Deadly Prospects (13 page)

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Authors: Lily Harper Hart

BOOK: Deadly Prospects
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“I’m sorry.” She looked pitiful.

James kissed her pouty mouth. “You’re going to be sorry later,” he said. “You have no idea the horrible things I’m going to do to you.”

Mandy lowered her face, resting her forehead against his chest. “I’m really sorry.”

James laughed, the sound taking her by surprise. “I knew the minute I told you that Ally would find out. I just hoped you could hold out for twenty-four hours.”

“You’re not mad at me?”

“Oh, blondie, I can’t be mad at you,” James said, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his cheek on the side of her head. “I love you too much to be mad at you, especially for this.”

“But I promised not to tell,” Mandy said.

“Let it go, baby,” James said. “Everything turned out okay.”

Mandy stilled looked doubtful. “You’re really not mad?”

“Oh, I’m going to spank your little rear later,” James said. “I don’t think it will be much of a punishment, though.” He lowered his mouth to her ear. “You’re going to owe me until the end of time.”

Mandy nodded. “I guess I deserve that.”

“Don’t worry,” James said. “I promise you’ll enjoy your punishment.”


“We’ve got a list of names,” Jake said, handing the printout to James.

James scanned the document. “And these are known associates of Michael Sawyer?”

Jake nodded.

“How did we get them?”

“Let’s just say we owe Maverick a new video game,” Jake said.

James made a face. “The guy drives me nuts, but he always comes through.”

“We need to run every name separately,” Jake said, glancing at his watch.

“Do you have somewhere you need to be?”

“I have to pick Ally up from work,” Jake said. “I’m just glad the weekend is here. Shuttling her out to Macomb Township and back is a long haul.”

“I bet,” James said. “Go and get her. I’ll see what I can come up with on the names.”

“What names?” Mandy asked, walking into the office.

“What are you doing home so early?” James asked.

“I love you, too,” Mandy grumbled.

James grabbed the lip of her skirt and pulled her over to him, gracing her with a sultry kiss. “I love you. What are you doing home so early?”

“We only had half a day today,” Mandy said. “Judge MacIntosh has some golf outing. He let us go early.”

“His loss is my gain,” James said, kissing her again. “Does this mean I get a naughty lunch?”

Mandy smirked. “If you tell me what names you’re talking about.”

James handed her the printout. Mandy scanned the list. “I think I recognize some of these.”

“Which ones?”

Mandy pointed. “Donald Lawson definitely jumps out.”

“Can you remember why?”

Mandy bit her lower lip. “No, but Bernard Archer sounds familiar, too.”

James leaned back, hooking his fingers through his belt loops. “Can we go to your office and run the names?”

“I don’t see why not,” Mandy said. “The courthouse is open until five. It’s going to ruin your naughty lunch, though.”

“Well, I’ll have to settle for a naughty dinner then.”

Jake rubbed the back of his neck, uncomfortable with their flirty banter. “Do you want me to leave the two of you alone?”

James shook his head. “No. We don’t have time. I do need you to do something for me before you leave to pick up Ally.”


“Call Grady and ask him to take this list of names to Sophie.”

“What will Sophie do with them?” Jake asked.

“I’m hoping she takes them to her foster father,” James said.

Realization dawned on Mandy’s face. “Oh.”

“Oh, what?” Jake asked. “Am I missing something?”

“Sophie’s foster father is Peter Marconi,” James explained, linking his fingers with Mandy’s and tugging her toward the door.

“Peter Marconi? Not
Peter Marconi?”

“One and the same,” James said.

“You think this has something to do with the mob?” Jake asked. Sophie’s foster father was a notorious – but never convicted – figure in the Southeastern Michigan organized crime scene.

“I think that Peter Marconi knows people that we don’t know,” James said. “It might just be a hunch, but I’m willing to play that hunch.”

Jake nodded. “You got it.”

“We’ll all meet back at Ally’s house tonight,” James said. “Take her straight home.”

“She’s not going to like that,” Jake said. “I promised to take her out to dinner.”

James paused, considering. “We’ll bring dinner back with us.”

Jake shuffled, casting his gaze on the floor. “Um, well, we had plans for tonight.”

James pursed his lips. “Well, I’m sure your plans can be held off until we all catch up.”

“James,” Mandy warned.

James sighed, running his free hand through his hair. “I have plans tonight, too. We’ll all be done by eight so we can go our separate ways and … do our own thing.”

Jake nodded. “Okay. She’s still not going to like it.”

“We all have our crosses to bear,” James said.


you’re doing a really good job with Jake,” Mandy said, pushing her office door open.

“I think you’re handling me,” James said.

“I’m not handling you,” Mandy said, her eyes teasing. “Although, if you’re good, I might be persuaded to
you later.”

“Don’t tempt me, woman,” James growled. “I still remember the last time I was in this office. I’m more than willing to repeat the experience.”

Mandy’s face flushed at the memory. She’d told James about a particularly dirty fantasy, and he’d made sure it came true.

James’ eyes flashed. “Take your clothes off.”

Mandy shook herself out of her reverie. “We have names to look up.”

James sighed. “Fine.” He watched as she booted up her computer, her firm rear settling in the same chair he’d used to make the fantasy come true. “Hurry up.”

“James,” Mandy chided him. “We’re here to help keep your sister safe.”

“I know.”

“Let me focus on my work.”

“I am.”

Mandy cast him a doubtful look and then logged into the system. She ran every name on the list, printing out the files as they came up. When she was done, she glanced up. “That’s everyone.”

“Are you sure?”


“Good,” James said, smiling. “Lift up your skirt.”

Mandy glanced at the door of the office. It was suddenly closed.
When had that happened? “

“You’re cute when you’re focused,” James said. “I could’ve driven a truck through here and you wouldn’t have noticed.” He leaned over, kissing her deeply. “Now, lift up your skirt. I want my naughty lunch.”

“You’d better be quiet,” Mandy warned.

James ran his hands over Mandy’s thighs, sighing when he felt the familiar garter belts. “I’ll do my best, baby. I can’t make you any promises.”


, James really wants me to go to Peter?”

Grady and Sophie were in his truck and heading to Grosse Pointe. After Jake had called, Grady had cursed a blue streak, and then ultimately relented and called Sophie. As much as he hated his girlfriend’s association with the friendly neighborhood mobster, he wanted to keep his sister safe even more.

“He thought Peter might have some insight that we couldn’t get through other channels,” Grady said, turning onto the tree-laden street that Peter Marconi lived on.

“And you’re okay with this?” Sophie had her doubts. Grady made an effort to accept Peter because she loved him, but any interaction with the man left Grady conflicted.

“I’m okay with doing what it takes to keep Ally safe,” Grady said.

“I can go in alone,” Sophie said, leaning forward as Grady pulled into the driveway. Peter’s house was actually a mansion, and she’s spent eight years under his welcoming roof before moving out on her own. It still felt like home.

“I’m going in with you,” Grady said, killing the engine as he regarded the approaching security guards.

“He would never hurt me, Grady,” Sophie said.

“I know that, sugar,” Grady said. “I still want to be in there. We’re talking about my sister here.”

“Just … try to be nice,” Sophie pleaded.

Grady grabbed Sophie’s hand, pressing the palm to his lips. “I’ll be nice.”

Sophie arched an eyebrow.

“I promise.”

Peter greeted them at the door, pulling Sophie in for a tight hug, and offering Grady a tense handshake. “It’s so good to see you.”

“I’ve missed you,” Sophie said. “You’ve been out of town for weeks.”

“It’s a busy time of the year for me,” Peter said, shooting Grady an unreadable look. “My business has ebbs and flows – like any other business – but this is always the busy season.”

Grady made a face. “And how does that work?”

Peter chuckled. “It works. Let’s leave it at that.”

Sophie pinched Grady’s waist. “We’re thankful you had the time to see us,” she said. “I know how busy you are.”

“I’m never too busy for you, my dear,” Peter said, settling on the couch. “Why don’t you tell me what this is all about?”

“Do you remember an armored car heist from twenty years ago?” Sophie asked, launching into her questions without hesitation.

Peter rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “The one out in Chesterfield?”

“So, you are familiar with it?” Grady asked.

“It was big news,” Peter said. “That much money doesn’t go missing without everyone taking notice.”

“Four-hundred grand is a big amount,” Grady agreed.

Peter snorted. “Four-hundred grand? Who told you that?”

“That’s what it says in the court records,” Grady said. “We ran the name Michael Sawyer and found a sealed file. When we opened it, that’s the dollar amount that was mentioned.”

“Michael Sawyer is the man found dead at the deli about a week ago, correct?”

Grady nodded. “How did you know about that?”

“I keep up on certain things,” Peter said. “Even when I’m out of town, I hear the news.”

“Well, Grady’s sister is the one who found Sawyer,” Sophie said.

Peter steepled his fingers. “I was not aware of that. I knew a young woman discovered him. I had no idea it was your sister.”

“She said it looked like he had been beaten to death,” Grady said. “They haven’t released the autopsy results.”

“Sawyer was beaten,” Peter confirmed. “He was beaten with a golf club.”

“How do you know that?” Grady asked, suspicion flooding his face.

“There are rumors in every circle, Mr. Hardy,” Peter said.

“Ally couldn’t be sure that there weren’t any other wounds,” Grady pressed. “She said there was too much blood.”

“Stabbing and shooting a man you’re trying to get information out of isn’t usually the way to do good business in situations like this,” Peter said. “Television and movies often get that wrong. Sawyer was beaten to death because someone wanted information.”

“What information?” Sophie asked.

“Well, my dear, what information would someone associated with a heist have?”

“The money was never found,” Sophie mused. “That means it’s still out there.”

“It is,” Peter agreed. “And the sum is much more than what you think.”

“How much money are we talking about?” Grady asked.

“Two million,” Peter said.

Sophie sucked in a breath. “What? But why wouldn’t that be publicized?”

“That is the question, isn’t it,” Peter said. “There was a rumor back then. The word on the street was that Sawyer didn’t have two accomplices.”

“So, someone made off with the money and Sawyer gave evidence against two people even though he knew there was someone else involved,” Grady said. “They got rid of two partners, but there was still a bundle of money and two other partners to grapple with.”

“Exactly,” Peter said, smiling. “You’re much smarter than you look.”

“I try.”

“So, where is the money?” Sophie asked.

“If I knew that, I would be a much richer man,” Peter said.

“Who were Sawyer’s partners? No one was ever convicted,” Grady said.

“There are certain rules, even in my business, Mr. Hardy,” Peter said. “I’m not sure I have the answers you’re looking for.”

“You have to help,” Sophie said. “Someone put a bomb under Ally’s car. It has to be because of this.”

Peter sighed. “And, let me guess, you’re very fond of this Ally, aren’t you?”

“I love her,” Sophie said.

“Ask yourself this, why would someone want to silence the woman who found a dying man?” Peter prodded.

Sophie thought for a moment. “Because someone thinks that Sawyer told Ally something before he died.”

“Like the location of millions of dollars perhaps?”

“He didn’t say anything to Ally,” Grady protested. “Ally said it all came out in nonsense.”

“Someone clearly doesn’t believe that,” Peter said.

Grady leaned forward, rubbing the back of his neck. “So, who has the money?”

“Son, if you can solve that mystery, I know a lot of people who would be interested in the answer,” Peter said.

Sophie handed the list of names to Peter. “Can you at least give us some insight on this?”

Peter glanced at the list. “This is important to you, isn’t it?”

“Very important.”

“Well then, let’s see what we can do.”

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