Deadly Pursuit (SCVC Taskforce) (5 page)

BOOK: Deadly Pursuit (SCVC Taskforce)
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She wondered what Forester was doing in the Fairmont, and if he was okay. If he was, she was going to give him and Quarters a piece of her mind when this operation was over. They had sacrificed children and two agents in a hurry to beat the DEA to the house.

“I’m sure Chief Forester would like to talk to you about that,” she said, when what she really wanted to say was, “Where have you been? Why didn’t you call me?”

For months after her transfer, Celina had analyzed Cooper’s behavior out loud while on stakeouts with her partner. Ronni had put it in six easy to understand words:
he’s just not that into you

Cooper did a quick scan of the area again. “Where is he, your chief?”

“In the car.”

His eyes snapped back to hers and the brim of his cap rose with his eyebrows. “The car in the driveway?” He shook his head. “What kind of half-assed FBI unit is this?”

“You should know,” Celina retorted, mad all over again. “You sent me here.”

“I didn’t send you here,” Cooper corrected her. “That was Quantico’s orders after your face was splashed all over
magazine as the New Face of the FBI.”

“But you kicked me off—”

“This is not the time, Celina.”

Before Celina could reply, Cooper cocked his head, picking up noise inside the house. His hand came up to silence her. For several seconds he stilled; a freeze frame of anticipation. Not even a breath escaped his body, only a prevenient energy radiating from every inch of him. A cat preparing to pounce on a mouse.

Another noise inside the house—this time Celina heard it too—voices and the sharp snap of a shotgun locking into position. Cooper pulled a mouthpiece out of his cap and spoke into it. “Assume take down positions,” he announced quietly to whoever was listening. “We’re going in.”

“There are three innocent people in that house. Kids.” Celina’s voice sounded too loud in her ears. “You can’t just bust in there. Someone could get hurt.”

Cooper pointed one of his fingers at a spot next to Ronni. “Have a seat, Agent Davenport. This take-down no longer concerns you. You shouldn’t be here and if you and your buddies hadn’t screwed this up to begin with, we wouldn’t have this problem.”

“Now, wait a minute,” she started, but Cooper grabbed her shoulder, twirled her around and pushed her down hard on her butt. She gasped from the impact and his incivility.

“Everybody move on my count,” he said into his radio.

Walking to the corner of the house, he locked his gun into firing position under his arm. “One, two, three.” His voice rose. “
Go! Go! Go

And then he was gone.

Celina looked at Ronni, whose eyes were still on the spot where Cooper had disappeared. “So that’s The Beast, huh?” A silly grin split her face. “That gun powder and Wheaties diet is working for him.”

“Yeah,” Celina huffed, sarcasm blowing out with her breath, “and he definitely wants me. Did you notice how he was practically falling all over himself to see if I was okay?” She pushed herself off the ground to follow him. “Asshole.”


Chapter Five


FBI Headquarters, Des Moines


Feeding a dollar into the candy machine, Celina pressed the F8 button. The bag of peanut butter M&M’s pushed up and over the edge and fell to the bottom.

She knew the drill. Forester and Quarters would no doubt both receive commendations for a successful bust. Both perps had been smoothly apprehended by Cooper and his team with just-for-show backup from the other agents in Forester’s unit. Annie’s daughters and mother were unhurt and none of the FBI or DEA agents on the scene were injured. Forester and Quarters would work a deal with Cooper that looked like the combined efforts of both agencies won the day for society. The FBI scored Annie. The DEA got Jagger.

And Celina and Ronni got three dozen required pieces of internal paperwork stacked on their desks. They were waiting to start on them until after their follow-up interviews with Forester and Quarters, who were now holed up in Forester’s office prepping the “You Screwed Up” speech. More than likely, Celina would be returning to her desk in the office with a reprimand. No more field work until Hell froze over or she received a transfer. Neither seemed likely.

At least the kids are okay
, she consoled herself, if ending up in child services could be considered okay. She pushed the door of the candy machine open and reached in to grab her version of Valium.

She’d ignored Cooper’s instructions during the takedown and followed him into the house. He and his group had done a quick and efficient arrest of Jagger and Richardson while making sure Annie’s kids were never in the line of fire. Locating the two children, Celina had stayed with them through the arrests, and when the worst was over, she’d packed some clothes and a stuffed animal for each into two garbage bags and introduced them to their new case worker. It was the kids that always got to her. Innocent kids with no chance to escape the life their parents had forced on them.

Plopping more change into another vending machine, Celina bought a Diet Mountain Dew, cracked it open, and took a sip.

“You’re one lucky Avon lady,” Cooper said from behind her.

Celina glanced over her shoulder. He looked so damn good even if she was irritated with him for being such a selfish bastard. “You were here in Des Moines and you didn’t call me?”

He was silent, standing in the doorway just staring at her. He wasn’t quite expressionless, but Celina couldn’t read what he was thinking. Other than, of course, he didn’t want to have this discussion because
he wasn’t that into her

She crossed the room, set her pop on the counter, and opened the bag of candy, fishing out a blue M&M. “Congratulations on your arrest.” Her voice sounded completely insincere and she didn’t care. “Why didn’t you notify us that you were tagging Jagger? Could have saved duplication on the take-down.”

Cooper broke his stillness and sauntered to the candy machine, putting his back to Celina as he dug a ratty dollar bill from his jeans pocket. “Your office was notified.” The machine whined and Cooper punched his selection.

Celina watched him, feeding herself one M&M at a time. “There was no posting on the Current board this morning. I would have seen it and known…”
you were here
. She couldn’t finish the sentence. Chocolate was caught in her throat. Crap. She coughed, trying to clear it.

Cooper glanced at her, removing a Snickers bar from the machine. King Size, of course.

Tossing the candy bar on the table, he pulled out a chair, flipped it around, and sat down. “You working field ops again?”

Swallowing a sip of her soda, she eyed him suspiciously. If she answered yes, would he take her back? Probably not after witnessing today’s sorry fiasco. “Why?”

“I thought you were supposed to be lying low. Keeping off the streets until the media circus blew over.”

She leaned her butt against the counter and sucked a few more candies into her mouth. “I have been, but I’m bored out of my mind. Ronni too. Forester only gives us cold cases, and I do mean cold, as in colder than the wind chill outside, to work on.”

He chewed his candy bar, challenge in his gray eyes. “Solved any?” A small smirk played at the corner of his mouth and Celina knew he was betting she hadn’t.

“Three,” she told him, pride in her voice. “One murder, in fact. The other two, child abductions.”

Cooper nodded, approval in his eyes now. “So why were you going after Richardson today?”

Celina sighed. “Ronni and I were on our lunch break and happened to be in the area when the call came in. We sort of invited ourselves to the party.”

“And the Avon lady routine? Please tell me that wasn’t your idea.”

“I suggested an alternative, but Forester and Quarters didn’t like it. Quarters told me I didn’t see the
big picture
”—she made air quotes—“and to follow orders.”

“Following his orders almost got you decapitated.”

Celina nodded, happy to be having a conversation with Cooper. “I knew the Avon routine wouldn’t work, but I had hoped to offer myself as a trade to Annie for her kids. That’s the only reason I went up to that door unarmed. We believed the only other adult in the house was Annie’s mother.”

Cooper went very still. “You were going to let Richardson take you hostage? On purpose?”

“I didn’t want those kids to get hurt.”

Cooper looked away, rubbed a hand over his face. “Jesus, Celina. Didn’t you learn anything from me when you were in the SCVC?”

, Celina thought.
Fidelity. Bravery. Integrity.
The guiding principles she had cut her teeth on at Quantico Marine Corps Base. After thirteen weeks of new agent training, she’d held up her hand, taken an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and accepted her gold shield with a sense of pride and honor.

She had breathed, ate, and lived them under Cooper’s guidance. Working the L.A.-San Diego pipeline with Cooper, she’d absolutely nailed bravery.

“I didn’t have a lot of time with you,” she said, purposely letting the double meaning hang in the air for a moment. “Maybe I should come back and take a few more lessons.”

Cooper threw the end of the candy bar in his mouth. “Sorry.” He shook his head. “Not my call. Director Dupé’s the guy you need. It’s probably too soon for you to work undercover anyway after that
article. Your face is so…”

He trailed off while he stared at her for several beats and Celina’s pulse kicked up. This time the expression on his face was familiar…like he couldn’t quite take a deep breath….she’d seen that expression on his face before. She knew he felt exactly what she was feeling. Heat.
Not into me, huh?

, Cooper?” she prompted, giving him a small, and she hoped sexy, smile.

Bingo. Pushing his chair back abruptly, he returned to the candy machine. For a half second he just stood there and she watched the muscles in his back as he drew in a deep breath.

something between them. Something that looked, smelled, and felt like pure sexual tension. Continuing to watch the muscles in his back as he drew out another dollar from his pocket and fed it into the slot, Celina smiled to herself. Every muscle, every pore was brimming with unspent sexual emotion. And it was all aimed at her.

A King Size Payday dropped into the bottom of the machine and Cooper reached in and grabbed it. Leaning against the candy machine, he focused on tearing off the Payday’s wrapper. “What’s the big picture?”

Topic shift. He was scrambling for safer ground. “You. Your team. Quarters must’ve known you were in town to grab Jagger.” She shrugged. “He wanted to be sure he got Richardson and if he could preempt your take down, he might nail both of them.”

“This unit having problems?”

“Des Moines is not high on the list for federal funding, except for counterterrorism. We’re totally understaffed for all other criminal activities.” But she didn’t want to talk about the Des Moines unit. She wanted to talk about Cooper. The best way to bring things back to him was to talk about his job. The SCVC. “How’s Thomas? Bobby? The other guys?”

Cooper stopped chewing, threw the rest of his candy bar on the table. All the color seemed to drain from his face.

Celina felt an uncomfortable tightening in her ribcage. “What happened?”

A nerve in Cooper’s jaw pulsed. It was a long time before he answered, his voice low and rough. “Valquis got Dyer, Celina. The night you arrested Emilio. Remember how you knew Valquis was out of town on business? He found Dyer and beat him to a pulp while I was following you and Emilio. He didn’t kill him, but he did so much damage to Dyer’s spinal cord he’s paralyzed from the waist down. Now he’s living—if you can call it that—in a damned wheelchair.”

A chill shot down her back. Not for the first time, she wondered how she’d pulled off betraying Emilio so completely without ending up in wheelchair, or possibly a grave, herself.

But Dyer? She couldn’t imagine him paralyzed. Like Cooper, he lived to be a DEA agent. He’d spent hours prepping Celina for her role as Emilio’s reluctant girlfriend. And never even hinted that she was too young or inexperienced to pull off the sting. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t…” He looked at the floor, the muscle in his jaw continuing to jump. When he spoke again, his voice was controlled. “Valquis left Dyer behind a dumpster in Santa Cruz without ID. He was transported to a hospital and laid there for several days before I found him. Eliza was out of her mind with worry, and then we both lived at the hospital with him until he gained consciousness. I was there every day in the middle of trying to wrap up the paperwork on Londano, hunt down Valquis and Enrique, and still run the taskforce. A week after it went down, the
article turned you into a media magnet and you were removed from my team and sent here. I was in Mexico tracking Valquis and Enrique and I never had a chance to tell you.”

Celina was suddenly angry. Forget the fact that he’d never called to check on her. He could have at least called to tell her about Bobby. “Ever heard of a phone, Harris?”

She waited for him to answer. When he didn’t, she shook her head. “How could you possibly not tell me this? How could Bobby not tell me? He emailed not more than a month ago to see how I was doing and never mentioned anything about it.”

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