shape-shifters; hot vampires; wild, uncontrollable sex; and the slightest hint of a love that’s meant to be forever.”

—Fresh Fiction


Dangerous Games


Finalist for the 2008 Fantasm Award for Best Urban Fantasy Romance


“By far one of the best books I have ever read.… With this series, Ms. Arthur has a real winner on her hands.”

—Coffee Time Romance and More


“The depths of emotion, the tense plot, and the conflict of powerful driving forces inside the heroine made for [an] absorbing read.”



“This series is phenomenal!… An incredibly original and devastatingly sexy story. It keeps you spellbound and mesmerized on every page. Absolutely perfect!”

—Fresh Fiction


Embraced by Darkness


“Arthur is positively one of the best urban fantasy authors in print today. The characters have been well drawn from the start and the mysteries just keep getting better. A creative, sexy, and adventure-filled world that readers will just love escaping to.”

—Darque Reviews


“Arthur’s storytelling is getting better and better with each book… suspense, interesting concepts, terrific main and secondary characters, well-developed story arcs, and the world building is highly entertaining.”



“Reminiscent of Laurell K. Hamilton… Arthur’s characters inhabit a dark, sexy world of the paranormal.”

News and Sentinel
(Parkersburg, WV)


The Darkest Kiss


“The paranormal Australia that Arthur concocts works perfectly, and the plot speeds along at a breakneck pace. Riley fans won’t be disappointed.”

—Publishers Weekly


Bound to Shadows


“Riley’s journey has never been easy, but this book ratchets things up to a whole new level. This series just keeps getting better and better.”

—RT Book Reviews


Destiny Kills


Romantic Times
Reviewers’ Choice Nominee for Best Contemporary Paranormal Romance


“The always exhilarating Arthur begins a most intriguing new supernatural series.… Good pacing and plenty of action are highlighted by Arthur’s own patented sizzle.”

Romantic Times


Also by Keri Arthur


The Dark Angels Series


Darkness Unbound

Darkness Rising







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Copyright © Keri Arthur, 2012

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I’d like to thank my editor, Danielle Perez, and everyone else at NAL, for making me feel so welcome. May we work on many books together.

This book is dedicated to my agent, Miriam; thanks for the advice, the hand-holding, and the friendship.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Darkness Hunts

Chapter 1

We do what we have to do—we track these people down by whatever means necessary.

The words weren’t mine, but they ran through my brain nevertheless, going around and around, chased by echoes of pain and heartbreak as I stood on the footpath and stared up at the multistory building in Southbank.

I’d never been inside but I’d driven past it many a time. And, more than once, I’d stopped here at the curbside, sharing a lingering kiss, reluctant to let what we’d experienced the night before come to an end.

I’d been so in love. Stupidly, foolishly in love. And it had all been a lie. Not on my part, but his.

Jak Talbott—the werewolf I thought I’d spend the rest of my life with—had wanted nothing more than a good story. And he’d got that, mixing lies with reality so deftly it was hard to pick them apart. Mom had sued both him and the paper over the story, but in the end had settled out of court rather than have her name—and possibly mine—dragged endlessly through the gossip mags while the court case was ongoing. But mud tends to stick, even if it isn’t true, and she lost several lucrative TV spots
because of it. Not that
had particularly worried her. She’d been more concerned about the effect of Jak’s actions on me.

And my reaction had been fairly intense. Even now, two years later, I avoided anything resembling a deep or lasting relationship, preferring the fun but emotionally sterile liaison with my Aedh lover, Lucian.

Meeting Jak Talbott again was the last thing I ever wanted to do.

I crossed my arms and rubbed them lightly. The midday sun held plenty of warmth, but it didn’t chase the chill away from my flesh.

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