Deadly Obsession (3 page)

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Authors: Kris Norris

BOOK: Deadly Obsession
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“You work too much,” she whispered, planting another kiss at the base of his shaft, brushing her cheek against his skin. “You need more time here…with me.” She looked up at him, meeting his heated gaze as she poked out her tongue and drew it down the length of his cock, flicking it over the crown.

“God damn.”

. Don’t
me.” She moved again, running her tongue down the other side, licking away a small drop of pre-cum from the tip.

. Rewarded already.
How very generous of you.”

“Darling, please. We need to talk.”

“We can talk after I’m done.
Unless we can find something else to do.”

He speared his hands through her hair, intending to pull her away, when she slipped her lips around him and took him deep into her mouth.
“Oh, God.”

His resolve vanished, his anger but a fleeting memory lost amidst the moans of pleasure Brooklyn murmured around his erection. She suckled him, her cheeks hollowed, her tongue laving the bottom of his flared head, as she moved slowly down his shaft, taking over half his length into her mouth.

“So good,” he rasped. “So damn good.”

He fisted her hair, pressing his palms against her head, as he began moving with her. She cupped his scrotum in one hand as the other held the weight of his cock.
Easing the pressure so her mouth could slide along his skin.
She slurped at him, swallowing every drop of fluid that eased from the tip, moaning in pleasure at the taste. God, she was good. Taking his cock deeper as his thrusting increased. He loved feeling her hot mouth stretched around him. It was all he could do to stem his release, prolong the pleasure until the need was almost painful.

“Still a bad time?” she asked, releasing him long enough to lick down the shaft and across his scrotum.

He moaned as she gently sucked each one into her mouth, laving them with her tongue.

“Hush. I’m not finished yet.” She looked up at him, drawing her finger into her mouth, moistening it with the same bobbing motion, before easing it free. “There’s still one area I have yet to attend to.” She smiled, taking his cock back into her mouth as she reached around to the cleft of his buttocks, slowly tracing it downwards until she reached his anus. He growled when she sank one knuckle into his ass, probing gently, but firmly against his tight muscles.

“God damn.”

He gasped, fighting to breathe, his legs so tense he wasn’t sure he could stay standing. But she refused to stop. She moved faster, clamping her lips harder around his cock, stroking her finger into his ass in perfect time with her bobbing mouth. His release tingled along his spine, tightening his scrotum, beading his body with sweat. He was close.

“Enough.” He moved away, stripping his shirt off as he stepped out of his pants and pulled Brooklyn off the floor.

His voice was harsh, demanding, and he could see the flash of hunger in her eyes. She liked it when he took control.
Used his strength to overpower her.
Tonight would be no exception.

moved with him to the bed, her fingers firmly wrapped around his arm.
“Something else on your mind now?”

He ignored her, grabbing the knot of her robe. He yanked, nearly ripping it as he flung it across the chair. She was dressed in a dark purple camisole and matching thong panties. He almost came just looking at her. He gave her body a long look, stopping at her groin. Though the panties were nearly black, he could still see the wet spot marking her arousal. His jaw twitched. Any other night, he’d spend an hour just teasing her. Lapping her juices until she was so close to climaxing he could feel her vagina quivering. Then he’d stop, stimulate her breasts,
play with her tight little ass. He groaned. He’d never taken her there. They’d only just started exploring that area of their bodies, and his size necessitated more preparations.

But not tonight.


looked up at him, her brow furrowed in concern. “Is everything okay?”

He pushed her onto the bed, not waiting for her to comply. Tonight he’d take her anally, before his bastard brother had the chance. Tonight he’d prove who really owned her. Tonight…


“Excuse me, Agent Matthews?”

Gage bolted awake, staring at the young nurse. “What’s wrong?” His gaze flew to Brooklyn.

The nurse smiled at him. “Nothing’s wrong. Dr. O’Brian just left. He’s decided your wife’s vital signs are stable enough for us to move her into her own room.”

Gage glanced at his watch. “But it’s only been twelve hours. I thought she needed to stay here for at least twenty-four?”

“Dr. O’Brian feels she’s out of danger now.” She stopped and laughed softly. “He also thought you’d be more comfortable if you could sleep on the couch in your wife’s room, instead of the chair.”

Gage smiled despite his thoughts, sitting back as they readied Brooklyn for the trip to her room. He stretched his back, groaning at the stiffness in his muscles. He hadn’t moved since he’d planted his ass in the chair, afraid he’d miss the moment she regained consciousness, not that she’d necessarily want him there. He sighed, remembering the dream. He hadn’t thought about that night for weeks, and wondered why it’d haunted him tonight.

He shook his head, forcing his aching body upright, as he followed the small procession down the hall and into a waiting elevator. They went up four flights and down another long corridor to the last room in the wing. It was pleasant, with an adjoining washroom and a large window across the far wall. He waited at the door until they’d moved her onto the small bed centred in the room, and then took a seat on the couch a few feet away. He sank into the cushions, drawn to the simple beauty of her face. She looked peaceful, and it reminded him of all the times he’d held her in his arms, watching her as she slept. Those nights seemed a lifetime ago, and he doubted he’d ever experience anything close to them again.

“How’d we ever let it get to this?” But it was too late. Even if she found it in her heart to forgive him, he’d never be able to forgive himself.

For hurting her.

For not trusting her.

He cursed, leant back and closed his eyes.


* * * *


Gage sat on the couch, watching the sky slowly change colour. Nick had stopped by two hours ago to check Brooklyn’s I.V. He’d smiled at Gage, remarking on her encouraging recovery before rushing from the room, his pager screeching in the silence. Gage had moved over to the bed and spent the rest of the time watching her sleep, praying the man hadn’t been too hasty in relinquishing all the monitors and equipment, which had constantly assured him she was still alive.

He sighed, wishing she’d wake up and tell him to get lost, when he heard the door creak open. He turned, staring at a man standing in the doorway. He was dressed in blue scrubs and was holding a tray out in front of him. He smiled at Gage, walking silently across the floor to the side of Brooklyn’s bed.

Gage shook his head. He’d never get used to male nurses. And the thought of this guy giving Brooklyn a sponge bath anytime in the near future frayed his nerves. The man was tall, muscular, and had a rugged appearance he was certain women found attractive. His hands looked strong and
and his movements were so smooth he looked as if he floating over the floor rather than walking.

Gage looked away, not wanting the guy to catch him staring. The lack of sleep was obviously getting to him. He closed his eyes, listening to the sounds of the city echoing outside the window. Sirens wailed in the distance and someone was shouting obscenities at the passing cars. He chuckled, glancing back at the male nurse tending his wife.

What the…?

The man was caressing her arm, trailing his hand up and down her skin, running his fingers through the ends of her hair as he smiled wantonly at her. Gage rubbed his eyes. His vision cleared to find the guy merely checking the I.V. and changing the gauze pad layered over the needle. He took a deep breath, calming the pounding in his chest. He needed to relax. Brooklyn was safe…it was over.

“She’s very strong.”

Gage shifted his attention, meeting the man’s gaze. “Excuse me?”

“I said, she’s very strong.”

“You could say that.”

“Not many people would’ve survived a wound like that.” He turned to look at Brooklyn’s face. “She’s special.”

Gage stared at the man. Why did the guy’s tone send a cold shiver down his spine? He watched as the man checked her pulse, pressing his fingers against Brooklyn’s wrist. “I believe the doctor referred to it as luck.”

The man laughed, shaking his head as he straightened the sheet around her, lingering over Brooklyn’s shoulder in a way that made Gage’s skin crawl. “I don’t believe in luck.
Fate, maybe, but not luck.”
He checked her temperature, scribbling some numbers across her chart. “No, she survived because she was worthy.”

Gage frowned. “I’m not so sure about fate, or worthiness, but whoever did this to her had better have their share of good luck. Because when I get my hands on them, that’s all they’ll have to rely on.”

The man grinned at Gage. “You sound like a cop.”

“Federal Agent, actually.”

The nurse raised his eyebrows. “She must be pretty important to have gained the protection of the F.B.I. I’d have thought the police were looking into her unfortunate incident.”

“They are. Brooklyn’s my wife.”

The man’s jaw twitched as he glanced at Brooklyn. Then the guy whispered something under his breath, before levelling his gaze back towards Gage. “I’ll be back later to check her dressing. I need to make sure there’s no infection.” The nurse scooted around the bed and headed for the door. “Will you be here later?” he asked without turning around.

Gage stared at the man’s back, another shiver tingling down his spine. “I’ll be here until I can take her home.”

The guy looked back at him over his shoulder. “Then I suppose I’ll see later, Special Agent.”

Gage stared at the closed door, moving back to the chair beside Brooklyn’s bed. The man had made him feel possessive, and suddenly his need to assert ownership over her had become paramount. He stared down at his hand, wondering if he should put his ring back on. He searched her finger and sank back in the chair. She’d moved on, or so he’d heard, and he needed to do the same. He reached out and took her hand in his, drawing it against his cheek. Her skin was cold and he felt the need to warm it. He’d move on after he knew she was safe…after she asked him to leave.


* * * *


“You look like shit, you know that.” Special Agent Sam Houston stood in the doorway, dressed in jeans and a red T-shirt, the gun holstered around his shoulders partially covered by a brown leather jacket. He nodded at Brooklyn as he stopped at the end of her bed. “How is she?”

“Alive. Other than that, they haven’t said much. They moved her up here from the I.C.U. a few hours ago, so I guess that means she’s getting better.” Gage followed his friend’s gaze. “She looks like death to me.”

Sam nodded and sat down in the chair Gage offered him. “Sorry to break it to you, buddy, but like I said, you don’t look much better.” He waved his hand at Gage’s face. “You’ve got black circles under your eyes and that’s yesterday’s five o’clock shadow.” He forced a smile. “Get any sleep?”

“A couple of hours here and there.”
Gage looked at his wife. “I didn’t want to miss it if she woke up.” He turned back to Sam. “Thanks for going to bookstore for me. I don’t think I would have been too useful last night.”

Sam smiled, patting him on the shoulder. “Don’t mention it. Besides, I know you’d do the same for me.”

“So what did you find out?” asked Gage, hoping Sam didn’t hear the tension in his voice.

Sam sighed, kicking the floor with the toe of his boot. “Not much, I’m afraid. By the time I got there, the CSI guys were photographing and swabbing everything in sight. I had to wait to get a look at the restroom.” He shook his head. “Other than the obvious blood, there didn’t seem to be much evidence. I asked some questions, but one of the officers was all worried about ‘jurisdiction.’ He kept going on about how this isn’t a Federal investigation, so I didn’t get the answers I wanted.” He met Gage’s gaze. “I had a feeling you might want to check the place out, yourself, so I called an old buddy of mine, Trevor Watts. He heads the homicide unit over in the Southwest precinct. His guys aren’t fielding the case, but he agreed to meet us there later today and let us have a look around…if it’s want you want.”

A slight quiver formed in Gage’s stomach. “I don’t see as I have much of a choice.”

“I could go back…alone.”

“Thanks, but I think I need to go…it might help me better understand what happened.”

“Whatever you say.”
Sam got back up. “I’ll go grab us some really bad coffee and something that resembles
a Danish
. Then we can both sit here and watch her sleep.”

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