Deception (25 page)

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Authors: Christiane Heggan

BOOK: Deception
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After Jill was finished, Wally was silent for a long time. He had never suspected Simon of being a cheater. During the twenty-some years he’d known the architect, Simon’s behavior as a devoted husband and a loving father had been exemplary.

The thought that his old friend had, in some respect, duped him, left him feeling sad and a little disillusioned. But no less determined to find his killer. Especially now that the son of a bitch had come after Jill.

Wally closed the notebook he’d used to take notes. “Does your mother know about any of this?”

“She only knows about Daddy’s mysterious trip to Washington. She doesn’t know about the abortion clinic, or his involvement with Vivian Mulligan.”

His mouth set in a tight, angry line, Wally turned to look at Frankie. One of Dr. Keaton’s nurses had found a comic book and brought it back to Frankie, who was reading it avidly. Ashley, a gauze bandage taped to her forehead, was nursing a cup of coffee.

It was a scene Wally had witnessed hundreds of times. When one lived and worked in the mountains, snow-related accidents, some serious, others minor, were a common occurrence. But never in his thirty-two-year career as a law enforcement officer in Sullivan County had he had to deal with attempted murder on the slopes.

That Jill and a small innocent boy had been the target of such an attempt sent him into a rage he was trying hard to keep under control.

“I’ll have Brad drive you home,” he said, rising and slipping the notebook into his pocket. “I’ll make arrangements for your uncle’s Suburban to be returned later.”

“There’s no need to do that, Wally. I’m perfectly capable of driving back.”

They argued for the better part of five minutes, then, knowing he was fighting a losing battle, Wally let her have her way and walked over to his deputy. “Follow them to Brooklyn, will you, Brad? Just to make sure nothing happens to them on the way. And don’t let them see you.”

“No problem, boss.”

Once Jill and her little cargo had taken off, Wally went in to call Dan.

It was close to five o’clock when Jill, Ashley and Frankie arrived at Joe and Maria’s house, where the entire Santini family had gathered to await their arrival. In Maria’s cozy living room, where a gigantic Christmas tree twinkled with multicolored lights, Frankie held court to a captive audience, recounting the incident in details that were as vivid as they were dramatic.

“Jill gave me her jacket,” he said excitedly. “And then she carried me up that huge mountain, and every time we stopped, she made me jump around so I wouldn’t get…” His handsome face puckered into a frown as he looked at Jill. “What’s that word again?”


“Yeah, hypothermia. The doctor said people die of it sometimes.”

Standing between Jill and Ashley, Maria wrapped her arms around both women. “I don’t know how I can ever repay you,” she murmured in a choked voice. “You, Jill, for taking such good care of my son, and you, Ashley, for going after them in spite of your own injuries.”

“You don’t have to thank us, Maria,” Jill replied. “If anything, I feel guilty that Frankie was hurt at all-”

As loud protests drowned Jill’s words, Dan leaned over to whisper in her ear, “Might as well give it up, Red. Fighting the Santinis’ gratitude is a little like trying to stop a running bull. The more you try, the faster he goes.”

Naturally, she and Ashley had to stay for dinner, which once it was brought to the table looked more like the Last Supper than the simple family meal Maria claimed to have prepared.

When Dan was finally able to talk to Jill alone, his first question was straight to the point. “Who knew you were going to the mountains today, Jill?”

Jill stretched her back, which felt stiff from the long drive. “Nearly everybody at B&A-from my uncle, who told Philip and Olivia, to the secretaries. You know how that grapevine is.”

“Anyone knew you were going without me?”

“Only my uncle.” The sick feeling in her stomach worsened. “And Paul. He was in my father’s office when I went there to borrow the Suburban.”

Dan’s jaw clenched. “I already talked to Wally. He’s going to check every employee’s alibi for this morning. Anybody who wasn’t where he or she was supposed to be will be grilled.”

“Surely you can’t be including my uncle in that list.”

He gave her a hard look. “I said everybody, Jill. No exception.”

“What about Mulligan?”

“Oh, you can be sure he won’t be overlooked. In fact, I plan to check out his alibi myself, not just for this morning, but for November 28, as well.”

“Why? What happened on November 28?”

“That’s the day a mysterious man by the name of Jack Smith offered Cynthia Parson fifty thousand dollars for information regarding a young woman and a man Nurse Parson identified as your father.”

Jill’s eyes widened in bewilderment. “What are you saying? That my father was at Alternatives?”

Dan nodded. “The woman he brought there was pregnant, and Cynthia is fairly sure Simon was the father.”

Jill’s stomach began churning. “Who was the woman?”

“She registered as Julia Banks and gave a Georgetown address. Both the name and the residence turned out to be phony.”

“You went to Georgetown?”

Dan nodded. “There was no reason not to since I was right there.”

“So this.. Julia Banks, or whatever her name is, could be living anywhere, including New York.”

“She could, but it’s not Vivian Mulligan. I called her. She was nowhere near Maryland that day and can prove it.”

Jill was suddenly bone tired. “I can’t believe Cynthia Parson lied to me. And Dr. Laken.”

“Dr. Laken doesn’t know anything about the murder. He lied to you out of ethics. And Cynthia lied to you out of necessity. She was scared.”

He told her what he knew about the fictitious Jack Smith and how he had put pressure on Cynthia. “I promised her I’d keep her out of this mess unless it became absolutely necessary for her to come forward.” Jill smiled. “You’re a good man, Dan.”

The old Santini sparkle was back in his eyes. “Haven’t I been trying to tell you that all along?”

A burst of laughter returned Jill’s attention to the dining room, where Nick was hopping around on one foot, pretending to have sprained his own ankle. “Oooh, it hurts so much,” he cried’ his face contorting with affected agony. “Quick, Nonna, another piece of pie.”

The homey scene made Jill smile. After a while, she tore her gaze away and turned to Dan. “So what are we going to do now? We have a killer we can’t identify because he wore a disguise, and a mysterious woman who could be anywhere between New York and Maryland. Not to mention that there probably won’t be a single fingerprint on that snowmobile the rescue squad recovered.”

“That’s okay, Jill. I don’t care how clever this killer is, he’s going to make a mistake. Sooner or later they all do. He’s also scared or he wouldn’t have come after you today. That fear will make him careless.”

Jill felt suddenly uneasy. “You mean.. he could come after me again?”

“I won’t give him a chance to, Red. From now on, you and I are glued at the hip.”

Although the thought of having Dan near her twenty-four hours a day was not totally unpleasant, Jill shook her head. “I can’t ask you to devote all your time to my safety, Dan. It would be both unpractical and unfair, to you and to your family.”

When the look in his eyes told her she wasn’t going to win this debate, she added, “Maybe we could work out some sort of compromise. I call in at regular intervals, I do not work past five o’clock and I promise to let you know the moment I have to change my plans.”

Dan was thoughtful for a moment, clearly mulling over her proposition. Then he said, “I’ll agree on two conditions. One, you give me your word that you’ll respect the rules you’ve just set, and two, I come home with you tonight and bunk on your sofa. Just for tonight. And just in case that jerk decides he wants to finish the job.”

“Are you trying to scare me?”

“I’m trying to make you realize we’re dealing with a desperate man who came damn near to killing you today.”

“Wally said that once he announces he’s reopening the investigation, the pressure would ease off.”

“It will, but he hasn’t done that yet. Chances are, news of your brush with death won’t be out until tomorrow, so for the time being, we play it safe.”

“All right.” She had probably agreed much too quickly, but so what? Much as she hated to admit it, today’s harrowing experience had left her terrified of spending the night alone. Knowing that Dan would be there with her lessened that fear.

For the first time since her father had died’ she might finally be able to have a decent night’s sleep.


“IS the tea strong enough?”

Sitting on her sofa, with her legs tucked under her, Jill cradled the mug Dan had just brought her and nodded. “It’s perfect, and stop fussing, will you? I’m fine.”

“Maybe so, but it’s not every day that I get to make tea for a hero.”

“Don’t call me that. I didn’t do anything you or anyone else wouldn’t have done.”

“Try telling that to my family.”

Jill laughed softly. “I know. For a while there, I thought they were going to give Ashley and me a ticker-tape parade.”

“They still might.” He came to crouch in front of her and laid his hands on her knee. “Don’t ever say you’re helpless around children, Jill. What you did today was an act of courage and strength. You’ll make a wonderful mother someday.”

She stared at his hands, so big and strong, yet so gentle. Oddly enough, the thought of motherhood no longer frightened her as it once had. In fact, at this very moment, and as long as Dan was by her side, she felt as though she could do or be anything.

Too bad that realization came thirteen years too late.

She looked up to find him staring at her with an intensity that made her blush. Desire, quick and unexpected, stabbed through her. She tried to dismiss it, as she had once or twice before, but this time she couldn’t. She was much too aware of the potent masculine appeal that radiated from him, of the way her own body responded to his touch, to his gaze as it moved from her eyes to her mouth.

A delicious shiver went through her and this time she knew she was in trouble. But she didn’t care. Tonight she needed more than a warm hand covering hers, or gentle words of comfort. Tonight she needed him, all of him. She needed those strong arms around her, needed to hear those passionate words she hadn’t wanted to hear before.

She took a sip of her tea’ observing him as she drank, wondering, not without a certain excitement, if he had any idea of the wild thoughts that were going through her head.

Probably not. She had never been very good at the subtleties of lovemaking. Not to mention those damn rules she had set the other night when he’d kissed her.

She had made it quite clear that she didn’t want to get involve—romantically or sexually. And Dan was too much of a gentleman not to respect a woman’s wishes. So why don’t you let him know you’ve changed your mind and see what happens?

Jill held back a chuckle. Instigating sex was as foreign to her as walking on the moon. The only thing that might give her enough courage was the absolute knowledge that he wanted her as badly as she wanted him.

Unfortunately, at the moment, he gave no indication that he did.

“Would you care for some more tea?” She gave him her most beguiling smile. “I’ll make it this time.”

To her surprise, Dan shook his head. “I’ve had enough. Time to go to bed, Red.” He stood up. “Your eyes are turning glassy, and I’m kind of bushed myself.”

She gave him a startled look. “You are?”

“I guess I’m getting old. I can’t keep up with those late hours anymore the way I used to.”

She glanced at her watch. “It’s only ten o’clock.”

“Is it really?” He stifled a yawn. “Well, you know what they say, early to bed’ early to rise. And I do have a full day ahead of me tomorrow.”

Jill frowned. Was he being dense, or was he just playing with her? After the way she had rejected him the other night, she wouldn’t blame him if he was.

“It’s just that…” She cleared her throat, feeling like a teenager with a crush on the school hunk. “I’m rather.. wound up tonight I don’t think I can sleep.”

“Maybe a warm bath would help.”

A warm bath? That was his remedy for a need that was dangerously nearing the boiling point? Maybe she hadn’t made herself clear enough.

Uncoiling her legs from beneath her, she set her mug on the end table and stood up. Then, turning up the heat, she moved slowly toward him.

“Dan, I’m not sure you understand what I’m trying to tell you.”

“Oh,” His mouth curved into a little smile. “That’s what you’re getting at” He looked down at her hand but didn’t touch it. “You want to have sex.”

“Well…” She hadn’t expected him to put it quite so bluntly, but since he had… “Yes.” The boldness of her reply sent a rush of heat to her cheeks. What the hell was she doing?

“And sex is all you want?”

Why was he asking her that? Wasn’t that what every man wanted from a woman? “I suppose so.”

He shook his head. “Bad idea, Jill.”

“Excuse me?”

“You said so yourself, remember? Only three nights ago.”

“That was then-”

“And you were right,” he said as if he hadn’t heard her. “Neither one of us is ready for another stab at a relationship. As for sex for the sake of sex…” He shook his head. “It wouldn’t work. Not for us, not after all we’ve meant to each other.”

He was turning her down. She had practically thrown herself at him and he was turning her down. “You mean.. you don’t want to make love to me?”

“Oh, I didn’t say that. But don’t you see what’s happening here? You had a very close call today, Jill. You could have died. And because of that experience, you feel vulnerable. Making love to you under those circumstances would be wrong.”

That was the biggest crock she’d ever heard. Feeling like a fool, she waited for a burst of laughter, a wink, a mad embrace to tell her he’d been kidding her all along, that he couldn’t wait to make love to her.

When he gave no indication that he was only teasing, she stepped back, totally mortified. “You know something?” she said in a scathing tone. “You’re absolutely right.”

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