Demanded by Him (Wanted Series #3)

BOOK: Demanded by Him (Wanted Series #3)
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by Him



2015 Hazel Kelly


rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted, copied,
or stored in any form or by any means without permission of the author. Your
support of the author’s rights is appreciated. 


characters in this story are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons,
brands, organizations, places, and situations is purely coincidental.



“They slipped briskly into an
intimacy from which they never recovered.”

– F. Scott Fitzgerald

Chapter 1: Wyatt



She drank me down like a woman on a mission.

I looked down past my panting chest as she milked me with her hand
and mouth, her dark eyelashes casting shadows on her cheeks. Then I dropped my
hand from her head down to my side, intent to watch her suck me dry, matching
my hunger for her drop by drop.

It was incredible how dynamic she was. First she kept me on my
toes all day, making me question all over again whether she even liked me, and
now she was on her hands and knees driving me wild in a little boat she almost
didn’t get in, wearing nothing but the light of the moon on the smooth skin of
her shoulders.

And she was so beautiful. When she stopped sucking me and looked
up, her eyes were wide- almost as if she were seeking approval- and my guts
felt so twisted I knew I was in trouble.

Having her pleasure me like that felt different than it usually
did. Normally, I felt smug and winning after some good head, but this time, I
just felt insanely lucky that such an incredible woman had gotten primal with
me like that.

She tucked a stray wisp of auburn hair behind her ear and
released her grip on my dick.

“I don’t know what I did to deserve that,” I said, tilting her
chin up with my fingers.

She shrugged. “Me neither.”

I leaned forward and kissed her again, pressing my lips against
her skilled mouth as I relished the fact that my dick knew it so intimately

When I pulled back, I pressed my cheek to hers so I could
whisper in her ear. “Go swimming with me.”

“I told you I can’t swim.”

“It’s not swimming,” I said. “It’s skinny dipping.”

She looked past the edge of the boat at the dark water. “Just a

I nodded.

She pursed her lips, a look of worry masking her face.

“I’ll hold you the whole time.”

She crossed her arms over her chest.

I didn’t want to give her too much time to think about it. I was
in too big of a hurry to cool off and feel her wet body sliding against mine.
Without wasting another moment, I threw my leg over the side of the boat and
lifted my hips with my arms just enough to pop over the ledge.

I turned around as soon as I splashed in, energized by the cool
water, and grabbed the boat to keep it from rocking. “You coming?”

She looked at me, her eyes dropping to where the water cut
across my chest.

“I promise you can stand here,” I said. “And I won’t let go.”

She glanced at her clothes piled on the dock and then back at me.

“Come on,” I said. “Live a little.”

She rose to her feet in the boat and grabbed one of my hands to
steady herself.

I could see the silhouette of her curvy body as she stood in
front of the moon, and there was just enough light for me to make out that her
chest and cheeks were still flushed.

She moved to the bench and hung her calves over the side of the
boat, still holding my hand. Then she let go and reached for my shoulders.

I grasped her waist and lifted her to keep the boat from
tipping. A moment later, she was gripping me like a koala bear, her legs
wrapped around my waist and her nipples hard against my chest.

“I got you,” I said, sensing her trepidation.

She straightened her arms and leaned back, her legs still tight
around my waist. “I’ve never been skinny dipping before.”

I smiled. “You’re a natural.”

She leaned forward and kissed me, pressing her chest against
mine, and as I kissed her, I realized I was still hard enough to take advantage
of her wetness if she was up for it.

As she swirled her tongue around mine, I sank the fingers of one
hand into her firm ass. With the other, I grabbed my cock and set it against
her pussy.

She didn’t stop kissing me.

I stuck the head of my dick inside her, forcing her to stretch
around me.

She moaned at the momentary friction, the sound of her groan
spilling into my mouth and filling me with fire.

My toes gripped the muddy lake bed as I pushed my way in,
burying myself in her warmth until her pussy choked the base of my shaft.

“God you’re so tight,” I growled into her mouth, thrusting up
into her hot center. “I could fuck you forever.”

Her hips tilted towards me, and I matched her movement, rocking
into her as the water splashed lightly around us.

How my dick was still hard was a mystery. She drained me so
thoroughly I was sure I would be wasted all night. But I guess the feel of her warm
chest against mine combined with having her cool wet legs wrapped around me was
enough to bring it back to life.

“You feel so good,” she whispered, her hot breath on my ear as
she churned her hips just enough that I could tell she was getting something
out of it.

“So do you,” I said, fucking her nice and slow.

She dragged her nails against the base of my neck, grabbing my
hair in her hand. “If I’d known picnics were like this, I would’ve started
going on them a long time ago.”

I smiled and thrust into her so her ponytail swung back and
forth as I massaged her insides. She felt so good I wished I’d never have to
pull out of her.

“I can’t believe you’re still so hard,” she said.

“Me neither,” I said. “Must be you.”

She pulled herself around me, tilting her hips up and grinding
against the base of my cock.

And then I felt a warm buzz that let me know I had more to empty
inside her, but I needed to get somewhere I could fuck her harder than I could
standing in the water.

“Hold on,” I said, walking towards the river bank. The air was
cool on my wet skin as I made my way into shallower water.

As soon as Addison’s body was exposed to the air, she tightened
her grip on me. Everywhere.

It took an incredible amount of concentration to focus on
getting her to the blanket when I would have happily shoved her up against a
tree and fucked her senseless, but I wanted it to feel good for her, too, so I
couldn’t risk giving her a back full of splinters.

When I finally reached the blanket, I dropped to my knees and
laid her on her back, sliding inside her as her legs fell from around my waist.
Her tits were round and pale, like small pillows swaying below me, and she kept
her eyes on me while I worked her insides, churning her with my greedy dick.

“You’re going to make me come again,” I said, grinding my balls
against her clit.

“I figured,” she said. “You have a very determined look on your

I smiled. “Turn around for me,” I said, pulling out of her, the
cool air on my dick feeling hostile compared to the warmth of her snug pussy.

She raised her eyebrows.

“Do it.”

She pursed her lips and rolled over, raising herself up on all

I put one hand around her hips and with the other, I grabbed my
dick and slapped it against her ass a few times to make sure I’d last long
enough to give her a pounding.

Then I pressed the tip against her, and as I pulled her hips
towards me and watched my dick disappear inside her, my mind went blank.


Chapter 2: Addison




He felt bigger from behind, so big it took my breath away.

Fortunately, I was so overwhelmed by my attraction to him that I
didn’t have time to question whether doing it doggy style in the woods was an
appropriate thing for me to be doing. But by then I wanted him so bad I
couldn’t think straight, so I dropped to my elbows, squeezed the blanket in my
fists, and listened to the sound of his wet balls slapping against me.

Occasionally, a high pitched pant escaped my lips, and it was
such a sexual noise I wouldn’t have believed it was coming from me except for
the fact that there was no other explanation.

When he first pushed himself in, he was pounding me so deep it
hurt a little, but when he slowed down, the feeling became pleasantly intoxicating.
I could feel every delicious inch of him, and as my body concentrated around his
hardness, I started to feel a warm glow in my gut.

A second later, he was wrapped around me, pressing his
fingertips against my clit and working it against the base of his buried dick.

I let my head drop so everything disappeared except the heat of
his touch, which was turning me on and making me melt all at once.

“I want you to come for me again, Addison.”

I swallowed. I got asked to do a lot of different things in my
day to day life but having multiple orgasms was a completely new assignment.
Still, something about the guttural tone of his voice and the growing
sensitivity my pussy was feeling made me think it might actually be possible.

Suddenly, a breeze whispered through the trees, chilling my
whole body apart from where he was spreading me open until I couldn’t feel my arms
or legs.

“Oh god,” I said, gasping for breath as the hot pressure built
in my center.

Wyatt’s hand kept circling my swollen clit, and I knew I
wouldn’t be able to handle the sensation much longer.

I started circling my hips around him, relishing the feel of his
dick swirling inside me as the pleasure started to move through me like waves
of light.

“I’m gonna come,” he said, righting himself and grabbing my

It was all I could do to keep from collapsing as he rammed his
hips against me, and when I realized I was going to come, too, I bit my lip and
furrowed my brow, squeezing my eyes shut to brace myself for it.

And I came as he ploughed through me, my orgasm shattering through
every limb as he splashed against my hot center, fucking me as if he hadn’t
just had me, as if he’d never had me before.

And I’d never felt more possessed by someone, more vulnerable,
or more aroused.

When he slammed into me for the last time, my arms slid out in
front of me, and I collapsed face down on the blanket.

He came to rest on top of me, kissing my neck once before
rolling to the side, taking me with him so he was spooning me.

His top hand went to my heaving breasts as my body pulsed around
him, and every single pore on my body felt stimulated and peaceful and
exhausted all at once.

“You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever met,” he said, speaking into
my hair.

I didn’t answer him. For once, I didn’t want to argue. I just
wanted to accept the compliment no matter how ridiculous it was, no matter how
many times he’d said it to other women. Because it didn’t matter whether it was
a line or whether he was blinded by the fact that my pussy was squeezing the
life out of him through his dick.

All that mattered was that this time, he was saying it to me.
And I felt like I deserved it. Because even though I was pretty sure I wasn’t
the sexiest woman in the world, I had undoubtedly just had the most outrageous
sexual encounter of my life. So if he wanted to say sweet things to me, I
wasn’t about to deny him that.

When he pulled out of me, I felt more naked than I had since I
first took my clothes off, as if my being connected to him made me less exposed
than I was on my own.

“One second,” he said, getting to his feet.

I was too worn out to move, but I smiled as he covered me with the
blanket and closed my eyes.

I could hear the faint hoot of an owl in a distant part of the
forest, the light lapping of the water against the side of that little boat of
sin, and then I heard Wyatt’s feet making their way down the dock.

I lifted my head and looked at him in time to see him bending
over our clothes. I watched him put his clothes back on, muscular limb by
muscular limb, the shadows from the moonlight causing his back to look more chiseled
than ever. Then he bent over and scooped up by clothes and shoes.

Naturally, watching him walk back towards me was a total out of
body experience. I mean, he was so much sexier than anyone I’d ever been with,
and I couldn’t help but be drawn to him.

He was magnetic and every flex- every expression- was so
attractive I was sure I didn’t know a woman who would’ve been able to resist

He laid my clothes down on the blanket and walked off again
without saying anything.

I leaned up, remembering that I was in deep mosquito territory
and dressed quickly, looking around for where Wyatt disappeared to. As I was
putting my shoes back on, he came around the corner of the house with a bundle
of thick sticks in his arms, looking calm and competent and not nearly as
delirious as I felt I must’ve looked.

When he reached the edge of the blanket, he dropped to his knees
and put the bundle of wood down. “I thought I’d make a fire,” he said. “Since
we’ve got another bottle of wine in reserve.”

I brought my knees to my chest and pulled my ponytail loose.

“But if you’re too tired and want me to bring you back to your-”

“A fire sounds nice,” I said. I was keen to stay out a bit
longer. I wanted to stay there in that place where I was not only trespassing
on someone else’s property but where I was able to infringe on who I normally

And I wasn’t ready to go back to being me just yet. I was having
too much fun pretending to be a woodland nymph whose sexual prowess had seduced
a fallen rock star playboy…?!

So I wasn’t about to say no to a fire.

In fact, I wouldn’t have said no to anything he suggested at
that point. He’d made me feel more elated than I ever had before, and I didn’t
want the bliss of it to end.

Wyatt grabbed some kindling and stacked some sticks across the
fire pit a few feet away from the blanket.

Determined to make myself useful even with my clothes on, I
reached in the bag and pulled out the second bottle of wine, cracking it open on
my own.

“Can you chuck me the matches in that bag?” he asked, looking
over his shoulder.

I found them and tossed them over.

He caught them in one hand and had a fire going two minutes
later. “It’ll take a second to heat up,” he said, scooting back beside me. “Are
you warm enough for the minute or-”

“I am, yeah, thanks.” I tipped the bottle against my lips and
took a much bigger swig than was polite. When I turned to look at Wyatt, I was
licking my lips.

He raised his eyebrows. “Thirsty?”

I shrugged. “I guess so.” I handed the bottle to him. “Here.”

When he bent his knees and lifted the bottle to his lips, I
leaned my head against his shoulder and sighed, letting my eyes linger on the
jumping flames in front of the dark lake.

And for just a second, I wondered what it would be like if this was
everything I wanted.


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