Darkness The Diary of Samantha Owen (8 page)

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Authors: Ariadna Marrero Saavedra

BOOK: Darkness The Diary of Samantha Owen
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I went into the bathroom ready to start the day well. I had many unresolved questions still; furthermore I wanted to go for a walk in the forest to look for the lake that Eric had mentioned.

The bathroom was appealing. I got into the shower and noticed that there was a small window so that air could come in just at eye level. I was distracted thinking about all the stories and legends that I had heard about myself. And also the story of the first twins that Eric had told me the previous day.

Eric had me very intrigued, he didn´t want to tell me why he was sad and I just wanted to make him smile and see him content. I could not bear seeing him that way. When I looked into his eyes they were distant and cold, in the moments when he was distracted my only impulse was to cover him in kisses and hugs until the sadness and pain disappeared from his face.

I looked out of the window and without expecting it saw Eric standing, looking at the flowers in the garden. It occurred to me to speak to him through the mind. Yesterday it had worked for him.


He didn´t move, he continued to be distracted looking at the trees.


<Right now I just want to thank you for staying with me last night. I felt very happy.>>

Eric continued with his back to me but I could see a trace of surprise when he heard these last words.


By the way he said it, even in my mind he sounded incredulous.


              He remained pensive for a moment before saying anything.


I smiled to myself and observed how he sat on the bench looking shattered.

<> I mentally shouted as loud as I could.


I remained perplexed, looking from the distance. How would I not love him? Had he perhaps gone crazy?


After my sudden revelation of my love for Eric I felt small and vulnerable. I had no idea how he would feel about it. However I felt free and satisfied with myself for being clear and honest with the man I loved.
I felt that it would be more difficult telling him those three words of love that I had so longed to hear during my whole life and know I was feeling them in the deepest parts of my soul.

<r leaving. I will try not to be sad, but when I am ready to tell you what is going on I think that you will understand me better.>>

“Good!” I shouted from joy, just for me, making the water splash in the shower.

I saw how Eric straightened up and searched for me with his eyes. He did not know where I was. A complete triumph for me, I thought. I had never won hide and seek when I was little.

<> he said in jest. <>

<> I repeated.


In that instant a sense of urgency invaded me. We only had a few days. It seemed like such a short time. All the time in the world was too short if it meant being at Eric´s side. Finally I asked him the question that I feared most.


I observed his face go pale. It was definitely a delicate issue.


I feared that I had scared him. But the question had been made and there was no turning back.

I stayed for a moment
longer underneath the refreshing shower meditating about my immediate future. I could not even imagine what was waiting for me. But I decided that I would face it with courage and bravery, knowing that whatever happened I would overcome because I so wanted to be with Eric.

When I got out of the shower, I got dress
ed with some of my clothes that I found on top of the bed in the morning. I supposed that Eric had brought them. I looked at the mirror with determination and enthusiasm. I knew that I belonged to this world and was prepared to save it from whoever planned to destroy it. The clothes adjusted perfectly to my body and I felt good wearing it, it combined well with my hair and my dark eyes. I left the bathroom decided to find the kitchen, instead I found a lounge full of old and modern human films, stands full of hours of entertainment and wisdom, as fascinating as books. I stayed there still, fascinated with the hidden mysteries of this house, looking at all the film titles. A hand unexpectedly touched my waist and I jumped in fright even though I knew that it was Eric.

He laughed so much when he frightened me that he ended up sitting on a sofa with tears in his eyes.

“I almost didn´t find you, breakfast is going to get cold.”

“I got lost looking for the kitchen.” I said between giggles.

Eric always made me smile. He took me to a lovely kitchen, medium sized, full of fresh fruit and food for breakfast.

“I knew that you would get a fright,” he said mischievously. “You almost reached the ceiling.” He started
to laugh again, and making use of the occasion he started to make fun of my clothes. I didn´t understand, I was wearing short jeans and a nice blouse with colorful braces, but it appeared to be funny to him.

At that moment Gabriel entered and sat down by my side, with his typically good humor.

Breakfast was spent in silent without any incidents, apart from a comment made by Gabriel that made me shudder.

“Have you told your beloved
,” Gabriel started, looking at Eric sarcastically, “what will happen when you take her to the Palace.”

He laughed and left the kitchen while Eric followed him with an angry stare quite rare in him.

I wanted to ask him the meaning of Gabriel´s words. I didn´t get any answer, just a simple, “don´t you worry, it is nothing”. I barely heard it through the fine line that his lips had formed.

Seeing him so upset I left him alone to calm down; I went to see the movies that I had discovered on the lower floor.

I entered the lounge which was packed with the movies, those I had seen, and many others I had not. When I had gone exhaustively through all of the stand, I crossed the room to the opposite side to a large set of shelves which didn´t contain movies, but music cd´s, with a never ending list of songs. They were classified by their music gender. I stopped in front of the shelves marked Soul and Jazz. They were older discs and one of the types of music that had always interested me more. I found a Frank Sinatra disc that I had never seen before and I got ready to listen to it. I looked for a music system. There had to be one close by. I found it slightly hidden in a corner and I introduced the CD with the intention of enjoying the good music. I started listening to the first song as I shut my eyes and allowed the music to invade me. Without expecting it Eric embraced me from behind and I turned round. He looked me in the eyes and he started to dance with me without taking his eyes off me.

“You have chosen the perfect song
,” he whispered as I leant my head on his shoulder.

“I don´t know what it is called.”

“I´ve got you under my skin,” when he said that I stared deeply at him with the intention of kissing him, until I remember that I had to give him more time and I hugged him again to let us be moved by the rhythm of the music.

The song was joyful and at the same time forceful. Its lyrics possessed great meaning. He took me all around the lounge dancing in circles with me happily, until
he slowly came to a stop, still, looking at the wooden floor. He lifted his head and looked at me, with guilt reflected in his face.

“I am sorry that I cannot tell you anything, that we cannot stay her more days
,” he said with lament in his voice.

The pain invaded my soul so much so that I made him look me directly in the eyes. I held his head between my hands so that he couldn´t turn away.

“For me the time to tell is now,” I said pointing to the ample lounge through which we had just danced. “I care about what happens, not what will happen,” I put his hand on my chest and as I shook with emotion. “Do you feel how my heart beats? It beats with joy, because I have never before felt so alive. Before meeting you my life made no sense and now you give it sense. You make it special.”

I gave him a huge smile and saw how his face changed until a timid smile formed on the corners of his lips.

“You will make me lose my head,” he said.

“If t
hat means you will stay with me then I will have to do it,” I threatened him menacingly; then I started to laugh, happy.

He took me by the hand
and led me outside, taking me away from my precious music. He had that mischievous expression, the one I hadn´t seen since the day I found him sitting on my bed. It seemed like years had gone by since then. Time was different in this dimension. It was not so important. I observed curiously how not even Tiffany was waiting on a clock or time when she cooked. In that house there were no clocks.

We crossed the rose and violet filled garden, with the occasional touch of yellow that brought life to the great house; we headed towards the forest. I was curious to know what Eric wanted to show me. We started a small descent through the forest. The trees were so tall and bushy that I felt like an ant within such immensity. After a few minutes of silence and a light walk
we arrived to the banks of a lake which was a pure reflection of the sky.

“We have arrived
,” he announced. This is my favorite spot of the whole house.

His face had changed. He was happy.

We were a few minutes observing the beautiful view. The water was crystal clear and I could see fish peacefully swimming in the distance. I closed my eyes and felt peace. Everything in that place was in harmony. I could understand why Eric liked this spot so much. When I thought about this, I looked for him but could not find him. He was very able in disappearing without warning. I walked a little to the left and pushed aside some high branches that didn´t allow me to continue. When I looked up I saw him lying on the grass looking up at the cloudless sky. I sat, leaning on a tree, very close to him.

“It has been a while since you asked me something
,” he said in a comical tone, without looking at me.

He was right, my curiosity was killing me. I blushed slightly and started to bring up questions that were gnawing on my brain.

“If I am eighty years old, how is it that I remember my infancy with Anne? That shouldn´t be possible, unless she….” I went quiet for a second, until that moment the possibility hadn´t even entered my mind.

“She is not human
,” he replied turning onto his side to be able to see me.

“Is she a daughter of the night?” I looked at him surprised, unable to believe it.

“No. I suspect that she is an ally of the greys. That is why you remember your childhood. They can control time; it is one of their few, but most important, powers.”

“I don´t understand
,” I didn´t know where I wanted to go with this affirmation.

“You have been with Anne since you were a child without her changing her aspect and you remember everything. This can only happen if she had used deep sleep, but it isn´t something that the fallen ones tend to do.” He continued speaking as if to himself.

He saw my continuing bewilderment.

“The deep sleep is a technique used by the wizards in very few cases, to alter the rate of growth of someone.
I thought that it didn´t work in us. That is why you have spent your whole life travelling. If you stayed in a fixed place, people would notice that you didn´t get older. I think that the reason that she made you sleep, was to make you remember only a few years of your life, not eighty years, a normal human life. But I don´t understand why a wizard would want to do that…”

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