Debra Webb - In His Touch Box Set (Here To Stay, Up Close, Tempting Trace, Basic Instincts) (62 page)

Read Debra Webb - In His Touch Box Set (Here To Stay, Up Close, Tempting Trace, Basic Instincts) Online

Authors: Debra Webb

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Humor, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Humor & Satire, #General Humor, #Romantic Comedy, #Firefighter, #Fish Out of Water, #Unexpected Love, #Country Music, #Nashville, #Opposites Attract, #Alpha Hero, #Talk Show Host, #Reporter, #New Adult Romance, #First Love, #Lost Love, #Reunited Lovers, #Horses, #Ranch, #Native American Hero, #Secret Baby, #Hidden Identity, #sexy, #Steamy, #Bella Andre, #Stephanie Bond, #Summit Authors

BOOK: Debra Webb - In His Touch Box Set (Here To Stay, Up Close, Tempting Trace, Basic Instincts)
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Forcing away the painful thoughts, she slowly climbed the stairs and trudged down the long hall to Jake’s room. In a few days she would be gone and they would both be better off. She would never forget Jake... but he would forget her in no time at all.

I think I’m in love with you.

Meredith forced away the memory of his words. It was the lust speaking. Nothing more than a chemical reaction to the exchanging of body fluids. How could it be more? They didn’t know each other, had nothing in common as far as she could see. Well, nothing but chemistry. The intense affection each of them felt would fade quickly.

Keeping all that in mind, Meredith strode across the bedroom and into the bathroom. She kept her gaze level on his.

“Everything all right?” she inquired as she passed him the beer.

He took the sweating bottle from her and sat it on the tub’s marble ledge. “No, it’s not all right.”

Meredith studied his expression, looking for signs of disorientation. “What’s wrong?” She perched on the side of the tub and reached for his face, as if touching him would give her some clue. “Is your head hurting again? Maybe I should check your stitches.”

“It’s not my head.” He pulled her hand down to the center of his chest, then reached for her. “I need to kiss you.”

Before she could argue, his mouth captured hers, and then all other thought ceased.

Chapter Eight

Jake lay in the bed watching Merri sleep. It was almost dawn. He couldn’t see the digital clock without moving, and he wasn’t about to move and disturb her. He hadn’t slept more than half an hour, and he didn’t want to sleep now. He wanted to look at this angel in his arms until she opened her magnificent blue eyes and smiled up at him with those luscious lips.

His heart beat faster at the memory of their lovemaking. Twice since he’d brought her to his bed, and each time had been more amazing than the last. His body craved hers, as if only she could satisfy him. When he’d first met Merri, he’d been certain that his overwhelming desire for her would fade... but it hadn’t. No one had ever come close to making him feel this depth of emotion.

No one.

A couple of weeks ago he’d had a definite plan. He would stay single until he was at least thirty-five, and between now and then he would play the field. At least between bouts of frustration at the whole dating ritual. But Merri had changed all that. He couldn’t imagine not spending the rest of his life with her. He resisted the urge to shake his achy head. There was no explaining it. It was true he hardly knew her. Hell, he didn’t even know what kind of work she did or if she had any family in Atlanta. He only knew that he was in love with her, and that he wanted her more than he’d ever wanted anyone or anything in his life. Even more than the thriving business he had worked so hard to build. Jake’s gaze drifted back to the woman in his arms and he knew that his bewildering realization was right on the money. Nothing he’d done in his life compared with what he felt for Merri.

She stirred. A soft sound of satisfaction sighed out of her. Those heavy-lashed lids drifted open and she smiled. Jake’s heart lurched. Her ethereal beauty hit him all over again.

“Good morning,” she purred and stretched like a cat, her nude body brushing along the length of his in all the right places.

Jake’s semi-erection instantly became a rock-hard arousal. “Morning,” he replied huskily. His hand smoothed along the curve of her torso, then down the length of her shapely thigh.

“I didn’t mean to fall asleep. I was supposed to be keeping an eye on you and waking you from time to time. Did you get any sleep?” She pushed a lock of hair from his brow as tenderly as if she’d been doing it for years.

“I didn’t sleep at all,” he confessed. “I couldn’t even close my eyes. I wanted to watch you sleep and see you awaken.” He smiled his appreciation. “It was worth the wait.”

Concern furrowed her pretty forehead and flashed in her eyes. “Jake, that was a pretty tough knock on the head you took. I’m not sure you’re thinking clearly.”

“I’m thinking perfectly clearly.” He kissed her cheek. His arousal nudged the silky curls between her thighs and she gasped. He sucked her bottom lip, and then whispered, “I want to make love to you again.”

“Jake—” She made a startled little sound when he abruptly rolled her onto her back and settled himself between her legs.

“Is that a yes?” He nuzzled her neck, planting lingering kisses there and making tantalizing circles with the tip of his tongue. He shifted his hips, aligning himself with her. A shudder of need trembled through him, making it difficult to hold back.

She drew in a jagged breath. A surge of desire shot through him at the knowledge that he could arouse her so completely and easily, just as effortlessly as she did him. Her hand slid down the curve of his spine, cupping his buttocks. She wrapped her legs around his, but held her hips absolutely still. She stroked his sides with those soft hands, then moved over his chest to his nipples. She traced her nails over the sensitive peaks, and he groaned, barely restraining the urge to thrust hard and fast into her.

“Yes?” he asked again, his voice a savage growl.

She quickly drew back into the mattress when his erection nudged her a bit more insistently. Her fingers tunneled into his hair and she pulled his face down to hers and whispered in his ear, “Not just yet, lover.”

The lusty sound of her voice made him tremble. His weight resting on his elbows, he tangled his fingers into her silky blond hair and held her still while he plundered the mouth he found so soft, pliable, willing. He thrust his tongue into her mouth, and learned the sweet interior all over again. She moaned low and soft, the sound echoing inside him. His thighs trembled with the renewed effort of holding back the instinct to thrust his hips. The fire in his loins was making him so hot that sweat slickened his skin.

Merri arched her upper back, pressing her breasts more firmly against his chest. The feel of her pert nipples against his bare skin sent another wave of need hurtling through his veins. He thrust his tongue in and out of her mouth, mimicking what he wanted to do to her. He could feel her moist heat beckoning to him, hot and ready, but still she held him at bay.

The soft sounds of want that echoed in the room could have come from either or both of them. The need to join fully was almost overwhelming. Suddenly she relaxed her thighs in a sign of surrender and Jake thrust deeply inside her, stretching, filling. They cried out together. Her climax came hard and fast. His ultimate release was savage, his final thrust as deep as he could make it.

“Merri,” he murmured against her lips.

“Hmm?” She caressed his jaw, her blue eyes alight with the erotic pleasure they had just shared.

“I was wrong,” he admitted, his heart threatening to burst from his chest. “I don’t
I’m in love with you.” The haze of lust cleared from her eyes and she looked directly into his. “I
in love with you. Totally. Completely.” He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to hers as he clasped her hand with his. “If you don’t feel the same way, I’m in deep trouble here.”

“Jake, I—”

The telephone on the bedside table rang, cutting off the words she’d started to say. Swearing softly, Jake reached for phone and growled a greeting. It was not even seven o’clock on a Sunday morning. Who the hell would be calling at this hour?

“Jake, it’s Dan: you gotta help me out here, man.”

He frowned, anxiety instantly surging. “Is everything all right? How’s the baby?”

Merri’s eyes went wide with worry at his question.

“No, it’s not anything like that, everything’s fine. I just need you to do some errands for me. I don’t want to leave Suzy and the baby just yet.”

Relief made Jake weak. “Name it, buddy, and I’ll take care of it.” Thank God nothing was wrong. At Merri’s continued look of distress, Jake placed his hand over the mouthpiece and assured her that all was well while Dan rattled off an endless list of things to do.

“Got it, Dan,” Jake winked at her. “Merri and I will take care of everything.”


Meredith stepped out of Jake’s luxurious shower, still obsessing over his words. Jake loved her. He’d told her so. Though she had to admit that his proclamation had come at a vulnerable moment, immediately following what could only be called a magnificent orgasm, she knew without a doubt that he meant what he said. He was not the kind of man that would toss those words around.

Jake loved her.

She squeezed her eyes shut and leaned against the glass, still warm from her steamy shower. She had to leave as soon as possible. But first, no matter how much it hurt, she would have to come up with an explanation for Jake. It wouldn’t be easy, but she had to think of some way to let him down easy. It didn’t make matters any less difficult that she cared so deeply for him.

She forced herself to go through the motions of drying her hair and skin. She wrapped the towel around her body and went in search of her clothes. They had a lot to do for Dan and Suzy.

No matter, her thoughts always went back to Jake. He was the kind of man a woman searched a lifetime for. Finding someone new would be a snap for him. She comforted herself with the fact he couldn’t really be in love with her. Lust, infatuation... That’s all it could be.

In a couple of weeks, he would be over her and glad to move on.

The thought was heartbreaking, but she would suffer whatever was necessary to ensure the least pain for Jake. This was all her doing and she would have to take responsibility for it.

Jake stood in the middle of his bedroom, silhouetted by the morning light. Jeans and a T-shirt adorned that muscular body. His hair was slightly damp from his shower. Meredith reminded herself to breathe. When she could drag her gaze from the sensual smile on his full lips, she noticed the big white box tied with pink ribbon in his hands.

“This is for you.” He offered the package, a flicker of uncertainty in his rich, brown eyes. “I bought it the day we were at the lingerie shop.”

Her heart pounded so hard she felt sure he must hear it, Meredith moved closer. She couldn’t accept his gift. But how could she say no? She took the box and smiled up at him. “Thank you, but you shouldn’t have.”

A grin spread across his handsome face, making his eyes twinkle. “Why do women always say that when you know they love presents?”

He was right. “I don’t know,” Meredith confessed. She moved to the foot of the bed and sat down to open his gift. Anticipation made her hands tremble. He said he’d bought it at the lingerie shop, so it must be—

“Oh, Jake,” she murmured. She lifted the blue silk robe from the box. The matching gown lay beneath it. The ensemble was just like the one she’d helped him pick out for Suzy, only this one was blue, the color of the ocean lapping against a white sandy beach.

“I’d ask you to try it on,” Jake said from right beside her, close enough to make her heart flip-flop. “But I’m afraid if you do model it we won’t get around to Dan’s to-do list anytime today.”

Before she could stop herself, Meredith stood and kissed him on the cheek. “It’s beautiful. Thank you.” She swallowed back the tears rising in her throat. She would have to return it, of course. She simply couldn’t keep it. The very idea of wearing it anywhere but in Jake’s arms was unthinkable. The ache in her heart intensified. What had she done?

“We can grab some breakfast on the way,” he suggested, taking a step back.

Meredith would have to have been blind not to see the way being near her affected him. Even after their marathon lovemaking last night, he was fully, visibly aroused again. The sight excited her, made her yearn for him. A yearning only Jake Brandon could assuage.

She turned the other way so she could pull on her panties and wiggle into her dress. While struggling with the zipper she realized that he was watching her in the dresser’s mirror.

“Sorry,” he said sheepishly. “I was speechless, so I couldn’t warn you.”

“A likely story,” she scolded. “What’s the first on the agenda?”

“We have to go to Dan’s house and get the suitcases Suzy had packed for her trip to the hospital.” He plowed a hand through his hair. “The ones Dan forgot.”

“Well” Meredith slipped into her high heels “he was pretty excited and a little drunk.”

Jake grinned. “Yeah, he was, but he sobered up fast enough once we got into the delivery room.” He chuckled. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Dan out like that before.” He shook his head. “I wish I’d had a camera.”

Meredith laughed. “Who are you laughing at, big guy? You looked pretty hilarious flat on your back, too.”

Color flooded his neck. “I guess I did, but the godfather thing kind of floored me.”

“Literally,” she teased.

“Yeah, yeah.” He ushered her toward the door. “It’s not every day a man sees his goddaughter come into the world.”

Meredith smiled wistfully. Just another strike against her hopes of getting over him. The man loved babies.


The suitcases where exactly where Suzy said they’d be. After admiring the new nursery Dan and Suzy had decorated, Jake and Merri loaded the luggage into his Jeep. “Do you think we should clean up?”

The great room and kitchen definitely showed the aftereffects of a successful party. “That’d be nice.” Jake closed the hatch and slipped his arm around Merri’s waist as they strolled back up the walk and into the house. “Wouldn’t want my goddaughter to see her home for the first time in such a mess.”

Merri grinned at him. “I’ll take care of the kitchen. You clean up in here.”

Jake nodded. God, how he loved the woman. She was beautiful and sweet. And the best lover he’d ever had. He sighed as he watched her stroll toward the kitchen. Now all he had to do was convince her to trust him. He sensed that trust, especially where her heart was concerned, didn’t come easy to the lady.

Thirty minutes later they had the place in shape. Jake had even vacuumed the great room, and he hated to vacuum. As he put it away in the hall closet, his thoughts wandered back to the erotic encounter he and Merri had shared in that small space. He would never forget taking her for the first time, or the passionate way she had responded to his touch.

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