Dating A Saint (33 page)

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Authors: Donna McDonald

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Dating A Saint
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After the applause of the crowd had died down a bit, Lauren turned to the man who was both teacher and friend. “I didn’t know you were here tonight. Thank you, Morrow sensei, for intervening once again.”

“It’s date night, but Angela and I decided to catch the movie next weekend. I’ve got to say—you throw a good party,” Morrow Sensei said. “Great entertainment.”

He looked at the man standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Lauren, the one who had calmed her with a loving touch. He reached out a hand to him. “Joseph Morrow. And you are?”

“The man who’s going to marry Lauren McCarthy—Jim Gallagher. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’ve been asking Lauren if I could come watch her fight,” Jim said, shaking the man’s hand.

Joseph looked at Lauren and then at Jim. “Sure. Sounds like it might be next year before she can be on the mat again,” Joseph said with a laugh.

“We don’t know yet,” Lauren began, then her gaze fell on Jenna and Seth, who were smiling. She let out a long sigh. There was no use staying in denial. “You are probably right, Morrow sensei.”

“Are you aware of Lauren’s temper, Mr. Gallagher?” Morrow sensei asked.

Jim shrugged and smiled. “I discovered it early on in our relationship. She put me on her kitchen floor when I made her mad.”

Joseph Morrow laughed.

“On the other side of her anger is a very passionate and giving heart,” Morrow sensei said, reaching out to rub Lauren’s arm. “Congratulations on the baby, Lauren. Come talk with me about teaching.”

After Joseph Morrow walked away, Jim lifted his arms and Lauren walked into them.

He held her, stroked her back, and spoke softly in her ear where only she could hear. “I am planning to marry you, Lauren McCarthy. I’ve been wanting to tell you all evening. Hector found our miracle, honey. My divorce will be final in a few weeks. Cassandra’s parents are going to adopt me, so I really will be her brother.”

Lauren lifted her head and searched Jim’s eyes to see if it were all true. It was everything, absolutely everything she wanted to hear.

Jim laughed at her wistful expression, hugged her close and whispered even more softly. “And God, lady, I want to spend the rest of my life with you eating cannoli and letting you help me become as good in bed as Ben Kaiser.”

It was better than winning the lottery, Jim decided, when Lauren finally threw back her head and laughed. He tilted her face up, thumbing the lingering tears away. He didn’t care who heard the rest of what he wanted to tell her.

“You know, I can’t wait to see you full out fight. When you put Smith in that wrist lock, it was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen a woman do.”

Lauren sniffed. “So what—you think I took five years of martial arts classes for the express purpose of turning you on.”

Jim was shaking his head. “No. I think you got your black belts to make that asshole you married pay when you got the chance you got tonight. Turning me on was just a perk, but I really like the way you handle your problems.”

“You’re not such a saint either, Mr. Moneybags. Did I really hear you offer my mother a half million dollars to get out of my life?” Lauren asked.

“My assets are going to be yours—all of them, even the money,” Jim said, laughing at her pained expression. “I know you’re intimidated by all the financial stuff. So just trust me—if Lydia agrees to the terms, it will be a great investment.”

“Jim—I didn’t try to get pregnant on purpose. Do you believe me?” Lauren asked.

“Yes, of course. Hey, Kaiser. Where are you?” Jim yelled over the crowd. “Tell the press to get a picture of this.” Jim watched a hand shoot up over some heads with a thumbs up.

“If you got pregnant from the first time, and I’m guessing you did, that was definitely more my fault than yours,” Jim said, stroking her cheek with his hand. “Don’t kick my ass for what I’m about do okay? This is going to be good publicity.”

There was a gasp when his lips met hers and his tongue entered her mouth. Jim gathered Lauren against him until there was no second guessing how turned on he was by her. He ran his hands over her hips lifting her up to meet his arousal even as she wound her arms around his neck.

“Later, baby. I promise,” Jim said, surprising her by scooping her into his arms. The crowd caught their breath, and people were speaking in hushed whispers.

“Excuse me please,” Jim said, smiling to the crowd. “The future mother of my child needs to sit down.”

The crowd parted for the giant man carrying the giant woman. Jim saw Sydney and Alexa motioning him to a large chair they’d brought out of the house. Jim walked to it and sat down holding Lauren in his lap.

“Well, that ought to seal your notorious reputation,” he said to her quietly, breathing hard. “I’ll get up and let you sit normally as soon as I can breathe again. Grand gestures are hard over forty.”

Lauren hid her face against his neck, giggling. “I’ve also put on a few pounds, I hear.”

“Who told you that?” Jim asked, laughing and sarcastic at the same time. “Want me to beat them up for you?”

“No. I need Sydney to design my wedding dress,” she said softly.

“Then Sydney gets to live until it’s done,” he told her.

Jim stood, and then sat Lauren softly back down in the chair. Regina and Alexa looked on smiling.

Jim looked at Regina. “I know what you’re probably thinking. You think I got her pregnant on purpose because I’ve always wanted children. Well, I didn’t do it on purpose, but I refuse to feel guilty about being happy Lauren is carrying my child.”

“Good for you,” Regina said, laughing. “Guilt lasting more than a few days is always a waste of energy and time. But I can see I’m going to have to be more firm when I talk to clients about having unprotected sex in the future. Did either of you ever use anything at all?”

Regina just laughed as both of them shook their heads.

Alexa smacked Regina on the arm. “Oh, leave them alone. They were just too hot for each other to care.”

Sydney walked over and knelt down to put himself on eye-level with Lauren. “We have orders for all three scents from every buyer. When they saw you put that guy on his knees, they lined up. People love a little notoriety, and you’re a hit, honey.”

Lauren smiled at Sydney weakly, but looked up at Jim. “I’m still hungry. Did they serve any dessert tonight?”

“Nothing as good as cannoli, but I’ll see what I can find.” Jim kissed the top of her head and walked off to get the pregnant love of his life more food.


They were gathered at Alexa’s house to celebrate the success of the product launch. Lauren was on her third plate of food. She was incredibly sick first thing every morning, but ate like a starving woman for the rest of the day. She was definitely going to have to watch the pasta cravings or she’d weigh as much as Jim by the time the baby arrived.

“What is with young men these days?” Alexa asked Regina and Lauren, looking across her living room to Allen, Seth, and Jenna chatting and laughing as if they were all nothing more than casual friends.

“If I ever wrote a book, I would have to do years of research to understand men under thirty.” She tilted her head toward the group, drawing Regina’s and Lauren’s attention to the trio. “I’ve concluded metro males are a totally different breed.”

Regina studied the group and narrowed her gaze at Allen Stedman, and then switched her gaze to Seth Carter. “Want me to tell you what’s going on?”

Lauren stopped eating. “Yes—and I want the whole explanation this time. Not just the answers, Regina—I want your secrets.”

Alexa looked at Regina. “Enlighten us, Dr. Logan. All I see is two men who should hate each other as competitors yet they’re acting like the best of friends. What am I missing?”

“Well, I think there’s still some male competition even though it isn’t being shown, but younger men have been socialized to be sensitive and nice about everything, even sex. Look closely at their bodies if you want to see the truth. See how Allen has relaxed back and just seems to be listening to Seth and Jenna? He’s pulled his considerable physical strength away from Jenna and Seth, effectively saying to both of them with his body that he is not a threat. Now notice Jenna’s knees are turned toward Seth instead of Allen. That reveals the man she’s really tuned into physically at this moment. See Seth leaning forward on his knees. He’s totally aware of her signals, even if subconsciously. You can certainly see if Seth moved any closer into Jenna’s space, he’d be falling into her lap. Body language, my friends, is a dead giveaway every time,” Regina said lightly.

“Does their body language to each other mean Jenna and Seth are going to get together?” Lauren asked, in awe of Regina’s analysis. She certainly hoped it was the case.

“No,” Regina said, laughing while her eyes stayed serious and sad. “I only wish it were so simple. Body language reveals their true feelings, but it doesn’t mean they will figure it out or act on the truth. You and Jim had tons of communicating body language for years before you actually got together. The tipping point always seems to be a combination of circumstances, luck, and what I like to think of as fate.”

“So which male would you bet fifty bucks on ending up with Jenna?” Alexa asked, knowing full well Regina was almost never wrong.

Regina studied the trio again. “Which man is going to bed her? Or which man is she going to end up with for the long haul? They could be two different things.”

Alexa looked at Regina and sighed. “Forget I asked. There are some things a mother doesn’t need to know. I’ll wait until the movie is released.”

Regina laughed and put her arm around Alexa’s waist for a hug. “Very wise decision.”

“Well, I know who Jenna’s going to end up in bed with,” Lauren said, watching Seth drop food in his lap, and Jenna scoop it from his crotch, blushing and running off when she realized what she had done. “Seth makes Jenna mad, makes her blush, and still she can’t keep her hands off him. It’s only a matter of time when the urge is that strong. I just hope they’re both smart enough to use birth control.”

Regina snorted. “Oh,
you’re wise about relationships and an advocate of safe sex,” she teased. “I concluded you were working on permanent destruction of your sainthood by becoming a pregnant bride. Did you read the article titled
Pregnant Perfumer Reveals Secret Baby at Product Launch
? It was hysterical. Ben and I read it over breakfast. My personal favorite was the one with the picture of you forcing Jared to his knees. I’m going to put it on my bulletin board at work. The title is awesome:
Perfumer McCarthy’s Answer to Abortion Suggestion
. It makes me laugh every time I see it.”

“I didn’t do any of this to become notorious,” Lauren denied strongly, “I was just getting more of what I wanted from Jim. I still can’t get enough of him, Regina. He’s threatening to sleep in the guest room just so he can get some rest.”

“Poor tired man,” Regina said sarcastically. “That will teach Gallagher to knock you up.”

“I always knew you were a passionate woman,” Alexa said, putting her arms around Lauren. “Part of your insatiable lust is baby hormones, honey. Enjoy it now. You’re in for a lot of mostly sleepless nights after the baby comes.”

“Jim is going to get some temporary live-in help for us. I’m sure I’m going to need it at my age,” Lauren said, grateful for her future husband’s thoughtfulness.

“Speak of the devil,” Alexa said, smiling.

“Whose devil?” Lauren asked on a laugh, turning to see Jim walk up and put his arm around her. “Oh, mine this time.”

“Let’s stop for cannoli on the way home,” Jim whispered, laughing in response to Lauren’s giggle as she hid her face in his neck, smiling at Alexa’s and Regina’s approving sighs.

# # #

Note From Author:
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You are the reason I write these stories and I sincerely appreciate you!


Many thanks for your support,

~ Donna McDonald

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Other books by this author

Dating A Cougar

Book One of the
Never Too Late

Dating Dr. Notorious

Book Two of the
Never Too Late

Dating A Saint

Book Three of the
Never Too Late

Dating A Metro Man

Book Four of the
Never Too Late

Carved In Stone

Book One of the
Art of Love

Created In Fire

Book Two of
Art of Love

Captured In Ink

Book Three of
Art of Love

Commissioned In White

Book Four of
Art of Love
Series (novella)

The Right Thing

Single Title (non-series book)


Excerpts available on Facebook:!/donnajanemcdonald

Look in Notes

Author’s Note About the
Never Too Late

As a life-long romance reader, I have always been drawn to stories containing strong heroes and heroines who know their minds and live their truths. When I got the urge to write about older women and men, I did so with full knowledge some readers might not be interested in reading about mature characters in love. I knew there was a possibility the stories might not sell, but in typical
Baby Boomer
rebellious fashion, I said “screw it, I’m not making the characters younger, they need to be older”.

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