Deadly Obsession (10 page)

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Authors: Kris Norris

BOOK: Deadly Obsession
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Peter huffed,
cursed. “I’m hardly the hero in all this.” He shifted over on the couch. “Here.” He tossed Gage the bag. “I figured even your
-goat of a stomach wouldn’t thrive on hospital food, so I grabbed us a couple of burgers. Besides, I heard the doctor say you needed to eat something after giving up a few pints of blood.”

“Who knew hospitals could run out of O negative.”

“So you volunteered,” finished Peter. “Just eat the damn burger before you pass out.”

Gage moved over to the couch and sat down. He hadn’t realised how hungry he was until he took a bite. “Thanks,” he mumbled around a mouthful of bun.

Peter sighed. “I’m sorry.”

Gage shot Peter a fleeting glance. “It wasn’t your fault. I never should’ve left her. I knew there was something creepy about that guy, but I never checked it out. I’m the one who should be sorry.” He looked over at Brooklyn. “I let her down…again.”

Peter cursed and stood up, pacing back towards the door. “Damn it, must you always make it so hard?” He fisted his hands through his hair. “I screwed up, and it nearly cost Brooklyn her life! She didn’t want the guy to change her bandage. She wanted to wait until you got back. I guess she sensed something was wrong. Then I think she recognised his voice or something, because she screamed your name just before he took me out.” Peter growled as he shoved his hands in his pockets. “I’m sorry.”

Gage sat in shock as he watched his brother kick at the floor. He’d never heard Peter get so upset. “You know if Brooklyn were awake, she’d have both our heads for arguing again.” He watched as Peter mumbled a vague form of ‘yeah’, still staring at the floor. Gage stood up and took two steps towards him. “It really wasn’t your fault. Besides, Brooklyn’s okay. That’s all that matters. At least now we’ve got a few clues to go on. You gave a great description to the police sketch artist, and they found some skin tissue under Brooklyn’s nails.”

“But what good is the guy’s DNA if he’s never been coded?”

“If nothing else, it’ll let us know when we’ve got the right suspect.” Gage moved over to the couch and sat down again, picking up the burger. “Go home, Peter, You need the rest. I’ll bet Maya is going crazy.”

“She’s waiting downstairs.” Peter walked to the door. “Tell Brooklyn I’ll see her later, if she’ll ever agree to see me again.”

“Oh, she’ll want to.”

Peter opened the door and stepped out, but then turned back and looked over at Brooklyn. “You know how I feel about what happened between you two. But for some unknown reason Brooklyn thinks you deserve a second chance. If I were you, I wouldn’t screw it up.” Peter glanced back at him. “Get some sleep, little brother. You look almost as bad as she does.”


twisted, fighting the images tumbling in front of her.

“Because you belong to me, Sarah.”

She could hear his voice. He was close. She ran, hoping the darkness would hide her. Something rattled off to her left. Oh God, he was there. She could see him standing in front of the light, his shadow stretching out towards her. She turned, and darted down a long hallway. There had to be a way out.

She spotted a door up ahead and reached for it. The handle was cold and it took all her strength to turn it. She pulled it open, running headlong into his arms.

“I told you not to make me hurt you. Look what you’ve done!”

She stared at his hands. They were covered in blood.
Her blood.
She tried to scream, but he wrapped his hands around her neck.

“You belong to me. You’re in love with me.”

She screamed his name, hoping he’d find her in the darkness. She could barely breathe.
Too tight.
His hands were just too tight.

“Easy Brooklyn, I’m here.”

She fought against the fingers that encircled her arm. Oh God, he was going to touch her again. “No! Please. Don’t touch me.” She tried to squirm away.

okay, Brook. I’m here.
For God’s sake wake up, darling.”

Hands gripped her shoulders and she opened her eyes to find Gage staring at her, his eyes wide, his lips pulled into a thin line. “He’s here,” she blurted out, still straining against his hold. She needed to get away, before the bastard touched her again. “He’s here. Please…”

Her words disintegrated into tears as the shock hit her. Gage sat on the bed, gathering her gently in his arms as she sobbed his name, fisting his shirt in her hands.

“Just let it go, darling. I’ll hold you.”

Nearly half an hour had passed before the sobbing had started to ease. Gage had held her the entire time, stroking her hair, whispering soothing words in her ear. He’d never once asked her to stop, or tried to convince her to tell him what had happened. Instead, he’d held her close, dropping a kiss across her forehead whenever she eased her grip. Even now he rocked her gently in his arms, protecting her in his embrace.

“That’s it. Just breathe, darling. I’ve got you.”

His words drifted over her, calming some of the fear still pounding in her chest. His voice was deep and soft, with the same tone he used when he wanted to seduce her. She smiled at the thought, snuggling her head into his chest. She loved how safe he made her feel. How strong his arms held her against him.

Gage stopped moving and pulled away just enough to catch her gaze. “Feel any better?”

She shrugged, staring at the buttons of his shirt. “Not sure yet,” she said,
at the sound of her voice. She looked up at him, but he only smiled, drawing a finger down her jaw line.

“It’s okay to be scared. I’d be worried if you weren’t.” He brushed his fingers through her hair, tucking a long strand behind her ear. “You had quite the adventure.”

She smiled at his boyish grin. “Not exactly the kind I was looking for.” She felt her chin start to quiver again and bit at her bottom lip.

,” he soothed, cupping her face in his hand. “Don’t think about it tonight. We’ll talk tomorrow, when the images aren’t so frightening. What you need now is to rest. I think you’re even paler than the sheets, this time.”

looked down at her hands. They were ghostly white. She glanced at her arm, wondering why it was bandaged again. “What’s this?” she asked, pointing to the inside of her elbow. “I thought the doctor said they couldn’t give me anymore blood because they were out of O negative?”

“Guess they found some poor soul willing to lend you a few pints.”

looked back at him.

“Lucky we’re the same blood type.”

“And you called Peter a gallant knight…” She stopped. Oh God. All this time she’d been crying and she’d never even asked what had happened to Peter. Her throat constricted around another sob, and her vision dimmed. What if he’d been killed? Had Gage had to deal with that as well? She closed her eyes, unable to look at his reaction. “Peter…”

“He’s okay. The guy zapped him with a
. His hair’s a bit curlier, but he’s going to be fine. He dropped by, but you were still out. I sent him home with Maya. He said he’d check up on you later.”

nodded, still not able to look at Gage. “I’m sorry. I wouldn’t let him leave. I shouldn’t have…”

“Hey.” He cupped her face again, raising her gaze to his. “None of this is your fault. Peter’s a big boy. He can take care of himself. Now stop worrying about everyone else and get some rest. You look like death warmed over.” He went to pull away, but she grabbed his arm.

“I don’t want to sleep. Maybe you could turn the TV on for me?”

“You need to sleep, not watch the late show. Now
back down and get some rest.”

felt the tears pooling again as she looked into Gage’s eyes. She could see his tension building. The way the muscles in his shoulders bunched, followed by the involuntary twitch in his jaw. He wasn’t up for another round of her tears.

“Just for a while, please?”

He inched closer, his lips only a breath away from hers. “What’s wrong, darling?”

She stared at him, so close she could taste the scent of his cologne. She wanted to kiss him. Taste the heat of his lips, still the fear still controlling her. She tried to steady her breathing, but only managed to mumble a soft whimper. “He’ll be there.”

Gage touched her chin with a solitary finger. “He’s gone, and I won’t let him come back tonight. I promise.”

She felt a tear burn a path down her cheek. God, she hated crying in front of him. “I just can’t. I can’t relive it again. Not now.”

Gage’s jaw clenched as he stroked the tear away. “I’m sorry, darling. What can I do to help you?”

tensed. Did she dare ask? “You could
beside me…”

His temple danced as he tensed his jaw even further. She cursed. She shouldn’t have asked. She went to pull away when he smiled.

“Are you sure I won’t hurt you?” he asked.

“You won’t hurt me.”

“Okay, then shove over.” He wedged his body onto the bed, cradling her gently in his arms as he laid his head across the pillow, tucking her head in the crook of his shoulder. “Is this okay?”

“Perfect,” she whispered, snuggling against his body, feeling the chill finally start to lift from hers. She glanced up at him. “No moving over to the couch once I’m asleep,” she warned.

Gage smiled. “Now who’s not fighting fair?” He brushed his lips across her hair. “I’ll stay. Just close your eyes and go to sleep.”

She smiled, draping her arm across his chest. “Thanks.”

He touched his fingers to her face, softly stroking her cheek. “Don’t mention it. Now sleep.”

She nodded and closed her eyes. No more nightmares tonight. Gage would keep them away, even if only for now.

Chapter Seven




Brooklyn cracked open her eyes. Bright light bathed the room, and for the first time in days she felt warm. She burrowed against Gage’s chest, sinking deeper into his embrace. He was asleep, his body relaxed, his breath even. He’d wrapped one arm around her shoulder, while the other held her waist. She breathed deeply, inhaling the faint scent of his cologne. He smelt slightly spicy, and she couldn’t help but run her fingers along his chest. She smiled as his muscles twitched beneath her touch, drawing a soft moan from deep within his throat. She’d spent months dreaming of holding him again, but even her most vivid fantasies didn’t compare to this.

She looked at his face, wishing she had the strength to seduce him. Maybe if she kissed him before he woke up…

“Now before you go re-enacting one of those scenes from your books, Brook, could you have mercy on my virgin eyes?”

smiled. She didn’t need to look over at the couch to know Sam was sitting there. “From the stories I’ve heard, you could give me a few new ideas.”

Sam laughed. “I’d be mighty hurt by that accusation if it weren’t true.” He smiled at the grin she flashed him. “I see you got yourself a new pillow.”

“Easy, Sam.
Don’t go getting any insane ideas. I had to cry hysterically in his arms for almost an hour before he agreed to lay with me. I can assure you this doesn’t change anything.”

“I see you’re going to be as stubborn as Gage in this matter.” Sam stood up and moved to the edge of the bed. “But then you weren’t conscious to see the look in his eyes when you nearly bled to death in his arms. I’ve never seen him cry before.”

She stilled.
Cry? She didn’t think that was possible.
“Probably just had something in his eyes.
But thanks for trying.”

“Jesus, Brook. I expected you to have more sense. Why I have half a mind to—” His cell phone rang. He shook his head, flipping the lid open. “Sam Houston.” He paused as another voice echoed on the line. “Hold on a second, Trevor.” He looked over at Brooklyn. “I’ll take this outside. Why don’t you sleep some more. I’ll come back in a couple of hours and sneak some real food in for you two.”

nodded as Sam scooted out the door. She looked back at Gage. Had he really cried for her? It was more than she could hope for. She sighed and sank back against his chest, brushing a soft kiss across his shoulder. She’d think about that later. Right now she wanted nothing more than to sleep in his arms.


Gage relaxed back in the bed and stared at the ceiling. He’d heard Sam leave, his partner’s phone jostling him awake. He’d thought about getting up, but his eyes had felt too heavy to open, so he’d laid still. But he’d felt Brooklyn kiss him. Even through his shirt her lips had been warm, and it’d sent his pulse racing. It’d taken every ounce of strength not to roll her over and slant his lips over hers. She’d nestled beside him, her curves hugging his. While he’d been able to keep his thoughts from straying last night, there was no control over them this morning.

He’d been terrified yesterday when he’d held her in his arms, her blood oozing between his fingers.
Then the nightmare.
God, he’d never seen her cry like that, not even the night they’d fought. If he’d had doubts before, they were gone now. He was certain. The bastard had touched her, and it hadn’t been just his fingers around her neck.

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