Daughter of Anat (22 page)

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Authors: Cyndi Goodgame

BOOK: Daughter of Anat
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The abductors were Elves and they didn’t know how hungry they’d left me...or did they.  One of them, a big surly critter, stalked across the room and leaned down.  He spoke something harsh and after minute of provoking me, I lashed out.  His blood was tainted, as was mine now.  I drank a constant amount of mandrake juice to alter the effects my blood would have on an unsuspecting enemy.

A year ago, I did some research and found that if I extracted my blood and saved it for feeding my own kind, it would subdue them.  Something about my blood was different than the rest.  Stace’s father first hinted at that.  But my blood laced with the root of a mandrake, would put them to sleep...forever.  If given the right amount.

Well, until someone found where I stashed them and gave them untainted blood.  That would never happen.

Being the son of Ra, it was natural to study the history.  I ran across the story of how Ra used the mandrake on Hathor to spare them from complete death. As opposed to the imminent death the five of us had ahead of us...or immortality.  Either way, I bit into the crazed Elf expecting relief and pain simultaneously.  Whatever I expected to happen with the Elf that would match a Vampire, it didn’t happen.

“Trock!  Come back in here.”

Trock was busy being loopy and swinging around his body as if he was a cartoon character dying a fake death. He never went completely out.  And when his two partners came in, they produced the same effect.  They did however, change overnight into one of my kind after I was forced to bite them all again to stop their aim at stabbing me.  It would take longer for a human, but they weren’t human.

And then my worst nightmare showed up. 

“What the hell are you doing here?  With them?” 

“Oh, Thorn dear.  You missed me.  Admit it.” She slinked her body around the chair curving her parts into my face.  She was far from appealing to look at.

“Nara.  You should go home.”  I snarled not really up to par on conversing and especially not with her.

“Oh, but your little plaything may be here soon and I wouldn’t want to miss her.”

“You leave Anastacia alone.”  I snapped one part of the rope binding me.  If she hurts her, I will kill her whether it means my own death or not.

“My daddy would sure love to have that one.  You could give her up to him and have me, you know.”

Crap, she was one sick female.  “As if you want me.”

“Well,yes.  I do loathe you, but my eyes are not blind.  I could just play with my food a while and appease daddy at the same time.”

Disgusting wench.  “I would rather stab my eyes out.”

“Can be arranged, but I rather like the color of them.  Instead, I will let my friends take a little more out of you before Borgon takes a turn.  The Shadow Queen and her crew will walk right in and he will have what he really wants.  After tomorrow, she won’t matter anyway.”

Tied to the chair, I couldn’t stop the filthy mouth from touching mine.  I spit on her face.  As she wiped it away, she laughed.  And left.

Behind my back, tied to a chair, I texted Lee.  I had no way of knowing if my text was legible, but I knew he'd do what I asked.

An hour later, I heard her voice.  Stace was here.  She was here before tomorrow came.  I asked for her. Safety, not her as the rescuer.  

Blood thirsty and erratically out of control, I prayed for a speedy rescue attempt without her seeing me.  It didn't happen. 





Side Scene


’s POV of confronting Stace alone at the Vampire court


She stood like a siren on the Vamp’s balcony with her pale chilling hair blowing in the wind like some hair commercial.  He left her alone on a Friday night.    Granite laughed at her channel surfing when it landed on a Vampire movie.  They were most popular in recent years.

Too quick to be seen, I scaled the rail and waited for Angus to create the distraction downstairs well enough that both guards would leave. 

And just like that, they were gone.

She stood up her full length to me never hearing her watchdog leave.  I did feel the sting of betrayal for a split second at knowing if she were
mine, I’d have that guard killed for leaving her.

Her fear controlled green eyes stared up at mine as she covered her vitals that were leaving little to the imagination.  Jealousy stepped in at knowing what Thorn had and enjoyed her on a daily basis. 

I laughed as she hid herself.  Like that would douse my vivid fantasies. 

“You were not invited,” she snipped at me and checked for her guard.  She let out a loud gasp and her chest heaved when she saw that Granite had indeed, left her alone. 

“I didn’t say I was.”  I watched her stress over what to do.

“If they find you in here…”

“What will they do, Anastacia?  What will they think?” my voice loved the suggestions it invited. Females hated it, so I naturally did it more.  It kept the memory of her face out.  The day I fell for my first girl.  Her!

“You need to leave.”

“Why haven’t you called?” I leaned closer and touched the skin on her arm. It's silken appeal sliding over the roughness of my own.

She yanked her whole body away, but I knew she felt the power in it.  Did she not want to acknowledge she healed me that day, not me healing her?  The touch is needed for that, not the freakoid buzz of her body near mine.  I never told her I figured it out long ago when Thorn first told me she could heal herself.  I knew she
’d heal me, but the visions were something else.

“You should leave.” 

Her cell phone beeped.  I don’t even think she heard it.  I didn’t need disturbances.   Snagging it off the table beside her, I tapped in my number and made it her number two speed dial.  I clicked the text off the screen from the Hunter boy.

“Now, we can keep in touch.”  I leaned back into the sofa and crossed one leg over my knee trying to ease her the best I could.  I didn
’t like her being scared of me.  “I haven’t been in here in months.  It seems different.”

She followed my eyes.

“No, it’s just you.  I’ve never seen a female in this room. That’s a nice change, but I’d be just fine if you chose another…place.” 

My place.  My home.  It
’s just as big as this one.  And I could keep her...happier.  She wouldn’t be alone like she was now.

’m safe here.”

“Ahh, but do you want to be here?” I tried to read her begging her to say she didn
’t.  She was supposed to be mine.  Mine for years.  Before this life drowned out the boy I was, she was betrothed to me in
court where I was the heir to the business my father owned.

’t put words in my mouth?”  She stretched her mouth back and forth.

“Ahh, your mouth.  Shall we talk about it then.”  I watched her mouth and moved in to make my point known.  If she didn
’t know what I wanted, she wasn’t a woman.  And well, I knew what she was without a doubt.  The space was limited between all of her very distinct femaleness.

She drew her eyebrows in and backed further away as I neared. 

“Does Cas know your here?” 

Obviously not, darling.
  I didn’t stop the knowing grin on my face. 

“You need to leave.”

“Perhaps, but do I want to?” Hell no.  This was more exciting than punching a Vampire in the face.

“I want you to.”  She gripped the pillow and stiffened her legs underneath her.

“Do you?”

Oh, if she
’d heard the way she arranged those words.  After letting my mind wander, she read me like a dang book.  She knew what I wanted.

  “You smell amazing,” I let my wolf take her in all too inviting scent.  No other female had it.

And dang it if she didn’t lean in when I did.  I was let down when I saw her focus.  She like the earring I got drunk as batshit one night.  She did realize her mistake in leaning and moved farther back than even before.   

“Lean a little more and we could be kissing.”

“Quit.  Just quit.”

“Are you sure that
’s what you want?  What
you want?”

“You came here, remember?”

“Oh yes.  I remember.  But I will leave as soon as you and I have finished our

Her eyes went wide with lots of emotion. Now it was her turn to know I could read her too.  Oh yes, they were right on tha
t part.  Swapping spit with her opened windows.

“No fretting, gorgeous.  I just want to talk to you about what happened to us.”

’re a riot. What did happen?”

“Well, the same thing that happened to me.  We shared blood and we saw the future.”

“How do we know it’s the future?”

I have no care for the future and I know my past.  I
’ve been so close to hell I’ve heard the devil shout my name and laugh when I was defiant to even him. 

Good question.  But it’s a reasonable explanation,” I stretched out my legs focusing on the angel in front of me.  She was too good for any of us, but Thorn deserved this happiness if none of us could.  I’d never tell him that.

“Yes, but I wonder if sometimes it might not just be a bad idea to know it already.”

“Yes, but think of what power it would get us.”

“You just want to use me?  Like a vessel.”

She got the wrong impression as usual.

“Never my true intentions.  You have me completely focused on the here and now.”

“Stop it.  Just stop it.  You are just awful.”  She twisted the pillow choking it to her chest.

I didn
’t like making her feel angry with me when it was out of real anger and not just frustrated girl logic.  She truly hated me in that instant.  Her emotions were telling me the horrid truth if that’s what I see floating around her now. 

“I am truly sorry I made you feel that way,” I backed up on the sofa for her, “I would never hurt you.”

“Can you feel emotions?”  The pillow dropped in her lap.  Probably a bad idea.  I could see all of her again now.

“Is that what I
’m doing?” I asked very curious to hear her say it.  Admit it.

“You didn
’t feel them before?”

“Not completely.  But I
’ve always sensed fear really in my prey.  Thing is, I don’t think it’s all fear you feel right now, and you’re not my prey.”

’t I?” She drew her face and batted her eyes. 

Stopping the wolf was sometimes hard to do, but it was her fault.  My wolf wanted to take her right then.

“Will you go now?” she gritted her teeth seeing my dilemma.

I didn
’t accomplish what I wanted today, but I would finish what I started.  Leaving the way I came I said over my shoulder, “Anastacia, I am your friend.  If you need me, you need only call and I will be there.”

Walking away from her feels painful, like a link that never found its connection.  I just couldn
’t look at her without always knowing she was supposed to be mine. 

“Thank you.”

I did force a twisted smile before topping the wall and blinked twice at seeing Granite slip to the doorway just as I slipped away. 

The clue I
’d left her on the table would comfort her tortured mind from all the mystery surrounding the five of us.  She needed to know I was a part of this and would not leave her no matter how ill my feelings were towards Thorn and Szar.  They’d successfully made a barrier between us and I had to severe it.  Even if it meant only being her...friend.    



Appendix One

Marked Ones


(goddess within many)

goddess who destroyed Orion with the Scorpion to punish his misdeeds including stealing her bow, excessive bragging towards the intention to kill the earth’s creatures, and ignoring her. Legends say Artemis, and even Apollo her twin brother, set out to punish him but Anat beat them to it using trickery and good timing.   She used her sordid past to help solve an escalating dilemma among the supernatural factions on the earth.  The humans were passive and set in their ways, but those living among them are restless.  They want to own each other.  That could never happen.

Anat set out to create only one, but that would be impossible.  It went awry last time.  She would need reassurance when the time came.  Who would make the group compatible?  Who would make them achieve their goal?  Not all decisions can be easily identified as explainable, but sometimes you just know. The goddess rings made available will keep them safer.  All asked have willingly accepted her plea for help.  The five chosen
bring back unity.


(marked with ALL signifying the connection between the five)

Goddess ring
- multi-colored and blocks thoughts from Cas (and ability to have power increased when touching Cas physically but not revealed until later), enhances electricity with Calum (doesn’t officially know it yet), shields others combined with Szar (finds out later), sees specific future events with Cord (later)

is the child born to a goddess- daughter of Anat who killed her lover Aqhat (Orion) in the legends.  She was created to change a dying supernatural world from destroying itself from the inside out.  After many dangers, traitors, and feuding allies she finally makes the group whole in book two with a unified beginning towards peace.  But it’s a long road.

Anat tells Stace in book two that she took the name Anat over any other simply because she wanted to and that all the names she and the other gods have held are synonymous regardless of how the different people of the world change it.  Her
name well become legend.


(other connections- Saiph, star in Orion)

Goddess ring
- seemingly useless at first and he sees it as a dud especially when he sees the others in use, but later a happy chance brought about a situation where Szar actually felt the group in real danger and his own high emotions created a shield from any danger (thus a shield- hasn’t happened yet...)

is the half god/ half Valkyrie- son of Lord Hathown, leader of the Valkyrie court faction in the supernatural world.  He doesn’t find out till much later that his sole purpose is to save Stace.  Can he run a faction and save her too?   Stay tuned...

(ORION-Hunter strength)
(other connections- Rigel, star in Orion)

Goddess ring
- enhances the power of electricity through Stace when he wears it combined with highly intense emotions- allows an alert system to know when each is close

is the half god/ half Hunter- who was created to make sure Stace stays safe from all with his brute strength alone, but ultimately in the end he is still (Orion) and Cord (the Scorpion) does show up.  Can legends be broken?

(other connections-Ra, the sun god, Hathor and Sekhmet)

Goddess ring
- increases any power Stace holds if he is touching her (not aware of it until later) shares telepathy, as well as magnetic alert system when each other is close


...is the half god/half Valkyrie turned Vampire-who was created to stand beside his beloved and never let her feel alone even when all else seems at an end.  To be her stronghold in the darkest moments.  Her balance in the fight for their lives.

He (
to turn vampire to save her finding only his destiny was never his own even as far back as at birth when she spoke to him in her mind.  Made a vampire and moved up in status to be the next lord allowing him to be her equal and therefore fulfilling the destiny of connecting the five intended to bind together to change the supernatural world.

Incidentally, Cas has studied his roots extensively, for he is born of the very powerful god, Ra.

(other connections-enemy used to kill Orion by his love, Anat)

Goddess ring
- sees specific futuristic events that only he and Stace can envision when joined together by blood (Ewww!) ...and heals her!  (New reveal in book 3). And the same type of system feeling like a head rush to alert each other to their presence

...human turned Werewolf-didn
’t (
to become a Were and didn’t know his destiny as the scorpion he was marked with from birth.  His destiny is still unknown in most ways for we know not why he was sent to Stace like the others though he was born in the same Val court as the others, except the Hunter.  For now, we press on and wait.

Everything was set in motion until Cas was told to go to him and ask his faction to allow him to be the new
Were leader at the other's demise (by Lord Hathown).   He was a human in the Val court that Stace doesn’t remember and doesn’t find out until end of book two.




Letter to Anastacia Anat Hathown
(hidden for proper time with Lord Hathown till she is 18)

Dear Daughter of Anat, 

              I haven’t forgotten you.  My time on earth was short, but carrying you was the highlight of my time there.  I leave you with your father, the chosen male to carry you through childhood and on to the destiny you hold.  Please use the resources I’ve instilled in you to accomplish the goal ahead.  I hold your abilities above all and will stand above to watch them grow when all have our children have found themselves in one accord.  The frailty of the human race kept us from making you anything other than the strengths of the Valkyrie and the powers of the gods.  Please use this wisely and step forward on hastened feet.  We need you.  We are counting on you.  They can’t do it without you.  Read carefully the prophecy our leader has put before you. 

              With Love.

The hunter by day will take with him, a huntress, unlike his own.  She will bear the mark of Orion, as will he.

The hunter by night will take with him, a huntress, unlike his own. She will bear the mark of the sun.  As will he. 

They will bring forth a mighty nation of all who come together.  They will find Saiph at their right shoulder.  Rigel and his stinging adversary will rule like no other.  
Cross will come between severed twins.  Let who stands in the way of fate perish and be no more.  In this great peril, the Anat goddess in human form will be the only light.



Lost Letter to Szar Hathown
(hidden by father- told before Stace as a young boy and asked to guide her)

Dear Son of Anat,

I haven’t forgotten you.  My time on earth was short, but carrying you and your sister were the highlight of my time there.  I leave you with your father, the chosen male to carry you through childhood and on to the destiny you hold.  Please use the resources I’ve instilled in you to accomplish the goal ahead.  I hold your abilities as most important to the survival of your kind and ours and for the single event that it will cost all if you choose to ignore it.  You understand what this is if your father followed as I asked and gave this to you at the right time.  The frailty of the human race kept up us from making you anything other than the strengths of the Valkyrie and the power of the gods.  Please use this wisely. We need you.  We are counting on you.  The rest can’t do it without you.  Read carefully the prophecy our leader has put before you. 

With Love.


Letter to Calum Rigel Green
(Hidden for proper time with Lord Green till he is 18 but revealed that he’d seen it years before)


Dear Son of Neptunia,


              I am the Father of Neptunia.  My daughter was chosen for this task to bear you.  I was asked to help build a ruler who would prove strong and agile among the many.  I adhere to whatever Anat, the battle goddess and her children deem necessary until such time I should need to intervene and shut it down.  You do me proud.  Please do nothing else.  Beware of your enemies, for they are many.  Keep the girl safe from all harm, first and foremost.

              Father of Neptunia.


Letter to Cassius Rathorth Cross
(Hidden for proper time with Lord Hathown till he was ten only because he needed someone to personally protect her)


Dear Son of Eos,

Son, I am only the pawn in this.  Asked by Anat to comply with her orders, I give you my undying love and respect for what you must do in the following years.  As goddess of the dawn, I foresee what actions you did and will take to have the human emotion love and to fulfill your destiny.  Please use the powers you hold to complete these tasks.  Do not let her go alone.  As the son of Ra, you are bound by all orders of our kind and hers.  When choosing another form, take care that you are taught properly.  The ring will return and be of use to the both of you.
Take care.

With Love.

Letter to Cord Ryan
(Hidden for proper time with Lord Hathown till he is 18 but given early because he is turned earlier than planned)


Dear Son of a Human,

The Valkyrie court has and will keep watch over you.  At the appointed time, lord of the manor will see to it that you are properly prepared for your destiny as the Scorpion.  Know that your original lineage stems from great rulers and will allow you to harness the power you will need to lead the most ruthless of the factions. Guard it well. 

              With Thanks.




Questionable Villains



(Oldest Vampire alive)

Previous defected Vampire lord-
over three hundred years old and very powerful and influential in the supernatural world but rarely seen...sired father of Nara who was promised to Lord Cross for being turned as a favor to Lord Cross’ father

owes Cas a favor for a rogue who once had Nara at near death, but Cas owes him too...


(Daughter of Drac and betrothed to Lord Cross)

Lord Drac
’s daughter
- who is evil like her sired father, and was betrothed to Cas as a prize to have him when he is turned. She was once captured by his own negligence and Cas rescued her thereby owing her father, Lord Drac, a debt...

Now she just wants to get back at him for not wanting her.  She will do anything to vanquish him or make him regret turning her away.

Ted Borgon
(Rogue Hunter defector)

when Dr. Green announces his new professor of the supernatural histories, Ted Borgon is pissed.  He vows that the great doctor will regret his decision.  Once, while fishing through his file cabinet, Borgon came across a letter.  A letter about Dr. Green’s son.  It changed his game plan.  From that day on, his goal was the doctor’s son and the girl that would soon be involved with him.  After careful research and making friends in the right places, he intended to take out this famous goddess girl who eludes the shadows when trouble comes around.  He jades deals with who he had to to get her in the open.  When she shows up at the Hunter school, the game begins...

and he knows a secret they don’t...

When he is approached by the Elves to stand as a leader, he thinks this is his chance to show the good Dr. Green that he was worthy of being picked over Quinn.  He does what they ask.  When he tells them he needs warriors to take out the Valkyrie princess, the Elves balk saying she can't die.  When the Elves refuse to help, he challenges them to become slaves.  They aren
’t happy.  When Borgon’s sees his family, whom he has left and neglected, killed by the very creatures he just threatened, he becomes certifiably insane with revenge on everyone who has ever wronged him. 

To him, that means the five
savior marked ones need to die and he can have it all.  If he takes the factions, he can overpower even the Elves.  He told them he would make them all in charge if the factions are destroyed.  Greed leads the way.  What he doesn’t know is that the lost leader of the Elves is back from his bitter leaving.  And he doesn’t intend to see his people die out.

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