Dating A Saint (31 page)

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Authors: Donna McDonald

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Dating A Saint
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“They’re going to adopt you, Mr. Gallagher. Once you’re no longer legally married to their daughter,” Helen said, watching the shock play across the man’s face with great enjoyment. She rarely got to be the good guy. Hector’s miracle was going to help her feel better about her life.

“Obviously, you’ll need to divorce the woman you married in Virginia—file the suit where you live so it’s listed there. The adoption can take place in the venue where your adopted parents live. What was their last name again?”

“Ames,” Jim said automatically. “Cassandra will tell you it’s Gallagher, but it’s not.”

“It would be best to take their name as your own legal one. The court will view you as more serious about becoming their son. You could hyphenate if it makes you feel more comfortable,” Helen said, standing. “You’d also have to be willing to accept responsibility for your adopted sister if anything were to happen to your adopted parents.”

“Wait,” Jim said, raising a hand to stop her from talking for a moment. His mind raced, his heartbeat jumped. “This will work? You’re sure this situation can legally work out?”

“Mr. Gallagher,” Helen said, standing and reaching her hand across the desk for him to shake. “The legal system is rife with percentages concerning success and failure. There is always a chance there could be a problem, but I am pretty sure this is going to work out just fine.”

She stood and walked around the chair before looking at Jim again. “Never question a miracle, Mr. Gallagher. Just say a prayer of thanks.”

“That would be new for me, since I never believed in God before today,” Jim told Helen Williams, his throat tight. “How long will the adoption take?”

“A month probably. Since you’re an adult and not a child, it shouldn’t take long,” Helen told him.

“I don’t know how soon the divorce can be done,” Jim said, his mind spinning.

Helen shrugged. “I used to practice in Virginia. I think when no children are involved, it only takes a few weeks. Cassandra Gallagher is not capable of entering into nor breaking agreements, so you will likely have to show proof of her situation in court. I’m sure your attorney can manage what is needed. You can let us know when the divorce is final. I’ll have the paperwork ready.”

She stopped at the door. “One more thing—let’s keep this conversation between us,” Helen told him. “Next time you meet me, we’ll be introduced more properly, under circumstances that require no conflict of interest. Until then, imagine all this is just a potential answer to a good man’s prayer. Good day, Mr. Gallagher.”

After Helen Williams left, Jim sat at his desk in stunned silence. It was more than an hour later that Jim had the presence of mind to pick up the phone.

Barrett, on the other hand, was elated. He told Jim he had been trying so hard to make exceptions in Virginia and set new precedents, he’d missed the adoption solution. He was drafting the petition to file for divorce before he got off the phone with Jim, and he promised to bring a copy to the product launch party that evening for him to sign.

By the time Jim got off the phone with Barrett, his head had stopped spinning, and his heart was dizzy with relief.

Jim closed his eyes in gratitude and sent thanks to God for Hector Gonzalez.

*** *** ***

Just to be perfectly sure this time, Lauren had bought the top of the line, most expensive pregnancy test she could find. She laid the stick on several pieces of folded toilet paper, and lifted it gently into the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. She would come back at her first opportunity and check the results, and then finally, she would know for sure.

As she hurried down the hall, smoothing the snug dress around a figure that—okay she could admit it at last—was a few pounds heavier than at the wedding. It was all the pasta, which she craved like a starving woman. It was the cannoli, which Jim brought home a couple of times a week now.

She sighed, deciding her already curvy body could not withstand much more of her blissful eating binges.

“There you are,” Sydney proclaimed, grabbing her hand and tugging her along with him. “There are people here to meet you. Come along, sweetie, and smile pretty for the cameras. The press is covering this and you want to be caught looking happy about your future success.

“Is Jim here yet?” Lauren asked.

“Haven’t seen him. What’s he look like?” Sydney studied her face. “Lauren—I haven’t met the man. Remember? I’ll ask Ben and Regina to keep an eye out. I saw them arrive just a few moments ago. They’re dealing with the press tonight. How ironic is that?” Sydney laughed at the thought of Regina charming the press for Lauren.

“Thanks, Sydney,” Lauren whispered. “I’m—just nervous I guess. He calms me down.”

“No need to apologize,” he told her, rubbing between her shoulder blades. “You’re already a hit tonight. The rest is just about convincing the companies to buy in bulk. Here you go. Smile, cutie.”

Lauren talked to buyers, and to marketers. Sydney guided her from group to group, person to person.

She noticed the caterers were handling the growing crowd smoothly. Lauren thought longingly of food, but forced her attention back to her companions.

On the far end of the terrace, near the food tables, Lauren saw Alexa charming groups of people with her laughter. Alexa looked like a movie star tonight. Her dress was wonderful, but newly married Alexa was shining even more brightly than usual.

Lauren saw Casey and other men dressed in black tuxedos walking around looking menacing, and it made her laugh. Bored with Sydney’s discussion of profit margins, she entertained herself by envisioning fighting the big burly guys on the mat.

Then she saw Jim walk out onto the terrace-turned-showcase, look up and around at the canvas cover, the lights, the torches in the pools, and smile. Something in her relaxed knowing he was finally there.

That same something in her jumped to attention when she saw him scanning the crowd looking for her.

When his gaze did finally land on her, it traveled down the three-inch spike heels and back up the shiny black dress blatantly advertising all her charms. As he walked across the pavers in long strides, her smile grew and her companion turned to see who had captured her undivided attention.

“There goes my Lucy Lawless fantasy. I’ll never be able to think about another woman again. Sydney outdid himself,” Jim said, kissing her lightly, but with a bit of heat. They were practically eye level. “You’re absolutely gorgeous tonight.”

“Jim,” Lauren said, smiling. “This is Sydney.” She turned to Sydney. “Sydney, this is Jim.”

Sydney reached out a hand to the tall, intense looking man, fascinated with the softness in his gaze that seemed to be there just for Lauren. “Pleasure to finally meet you.”

Jim shook his hand and smiled. “I like your work, especially on Lauren,” he told a grinning Sydney, who beamed at him.

Sydney pulled a business card out of his pocket and passed it to Jim. “Here’s my tailor and my shop. I’d love to do something for you, big guy. And for the record, I’ve stopped investigating my customers.”

Jim gave Lauren a confused look. “I’ll tell you later,” she said with a laugh. She shook her head and reached out a thumb to smudge the lipstick stain on his bottom lip.

The sudden intensity in Jim’s gaze had her dropping her hand and blushing.

“Sorry,” she whispered. “You look pretty amazing yourself. It’s hard to keep my hands off.”

Lauren finally remembered her companion, and that she was supposed to be conducting business. She introduced Jim, and he stayed by her side as she talked to everyone Sydney brought to meet her.

When they finally had a moment alone, Jim turned to stare at the flaming torches rising up out his pool like rockets. The torches alone put out enough heat to keep the terrace comfortable. The only thing hotter in his house tonight was the woman standing beside him.

“You know how you’re always trying to goad me into losing my control with you?” Jim asked.

Lauren smiled, nodding softly.

“You and that dress are making every man here hard tonight. It’s all I can do to not drag you away right now. If I catch one more man staring at your breasts, I may do something that will embarrass both of us,” Jim told her, reaching under her hair to cup the back of her neck. “When I finally get a chance to be with you, I’m going to have to make sure you’re mine. I going to have to be hard and fast to quiet the animal urge, but on the plus side I might make you scream all on my own this time.”

. If my face gets any redder, someone will think I’m having a heart attack,” Lauren said firmly. “I didn’t dress to lure anyone but you.”

“Oh, I know that,” Jim said, liking her pleading gaze, the edge of nervousness about what he was saying he would do, what he definitely would do when they were alone. “I just wanted to warn you about later. You might get your wish to see me unrestrained.”

Her knees gave out, and Jim caught her, steadying her with his hands at her waist. “As much as I would like to think you’re weak with lust from our conversation, your face is too pale, baby. Have you eaten anything? This is the third time you’ve almost passed out on me.”

“I can’t remember when I last had food,” Lauren said, truly not able to recall.

“I’m going to bring you something to snack on until you can have real food,” Jim said. “You want to find a seat or will you be okay?”

“Whatever it was seems to be passing,” Lauren said, patting his arm. “Cheese and fruit please. No wine, but water would be great.”

Jim walked away and Lauren watched his retreating form. She was about to sneak off to the bathroom to check the progress of her test, but her mother stepped up to stop her.

“Hello, darling. Lovely dress, though it could use a bit more coverage in the front, unless you’re intending to sell more than just your perfumes tonight,” Lydia said, gaze darting for the man who was supposed to meet her there.

“Mother,” Lauren said softly, unwilling to let her anger rule the moment. “Did you come to intentionally ruin my evening or is that just a lovely side effect for you?”

“I came to be your supportive mother, Lauren. My place is at your side, no matter what. If I’ve done anything to hurt you, it was without meaning to do so. I only want what is best for you,” Lydia said easily.

“Jim’s coming back in a minute with some food for me. Are you going to be civil to him?” Lauren asked.

“Of course,” Lydia said easily, reaching out a comforting hand to touch her daughter’s arm. It was important James Gallagher be as close as possible when Jared showed up.

*** *** ***

Being an architecture nerd of the worst kind, Jenna strolled the corridors and wings of James Gallagher’s house, wondering if Lauren would give her a personal tour sometime. It was wonderfully designed, even if the décor was too traditional for her tastes. What she loved best were all the private areas just begging to be reading nooks or office areas. It was her dream to own a house this size one day, but a house of her own design.

Finally, she happened on a bathroom and decided to make use of the facilities while she was there.

*** *** ***

Seth had followed Jenna around the house, hanging back far enough that she didn’t see him. He had waited until she had disappeared into a different wing, and then gone after her.

He needed to apologize and had been waiting for a private opportunity to do it in person. His behavior at Casey and Alexa’s wedding reception was inexcusable. He had embarrassed them both. Allen’s comfort level around him had gone down so much, Seth had felt compelled to give up his weight lifting program.

No doubt about it, Seth thought morosely, he had messed up his good guy image royally coming on so strongly to Jenna.

*** *** ***

Jenna washed her hands and opened the door of the bathroom to leave. She stepped out into the seating area, then went back to open the medicine cabinet, thinking she might find some headache tablets. Her stress level was incredibly high lately. She could feel another big one coming on and wanted to stop it before it got worse.

When she opened the cabinet, some toilet tissue fell out and a white stick fell into the sink. She picked up the stick gingerly, eyes widening as she recognized the plus sign and what it meant.
Whose is it?
she wondered, peering at the stick in fascination. She knew about pregnancy tests but had never taken one before. Being female, she felt compelled to study it before putting it back. Then feeling guilty as she realized this was someone else’s house and she was—for all intents and purposes—snooping, she swallowed and swore.

“Positive or negative,” a very familiar masculine voice asked from the doorway.

“Seth. What—what are you doing here?” Jenna asked, laying the tissue back out and setting the stick on it.

His stomach was already a knot of concern. If Jenna was pregnant, it was probably Stedman’s child. Seth stiffened his spine to hear it.

“Are you pregnant, Jenna? I know I’ve been an ass to you a lot, but you don’t have to keep this from me. I won’t judge you. I just want to help if you need help,” he said, jaw tight.

“Me? You’re kidding, right? This is not mine. You have to have sex to get pregnant,” Jenna said bitterly, then widened her eyes as she realized what she had just revealed to Seth. Her realization was followed by some vicious swearing.

Seth allowed himself one moment—one moment only to enjoy the information, then he reminded himself it was information she unwillingly shared and never meant for him to know.

Ignoring her emotional reaction, Seth stepped into the bathroom and looked down at the plus sign. He crowded her against the sink, heating the space between them with his longing. She held her ground, looking braced for anything, and many things came to Seth’s mind, but he was in better control of himself today. There would be no more tantrums from him.

“If that’s not yours,” he said huskily, “who’s pregnant? That’s what the plus means, right?”

“Yes, but I don’t know who this belongs to. Do you think it might be—Lauren’s?” Jenna asked tentatively, looking up to meet his soft gaze. “I was looking for aspirin and found this instead. I was just about to put it back in the medicine cabinet.”

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