Daybreak (2 page)

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Authors: Keira Andrews

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Gay, #Contemporary

BOOK: Daybreak
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With a few casual motions, Nate stripped off the rest of his clothes. Even though they’d just gotten off in the elevator, Nate’s cock was rising, jutting up from the thatch of dark hair toward his flat stomach. He nodded toward the bathroom. “You coming?”

Lucas nodded. Was he

Chapter Two


“Where the hell are we going to put all our clothes?”

“You mean all of

Nate chuckled. “Can I help it if I have more in my wardrobe than jeans, T-shirts, and flannel?”

Lucas and Nate stood in front of their one and only closet, pondering. The closet was about five feet deep, but with only one rack across the narrow back, using the space effectively was going to be a challenge.

“Maybe we should get one of those clothing racks, you know, the ones with wheels.” Lucas had until this point been simply shoving things into the closet in haphazard fashion.

“Yeah, that could work. Maybe try and put some hooks up on the walls inside too?”

Lucas agreed, walking around the last few boxes to be unpacked and into the kitchen. The kitchen cupboards were bare compared to the rest of their storage space, since he wasn’t a big cook, although he had bought two steaks to celebrate their first night together. He’d even managed to get a bottle of wine from a run-down liquor store that didn’t ask for ID.

They’d spent the afternoon unpacking after a very long shower. Lucas smiled to himself as he put the water on to steam some vegetables and began chopping. They’d simply kissed for what seemed like hours, hands roaming over skin, exploring and reacquainting.

The odd weekend visit had gotten them through the winter and spring, but with Nate in Europe all summer, Lucas had been desperate for him. He’d reveled in the taste of Nate’s cock in his mouth again after so long apart. He licked his lips as he continued chopping, and his dick twitched at the memory.

God, he’d missed Nate. Missed his smile, his voice, his body. His mouth. His hands.

Those hands found Lucas’s shoulders as Nate’s lips pressed gently against the back of his neck. “What smells so good?”

“That would be water.” Lucas laughed.

“Mmm. You spoil me.”

In the small space between the island and the counter, Lucas turned to face Nate. They kissed softly.

Lucas sighed happily. “I can’t believe you’re finally here. That you really came back.”

“Why wouldn’t I come back?” Nate regarded him quizzically. “You thought I’d stay in Europe forever?”

. “No, no, of course not. I’m just glad you’re here.” Lucas turned back to the cutting board and picked up a carrot. “Tell me more about the trip.”

“It was great. I mean, it was a lot of time with my family, but we saw so many great things. We have to go to Italy one day. You’d love it. The food, the wine, the art, the men. Oh, and the gelato.”

Lucas concentrated on slicing the carrot and not his own fingers. “The men?”

“Oh yeah, there are some real beauties there.” He stroked Lucas’s hip. “But nothing can compare to home.”

“Yeah, right.” Lucas forced out a laugh. He had no illusions that he could compare to Italy’s finest.

Nate stood beside him and gently cupped his face. “All the Italian stallions in the world could never be as hot as you.” He kissed him then, tongue slipping inside Lucas’s mouth, stroking softly.

The kiss deepened, and Lucas forgot about the carrots, and Italy, and everything as he pulled Nate close. He backed up around the island and out of the kitchen and they sidestepped the remaining boxes, falling back on the bed.

Nate’s weight on top of him felt so good, so right. He yanked Nate’s T-shirt over his head and kissed his chest, teeth on Nate’s nipples, making him squirm and moan. The taste of Nate’s salty skin was heady, and Lucas rolled over, his mouth moving over Nate’s body, peeling away clothing as he continued until Nate was naked beneath him.

“I need to fuck you. Or you fuck me. Whatever. I need to feel you.” Nate gritted the words out, and his already-hard dick was proof of them.

Lucas sat up on his knees and quickly stripped off his clothes. He rooted around in a box he kept on the built-in shelf in the half wall beside the bed that separated it from the rest of the apartment. He found the lube and dropped the tube on Nate’s chest. As he tore open a box of condoms, Nate rubbed the lube between his palms.

When Lucas was able to get a condom out of the foil wrapper, he put it on Nate’s waiting cock, unrolling it quickly. Nate stroked himself with one greased hand and the other found Lucas’s hole, which his fingers moved inside roughly.

Usually they’d take more time to prepare, but Lucas knew neither of them could wait. He moved over Nate’s dick, maneuvering himself into position. With a loud moan, he slid down and the head of Nate’s cock stretched him painfully. It had been months, and he bit his lip and closed his eyes as he forced himself down the shaft.

“Slow down, I don’t want to hurt you.” Nate held Lucas’s hips firmly, stopping his downward movement.

Lucas opened his eyes and gazed at his lover. “I want to feel you tomorrow. I want your cock. I need it.”

Nate, eyes dark with lust, thrust his hips up, hitting Lucas’s prostate. Lucas cried out as he impaled himself fully, the pleasure and pain combining as he rode Nate’s cock. “Oh God, oh God.”

In the heat of the apartment, they were both slick with sweat, and the water reached a boil on the stove, the lid of the pot rattling as steam made its escape. Lucas squeezed his ass as he bucked up and down. His own dick was hard as rock, and Nate reached out for it, stroking and grasping.

Lucas rode him faster, sweat flying off his forehead as a sense of abandon came over him, a complete lack of inhibition as he slammed down on Nate’s cock over and over again, making two bodies one.

“I love your ass. You’re so tight, oh God,” Nate muttered, and he squeezed Lucas’s dick, his thumb flicking over the head.

Suddenly Lucas came in a rush, spraying Nate and his own stomach as he clamped down on Nate’s cock. Nate thrust upward, head tilted back and eyes closed as he shuddered his release.

Lucas flopped down on Nate’s chest as Nate slid out of him. They breathed heavily, their bodies a wet and sticky mess. In the kitchen, the pot clattered angrily, boiling water evaporating as the minutes ticked by. Nate lightly ran his fingers up Lucas’s spine and kissed his cheek.

For the first time in their tiny apartment in Greenwich Village, Lucas knew he was home.

* * * * *


Lucas had barely stepped inside the Kramers’ foyer when he was tugged into a back-slapping hug by Nate’s brother, Sam. Sam clapped him on the shoulder. “Did ya miss me?”

Strangely enough, Lucas did. Well, a bit. “Yeah, man. How’s it going?” Sam was looking finely chiseled and handsome, as per the usual.

“Can’t complain, can’t complain.” He stepped aside and motioned to a young, beautiful brunette woman in the archway to the living room. “This is Amanda.”

“Hi, nice to meet you.” Lucas shook her manicured hand.

“You too.” Amanda smiled, her teeth perfectly white and straight.

“Lucas here was my roomie in college. Now he’s downgraded to my geeky little brother.” Sam punctuated the sentence by punching Nate, who had been silently observing in the doorway, in the shoulder.

“Hi, Sam.” Nate’s tone was long-suffering. He nodded to Amanda. “Hey.”

“Hi, Nate. So nice to see you again!” Amanda pressed shimmering lips to Nate’s cheek. As she moved past Lucas, he caught a waft of what smelled like strawberries. Possibly passion fruit.

“Why is everyone lurking out here? Come inside.” Mrs. Kramer appeared and ushered them into the living room. They made small talk and listened to Sam talk about Amanda’s apartment in Brooklyn, where they were now living. Mrs. Kramer’s smile was stretched very tightly. Sam had a brand-new job as a salesman at his uncle’s software company, and Lucas knew he’d be successful. When he turned on the charm, he was a force of nature.

At dinner, Amanda told them about her job in marketing for a cosmetics company. She was funny and sweet, and Lucas hoped Sam wouldn’t screw it up. Sam didn’t have a very long attention span in Lucas’s experience, and he’d moved in with Amanda awfully quickly considering they’d only met on vacation in France two months ago.

Then again, with the long-distance aspect, he and Nate had only spent a few weeks together in person over the past eight months, and they’d already moved in together. So he wasn’t really in a position to judge.

Lucas hoped Mrs. Kramer’s strained smiles weren’t evident to Amanda. However, Mr. Kramer seemed delighted with her, and he also asked Lucas a lot of questions about school and the new classes he was taking. Lucas wondered what would happen if Mr. Kramer asked Nate the same questions, but he didn’t.

After dinner, Lucas helped clear the table and walked into a tense conversation in the kitchen.

“Mom, what’s wrong with Amanda? She seems like a nice girl. If she’s willing to put up with Sam, you should be grateful,” Nate said.

“What’s that supposed to mean? And there’s nothing
with her. I mean, aside from the obvious.” Mrs. Kramer poured the tea into waiting cups.

“And that would be?” Nate waited with an arched eyebrow. Lucas hovered near the stove, empty serving platters in his hands.

“Nathaniel. Stop pestering me and get the cookies out.”

“Come on, Mom. Is it because she’s a” -- he paused to gasp theatrically -- “a

Mrs. Kramer stirred sugar into one of the cups vigorously. “Don’t be silly.”

“Oh, please, Mom. Who do you think you’re kidding?”

She eyed him speculatively. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you lately. You never used to speak to me like this. You’re different these days.”

Nate didn’t used to say much at all around his family, and Lucas realized he had indeed been more outgoing around them. Yet now Nate dropped his head and shrugged mutely, easily slipping back into a passive role.

His mother huffed. “Well, what if they get married? What then? What about the children?”

“I think you’re jumping the gun just a bit, Deanna.” Mr. Kramer, carrying plates into the kitchen, was the voice of reason, as always.

Lucas found himself speaking before he could think. “I’m not Jewish, and it doesn’t bother you, does it?”

Mrs. Kramer let out a peal of laughter. “Of course not, Lucas. But you’re not dating Nate!”

Lucas forced the air into his lungs so he could bark out an awkward laugh, and his mouth formed a frozen smile. He didn’t have to look at Nate to sense the waves of tension coming off him, and he glanced at Mr. Kramer, hoping he was laughing along with his wife. However, he had turned away and was putting leftovers in the fridge.

Nate shook his head as they went back to finish clearing the table. “Smooth,” he whispered, and Lucas’s face burned.

After a game of Scrabble, which Amanda won -- earning an appraising and genuine smile from Mrs. Kramer -- Sam and Mr. Kramer turned on a baseball game. Nate rolled his eyes and checked his watch. “Dad, remember you’ve got to drive us to the ferry soon. Don’t get too invested.”

“Dude, we can drive you guys home.” Sam didn’t look away from the TV as he spoke. “You’ve got to check out my ride.” As a graduation present, the Kramers had given Sam his own car -- a Mazda RX-8.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s totally out of your way. We’ll just take the ferry,” Nate replied. “Next time.”

Sam shrugged. “Suit yourself, loser.”

“Sam!” Amanda fixed him with a disapproving gaze. “That’s not a very nice thing to call your brother.”

Amazingly enough, Sam actually appeared abashed. Lucas and Nate looked at each other with raised eyebrows, and Lucas thought that Amanda might turn out to be a very good influence on Nate’s brother.

As the evening wore on, Lucas tried to pay attention to the game as Nate flipped through a magazine. Lucas thought about Nate’s old room upstairs, where they’d first met last December. Where they’d done a lot of things for the first time. His dick twitched simply at the thought, and he coughed and refocused on the TV. He would have loved to find an excuse to sneak away upstairs with Nate, but he couldn’t think of one.

It was amazing how comfortable he felt in the Kramers’ home. Sitting on the couch and watching a ball game seemed natural and right. He still missed his father desperately sometimes, but Nate’s family was a very welcome addition to his life.

On the ferry back to Manhattan, Lucas watched the lights of the city in the distance, a sight he didn’t think he’d ever get tired of. He and Nate stood close together, leaning against the railing. The deck was crowded in the early September heat, so Lucas reluctantly kept his hands to himself. After being in the Kramers’ home and remembering the nights he and Nate had spent together during the holidays, Lucas was horny as hell.

“Sorry about before. In the kitchen.”

Nate shook his head, laughing. “Don’t worry; my parents are so clueless that they wouldn’t believe you if you came right and told them you are dating me.”

“So, if Amanda is a shiksa, what does that make me?”

Nate laughed. “A
.” He put on a mock serious face. “You’re unclean, Lucas.”

“That must be why I want to suck your cock really badly right now.”

Nate’s eyes flared, and after a quick glance around, he tugged on Lucas’s hand. Leading the way, Nate navigated the interior of the ferry until they were closing the door of the handicapped bathroom behind them. Nate flicked the lock and leaned against the door as he undid his shorts. He arched his eyebrow. “Your wish is my command.”

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