Death Wish (19 page)

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Authors: Brian Garfield

Tags: #Thriller

BOOK: Death Wish
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“You can see it in the kids,” George Eng said. “They used to be anti-police. Not any more. My kids are pro-cop with a vengeance. Can you blame them? The junkies are looting everything. Ripping off school calculators and lab equipment, mugging the kids. My son has a friend in one of the schools up in Westchester—they had to close the school this week. Vandals. They flooded the building with fire hoses—ransacked the place, urinated on the chairs, splashed paint all over the walls. I'll tell you something, this fellow who's out there killing them may be doing us all a service. Do you know we've got sixty-eight tenant families in my building and forty-one of them keep Dobermans and German shepherds? There aren't
many dog lovers, believe me. Not when the price of an attack dog's gone up to damn near two thousand dollars.”

Eng's eyes had narrowed to a fighter's squint; his mouth became small and mean. “The kids want law and order even more than we do. The only trouble is, with the police department we've got, it takes the cops a month to find the police commissioner. That's why I think it was inevitable a guy like this would come along. I've got a sneaking suspicion he's probably a cop himself—fed up with revolving-door courts and the red-tape delirium and the Goddamned Supreme Court. I'd lay pretty big odds on that—he's a cop. He knows this is the only language these criminals understand. He's giving us a deterrent for them. It's neutralizing a few of them and I imagine it's scaring a lot more of them off the streets. I'd be interested to see how the crime statistics have moved since this guy started—I'll lay a small fortune muggings are way down.”

Watching him across the restaurant table Paul only grunted now and then to show he was listening. He hadn't decided what tack to take in discussions like this; he knew they would come up, but should he defend his actions or condemn them?

In the meantime he listened very carefully to everyone—listened for inflections in their voices. He had to: it wasn't what they said but what they didn't. He had sensitive antennae, he would know if anyone suspected him, but he would have to know it quickly.

That was the hardest part to bear. There was no one he could tell. No one to confide in.

No one at all.

It was important to avoid patterns. The police often worked on a
basis. Once they pieced together a pattern in his activities they might be able to set traps for him. There had to be no commonalities from one act to the next: no regular time intervals, no regular time-of-day, no pattern of area concentration.

Thinking back he realized he had begun to create a kind of geographical pattern. He had started on the upper West Side in Riverside Park. The second killing had been in Central Park near Fifth Avenue. Both within walking distance of his apartment. Then he had moved down into the truck district on the border between Chelsea and the West Village. After that the East Village. It was beginning to make a circle; would they anticipate his next killing on the upper East Side? Aside from Times Square it was the only mid-Manhattan area he had not yet hit.

Avoid it, then. Backtrack this time. The West Village.

Hudson, Greenwich, Horatio, West Twelfth, down Bank Street. He carried a paper bag in which he had a carton of milk and a loaf of bread: a man carrying a package looked less suspicious.

It was just past two o'clock in the morning when he came up Seventh Avenue and entered the subway at Twelfth Street. Dropped his token in the slot, pushed through the turnstile and went down the stairs to the platform.

The smell was foul. The station was empty at this hour; his feet were sore and he stood wearily with his shoulder tipped against the clock pillar, waiting for the express.

He looked a good mark and he expected to be accosted but no one else entered the station. The train roared into the tunnel and he stepped aboard and took a seat by the door. An ancient wino slept on the opposite seat; two burly blacks with lunch pails sat at the end of the car.

The train crash-crashed through the Eighteenth Street local station without stopping. A Transit Patrolman walked through the car and stopped to shake the wino awake and give him a lecture; Paul couldn't hear the words. The cop got the wino on his feet and prodded him ahead through the door at the car-end vestibule. When it opened, sound rushed in, and a cold wind. The door slid partway shut and lodged there. One of the black workmen got up and pushed it closed.

At Penn Station the workmen got off and Paul was alone in the car. The line's green traffic lights whipped past the filthy windows. He began to read the advertising placards above them.

The train screeched into the lights of the Times Square station and threw Paul around on the seat when it braked to a sharp halt. Two tough kids entered the car and sat down facing Paul.
Hubcap collectors
, he thought drily. They gave him insolent looks and one of them took out a pocket knife, opened it and began to clean his fingernails.

You could tell they were scum by looking at them. How many old women had they mugged? How many tenement shops had they knocked over?

The earsplitting racket of the train would cover the sound of the shots. He could leave them dead in the car and they might not be found until the train got somewhere in the Bronx.

No. Too many risks. At least three people had seen him in this car—the patrolman and the two workmen. They might remember. And suppose someone at Seventy-second Street boarded the car while Paul was stepping out of it? A subway was a trap; too easy to be cornered.

If they accosted him he would take the risk. Otherwise he would let them go.
So it's up to you two
. He watched them narrowly.

They didn't pay him much attention. They both looked sleepy—strung out on heroin? In any event they didn't stir until the train scraped into the station. They were on their feet ahead of Paul and he followed them across the platform and up the stairs. Maybe they would stop and jump him here.

They didn't. Out through the turnstiles, through the back door, across the traffic island and the pedestrian crossing to the corner of Seventy-first and Amsterdam. The boys walked south across the street and down the avenue sidewalk and Paul let them go; the precinct station was just around the corner down there and anyhow it was too close to his apartment. He wondered if they could realize how lucky they were.


The party was overcrowded in Sam and Adele's small apartment; people stood around in shifting clusters and the place smelled of the rain guests had brought in on their coats. Despite the cold outside, the air conditioners were running at full blast. There were four couples from the office and Paul knew most of the Kreutzers' other friends but there were five or six strangers—a new couple from down the hall who'd recently moved in from Queens, a psychiatrist Adele had met a party somewhere, a girl who said she was a free-lance magazine writer doing a piece on East Side apartment dwellers, another couple whose identities Paul didn't catch but whom he kept glancing at because the wife had a hard-pinched mouth and the husband had the kind of impersonal efficient eyes you associated with police officials and major-generals. The rest were regulars except for a smartly dressed fortyish lady stockbroker and an old college roommate of Sam's who was in town for the weekend on business—it turned out he was the director of marketing research for a packaging firm in Denver. They were all easy to place and easy to dismiss except for the hard-eyed couple.

The talk was loud and blasphemous with forced heartiness, everyone shouting to be heard; they pounded their speeches through the litany of personal questions and world problems, current movies and politics. Sam and Adele prowled the room refilling drinks and making sure people were mixing with one another—they had always been expert hosts; they introduced Paul to the lady stockbroker and later to the girl magazine-writer as if to say “Take your choice,” and a few moments later he spotted them doing the same with the ex-roommate from Denver.

The lady stockbroker revealed a new side he hadn't detected during office hours—a knife-edged garrulous militancy for Women's Lib—and he managed to separate himself from her quickly. The girl doing the article on East Side cave dwellers was jittery and afflicted with a tendency to reach too frequently and aggressively for fresh drinks. She smoked steadily with suicidal drags, jetting smoke from her nostrils. Paul found her equally off-putting and drifted into conversation with the Dundees until Adele went around nudging everybody toward the dining table to collect food from the buffet selection she had laid on. There was a confusion of finding places to sit; they sat on the windowsills and the floor and ate with paper plates on their knees.

Sam brought him a fresh drink. “Careful with this stuff—it's got
in it. You know what they say about pollution.”

Paul waved his thanks with the glass. “Happy anniversary, Sam.”

The talk became looser; crowded together the guests dropped confidences with increasing frankness. Gradually the men became more lecherous, the women more amorous, unburdening themselves to one another with hurt I-want-to-be-loved smiles. The girl who wrote magazine articles said to Paul, “You really seem to understand,” and reached out for his hand.

He went to the bathroom less because he needed to than because he wanted escape. He wondered how professional spies stood the pressure.

The Kreutzers were the kind who left things to read in the john. There was a new issue of
New York
magazine that trumpeted
The Vigilante: A Psychiatrist's Portrait
and he opened it and sat on the throne reading about himself.

“A righteous man stalks New York. While the rest of us sit by and talk idly of the administration in city hall and the way the city is going to the dogs, one man is doing something about it. Who is he? What has triggered him?

“Everyone has an opinion. To most of the lawyers I questioned, the vigilante is a vicious outlaw no better than the criminals he stalks. One lawyer said to me, ‘Remember the trial in Alice in Wonderland where the Red Queen says, “Sentence first, verdict afterwards?”' To some cynics—including several police officers I interviewed—he is doing what we are all tempted to do. Deputy Inspector Frank Ochoa, detailed to nail the vigilante, shrugged when I asked him what he thought of the vigilante. ‘He's got a wire down somewhere but I don't think he's a raving maniac. Figure it out, look at yourself. What would you do if you knew you'd never be found out? We've had these guys before. They think they're too smart to get caught.' To the liberals the vigilante is a beast of another species, beyond comprehension. To the blacks of Harlem the vigilante is a Ku Klux Klan-style racist (never mind the fact that of his five victims only two have been black). To a thirteen-year-old boy at P.S. 120 the vigilante is a comic-book sort of hero, an adventurer who wants the chase and flies about the city with a flowing cape bringing vengeance upon wrongdoers à la Batman. To a thoughtful elderly grocer in Spanish Harlem the vigilante is a member of an extinct species which died out about 1918. To a beat patrolman in the West Village he is a good citizen assisting the Police.

“I talked with Theodore Perrine, the famous forensic psychiatrist, in his office at the Columbia University Medical School. After issuing the usual disclaimer to the effect that a psychiatrist shouldn't be taken seriously when he tries to psychoanalyze a patient he's never even met (Dr. Perrine does not admire such long-distance whimsies as Dr. Ernest Jones's attempt to psychoanalyze Shakespeare's Hamlet), the shrink who has probably testified in more banner-headline criminal cases than any other psychiatrist in America made this estimation of the character of the vigilante:

“‘We live in a death-oriented society. We anticipate the ultimate calamity and many of us are convinced there's no hope of avoiding it. Our world is a world of conscience-stricken nuclear scientists, and young people who've become disabused of the notion that we have simple problems for which there are solutions. Everyone feels personally betrayed by the way things are going—the future is no longer a rational extension of the past; everything's up for grabs, so to speak. We all tend to feel like laboratory animals who know nothing about the science except what we can observe while we're in the process of being vivisected. That's the milieu in which we all have to navigate, and it's hardly surprising that some of us resent it so much that we've begun to hurl ourselves against it more and more irrationally.

“‘There's a large reservoir of aggression in all of us. We hate crime, yet we don't
anything about it. We begin to feel that we're not merely decent people, we're so decent that we're immobilized. That's why a man like this captures our imagination so vividly—he's acting out fantasies we've all shared. He's not the only one acting them out, of course—we've seen how a great many groups who claim to be for or against something find it necessary to take the law into their own hands. Terrorism has become a legitimized political tool. In that respect the only unusual thing about this fellow is that he's doing it as a one-man operation. If it were an organized effort like the Jewish Defense League or the Black Panthers we'd find it far less fascinating. It's the lone-wolf aspect of it that appeals to the American sensibility. One rugged individualist out there battling the forces of evil—it fits right into our mythology, you see. But other than that, this fellow is merely carrying the accepted concept of political terrorism into the criminal arena.'

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