Deadly Sin (Cassandra Farbanks) (32 page)

Read Deadly Sin (Cassandra Farbanks) Online

Authors: Sonnet O'Dell

Tags: #Farbanks, #Urban, #Eternal Press, #magic, #Vampires, #phoenix, #werewolf, #series, #modern, #Halloween, #Paranormal, #Sonnet ODell, #comical, #Fantasy, #October, #seven deadly sins, #stalker, #Cassandra, #9781615729357, #romantic

BOOK: Deadly Sin (Cassandra Farbanks)
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“Do you really think a boy like you is a match for me? A prince of Balmoria.” Rin’s eyes widened as he finally understood who he was dealing with. “You think you can siphon power from me, from my brothers and get away with it? Fool!” Rin dropped to the floor as Sam released him before turning his eyes to me.

“I thank you my dear for rendering me such service.” I felt my cheeks flush at his formal courtly tone.

“You’re welcome?” I said, unsure of the sentiment. Sam stooped to grab Rin by the collar, dragging him closer to the fire place.

“We shall see how you like hell up close and personal, shall we?” Sam held up his hand to the fire which seemed to dance taking the shapes of hands and arms and figures. They were desperately searching, reaching, waiting to drag Rin down to Hades with them. Of course I had no idea whether Balmoria was in a downwards direction or how one got there. Sam pulled Rin towards the flames prepared to toss him in like one tosses luggage into the boot of a car.

“Wait!” croaked Rin. His voice was raw as if the words had to drag themselves up his throat. “Wait! I can make you a deal.”

Sam stopped and looked down at him. Rin had said the magic word, deal. Sam waited as Rin sucked in breath to continue.

“The woman is worth a lot. Let me go. Spare me, and I will share the bounty. I have never held those of Balmoria as lesser beings as my peers did.” I looked between them warily. I didn’t think I could trust Sam. I pushed one leg off the end of the bed, prepared to run for it.

“And what is it that makes her worth so much?”

Rin looked pleased that Sam was biting, taking the bait even though his hold never relaxed its grip on his collar. Sam kept his eyes on his prisoner while I tried to gauge the distance between me and the door again. I could make it.

“She’s the daughter of Zhù Qué, of the Scarlet King.”

Sam’s gaze snapped to me and I froze. There was a look in his eyes that was close to predatory. I didn’t like it.

“Really?” He drew the word out loading it with more meaning that the word deserved. He watched me breathe like a rabbit caught in the sights of a hunter’s gun. His gaze seemed to be more admiring than deadly though. He smiled turning back to Rin. “And now that I know that, what makes you think I would need you?” I had a moment to register the horror on Rin’s face. His realization of his stupidity before Sam threw him to the reaching hands. They coiled like serpents around his body, slithered in through his ears, coming out his eyes and nose and mouth. He writhed, his body jerking like it was having a fit as the flames closed in on him and themselves till he was lost to view. The hearth went dark.

Sam turned to me, his lips curved into a roguish smile. It wasn’t a predatory smile, but there was something in it that still made me wary. I turned to make a dash for the door. Before I could get my foot off the bed he was in front of me preventing me from leaving, blocking my exit. I fell back onto the edge of the bed. He stared down at me and I stared back.

“You’ve been playing your identity very close to your chest Princess.” I grimaced. So it was a title and not a pet name.

“Not on purpose I assure you.” His expression shifted to puzzlement as he saw the sincerity in my face. He stroked his chin.

“You don’t know who you are, do you?”

“No. I was raised as a human.”

Sam seemed, not shocked, more amused by my confession. His hand snaked out pulling the sash on my robe sharply down. It fell open and off my shoulders. I glared at him.

“Do you mind!”

“Not in the least,” he said grinning and openly admiring me. “You do come in a delightful package.”

“Who’s the Scarlet King? What does he want from me?” Sam’s smile grew just a little wider as he watched my chest rise and fall with indignant breath.

“That’s something you would have to ask him. His kind and my kind don’t speak. I do know that he’s been searching for you for twenty odd years now.”

“Has he found me?” I asked, wondering if this demon was going to trade me in like Rin would have, for something he would consider of value. Sam smirked playfully.

“As I said, his kind and mine don’t talk.”

I felt my shoulders relax. Although I wanted to know more, was desperate to, I wanted it very much to be on my own terms and from a safe distance. Sam leaned over me, propping his hands on the bed next to my hips and forcing me to have to lean back to see his face. There was hunger in his eyes.

“What I wouldn’t give for a taste,” he murmured softly. He raised one hand stroking a finger down my throat, over my collar bone and stilling to tap my heart. There was a tingle of electricity wherever his skin touched mine. “Such power.”

I brought a hand up pushing his hand away and placing it on his chest to stop his descent towards me.

“Keep your eyes off my soul,” I said as if he were doing something akin to groping. He chuckled.

“Well I guess it is impolite of me considering the great service you’ve done me. However, shall I repay you?” He mused and the line sounded loaded with suggestion. It also sounded like a very chick line from a film where the heroine was dumb as a box of rocks but buzzing with limitless sexuality.

“Why don’t we just consider it an IOU?”

“A favor for a favor? I guess that would be fair. You do not wish something right now?”

I swallowed hard at the implied sexuality of his voice – all too recently it seemed I’d had a great flaw pointed out to me. I was very seduce-able.

“Rain check?” I said with a polite smile. “Just give me another one of your cards and I’ll summon you when I think of something.” He grinned.

“And should you prove to be in a situation much like this without a close, burning fire and an idiot to facilitate its use?” I thought about that. I’d been very lucky, lucky that Rin had burned the card activating the spell laced through the paper and not torn it into little pieces. I’d banked on him making the most obvious and dramatic gesture.

“What do you suggest then? It’s not like I can just page you.” Sam leaned in so that his lips brushed my ear as he whispered.

“I could give you the power to call my name and have me come to you. Strictly a one time use, of course.” He inhaled deeply taking in the scent of my hair and skin. He pulled back so I could see the wicked, dark glint in his eye.

“I just call your name and you’ll c…you’ll appear.” His answering smile was amused.

“If you moan my name I’d c…be there much faster,” he said intentionally copying my slight. I gave a little growl in clear warning, which he ignored.

“All right, how do you give me this power?”

“Like this!”

His mouth pressed to mine, quick, hard and insistent. His lips burned into mine, searing into me and setting the tender skin to tingling. I felt my eyes flutter closed as I tried to fight him, him and his serpent like tongue. I shoved him back. He grinned from ear to ear, exultant.

“You’re no angel.”

“Oh, but I am.” I nodded my head at the horns that now seemed even larger poking out from under his blonde tuffs. “The horns are just there to keep my halo up straight.” He made a circle around his head with a finger then put his hands together as if in prayer. I watched as wings the color of shadow unfurled from the air behind him. His eyes were like black fire and there was a haunting majesty to him. He truly was a dark prince. I almost smiled.

The door at the top of the stairs shattered inwards, falling down the stairs with an audible
. Two pale figures huddled in the doorway assessing the scene below them. In the space it took me to blink, Sam was back to looking like a normal man in a suit. Aram stepped over the threshold looking unsure. Vincent stayed close at his back.

“We came to see a man about a rescue.”

“Shame, I was hoping for pizza delivery.”

Vincent smirked and Sam gave me a wide grin, rounding to the side of the bed to retrieve his jacket.

“I should be on my way.”

Aram flitted to my side pulling me up and into his arms. I melted into his embrace, appreciative of the safety I felt there. Aram held my face between his palms to make me look at him.

“Are you harmed?” I leaned my cheek into his palm and tried to shake my head.

“I’m fine.” He held me to him and I could feel the relief flooding his body.

“The vampire holds your heart?” asked Sam. I turned to look at him. He watched us speculatively, but not like he was jealous or disapproving.

“He does.” I turned my eyes back to Aram, smiling. When I looked for Sam again, all I saw was a wispy tendril of grey smoke.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

“So, what are we looking for?” asked Vincent tossing the covers off the bed and flipping the mattress effortlessly onto the floor. He gleefully darted from one thing to another, tossing Rin’s apartment with reckless abandon and enjoying his vampire powers.

Aram held me, one arm tight around my waist, his free hand absent-mindedly stroking me hair.

“Something, anything that connects to me. He knew stuff about me. I want to know how. I want to know what he knew.”

Vincent ripped the door off a very cheap looking wardrobe, tossing clothes on the floor. Aram looked down at me just as I looked up at him.

“What happened to your abductor, pet?”

“I think he’s getting what for in hell. We’re not going to be seeing him again.”

“Excellent,” chimed Vincent pulling out a pair of motorcycle boots, “that means finders keepers.” He started what looked like a swag pile. I leaned in close to Aram, making my voice as quiet as possible.

“I thought makers were supposed to teach new vampires the difference between right and wrong.”

“The stealing isn’t a vampire thing. I think it’s just a Vincent thing.”

“I heard that,” Vincent chirped as he became a blur of motion towards the desk. I chuckled, cutting the sound off when I saw Vincent lift a book preparing to toss it over his head.

“Wait!” I cried out. He became so very still turning his pale face to me. “That’s it!” Vincent lowered his arm and held the book in front of him.

“This? But it’s just a tatty, old book.”

“Give it to me,” I said reaching for it and muttering under my breath, “philistine.” He snatched something else off the desk and brought it over with him.

“Looks like this goes with it.” He handed the book and the papers to me. The papers were grouped together on a deflated, brown paper package that was addressed to me. He had to have taken it from my mailbox when he put the key in there. Or had he intercepted it before then? Unless he really was my cousin, I shuddered.

“What is it?” Aram asked curiously. I opened the book’s cover to look at the beautifully penned title page.

“It could be answers.” I tucked the translation and notes into the book for safe keeping. “I’d like to go home now.” Aram slid his arm up to rest around my shoulders leading me towards the stairs. I looked back to see Vincent wrapping his booty up in the sheet then bundling it over his shoulder like a cartoon burglar. I couldn’t help but snort a laugh. He grinned at me following us up the stairs.

The Lincoln town car pulled up out front with a screech of tires. Lance’s head popped out through the rolled down driver’s window.

“Is the lady alright?” I smiled at Lance. He always had great manners.

“Cassandra is fine. Please drive us to her place.” He nodded his head and slid back into the car again. Vincent did a Dukes of Hazzard bonnet slide across the hood to get in the passenger’s side and Aram opened the door so I could slide in. He slid in after me. I held the book to my chest and rested my head on his shoulder. Aram placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

“I am glad we were in time.”

“How did you know where I was?”

“I can always find you,” he said smiling. “It took some time to trace you because it’s harder when you’re unconscious. Vincent was so panicked when he saw you abducted.” Vincent looked back at me around the head rest.

“I would have stopped him but I could not cross the threshold. It was so infuriating.”

“I guess it’s something you get used to.”

“I would have jumped him when he came out of the building if he hadn’t made you both disappear right from the middle of your bedroom.” I leaned forward touching his shoulder lightly.

“Vincent please, you did what you could for me and I’m all right.” He touched my hand with his. The coolness of it felt so strange. He gave me a weak smile, his eyes darting towards Aram and then back onto the road ahead.

Lance pulled up in front of my building and Aram insisted on walking me inside. I invited him in so he could double check that my apartment was indeed empty. Also it meant he got re-invited.

“I’m positive that he’s gone now. I’m going to be safe tonight,” I reassured him.

“You cannot blame me for being cautious,” he said reaching out to stroke my face. “I could not bear to lose you.” I pushed up onto my tip toes to kiss him.

“I’ll see you tomorrow night. Promise.” I shut the door after he’d gone, pulled the chain across and sealed my wards. There were two more messages from Hamilton. I called him back, leaving a message with Officer Carson to tell him that I was safe. I cleaned up the cola puddle from where the can had fallen from my hand and settled on my bed with the book. I looked at my clock to see that Aram would have had just enough time to return to the club before sunrise. I felt the first rays of light caress my skin from the east and the shiver ran down my spine.

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