Read Deathly Contagious Online

Authors: Emily Goodwin

Deathly Contagious (12 page)

BOOK: Deathly Contagious
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“My best friend, Raeya. And my friend Padraic. And,” I couldn’t help the smile that formed when I said his name. “Hayden, my partner.”

“Oh, so she’s like your girlfriend?”

“What? Wait, no, no, not at all. Hayden has a penis.
my partner, like we go out on missions and kill zombies together kind of partner.”

“Oh, sorry. Is he the one you got separated from?”

“No. That’s a long story too. You’ll learn it all once you get there.”

Thankfully, she took my hint and shut up. Time passed so slowly. When the landscape became familiar, my heart beat rapidly with excitement. I gripped the steering wheel, dumbly smiling. Observing my excitement, Olivia sat up straight and peered out her window.

I turned onto the drive. The first gate came into view; it had been repaired since I ran Hayden’s truck through it. I got out and hurriedly opened it, not bothering to shut it after the car passed through. The A3’s scuttled around in a panic when they saw the Mustang roll to a stop. Jason’s familiar face peered out of the watch tower.

I leaned out the open window and smiled. “Open the gate!” I yelled, only half joking. Jason stared at me for a few seconds, disbelief obvious on his face. Then the gates slowly opened. He flew to the car, opening the door.

I got out and let him hug me. I put my arms around him too, taken aback at the emotion I felt to be around my old friends again.

“Orissa! W-we all thought you were dead. I can’t believe this! I-I think I’m dreaming.”

“Nope. I’m here and it’s real,” I said with a gooney smile plastered on my face.

“I-I just can’t believe it!” he said breathlessly. The other A3’s circled me, more than one shouting into their walkie-talkies.

“Hayden,” I blurted. “Is he ok?”

“Yea,” Jason answered right away. “H-how did you…did you bring someone back with you?”

“Yea, I did. I should get her inside.”

“Right,” he agreed, still dumbfounded. “You…you are…the best, Orissa.”

“Thanks, Jason.” I got back in the car and floored it to the estate. I shut the car off and got out, impatiently waiting for Olivia to follow. Brock and Padraic came running out of the house. My heart leaped in joy and I took off toward them. Padraic got to me first. He wrapped his arms around me, picking me up and spinning me. I hugged him back, suddenly feeling annoyingly emotional.

I could feel his body shake with the suppress his own emotions. I pressed my head against his chest and let him hold me for a minute.

“I didn’t believe it,” he said. I forgot how much I missed his accent. “When they came over the radio. But you’re here.”

“Duh,” I said.

He gently let go and held me at arm’s length. “Are you alright?”

“I’m hungry,but I’m fine.”

He pulled me to him once more and kissed my forehead. “We all thought…” he trailed off. “But I knew. I knew you were still alive. After all, you always told me you did your best work on your own.”

“Ah, I did say that.”

“Orissa?!” a female voice called.

I broke away from Padraic. “Ray!” Ivan and Raeya exited the house. She ran to me, her arms flying around me, immediately breaking down in sobs. Tears formed in my eyes. I blinked them back and squeezed my best friend.

“I’m so sorry, Ray. I didn’t want you to worry.”

“Orissa…I…I…you’re…” she incoherently cried. I held her, stroking her hair.

“It’s ok, Ray. I’m here now.”

She sniffed. “I should b-be comforting you. I c-can’t believe it. Am I-I dreaming?”

“Nope. I’ll even pinch you if you want to be sure.”

She laughed and took my hands. “I think you have to. They said you died, that you got eaten.”

“I told you it takes more than zombies to kill me. And apparently more than blood poisoning and inbred, psychotic, womanizing pigs.”
“I’ll tell you later.”
Ivan stepped up next to me and encased me in his muscular arms. “You are the most badass person I know,” he told me as he squished me. “We all thought you were dead.”
“Yea, sorry about that,” I joked.
“Seriously, Penwell. I never thought I’d see you again.” He let me go and Brock stepped in, also hugging me. I looked around. Someone very important was missing. Had Jason lied to me?
“Where’s Hayden?” I asked, fearing the answer I might get.
Brock looked at Ivan, his mouth open. My heart stopped beating.
“Sleeping,” Padraic answered, not easing my horror. He stepped closer. “I just gave him another dose of Fentanyl maybe an hour ago.”
“He’s ok? And the meds work?”
“Yes and yes. The Fentanyl blocks out all his pain,” Padraic explained.
Tears pricked the corners of my eyes as relief washed over me. To mask the emotion, I turned to Olivia, who had gone unnoticed. “This is Olivia,” I introduced.
“Ohmigod,” Raeya exclaimed. “Sorry, where are my manners? Hi, I’m Raeya Kinsley.”
“Hi,” Olivia shyly stated, her cheeks turning bright red when Ivan walked over.
“You were left for dead, survive for almost two weeks on your own
you bring back a civilian?” Ivan asked incredulously. I shrugged like it was no big deal. “Over achiever,” he teased and we all laughed.
The door opened and Fuller stepped out, a smile on his usually stoic face. He strode over and shook my hand. “I didn’t believe it. I had to see for myself.”
“It was nothing,” I said, brushing off the extent of my circumstance. As much as I liked being the center of attention, I wanted to go inside and see Hayden.
There were a few minutes of chaos as we walked into the compound. Everyone was asking questions at the same time. Olivia snaked her way through the small crowd and took my hand. I smiled at her and nodded, letting her know everything was going to be ok.
Ignoring the shocked stares from random residents, we went down to the C level and into Fuller’s office. He looked at Ivan and Brock, nodded and turned to me. Raeya linked her arm though mine and said she was never going to let me go. Olivia still had a hold on my hand and Padraic stood behind me with a hand on my shoulder.
The door clicked shut; Ivan and Brock left. Fuller circled around his desk, obsessively straightening a stack of papers.
“You’re quite the soldier, Penwell,” he complimented, looking at me proudly.
“Thanks,” I said.
He looked at my friends and cleared his throat. Only Padraic got the hint. He dropped his hand off my shoulder and placed it on Raeya’s back. When she turned to look at him, he motioned to the door. She shook her head in protest and held onto me tighter. I imagined the look he must have given her. She let me go, smiled sweetly at Olivia and extended her hand. Reluctantly, Olivia let go of me and took Raeya’s hand.
Then the door shut and I was alone with Fuller.
“What happened?” he inquired.
“They left me.”
“I know that. Why?”
“Because they are impatient?” I tried.
Fuller frowned at me. “That’s not what Alex said.”
I crossed my arms. “Really? What
Alex say?”
He narrowed his eyes. “You took on the hostiles single handedly.”
“Yep. I saved their asses. But go on, I’m dying to know the rest of Alex’s story.”
Fuller sighed and leaned against his desk. “You went against his orders.”
“I don’t take orders from anyone,” I spat.
He took a deep breath. “Be respectful.”
“How about you be respectful?” I countered, my temper rising. “I was
. I saved
asses. If not for me, we’d all be dead! And-and Hayden wouldn’t have gotten the medication he needed!”
“Orissa!” he scolded, sounding very fatherly. His eyes darted from mine to a picture on his desk. I curiously followed his gaze and was startled to see a photo of Fuller and Hayden. I blinked. No, it wasn’t Hayden; it just looked like him. The guy in the photo was younger and his hair was just a shade darker. His smile matched Fuller’s. He had to be his son.
I snapped my attention back to the matter at hand. “What?”
“That’s not how we function. You were part of a
. You shouldn’t have gone off on your own.”
“Oh, and they were such a great team to be on, leaving me to die!”
“You shouldn’t have gone off on your own!” he reiterated.
“I had to.”
“That’s not the point here. You shouldn’t put yourself in danger like that.”
I rolled my eyes. “Obviously, I can handle it.”
He angrily shook his head. “You are a self-centered, reckless brat at times.”
I shrugged. “I’ve been called worse.”
He ran his hand over his head. “I didn’t bring you here to reprimand you. Just go,” he said with a wave. “Get something to change into and go to the quarantine room. You’ve earned your rest.”
“Uh, hell yea I have. But I’m not going to the quarantine room.”
“We’ve been over this, Penwell. It’s protocol.”
“Fuck protocol. I’m. Not. Going.” I almost stomped my foot. “You have no idea what I’ve been through. I want to be around my friends and sleep in my own bed. You damn well know that if I was bitten I’d tell you. I might be reckless but I’m not dumb. I do care about a few people here; I wouldn’t endanger them and you know it.”
I turned on my heel and marched out of the room. I slammed the door shut in his face. Pissed, I stomped down the hall, my boots echoing with each angry footstep. I went down to the B level and, luckily, Dr. Cara was leaving the hospital ward just as I got to the door.
“Welcome back, Orissa,” she said with a warm smile.
“Thank you,” I said sincerely, appreciating her politeness.
“You didn’t get a monkey, by chance did you?”
And there went my appreciation. “No, I was too busy trying not to die.”
“Oh, well. Another time then.” She nodded and moved on. I slipped in through the door, stepping carefully so the clicking of heels wouldn’t disturb Hayden.
The hospital ward was dim and empty—empty, except for Hayden. The curtain was pulled around the bed, the same one he was in before. A smile subconsciously settled on my face as I drew nearer.
He wasn’t hooked up to IV’s and he was wearing a pair of blue pajama pants and a white tee shirt, looking more like the Hayden I was used to seeing.
“Hayden,” I whispered. He didn’t so much as move. I sat on the edge of his bed and put my hand on his cheek. His warm skin sent a chill through me. “Hayden,” I repeated. “It’s me, Orissa. I’m back and I’m sorry I was gone for so long. I-I missed you.”
His head moved in my direction. I ran my fingers through his hair hoping he’d wake up. When he didn’t, I stayed there a while longer. I pulled the blanket up to his chest, wanting to make him as comfortable as possible.
Raeya and Ivan were walking down the hall when I left the hospital ward.
“Told you,” Ivan said to Raeya. I didn’t think I was supposed to have heard that.
“Rissy!” Raeya cried and hugged me again. “I-I just am still so afraid I’m going to wake up and realize you’re not really here. I dreamed so many times you came back.”
I reassuringly squeezed her. “I’m back and this isn’t a dream.”
“I know, but I need to be sure,” she said, choking back a sob. She let me go and wiped away tears.
 “Where’s Olivia?” I asked.
“Quarantine,” Ivan answered.
“No,” I immediately argued. “That girl’s been beaten and raped repeatedly for the last three months. Get her out.”
“What?” Raeya asked, horrified. “Riss, what—”
“—Penwell,” Ivan interrupted. “You’ve caused enough trouble, don’t you think that—”
“No! I don’t care. Neither of us were bitten! I promised I’d take care of her.”
Raeya put her hand on my arm. “Riss, you’re scaring me. Were you…?”
“No.” I closed my eyes and shook my head. “Almost but no. I got Olivia out just in time.”
“Got out from where?” she hesitantly asked.
“I’ll explain after she’s out.”
Ivan bit his lip. “I’ll see what I can do.” Since I didn’t have my badge or keys, he let us upstairs. I opened the door to my room and looked around; everything was as it should be. Hayden’s bed was neatly made; mine still had the covers lazily thrown about. I crossed the room and sank down on the mattress.
“What’s with the leather?” Raeya asked, a cheeky grin slowly appearing in her face.
I extended my leg. “It suits me, dontcha think?”
“Yea. I like those boots.”
“Thanks,” I said with a smile. “They’re good for smashing zombie brains.”
“Lovely.” She sat down next to me and rested her head on my shoulder. “I’m glad you’re back, Rissy.”
“Me too. But stop thinking about what could have been, alright? I’m here and I’m fine.”


My stomach growled.
“Hungry?” Raeya asked.
BOOK: Deathly Contagious
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