Deadly Sin (Cassandra Farbanks) (35 page)

Read Deadly Sin (Cassandra Farbanks) Online

Authors: Sonnet O'Dell

Tags: #Farbanks, #Urban, #Eternal Press, #magic, #Vampires, #phoenix, #werewolf, #series, #modern, #Halloween, #Paranormal, #Sonnet ODell, #comical, #Fantasy, #October, #seven deadly sins, #stalker, #Cassandra, #9781615729357, #romantic

BOOK: Deadly Sin (Cassandra Farbanks)
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“You should not encourage him to flaunt himself.” I smiled up at him.

“He doesn’t need any encouragement. You’re lucky I wasn’t up there with him. But I bet you’d rather he found joy in his new abilities than be melancholy about what he’s given up.”


Aram walked me inside down to his room, his arm tight around my waist. I was very pleased to see the room was put right. The rug had been replaced and the bed was draped in rich chocolate brown and gold. I put my beer down on the nightstand and sat on the bed to pull off my shoes.

“Do you intend to spend the night?” he asked amused. I pulled my locket from my jeans pocket and clipped it around my neck.

“I do.” He smiled darting to stand in front of me, pulling the band from my hair and unwinding the braid. He kissed me slowly, lingeringly and stroked his fingers through my curls.

“You’ve come back to me?” I turned and crawled into the big, old bed.

“Perhaps,” I said giving him a teasing wink. I wriggled out of my jeans and sweater then got warm under the covers. Aram as usual climbed in naked next to me. I rolled over and pulled his arm around my waist.

“Are we sleeping?” he asked a tiny tread of disappointment or vexation in his voice.

“For now,” I replied turning to face him. I kissed his lips softly and tapped his nose. “I’m not going to make this easy for you. You should know that by now. I expect dinner and a movie before I put out again.” He smiled at me. His one complaint in our relationship had been to want to do other things together and occasionally leave the bed.

“I knew you were truly a romantic under it all.”

“Hush up pretty boy. Just hold me. Tell me everything’s going to be all right and try to think non-lusty thoughts.”

“You are back in my arms. Everything’s going to be all right.” He pressed against me with a smirk and my cheeks flamed.

“I said non-lusty.” Burying my head, I drifted off to the gentle sound of his amused chuckle.

Chapter Thirty-Two

I don’t know how I knew I was dreaming but I knew that’s all it was, a dream. Although I had never had this dream before there was something familiar about it. It was like sitting in an old movie house. If the room hadn’t been dark, I assume I would’ve seen the rich, red velvet rows of seats, each a step below the other so no one’s view was blocked. I imagined a buttoned-up usher roaming the aisles to make sure no one was making out in the back row. But in the pitch black darkness I could see none of these things and felt completely alone there.

The screen flickered to life, a glowing square. The light faded to the edges and an old, silent movie began playing its sepia-toned story. Three figures were hunched over a candle using its weak light to read a map. It was spread out over what looked like a crate that jostled from side to side like the room they were in was swaying. It took me a minute of trying to focus on the background to realize they were on an old, steam train, in a box car. The kind used for transporting large cargo across land cheaply. I could see the corrugation on the metal sides. The map appeared to be of the most western part of Europe. I could make out the underside of Spain and the boot shape of Italy.

One of them brought forward an object I recognized immediately, a scrying crystal. It swung in slow circles, lightly skimming the map with each rotation, only to come crashing down point first on England.

Their whispered conversation was lost to me, but from their body language I understood that my home country was their new destination. It shocked me when one of them looked up and stared at me, like he could see me in my private dream theater. His face was wizened, but his eyes were so full of intelligence and life it was like looking at a man my own age. He continued to stare, his lip curling into an expression half covered by shadow that I couldn’t understand. The one to the left of him put his hand on his shoulder, a gesture of concern. One word, and the second man turned to look directly at me too. I felt frozen, like I’d been caught, some voyeur peeking in someone else’s window.

When the third man caught on and turned his eyes to me, something shoved and I came crashing back to consciousness. I felt evicted from my own dream.

I jolted sitting up right. I was still in the bed with Aram who lay very still on his side of the bed. It had to be sometime during the day then. I reached out stroking a lock of his tussled hair back from his face and tried to calm my racing pulse. But I couldn’t fight the foreboding feeling the dream had left me with.

I understood now the distinct quality of the dream that had made it seem so familiar. It was only a few moments ahead this time, but I knew without a doubt what it had been. A premonition.

Something was coming and it was coming for me.

About the Author:


Sonnet was born at the John Radcliffe in Oxford and spent the first six years of her life living in the town of Abingdon close to both her grandparents and most of the rest of her family.

She moved after that to Cornwall for three years and then to Devon for another three before moving to where she has lived for the last fourteen or so years. Sonnet now lives in Worcester, Worcestershire, famous for Lea & Perrin’s Sauce and as the site for the last battle of the Civil War.

Sonnet has had a passion for the written word from a very young age and enjoys nothing more than to read a good book. The worlds created by words.

Please visit her at:

or email [email protected]

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Soul Marke
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Lost Innocent
s—A Cassandra Farbanks Novel (#2)

Skin Thief
—A Cassandra Farbanks Novel (#3)

Inhuman Heritag
e —A Cassandra Farbanks Novel (#4)

Silent Doll
—A Cassandra Farbanks Novel (#5)

Triton Rising

The Morning Afterlife

Mistakenly Mated

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Table of Contents

Deadly Sin

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

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