Darkness The Diary of Samantha Owen (2 page)

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Authors: Ariadna Marrero Saavedra

BOOK: Darkness The Diary of Samantha Owen
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“Why don´t you remember me Eliz
abeth? It is me.”

Before I could answer and tell him that that wasn´t my name, he kissed me. It was an intense, lustful kiss, it seemed to absorb me, but I could
not withdraw from him. It was so sensual, so vicious, it was like having something forbidden in your possession, knowing that it was wrong but even then, continuing for the simple reason of wanting to. I had never felt anything like it. It lasted until he separated from me, waking me from that mischievous dream. I opened my eyes and he was no longer there. He had gone, leaving me in my uncertainty, with thousands of questions unanswered.

I looked around with the hope of seeing him, but I didn´t find anyone. It was just me on a deserted beach, drenched from head to toe.
Around about five I arrived home, with a thousand doubts, trying to find logic behind everything that had happened during the night, but there was none.


              The following day I felt like something had changed inside of me; the night seemed like a distant, surreal dream.

              I spent the day wandering through the streets where I had been with Gabriel. Like any other Saturday morning, I went to the park full of children, but I found no trace of him having been there. I strolled along the beach of crystal clear water where my life had changed that evening, in one last effort to demonstrate that what had happened to me was real, yet still I found no signs of his presence. On my way along the beach I sat on the sand. With a lost gaze on the horizon I let my mind wander, considering my destiny, the importance of the earth, what I would do when I finished my studies… No profession called my attention. I only ever wanted to go out at night and look at the star filled sky in search of answers. However, that day I had more questions than usual. Without more delay, I got up and went home, prepared food for Anne and called my friend Lucy to go to the movies. I had to distract myself or my head would explode from thinking so much about Gabriel.

She accepted and for a change wanted to see a scary movie,
I didn´t understand them myself, all those special effects, but she came out from them with more adrenalin than she needed. To my surprise, the film lasted longer than expected. “Better for me”, I thought. However, it was now nine o´clock in the evening and I had nothing to do. I was lying in bed with my gaze lost on the ceiling whilst I listened to music.

I don´t remember how, but I fell asleep. I was wakened by the gentle breeze that came through the window. It was open and the light of my bedroom off. I called Anne, she did not respond. A little later I got up and saw her asleep on the couch; she always arrived tired from work. I assumed that she had switched the light off.

I returned to my room ready to put the light on, but when I was reaching out with my hand to flick the switch I saw a young man sitting on my bed. I stood paralyzed, I quickly thought of Gabriel.

“It hasn´t been a dream” I determined. But it wasn´t him, he was similar yet totally different at the same time. He was looking with a squint smile that was a pure reflection of mischief.

“Are you going to stay there?”

“How have you entered?”

“Through the window, if not the window wouldn´t be open?

That was something that I hadn´t thought of when I saw Gabriel. The previous night the window was closed.

I sat on the bed, ready to dream as the night before and do it well.

What are you called?” I asked.


“Do you mind if I turn the light on to be able to see you?”

“If you like,” he answered without stopping smiling.

I turned it on. I had a strange sensation when I looked at this face, very different from when I saw Gabriel for the first time. I knew that they were the same, but when Eric fixed his eyes on mine for the first time I knew we were connected.

His skin tone was darker that Gabriel´s, his hair was messier and its color was a light brown with blond tones. He was strong too, dressed in black the same as Gabriel. He had fleshy and seducing lips. However, the most amazing feature was his eyes; they were green with glimmers of silver, more captivating and deeper than the other boy. He had a wild catlike stare, but sweetness could be seen inside his pupils.

After this
, I didn´t know what to say. I think I thought I was hallucinating or something similar, but I wasn´t. Eric started to speak.

“So I can see that what I have been told is true.”

“What have they told you?

“How beautiful you are.”

“Thank you,” I replied, but “who told you that?”



“Don´t tell me that Gabriel didn´t tell you anything.”

“I don´t understand

“You see, Gabriel and I are not like other people and well, you are like us.”

“What do you mean?”

“Have you ever felt different to others? Have you felt that you don´t belong in any place of all
those you have been in. That you are auto sufficient, you don´t need other peoples company, you love them but you quickly forget them. You like darkness, the night…?


“That means that you are not like them, you Samantha are not human.”

“My real name is Samantha? I prefer Angelina
,” I answered smiling.

He left me some time to absorb and the truth is that I didn´t feel so bad after all. I had always felt the way he described.

“But if I am like you, why don´t I have eyes like you or Gabriel?”

“All in due course, first you have to know many more things.”

This said we went outside into the street. The truth is that I loved going out at night, although I didn´t do if often for the rules imposed upon me by Anne. I followed him the same way I did Gabriel the previous evening and as we walked I observed his graceful manner of walking, I found it sensual. This time we headed to a different place.

I was about to ask where he was taking me when he stopped.

“Here it is.”

“Where are we?”

This is the house of a being that will show you everything, who better than Rutherford to explain the situation to you.

“Is he like us?” I asked

“No, but he helps us a lot
,” he smiled satisfied with his answer.

We were on the corner of a narrow, dark alleyway, in front of a house with tall, richly ornate wooden doors and ivy all along the wall. He knocked on the door and seconds later it opened. A man dressed in a black suit jacket appeared, he was about 50 years old.

“Come in kids, how are you Eric?”

by this beauty.”

please Eric that is no way to present a lady and even less, this lady! I thought you were coming with Gabriel, said the man with the grey beard and light-colored eyes who was before me.

“Hello, how do you know my name?” I wanted to know.

“Darling, all the world knows it, but come in, don´t stay out there.”

entered in to a welcoming two floored house. Passing by the wooden staircase we were lead to a small room where there was a large sofa and three smaller armchairs. I sat on one of the smaller ones and Eric in another one by my side. The ceilings where high and the wood made sure the place felt comforting. The house did not have excessive decoration; there were no paintings on the wall. Only chairs, a small table and a heater. I remained looking at the professor for a moment, his large and strong body contrasted with his face that made him look older than he was. And his small grey beard was out of tune with his elegant way of dressing.

, Samantha, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. I see that you are very like your parents; it is a shame that you still do not know them. This world would not be the same without you.”

“Would you like to tell me who I am or why the whole world knows me and I don´t know anyone?”

“Of course, my dear, I had forgotten. Take a seat and I will explain it all to you now.”

He left to get a book and Eric came, v
ery sensually, closer to me, which made me think that he was going to kiss me. I found him much more attractive than Gabriel, but to my disappointment, he leaned over and said in my ear:

“Be calm, you will soon know who you are and why you are here. And I will dress you with our clothing, not with the ever so strange
clothes humans use.”

This last comment was said in tone of laughter and left me even more intrigued. Rutherford arrived and started to talk.

“You should know, Samantha, that after hearing what I am about to say you will never be the same again, and for this reason you will no longer form part of this world, neither will you coexist with humans. You cannot tell anyone our secret, for this would break our alliance with this and other worlds.

I will start at the beginning:


“And what exactly are we?”

“We call ourselves son of the night.”

“And why were we created from the elements of the Earth? – I was confused.

“It is said that one cold and dark night, sunken in darkness, the fallen ones planned to destroy the Earth, regardless of the consequences of this action. But the planet overheard them and united the four elements, fire, earth, water and air under the presence of the moon, as a witness of our creation, thus the name sons of the night.

That very same night we started to fight to save humanity from an imminent catastrophe and it has been so to this day, we continue to fight to conserve this dimension.>>

“This dimensi

We live in a darker world Samantha, hidden between the shadows of the eternal night, hunting unprepared beasts that have managed to enter our forts in order to destroy them. We have highly secured refuges, protected from the outer world. But, my dear, this will change, you have appeared! And this is a great advantage.”

“I don´t understand why I am so important in all of this.”

“You are the key piece that was missing, you are the one who can change everything forever”, continued Eric. “You are the daughter of the empress Venice. Your mother was chosen centuries ago by the wisdom of nature to govern our kingdom though peace and justice. The empress always did the best for our community, but one day everything changed.”

Shortly after the greys were born, they kidnapped you to destabilize your mother, along with her great kingdom and that way they continued to do wrong without anyone stopping them. They removed you from the kingdom and brought you to this dimension, to the world of the humans. However, the most important of all predicted prophecy by the ancient ancestor Henoc, the great fortune-teller shows us the future from ancient times, in which you, Samantha, are the protagonist. The old man predicted that one ashen day you would fall from heaven, fighting against Evil to achieve peace and harmony in our kingdom.>> — these words were determined with a shred of seriousness that I did not manage to grasp completely. During the story that the professor had told me, he didn´t take his eyes from me, and when he told me of the prophecy, his gaze seemed to go straight through me.

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