Deadly Sin (Cassandra Farbanks) (30 page)

Read Deadly Sin (Cassandra Farbanks) Online

Authors: Sonnet O'Dell

Tags: #Farbanks, #Urban, #Eternal Press, #magic, #Vampires, #phoenix, #werewolf, #series, #modern, #Halloween, #Paranormal, #Sonnet ODell, #comical, #Fantasy, #October, #seven deadly sins, #stalker, #Cassandra, #9781615729357, #romantic

BOOK: Deadly Sin (Cassandra Farbanks)
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“Where are you going Rin? You wanted me. I’m right here.” I threw flares, increasing the heat, flames and smoke. I would take him down with the fire I controlled and could withstand. I felt that cold mind threaten to break free, feeling the rapture of my dominion. I raised my arms up at my sides like I was spreading wings. The fire danced in shapes above my skin and the warmth enveloped me. Rin was on his knees, holding the railing and choking on the fumes and smoke. He thought himself a hunter, but when prey is cornered is when it’s most dangerous. I was going to prove that to him by taking his life. It was mine. It was owed me.

The sound of metal groaning from beneath shook me before the gangway did. I held onto the railing and looked over the edge. The fire raged out of control, burning so hot the metal bolts were blowing out of the supports and warping the metal. It groaned again, tilting and swaying. The right side collapsed and I lost sight of Rin as his body fell with it. I clung to the railing as the gang walk detached and hung over the precipice of fire. I scrambled to pull myself up the grates, digging my fingers through the little holes and pulling with every muscle in my arms. I felt the bolts shuddering, unable to hold the weight. It swayed back and forth. I stilled my movement to stop the swaying, letting it come to a halt so I could re-assess.

Below, the fire raged, licking at the sole of my shoes. I still had a length of my body before I could reach the more secure side. The metal loops were twisted and barely held in place by their bolts. I reached up experimentally, and everything swayed again dangerously. I held very, very still. I had two options, make a quick scramble before it gave way, or let go and drop to an uncertain landing on the floor below. I knew the fire wouldn’t hurt me but the height could break bone. I did not need the pain.

I braced my feet against the rail and used my legs to propel me up, but it wasn’t enough. I managed to dig my fingers back into the grate as it swung wildly, detaching and sending me spiraling into the flame. I heard a sickening crunch as I hit a stack of the burning wood with my back again and again as I fell to the floor. The metal walkway fell on top of me pinning my legs awkwardly. Trying to push with my feet became futile. I couldn’t make them move. I could see where the metal pinned me, but I couldn’t feel the pressure because I realized – I couldn’t feel my legs. That sickening crunch had been my spine. I prayed I could heal that. I lay my head down on my arms, taking just a minute to enjoy the purer air below the fire. My eyes fluttered closed enraptured by the warmth.

“Cassandra?” A frantic voice called my name. I raised my head trying to see who was calling me. The smoke stung my eyes and the heat made the air shimmer. I could make out the shape of a man coming towards me. I waved one hand. I didn’t know who my savior was, but right then, I didn’t care.

“I’m here. Over here. My legs are trapped. I can’t feel them.” I coughed a little and my eyes brimmed with tears as the fear returned. As they got closer, I could more clearly see that it was a man. From my position on the floor I mostly noticed his shoes, black leather with a high sheen. I didn’t know how he’d get me free but he walked right down to the obstruction pinning me and tossed it aside like it was nothing. I heard it clatter to the ground several feet away. One arm swooped around my shoulder and I saw the other tuck under my useless legs, lifting me up. He began carrying me out. I tried to see the face of my rescuer but my eyes were unfocused. I thought I saw him smile, not the predatory grin like Rin had, but a smile that seemed to convey relief. I held on to the last of my consciousness desperately waiting for him to speak again, to identify himself, but I was out before I could even see his face.

Chapter Twenty-Six

I woke up lying on a piece of cloth on the ground. It took me a minute to realize that I was lying on a long, tan coat. I sat up shaking my head as my ears rung and sound flooded in. There were sirens wailing as more vehicles joined those already circling the building. The gush of jets of water raced in through broken windows and doors to meet the flames. Firefighters called commands as a third engine arrived.

There were a cluster of police cars, their flashing lights illuminating the ground as I searched. My eyes raked over the floor looking for my rescuer, for highly polished black that was my only way to identify them. Clomping boots ran past dragging another hose. I saw tennis shoes, a pair of sketchers and black shoes in various stages of scuff. I zeroed in on the only well-maintained pair in the bunch.

I ran my eyes up the pressed black slacks, to the white shirt, the smartly knotted tie and the face that was in profile to me.

Hamilton? I thought Butcher had said he’d gone out of town on business. But he was here? He was talking to a hunched over figure in the passenger side of his car. It looked like an addled Rourke. It was hard to tell with her head bent away from me. I turned my head to the sound of beating feet as two paramedics rushed towards me with a gurney. I recognized them; we’d met before. I did not want to have to deal with them again, and even less wanted a trip to the hospital tonight. The woman, cropped blonde hair and a butch build that I remembered was called Dixie, froze when she saw me sitting up alert. Her surprise made me remember the way my spine had crunched, so I looked down my body and wiggled my toes experimentally. They moved. I pumped my fist in the air in celebration. Yes! Chock one up to a superhuman ability to heal. I tried to stand, but wobbled ungraciously. Dixie steadied me.

“How are you doing that? First responders said your spine was cracked.”

“They were obviously mistaken.” I let her steady me as I adjusted to the pain. My back was sore as if hit by a battering ram, but my spine was fixed enough for me to stand. My legs felt wobbly and I had the sensation of pins and needles in my feet as the blood returned. Dixie tried to get me onto the gurney but I fought her off, stumbling into her partner who caught me and blushed crimson.

“No, I don’t want to go,” I growled at them and stumbled more trying to make my legs walk away from her. I fell against another hard, male chest and a steadying arm snaked around my waist.

“I got you,” said a reassuring voice. I looked up at Hamilton who turned his gaze on the two paramedics. I was suspicious that he might make me go with them like he did last time. “I’ll look after her. I’m sure there’s someone else who needs you.”

I let out a sigh, thankful that he wasn’t going to force me to go get checked out. They backed off. I tried to lean on him less and stand up right when he looked down at me. The look in his eyes was odd. Wondering, protective and something else I couldn’t discern.

“Lean on me all you need to Cassandra. You have every right to walk a little shaky after what you’ve been through.” I arched a brow very slowly.

“When did you get back?” He blinked at me stunned. “I came to get help,” I explained. “You weren’t there. Butcher said you’d gone away and refused to help me. I had to go begging to Rourke. Rourke! For Christ sake.” Hamilton’s face got serious and his eyes were dangerous.

“Butcher refused to help you?” I nodded noticing that he had avoided answering my question. His teeth ground together.

“The man needs surgery,” I blurted. Hamilton gazed down at me questioningly. “To remove the bug up his butt. I mean I get why Rourke and Ben don’t like me. I’d met them before, but he’s a complete mystery.” Hamilton’s lips twitched.

Shouting made me turn back to the building, the one I caused to catch on fire. I watched the flames flicker like greedy fingers towards the men trying to put it out. I hoped the owner had insurance.

My voice got real quiet. “Did Rin make it out?”

“Not that we can tell. When the fire’s out we’ll search the ashes for his body.”

Was it over then? Relief made my knees weak and Hamilton had to tighten his grip to steady me.

“Careful there. Come on, let’s get you back.” I walked alongside him shaky and unsure. I had far more questions than I had answers.

“How did you get me out?” Hamilton was quick to hide his reaction behind his normal, good ole boy mask – but I saw it, the surprise.

“I don’t know what you mean.” I let it go for the moment, too tired to go through things in my head, but I saw the man behind the curtain and there was no going back. We headed towards his car where Rourke vacated the passenger seat for me. I flopped into it wincing. Hamilton went around to the driver’s side, leaving Rourke and I to regard each other.

“The hallway of that house was a mess,” She sounded unsure of herself. “But when we came to, none of my men were hurt.”

“I moved them out of the way,” I said flatly. Her face flushed as her lips formed her next words.

“Thank you.” I blinked in surprise and slid my legs gingerly into the foot well.

“Well then, I guess you’re welcome.” Hamilton leaned across me to pull my seat belt on. I frowned at him confused. He was treating me like an invalid and I didn’t care for it. I could have done the seat belt myself. Rourke shut my door for me and tapped the top of the car twice as we pulled out.

* * * *

An hour later, after filling out a statement, I let myself into my apartment. I was weary and all my muscles smarted not only from the fall, but from the running before that. I guessed superhuman healing didn’t cover doing superhuman exercise. I was going to have to work on my stamina. I rolled my neck, going from room to room and checking for any more uninvited visitors. I made sure every window and door was locked before pushing the last of my strength into my wards. I was going to put
devising stronger wards
on my to-do list, right near the top when I felt better. I kicked off my boots and turned off the ringer on the phone. It was nearly two in the morning and all I wanted to do was relax. I dragged my tired body into the bathroom next to the kitchen and smiled at the sight of my tub. I was going to crawl into a hot bubble bath then sleep till Wednesday. I turned on the faucet, grabbed the oils that smelled like roses and ran the water till it was frothy. Steam rose up and covered the windows and mirror in a watery haze. Slowly I peeled the soiled, chard and bloody clothes from my body. I swiped at the glass of the mirror so I could see my reflection.

My face was covered in a thin layer of soot and ash, a larger, darker smudge on my cheek. I felt nasty to the nth degree. It had been a hell of a week so far and I was going to be glad to put it behind me. I lifted one foot into the tub and the water sucked my toes into its warm embrace. I gave a sigh of genuine pleasure. I slid down till only my face was exposed, tapping my toes against the cold faucet as I let a sense of peace wash over me. I thought about Hamilton. Now that my head was clearer, my body relaxed and the pain dulled to a throb, I contemplated the bizarre situation with a man I thought my ally, if not my friend.

Hamilton was investigating me. He’d been looking for records of my birth, my parent’s marriage and anything connected to them. I knew he didn’t find any birth record for me. He did find a marriage certificate of my mother to my step-father and his birth certificate, as well as the marriage of his parents. He did not find any birth record for my mother, and her signature on the marriage document was so illegible I was unable to tell what her maiden name had been. Then there was the unusual way Hamilton pretended to know nothing about the supernatural. He would ask to be reminded of basic facts, but the more I got to know him, the more I didn’t believe him when he would ask me if I was serious. I was beginning to think he knew very well how much there was out there. He was playing dumb, but it was getting harder and harder to fool me. There were also the one or two hostile looks he gave me when the mask he wore cracked, telling me not to push. I had the unmistakable feeling that he was hiding something.

I slid further into the water wetting my hair and smoothing it back so that the wet curls hung against my neck. Hamilton’s had been the only voice I’d heard when I’d lost control. Why? He had looked at the E-FIT of Rin like he recognized him. If it had been Hamilton that carried me from the building then he was super strong and unaffected or impervious to fire. Who was Paris Hamilton? Or what was he?

I lifted my right leg out of the water and leaned forward to pull the knot loose on the makeshift bandage there. The wounds I’d sustained were just purplish bruises now and only hurt when poked. Even I cannot fight the compulsion to poke it to see how much it hurts when confronted with a bruise.

I sloshed out of the tub, pulled the plug and listened to the gargling water swirl down the drain. I got dressed in an emerald green satin nightgown that fell to my ankles, held up amazingly by tiny, spaghetti straps. Toweling my hair I started towards my bedroom. I grabbed my robe, slipped it on and headed back into the kitchen for a cola. I pulled the tab with a satisfying hiss and noticed two things. The light on my answering machine was blinking and a neat, basic business card was sitting where I had left it on the work surface. I didn’t know what compelled me, but I picked it up, palmed it while I read the details and slipped it into the pocket of my robe. I turned up the volume on the phone and hit play. I headed back to my room.

“You have one message, received today at two twenty-five a.m.”.

A tap on the balcony door startled me and I looked up to see Vincent standing there. He gave me a small, winsome smile flashing his new fangs. I was going to return a smile when the voice on my answering machine cut painfully into my relaxed mood.

“Cassandra. There was no body in the fire. He got out. Rin is still out there! You’ve got to…” The sound cut off as my bedroom door clicked closed behind me. My eyes focused on Vincent. His eyes were wild and he pounded his fist on the glass. I tried to turn but was too late. Something pressed over my nose and mouth. A hand locked around my waist and a sweet, cloyingly smell overpowered my senses. The room spun and the last sound I heard was the angry, impotent growl of a vampire through glass.

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