Darkness The Diary of Samantha Owen (5 page)

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Authors: Ariadna Marrero Saavedra

BOOK: Darkness The Diary of Samantha Owen
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              He opened his eyes decidedly. He was willing to receive the punishment in the instant that the empress ordained it, he would die in that same moment. He considered it to be better than living without her for the rest of his life. He knew there was no turning back, the decision had been made.

He got out of the shower with renewed energy; he was satisfied with himself for his choice. It was then that he realized that he had spent half the night with Samantha without knowing where Gabriel was, or what he was doing. He got dressed as quickly as he could and started to search for him through the house. When he arrived to the library doors he could see that they were slightly ajar. A dim light came out from the room. He opened the doors slowly and when he looked up he saw Gabriel sitting on one of the table, speaking on the telephone.              

“I want you to find it and bring it to me. I have to undo the curse anyway I can
,” from the tone of his voice he was very angry. “In the writings he appears for the last time in a battle that the fallen ones won over three thousand years ago.”

He stayed silent for a moment, listening to the indications that the counsellor on the other end of the phone was giving him. He turned his head towards the door and Eric hid fleetingly. He didn´t know whether or not his strange partner had seen him, he looked inside again and for his good luck Gabriel had started to speak again looking towards the tall windows of the room.

              “Understand that I don´t care how much it costs you to find him. Just take him to my house and try to make sure that he is here when I arrive tomorrow. I have already lost enough time today, going to and from the kingdom to look for the stone, I don´t want to search for Phoenix when I get to my house again. And it is in your best interests not to return to the house until you find him, if not you know the punishment that will await you.”

This said, he hung the phone up and went towards the doors. He was willing to stay all the time that was necessary beside his beloved until she woke up. It could be that then she would remember something about him.

Seeing that he was coming to the door, Eric went to Samantha´s room. He didn´t want him to discover that he had been spying. He knew who Phoenix was but he didn´t understand what he wanted him for. Neither did he realize that at some point in the evening he had gone to the kingdom to look for a stone. He could not see the link between that and Phoenix. He was unsure exactly what Gabriel was scheming.

He was leaning against the chest of drawers in front of the bed when Gabriel entered the room. They said nothing. They just stayed there waiting. A few minutes later, which felt like hours, Samantha awoke. The two had a trace of hope, although they were clearly different.

Gabriel desired with all his might that Samantha would remember him and Eric hoped that she would no longer feel anything for him. Both were disillusioned when she did not name Gabriel and she directed her loving gaze to Eric, which made his heart pump with more force than normal.







“How could it be this way?”

              “What are you referring to?” Rutherford asked as if he didn´t know what the lad was talking about.

“You know all too well what I am talking about,” his helper answered, tired of the evasive remarks. “You always do the same, when you can help most is when you run. I simply don´t understand you,” he puffed.

“What would you have me do, go with them to the Kingdom of the Moon?” he said in disbelief.

“You do not need to be so drastic but you could have done something else,” he lowered his voice so that the other clients in the bar couldn´t overhear the conversation. “You had the princess of an enormous Kingdom in the living room of your house only a little while ago, and instead of being content to be able to help her you are feeling sorry for yourself for what they are going to pay you.”

“Why yes, it is true, they are not going to pay me anything
,” he complained trying to distract the young man.

“You are the worst counsellor that I could have helped
,” he said feeling sorry for himself as he passed his hands through his chestnut brown hair.

Look, it may be that I am not proud of not having done more, but I prefer to stay alive, you know that the Wanderers follow your trace wherever you go and more so with the princess. My house went up in flames!” he bawled. “And if I had stayed it would have been me up in flames, not just my furniture.”

He returned to his beer, distracted as his helper looked at him pensively.

“What are you thinking about?” Rutherford asked more lively.

“What?” the Young Jamie awoke from his daydream.

“What is on your mind?”

“How long have you been like this?” he blurted.

“Like what?”

Jamie showed the whites of his eyes seeing that he would not get an answer.

“You know what I mean.”

“Look, I admit that the
being a werewolf is not something that I am proud to have inherited, it is the only thing that my family left me,” he remember the small box that he found one day in the attic of his old house; it was a condemnation. But everything has its advantages, it has been fifty years that I don´t grow any older: that isn´t so bad.”

“That isn´t true
,” the young man replied trying to hide a smile.


“Every day you are older,” he scoffed, making fun of him.

“Very funny young man, as always you downing my aspect, at least I don´t have your hairstyle.”

“Oh, don´t give me that now, it is my style and it is fashionable, you would know that if you got out more.”

“You know that I don´t walk with humans; but, you? You are
too young to be like me, don´t you think?”

“They bit me two years ago
,” he said lowering his head to shake off the painful memory.

“I am sorry my friend
,” he answered sincerely. “Anyhow, of all the helpers they have sent me, you are the best by far.”

“Thank you
,” he offered smiling. “But returning to the subject,” he continued.

“Really? You are
also the most tiresome helper I have had,” he scoffed.

Jamie laughed heartedly with the sudden change of mood but did not give in in his efforts to knowing.

“You know that I am inquisitive.”

“I know it
all too well,” lamented the professor.

“What will you do now? Will you leave? Because if you leave they will send me to another and I don´t want to change houses anymore.”

“You could resign.”

“Do you think they would let me? That would be great!” His eyes brightened, “I could travel and know new worlds. I have never left this one
,” he affirmed almost annoyed.

“Tell me, how old are you?”


“Well I think that you are adult enough to go. Try it.”

“I will, but,” he doubted, “I will miss you.”

“You have got to be kidding, I haven´t even got you out of my sight yet.”

The young man laughed again whilst he watched the professor finishing his beer.

“Tonight you can stay at my house, seeing as you don´t have one anymore

“Thank you

“Why is our society so different? I mean, we are clearly distinct to the rest, but the sons of the night are too and they don´t have to be so careful with the rest.

It´s because they do not lose control so easily.”


“Do you want to travel to the Kingdom?” signaling the evident.

“I would love to be able to go there.”

“Well, you know what to do, I no longer need you.”

They left the bar laughing and entered into the small bread shop that belonged to Jamie´s uncle, he used to work there. They went up to the second story; it had been made into a not very large studio.

“You can sleep over there,” he
signaled to the professor vaguely with his hand. I am going to go for a walk to refresh me. Good night.

“Good night
.” Rutherford said before the young man closed the bread shops door.

Jamie went out to the Street and breathed in the fresh night air allowing his lungs to be cleansed. He had never felt so good since the moment in which he had been bitten. He was decided to convince his own to let him go. He opened his eyes after moments of apprehension and saw something on the pavement opposite him.

“Jamie”, said a sweet voice.


The woman left the shadows and approached him.

“Oh, Anne!” you scared me.

“How are you?”

,” he answered, still puzzled at seeing her so late in the street. She normally passed by in the mornings to buy bread, he didn´t know if she had found out about her daughter.

“I have a proposal for you.”

“What does it concern?”
























Chapter 3

I woke up bewildered in a spacious and
barely lit room. I searched immediately for Eric. I turned my head and the boys both looked at me at the same time. They got to me so fast that I did not see them get up.

“How are you?” Eric wished to know.

“Better, but my head hurts.”

“We were beginning to think that you were never going to wake up
,” scoffed Gabriel. You have been sleeping for five hours.

I felt very weak and tired, but I could not stop thinking about the vision of the fair haired girl, my twin, my sister. I felt that if I didn´t untangle all the mysteries then my head would explode.

“What is my sisters´ name?”

“What sister?”

“I have a sister, a twin.”

“How do you know? Did you see her in the house?” Gabriel said puzzled.

“No, she appeared in my mind when the wanderer attacked me. It was a memory from my infancy. I am sure that she was my sister.”

They looked
at me concentrated, trying to answer my question. Neither of them knew anything. Gabriel got up and said that he would go to the library to look for information.

I felt tired and confused. I was sure that I had seen her. It was the same girl who was in my dream. I had to talk to her. It was impossible that nobody knew of her existence. I looked towards the window
, it was daytime already. Eric got up and opened the curtain so that I could see a dense green forest beyond the glass. It was beautiful; it seemed so fresh and natural. When I was getting up, I lost strength and Eric quickly caught hold of me.

You cannot get up yet, last night you didn´t rest enough. Furthermore, that hideous being, he made a gesture of repulsion, almost captured you. It was too many emotions for one day. I will bring you breakfast and then we will try to find out who your sister is.”

He left the room whilst I observed the mahogany colored wooden furniture within. They were old but not terribly classic. They gave a hint of sophistication to the pastel toned room. The bed was enormous. But what I liked best was to look towards the window and see the great forest in which the house was to be found.

I heard footsteps and thought that it was Eric with breakfast, however, when I turned, Gabriel was leaning on the door, staring at me. For a moment he scared me. He had a very somber aspect. He slowly came closer without moving his gaze from me and he smiled at me completely natural. He sat on the border of the bed and inclined himself slightly towards me.

Elizabeth, you and I both know that you do not have a sister. Furthermore I don´t know why that idiot calls you by another name, but don´t you worry I will get you out of here and I will take you with me. That way we can live the life we daydreamed about, together, in our house on the beach, far away from any worries, as we planned that marvelous evening, do you remember?

I remembered nothing, I didn´t know why he had suddenly become so caring with me and why he called me Elizabeth. I was completely sure that that was not my name. He was a different person when we were alone. He thought that I was his girlfriend or lover or something like that, but the reality was that I met him two days ago and didn´t have a clue what he was talking about. Suddenly, a hidden idea started to grow from the most profound part of my mind, as Gabriel looked at me without finding answers from me. He thought that I was my sister. He knew her, I was sure. I was scared to say that I wasn´t who he believed me to be, but there could be problems if I didn´t, I could feel it. Without any more doubting, I risked telling him the truth, because if he decided that we go away together then I would never find my real sister.

“I am not Elizabeth, but together we could find her and then you could be together again
,” I smiled hoping that he would accept my proposal. On the contrary I watched his face become tinged with impatience.

“You cannot see who I am
,” he shouted at me, “do you not remember all our plans? I am going to have to get this spell undone or whatever it is that those despicable wizards have done to you that you no longer remember me. You are my love. You cannot have forgotten that. Can´t you see the love in my eyes?” he was desperate, inclining over me so that I could see him properly. “I am leaving; I am not going to stay here wasting my time without clear and convincing answers. I am going to make you remember everything and once and for all we can leave this evil place.”

To my relief Eric entered t
he room with a tray full of food and he left it on the bed. He looked at Gabriel circling the window and then looked at me. He didn´t know what face to put, he was a little scared.

“In the Ancestral book there is no information of two sisters or twins in the prophecy
,” Gabriel said surprisingly serene and distant. He had transformed into another person. He was no longer the angry and in love young man, he was simply a chap giving important information to Eric. “I think that we should go to the Kingdom to search for more information regarding the prophecy. You should speak to Kenneth...” he said to Eric, making a gesture in my direction with his head. He didn´t look at me, his countenance was peaceful. I was in a state of shock. A person couldn´t possibly change so quickly. “Perhaps he can help us. I am going to call and let them know of our arrival.”

“Tell them that we will arrive the day after tomorrow. She needs to rest

Gabriel agreed and left the room while I observed this surreal situation. I wanted to tell him everything that Gabriel had said moments before but I didn´t. He was still in the house and I didn´t want him to hear us speaking.

Eric pushed the tray towards me as he smiled. I admired that he always was so well humored. I hadn´t realized how hungry I was until I started to eat. I stuffed myself with fresh fruit as Eric looked pensively towards the window. I observed him touching something he had in the pocket in his pants but he didn´t take it out. I assumed that it was a pendant or something similar, because the bulge could barely be seen. When I finished I asked Eric to show me the house. I couldn’t spend a whole day lying in bed.

I found the mansion to be beautiful and welcoming, with large rooms. He explained to me that the house had been in his family for generations and until recently his older brother was the owner, until he died in a battle and now the house was under his
care. He came from a modest family, dedicated to serving the Kingdom. His profound gaze distracted me at times; it was like an x-ray of the mind. Often I wondered if he were reading my mind or if he was just staring at me for fun.

Without saying anything I stopped looking at him so as not to distract myself so much and he continued to show me the house. It was a large stately mansion, decorated with strong wooden furniture. The floor was covered by large carpets wherever I looked; the light
that flowed through the windows made it homely, despite its great size. The tall walls, painted with clear colors made the house appear like a palace. Eric explained to me that the house had seven bedrooms and great halls to celebrate parties and meetings. When we were half way through the house, Gabriel appeared.

“I am going to go into town
. I need to buy some things. Would you like anything?”

“No, thank you very much. Ask Tiffany if she would like you to bring something.”

Gabriel left and Eric returned his attention to me.

“Tiffany is our housekeeper. She cooks and cleans the house
,” he explained. “She is a great cook, I am sure you will love her food. You will like each other.” He smiled at me and we continued, giving me the opportunity to reflect upon that which had just happened.

I didn´t like Gabriel’s´ fake friendliness; I had to tell Eric what happened. My only opportunity had just fallen from heaven and I was ready to take advantage of it.

We went out the main door and I could see the great stone and wood façade that covered the splendid house. We made our way down the ample staircase to the surrounding garden, full of flowers and bushes. We sat on a bench beside a great tree, from which I could barely see the start of the hills descent, full of green and lush trees, proper of summer.

“Do you know if Gabriel is still at home?”

Eric looked perplexed at me.

“No, he should be in town by now. Why? Do you want to see him?” I saw how his gaze dulled as he said it, he was insecure.

“No, I just want to tell you something without him finding out. I think he knows my sister, but he thinks that I am her”, I started to speak very quickly. “Before you arrived with breakfast he tried to make me remember things. I didn´t know what to say to him. I decided to tell him the truth; that I am not her and he became furious, as well as…”

Eric put a finger to my lips, interrupting me as he looked around. He wanted to make sure that we were alone.

“Did he do something to you? Are you okay?” he was really worried.

“Yes, yes I am very well, but what I wanted to tell you is…”

He interrupted me again, but this time he hugged me intensely and started to speak into my ear.

“I know that something isn´t quite right, since I met him he is crazy about finding his lost love from many years ago and he believes that it is you. Never tell him that I said anything, because I do not want him to mistrust me. But he always does strange and crazy things without consulting anyway
.“ He straightened up and looked me in the eyes. “I will protect you, I will not let him take you anywhere, nor will I let him hurt you.”

I felt alleviated and I hugged him
tightly again. I wished this moment to last forever.

Later we went to lunch. I was keen to meet Tiffany.

“My dear, how are you?” she smiled at me lovingly and ever so amicably. She looked strong and decided. She had a slim figure and the food she was preparing smelt delicious. I was distracted, observing that the kitchen furniture was white whilst Eric sat by my side.

“She has been like my second mother, when she couldn´t be here
,” both smiled at each other with a gesture of love and trust. “She has always greatly helped me and to me she is another member of the family.”

His smile dazzled me. He was always happy and smiley, a complete gentleman. Too much so, I thought. He had
not even given me a kiss on the cheek since the previous night. I was confused. Furthermore I saw him with sad eyes many of times I looked at him unbeknown to him. I wanted to know what was going on.

We had lunch with Tiffany in the terrace dining room. It was beside the kitchen and was immense. We were close to a large swimming pool. The outdoors were good for me, I was very relaxed.

We spent the rest of the day in the library, searching for information about my sister. Gabriel didn´t want to help us, he was occupied with other issues. So I made use of this to gather new information, from Eric.

“What is the Ancestral book?” I enquired as soon as we entered the library.

“That.” He said pointing to a book that was on top of a great wooden table and the end of the library. “It contains all the prophecies and stories of our Kingdom, from the oldest to those that have happened only instants ago. It is the only book that has the capacity to renew itself and add new predictions that Kenneth makes. Kenneth was your mothers´ old counsellor and closest friend, until you disappeared. That day the Kingdom was submerged in darkness and your mother sent everyone who was close to her into exile and decided to lock herself in the palace until you appeared.”

I listened with attention to everything that he said, but my mind started to remember the story that Professor Rutherford had told me and a new doubt arose in my mind.

“Are we immortal?”


Before he could say any more I cut in and continued with my interrogation.

“Professor Rutherford said that the empress Venice, I mean, my mother, has governed the Kingdom for centuries.
How old, then, am I?” he was not surprised by my tone of disbelief.

I could see how a smile formed on his face as I asked diligently.

“To us time is not important, nor is age, what is important is the mind, attitude and the qualities of a son of the night. We are not immortal, on average we live a little more than a thousand years, but with the recent confrontations you will rarely see a son of the night who is more than one or two hundred years old. The fallen ones are destroying us little by little. Until we found you, supposedly you will fight for our Kingdom, to save us from the darkness.”

“How long has it been like this?”

“You disappeared about seventy years ago. Obviously our age does not interfere in our physical aspect. Our body remains unchanged from the moment we turn twenty-five. Some characteristics change slightly, but until the day we die we stay the same as we were when we turned of age.”

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