Authors: Sarah Lotz
One thing is certain,
The Beautiful Dreamer
(or should we say, Nightmare) is far from the first ship to confound the world.
In 2003 a mysterious tanker with no name or registration was found 35 miles from the coast of Australia. It was believed to have harboured refugees but no one was found on board, and the only sign of habitation was a child’s soft toy animal.
In 1872,
Mary Celeste
, perhaps the most famous ‘ghost ship’, was discovered floating entirely unmanned, but with all her cargo and supplies intact.
was found 17 years after it went missing in the Antarctic in 1823. The captain’s last message read: ‘May 4, 1823. No food for 71 days. I am the only one left alive.’
Sailor Who Discovered Mystery Cruise Ship
Found Dead
The man who discovered
The Beautiful Dreamer
has died of a suspected drug overdose. Jose Ferrigno (49), who also had a history of depression and substance abuse, was found dead at his home yesterday evening at approximately 7 p.m. Initial reports suggest that he took his own life.
Ferrigno, who achieved notoriety after discovering the missing cruise liner three months ago, was adamant that he had seen survivors on board. This was continually denied by those who arrived first on the scene, the US Coastguard and the NTSB.
Conspiracy theorists, who have backed up Ferrigno’s assertions, believe there is a global cover-up and say that this is further proof that authorities are hiding something.
A spokesperson from the Dade County Coroner’s Office declined to make a statement about these allegations.
Ferrigno lived alone. His body was discovered by a neighbour.
NSA Denies Survivors’ Existence. Describes Leaked Documents as ‘A Clever Hoax’
The National Security Agency has once again come under scrutiny after several documents, which purport to be fragments of interviews with several passengers and crew who were listed aboard
The Beautiful Dreamer
, went viral yesterday.
Leaked by @anonymous998, the source of the documents is unknown.
The documents have surfaced amidst widespread speculation about the fate and whereabouts of the 2962 passengers and crew who were on board the vessel when it left Miami on December 28, 2016.
According to the National Transportation Safety Board findings of the ‘most likely’ sequence of events, the ship ran into difficulties after losing power due to a fire in the engine room. Fearing that it would capsize in high seas, the crew ordered an evacuation. It is believed that a tropical storm may have sunk the lifeboats and claimed the lives of any survivors.
Critics from a wide spectrum argue that the theory lacks coherency and is not corroborated by the known facts. Some critics have accused the Coastguard and the NTSB of being complicit in a cover-up of critical facts and of the survival of at least some of those aboard the ill-fated ship.
The National Security Advisor took to Twitter this morning to refute the claims: ‘We categorically deny that these documents are anything other than fake.’
‘They are a clever hoax designed to undermine our security efforts.’ And: ‘There were categorically no survivors found on board
The Beautiful Dreamer
Herein please find the abridged transcripts of the interviews conducted with the five subjects discovered on board
The Beautiful Dreamer
on January 05, 2017.
The transcripts are in English. There are two additional transcripts that were issued as reports; they are summaries of the first three transcripts and omit the non-substantive and repetitive statements. Some of the information has been deleted from the enclosures because it was found to be currently and properly classified in accordance with Executive Order 12988, as amended. This information meets the criteria for classification as set forth in subparagraphs (c) and (g) of Section 1.4 and remains classified TOP SECRET and SECRET as provided in Section 1.2 of the Executive Order. The information is classified because its disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security.
The accounts have been listed chronologically for purposes of cross-referencing. A summary of the findings will be forthcoming.
The interviews were supervised by and
all of whom are trained in
approved interrogation techniques. Parapsychologists
were also present. The interviewers were instructed to extrapolate information in as non-confrontational and physically non-intrusive manner wherever possible. The primary intent was to ascertain the whereabouts and fate of the other 2957 passengers and crew who were on board
The Beautiful Dreamer
when it left the Port of Miami on December 28, 2016.
The subjects were kept separately at facility, which has a
security rating. Their only interaction was with staff, which was monitored at all times.