Demon Lord 3: Blue Star Priestess (29 page)

BOOK: Demon Lord 3: Blue Star Priestess
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I opened a closer door while the guard was distracted.  Selene and I went in.  If I had to take out the guard, I didn’t want it
too public.  We were in an empty bedroom that didn’t look to be in use.  No windows, plain white walls, a large wood-framed bed covered with a gold blanket.  Several backless chairs were by a desk in the corner.  I left the room’s wooden door open and made sure the blood trail led inside.  I put Selene on the bed, and quickly posed her like a sex kitten.  “Stay here while I handle this,” I said.

As I let
go, she lost the cloaking of my
Demon Wings
spell, and became visible.
Her eyes stayed on me as I went back to the door.  The blood splatter led over to her.  She was obviously vulnerable and possibly hurt; the perfect bait.

No need to hide behind the door; the guard walked into the room, right past me, and never noticed. 
He wore a chest and back plate, and curved plating protecting his shins.  A linen skirt went down to his knees, and dangling plates banded across his thighs.  His skin was the blue of all these Atlantean demons.

He paused, staring at Selene.  I swung the door so it would shut as I leaped.  The door closed as I stabbed him in the side of the head with a hastily formed blade of shadow.  I grabbed the back of his armor and eased him to the
ground.  Dragging the body to the bed, I rolled it underneath. 

Straightening, I meet Selene’s eyes.  She’d crawled to the edge of the bed and was very close.  She was breathing faster, but I didn’t smell fear.  “I want them all to die,” she said.  “Every last one.”

All but one
, I thought of the Old Man and the devastation he’d unleash.  “This city is going to die, very soon.  Trust me.”

“It’s a promise.”  She
touched my hip where blood-soaked bandages weren’t quite hidden by my pants.  Her nostrils flared.  She inhaled the scent of my blood.  “So rich and vibrant.”

I felt her hair, and left my palm against the side of her face.  “Red’s a good color on you, too.
”  Even with a damaged cock, I wanted to take her in every way possible, to devour her. 

Remember what she becomes

Do you really want to fuck with that much fire?









“Karma’s a bitch! Then you marry her.”

—Caine Deathwalker

She slipped fingertips into my waistband and tugged me a little closer to the edge of the bed. Her voice turned husky. “Take this off.”

“I’m no good to you right now. Audumor did a good job on me. The little monster’s out of service for a while.”

“Show me,” she said.

“What’s the point?”

“I’ll kiss it, make it better.”

I unzipped my pants, popping the button. In that I was going commando, without boxers or briefs, my manhood was on immediate display. There was blood, obvious damage. She winced in sympathy. Carefully, she did kiss it. And it
feel better. Then she did
things that felt magnificent. Her tongue lacked experience, but her mouth was warm, welcoming, and very enthusiastic. She slathered my balls and scraping them with her baby-fangs, and I felt the pain evaporate with a tingle of soothing magic.

I looked down as she gave my mushroom-headed cock a parting kiss and pulled back. The piercing had healed. I moved my cock to the side and studied the ball he’d stabbed. It was healed as well.

“I didn’t know you could do that,” I said.

“It’s why I’m not covered with scars after all of
Audumor’s … attention. He’s done nearly everything to me possible except chop off a body part.” She frowned at me. “Are you going to make me a women or not.”

My big head was still wary.

My little head said, “Fuck, yeah!”

I was still wearing my sword, if not my pants which had bunched down around my knees. I took off the sword, sheath, and belt, leaning them against the foot of the bed. Kicking off my boots, I
stepped out of my pants.

I pushed Selene back on the bed and crawled after her, ignoring the pain from tortured knees. She scooted back and pulled the blue silk shift over her head. It fell beside her. Her crystal-red eyes reminded me of blood pools, inviting me to dive on in. The soft edges of her face made were meant to be touched. As were her ample breasts with their bubble-gum pink nipples.

For a moment, she shimmered with magic. The smell of piss went away, replaced by the scent of summer grass after a rain.

My left hand joined my knees in supporting me as I continued toward the head of the bed. I let my other hand trail up her right leg, as I slid along that side of her body.
When my hand reached her right hip, I circled back to where the leg joined her torso. The femoral artery was in this area, so was a major nerve center that could prime for my pump. My hand slid up her rounded stomach and over to her left breast.

My lips lightly brushed her right nipple. Both her nipples hardened. I heard her heart
beating faster as I stretched out beside her, and gripped her leg. I pulled her on top of me. Selene gasped, nervous and brave all at once. I’d seen that look many times before and I knew I had her. Her face hung a breath away from mine. Our lips almost touched. I waited and she kissed me first, a little clumsy. With my hand on her leg, I felt her shaking. That hand glided to her ass, as did the other one. I squeezed. She grounded herself against me, reveling in her power as my erection grew.

She kissed me again. Her hands pressed into my shoulders.

The arm that had been drilled by my torturer screamed a protest at the pressure. I stiffened. My breath caught.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

I turned my head. “Arm.”

She looked.  Her hand went to the bed.  Her lips settled into the shoulder she’d released.  Her kisses moved down to the wound.  Her mouth widened.  She bit around the puncture, teeth scarping skin.  A warm tingle sank to the bone, strengthening it.  Her dragon magic closed the wound, leaving unscarred flesh.  She kissed her way back up to my shoulder and around to my
chest.  She moved to my right nipple, licking and nipping.

“That doesn’t do anything to me; I’m not gay.” 
I caught her chin with two fingers drew her lips back to mine.  Tilting her head up, I bit her neck.  She moaned as I licked the spot I just bit, but then pushed herself back with both hands on my chest.  Her legs straddled me as she sat up.

“I…”  She looked down, intense as a hungry animal.

Is that how I look to the girls?  Shit, no wonder they get scared sometimes.

Finally Selene said, “I’m pure.” 

I stared, considering what she meant.  She really is still a virgin, a dragon two, maybe three, hundred years old?   “Untouched, even before you fell into enemy hands?”

“Never a man or woman has shared my bed.”  As the words left Selene’s mouth, her face reddened, embarrassed by the admission.  

Inside my soul, I felt my dragon stir, opening his golden eyes wider than ever before.

Pure.  Unspoiled.  Mine!

My cock joined the discussion, offering a prophecy:
I will make her mine and ruin her for all others.  I can never come second to another cock.  My flesh will be her drug, my existence her addiction.

That settled it; I definitely qualified for therapy.

My skin shimmered gold.  Scales surfaced on the right side of my face.  My stare went through her, literally.  I saw her inside and out, the crimson blaze of her power, her scarred soul, her yearning, a primal obsession, her hunger endless, dwarfing even that of my demon sword.  A hunger for me.

, I thought,
I’ve created the Red Lady.

My inner dragon answered:
Then we have a goddess to serve.

Some barrier inside my soul
collapsed, blasted asunder.  For the first time there was only one being inside, one mind, an undivided soul.  I knew to be careful since my muscles were swelling, hardening.  A slip of focus, and I could hurt my …

Lovingly, Selene touched the scales on my face.  Her red eyes blazed, the pupils becoming vertical slits.  Hers were dragon eyes.

I rolled her, coming up on top.  My claws dug into the bed to either side of her body.  My gaze drank her flawless body sweeping down to her unshaved pussy.  That wasn’t my preference, but I didn’t mind.  It was good to know that she was a natural red-head.  We were touching, but I had yet to enter her.  That was coming, but first, I rubbed her clit with my dick, feeling her moist warm.  Her moans grew louder.

I kissed her lips, several times quickly, pulling away, making her give chase.  I closed in a moment when her lips were parted, and slid my tongue in against hers.  Her eyes widened in surprise, but she got over it quickly, rubbing her tongue against mine.  I broke the kiss.  Her mouth opened against mine and her tongue became the aggressor.  The next time we broke for air, I said, “It will hurt at first when I enter you.  I will try to be gentle, to give you time to adjust to something so new.

“Hurt me,” she growled.  “I know pain well.  Yours, I will always forgive.”

I was glad to hear that because dragon-greed flooded my soul.  I had to have her, and it had to be—“Now!” 

I thrust inside, feeling a brief resistance, then a very tight channel that struggled to expand, to accept my girth and length. 

She screamed
; in pain, in need.  “Don’t—don’t stop!”

Honestly, I couldn’t.  Each thrust of my hips came with more and more power.  I felt her dragon magic squeezing my cock, and knew she was healing herself from a very rough penetration.  Her claws, real claws, sliced into my back, drawing blood that trickled down my spine, and down along my ribs.  “Yes!”  She all but howled the word.

I licked her earlobe with a tongue that had grown twice its length.

What the hell? Ah, well. 

I made use of it, licking down her neck to her collarbone.  The extra length let me lap at her tits without breaking the pumping of my hips. 

I swear I heard music.  I even looked around while driving in vigorously, withdrawing, and driving in once more.  Was it all in my head?  I looked into Selene pounding heart, her fire-storm of a soul.  The power pulsated and danced.  She was the music, a symphony of ecstasy.  Small flames sparked in air around us, flashes of red light. 

My tattoos were drawn in golden light now, alive though no spell was being worked.  I felt no pain.  I could feel the intense pressure of a looming explosion.

Oh wait, that’s just my dick.

I didn’t want to come before I’d taught her what satisfaction could be.  I pulled out.

Her eyes sought mine.  “What…?  No!  Come back.”

Moving lower, I kissed her abs, and ran my tongue’s tip on the rim of her bellybutton.  She tried to pull me up, but I stayed, looking up into her confused face.  I smiled, feeling my own fangs coming in.  I opened my mouth and licked the edge of teeth for her to see, and slid lower.  I softly bit just above her clit, not on it.  Her hair felt the softest ever.  Selene held a breath and gripped the bed covering as I licked her pussy so lightly, her folds didn’t even move.  She sucked in a hard breath, exhaled and shuddered as I went in hard.  Her voice became a melodic riff, fusing with the song of power already vibrating us both.  A song meant for the gods, and I devouring the best banquet while listening.

She convulsed.  “Oh, oh, oh…” 

I relented as the pleasure became pain for her.  Recovering from a burst of orgasms, she sat up enough to dig her nails in my shoulders.  She dragged me up with more than human strength.  Flickering orbs of red fire were in the air now, mixing with golden ones.  The fire floated all around the room.  I felt a separation, two points of awareness—but I hadn’t activated that particular tattoo.  I was on the bed, and floating above it, winding my golden coiled length around Selene’s red dragon which also swam above the bed. 

  Our astral dragons are loose—and fucking!

Selene pulled in her knees and spread her legs, a blatant invitation that distracted me from the other strangeness.   In place once more, my cock poised to sink into her lubricated depths, our lips locked.  I think my cock had grown bigger because—wet as she was—I could barely get the head in. 

Selene pushed grabbed my ass, her claws prickling my flesh.  She moaned in pleasure and pain.  I bit her bottom lip.  She closed her eyes tightly, tears leaking out.

“I’m not going to lie to you,” I said.  “I know it hurts, but I’m not going to stop.”

She forced out words, her voice thin, broken, and breathless.  “If you did … I’d … kill you.”

I pushed in a little more, then a little more.  And that magical tingle of hers caressed my rabid length.  Selene’s jaw muscles went tight, knotting.  Tears flowed freely.  She held her breath and hugged my ribs so tight, a lesser man would have been snapped in half. 

I smiled and went in all the way.  

Her nails ripped horizontally across my back.  The fresh furrows bled.

She said, “It hurts.  It really hurts.”

“I’m in all the way,” 

She bit down on my shoulder, smothering her own muffled cry as another string of orgasms took her.  Her head wrenched back.  She vented an inarticulate sound, both war cry and celebration. 

With her being so tight, I was really hopping she’d not break my dick.  She did loosen up a little more.  I pulled back and returned in increasing speed, reassured by her delirious smile.  At times, my dick almost bent hitting bottom.  The scent of my own blood kept me shoved beyond restraint. 

This is what it means to be fully dragon, I thought, all passion and power, forever assailing the universe.

Selene reached up and grabbed the bed frame by the wall.  She arched her back, stretching.  Her large, bouncy tits mesmerized.  The curves of muscle on her stomach begged to be licked.  Red fire swirled just below her skin, making her a creature of fire.  She looked carved from a perfect gem, her long, blood-red hair fanning, twinning on its own into tangles.  No artist could sculpt a better masterpiece.

The bed frame snapped under the power of her grip.  She fell back.

I pulled out and flipped her on her stomach, my legs outside.  Hers almost closed, she felt even tighter, almost too tight, until she arched back, grabbing my ass.  She pulled me into her.  After a few thrusts, she let go, going limp to ride out the storm.  I seized her hands, pinning them above her head.  She squeezed my hands tightly.  Sweat slicked our bodies.  I lick between her shoulder blades, along her spine, to her neck, to her earlobe, and the edge of her jaw.  Fused with her, I drove as deep as I could, unrelenting.  We both grunted like tennis players returning volleys. 

Selene threw her head back, and gave me a female roar as I bit between her neck and shoulder.  Her skin tasted hot on my tongue.  Salty.  And something I couldn’t describe, but really good.  I let go of one of her hands and reach under her and up to grab her by the neck and pull her into my bite.

“Yes, yes,” Selene’s words grew soft, almost a moan.   I lifted her ass, getting her on her knees, spreading her legs.  Getting between them, I drove in deep.  She pushed back so we were actually meeting in the middle, slapping our bodies together, clapping for ourselves.  Eventually, not quite knowing how, I ended up on the bottom with Selene riding me.  Her claws were on my chest, mine holding her hips.  She moved, flawless, smoothly in a kind of rocking glide. 

Her hands slid to my stomach as she straightened her back, muscles tight.  The tips of her claws pressed in, almost drawing blood.  Her eyes rolled back in her head.  She panted, on the verged of passing out.  The sight of her exhausted body slick with my blood and our sweat made me cum with her. 

Selene dropped on top of me, her hair falling in my face.  We stayed that way a long time. 

So pleasant.  So dangerous to stay here where anybody could come along and find us.

“We need to go
.” My breath was still ragged. “The blood in the hall … will draw more … attention.”

I’m not sure I can walk, ever again.  Where are we going?”

I have to talk to Lauphram.”

“The king?”  She stared wide-eyed, excited.  “Are you going to kill him?”

My breathing was slowing, my body recovering at last.  “He’s not part of the darkness that’s taken over the city.  He’s probably as much a prisoner as we were.”

She glared at me in a really cute way.  “He’s a demon.  He needs to die.”

“I can use him to kill all the other Atlantean demons.”

She brightened.  “Oh, well that’s all right then.”











BOOK: Demon Lord 3: Blue Star Priestess
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